Articles written by Mary Koppes & Dan Rud

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  • Southeast pink salmon price low, harvest low

    Mary Koppes and Dan Rud|Aug 27, 2015

    Of an estimated 58 million pink salmon harvest for 2015, so far seiners have netted less than half that, some 26 million by the end of last week. "We are not even coming close (to projections)," explained Dan Gray, Alaska Department of Fish and Game management coordinator for Southeast fisheries in Sitka. He estimated that the season will end with a harvest of 30 to 35 million pinks, and recent weekly catch trends indicate that the season is past its peak. "It's dying fast," an industry expert... Full story

  • Court fee increases take effect in August

    Mary Koppes and Dan Rud|Jul 23, 2015

    Users of services in the Alaska Court System (ACS) will be seeing new fees for some services and fee increases for other services beginning August 1. The increases were approved by the Alaska Supreme Court in June. “The increased or additional court fees were developed in response to the state’s current budget shortfall,” said Magistrate Judge Desiree Burrell, adding that the increased revenue from the fees goes into the state’s general fund, per Administrative Rule 5(b), rather than being retained by the court. Burrell said filing fees ha... Full story

  • PHS students get artful in Wrangell

    Mary Koppes and Dan Rud|Apr 16, 2015

    Six Petersburg High School students travelled to Wrangell to participate in Artfest last week, and three students earned "Best of Workshop" awards. Julia Murph took home the honor for jewelry making, Tayla Wilson for copper etching and David Galaktionoff for spoon carving. Sydney Guthrie earned an honorable mention for her pottery work and Murph earned the same title for leather mask making. Joec Randoph and Gus Petersen also attended. Over the four-day event, a combination of visiting and...

  • Ragnarök Rollers skate Fall Brawl at Wrangell

    Mary Koppes and Dan Rud|Nov 27, 2014

    The Ragnarök Rollers, Petersburg's roller derby team, bouted against Wrangell's Garnet Grit Betties Saturday evening at the Fall Brawl in Wrangell as some 260 spectators cheered on the skaters. "We didn't win but it was closer this time so that was good," Coach Rebecca "Midlife Tigress" Anderson said. This was the third time the two teams have dueled it out since the Petersburg team was formed in late 2012. The Betties started out strongly, picking up an early lead and building from there. By...

  • Thomas Bay Power Commission reviews its role

    mary koppes and Dan Rudy|Sep 11, 2014

    Petersburg and Wrangell's representative of the Thomas Bay Power Commission (TBPC) met Tuesday morning via teleconference to discuss the commission's future role. The TPBC is the acting body for the Thomas Bay Power Authority (TBPA) that was responsible for the operations and maintenance (O&M) of the Tyee Hydroelectric Plant, providing power to Wrangell and Petersburg. Last May the Petersburg Assembly voted not to fund its share of a portion of the TBPA's budget, called the non-net billable, after discussions about whether or not the agency...

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