Articles written by Shelly Pope

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 400

  • Fish disposal in harbors now prohibited

    Shelly Pope|Jul 4, 2013

    The Petersburg Borough Assembly unanimously approved an ordinance prohibiting the disposal of fish scraps in the harbors during its regular meeting Monday afternoon. This ordinance is only in its first reading and there will be two other opportunities to amend or reject it in the future. This ordinance reflects the Borough's Transition Plan requirement for harbor and port services to be provided on an area wide basis. The ordinance is a rewrite of the current City of Petersburg ordinance. The new ordinance sets forth sections of the ordinance... Full story

  • USCGC Anacapa has a new commanding officer

    Shelly Pope|Jul 4, 2013

    The United States Coast Guard hosted a change of command ceremony Monday afternoon to honor the outgoing commanding officer, LCDR Ruben Boudreaux and the incoming commanding officer Lt. Kathryn Cyr. This ceremony is a time honored tradition, which formally restates the continuity of authority to the officers and crew of the command. According to the members of the USCG, the occasion ensures all hands know of the shift in authority and a duly authorized officer is placed in charge. Deeply rooted... Full story

  • Thompson speaks out to PMC Board

    Shelly Pope|Jul 4, 2013

    Former Petersburg Medical Center Business Officer Manager Ramona Thompson read a letter into the record during the regular meeting of the PMC Hospital Board Thursday evening to state that she would need future contact by PMC to her to be made in writing for legal purposes. “Any contact needs to be made in writing and by U.S Postal Mail,” Thompson stated. “I don't mind if you email in order to expedite matters and this is necessary, because you cannot be trusted.” Thompson was terminated by PMC May 23, only a few minutes before the board m... Full story

  • Plane wreckage still not recovered from crash site

    Shelly Pope|Jul 4, 2013

    On Tuesday, June 4 a Pacific Wings deHavilland Beaver crashed into mountainous, tree-covered terrain about 14 miles east of Petersburg resulting in the death of one of the passengers. Investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board have been investigating the crash but are unable to continue at this time until the aircraft is recovered. “We are at a standstill right now,” NTSB Chief Clint Johnson said. “We have conditionally released the wreckage to the insurance company in order for it to be removed.” According to Johnson, a helic...

  • Council nixes purchase limits for manager & dept. heads

    Shelly Pope|Jul 4, 2013

    Petersburg Borough staff drafted proposed changes to the language of Ordinance 2013-10 regarding purchasing during the regular meeting of the Petersburg Borough Assembly Monday afternoon. The proposed changes were to increase the unapproved purchasing limit for department heads from $5,000 to $10,000. Two other changes were proposed for the borough manager to be allowed to make purchases up to $50,000, which is an increase from $30,000 without assembly approval and the third would not have required seeking competitive bids for purchases below...

  • Fourth festivities begin on Tuesday

    Shelly Pope|Jun 27, 2013

    The Petersburg Chamber of Commerce will kick off the 2013 Fourth of July events from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday with a retirement party for Judy Forgey, who is also this year’s parade Grand Marshal. There will be open swim ages and a pie eating contest for all ages. In the Community Gym there will be games and ice cream sundaes for grades 1-8. Events scheduled for Wednesday begin at 10 a.m. with a free scrap fish derby in the North Harbor from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Anyone participating must bring their own bucket and personal flotation device. Bait a... Full story

  • Board approves home school students participating in high school activities

    Shelly Pope|Jun 27, 2013

    The Petersburg School District Board approved a policy allowing home school students to participate in activities at the high school without being enrolled in classes. This policy has come about by a change in state law mandating this allowance. “The students will have to fill out quite a bit of paperwork,” Petersburg School District Athletic Director Jaime Cabral said. “There is a long checklist that will have to be gone over with the student and their parents in order to make sure the information is correct.” Each of the students wishing... Full story

  • Biker rides 12,000 miles around the country

    Shelly Pope|Jun 27, 2013

    David Gill, of Staveley in Cumbria, United Kingdom, made a stop in Petersburg as he rides his bicycle around the country. The 24 year old Brit has already ridden half of the 12,000 miles that it will take him to complete his journey. “I finished school and had been working for a couple of years,” Gill said. “I was sitting behind a desk and found myself looking out the window a lot.” Gill spent the two years prior to this trek making television commercials. “I would have about two really go... Full story

  • Redistricting plans can be viewed at Borough offices

    Shelly Pope|Jun 27, 2013

    The seven new redistricting plans which were developed by the Redistricting board and four plans developed by independent entities can be viewed in the office of Petersburg Borough Clerk Kathy O'Rear. “Option A is still the preferred plan for Petersburg in Southeast,” O'Rear stated. “It meets Hickle requirements and Petersburg will have someone speak to the support of Option A at one or two of the three upcoming public hearings.” The Federal Supreme Court determined that section four of the Vot...

  • First year for local Bluegrass Camp for Kids

    Shelly Pope|Jun 27, 2013

    Bluegrass music could be heard all around town over the last week during the first Bluegrass Camp for kids in Petersburg. “I have taken my kids to a couple of camps such as this before,” Camp Coordinator Carrie Martinsen said. “I thought it would be a perfect fit for Petersburg.” Approximately 40 kids participated and the levels of knowledge ranged from beginner to advanced musician. “The kids have all worked really well together,” Martinsen said. “It has just been amazing and they have bee...

  • PIA to offer new recycling services

    Shelly Pope|Jun 20, 2013

    The Petersburg Indian Association has been working hard to expand its recycling program and has unveiled a few new services recently. PIA Tribal Resource Director Jason Wilson has implemented new programs beginning with recycling services for big events. “We started this service during Mayfest,” Wilson stated. “We will offer it again for the July 4th event as well as any event in the community.” For this service, anyone planning events in the community such as weddings, reunions, dances, etc. will be able to call PIA and order bins to be plac... Full story

  • Library construction enters final chapter

    Shelly Pope|Jun 20, 2013

    The new Petersburg Public Library construction work is entering its final chapter. “Work on the building is going as scheduled,” Petersburg Borough Construction Administrator Dan LaForce stated. “Everything should be finished by mid July.” All work on the inside of the building is scheduled to be completed by July 15. “At this time we can finish up any punch items that need to be taken care of before everything starts being moved in,” LaForce said. “We want to make sure there are no problems t... Full story

  • Assembly to take a position against herbicides and pesticides

    Shelly Pope|Jun 20, 2013

    Petersburg resident Barry Bracken, brought a problem to the Petersburg Borough Assembly regarding the spraying of herbicides and pesticides on public borough lands during the June 3 regular meeting and this discussion continued during the regular Monday evening meeting. A letter was drafted by Bracken, with the assistance of the Petersburg Borough Manager Steve Giesbrecht, for Assembly approval opposing this issue. The letter outlined all points that Bracken discussed at the June 3 meeting and also states that the Borough should a plan to adopt... Full story

  • Rock-n-Road wins bid award

    Shelly Pope|Jun 20, 2013

    The Petersburg Borough Public Works Department recommended the bid for a crushed rock contract be awarded to Rock-n-Road Construction. The Public Works Department solicited bids for 3,000 tons of leveling course and 1,000 tons of Type II-A to supply the department for gravel street resurfacing. Two bids were received. The first bid was from Reid Brothers Construction totaling $55,200 and the other from Rock-n-Road Construction totaling $48,800. This bid was unanimously awarded to Rock-n-Road for an amount not to exceed $48,800 by the...

  • Borough recycling program brings in 1,100 pounds in first week

    Shelly Pope|Jun 20, 2013

    Petersburg Borough Manager Steve Giesbrecht reported to the Petersburg Borough Assembly at its regular meeting Monday evening on several topics including the trial commingled recycling program. “This program is off to a great start,” Giesbrecht said. “Over 1,100 pounds of recycling was picked up by Petersburg Indian Association in the first week.” The program is in the second week of a six week trial and it is already off to a good start. According to Petersburg Borough Public Works Director Karl Hagerman, he is hoping to offset some of the...

  • Assembly meeting time to change for July 1

    Shelly Pope|Jun 20, 2013

    The Petersburg Borough Assembly meeting time will change for the noon July 1 meeting to 1 p.m. that afternoon due to the change of command ceremony for the United States Coast Guard at the Sons of Norway Hall. “We have all been invited to share in the ceremony for the USCG Change of Command Ceremony at noon July 1,” Petersburg Borough Assembly Vice Mayor Sue Flint said. “We are looking forward to being a part of this ceremony to celebrate our USCG personnel here in Petersburg.” The meeting...

  • Assembly asks for consideration of Option A in redistricting plan

    Shelly Pope|Jun 20, 2013

    The Petersburg Borough Assembly unanimously voted to send a letter to the Alaska Redistricting Board requesting consideration of Option A during its regular meeting Monday evening. “We are asking that the Alaska Redistricting Board retain in its districting plan for the 2014 elections the districting for Southeast Alaska, Option A, that the Board unanimously adopted May 14, 2012,” Petersburg Borough Assembly Vice Mayor Sue Flint read. The Alaska Supreme Court ordered the Board to redraw the four House districts in Southeast Alaska to comply sol...

  • Nordic Drive paving to begin between Gjoa and Fram

    Shelly Pope|Jun 20, 2013

    The Petersburg Road Improvement Project is moving better than scheduled due to weather and ability to continue moving from one Phase of the project to another quickly. “We have been given the ability to continue on with the demolition of one section while finishing the previous one,” SECON Project Superintendent Bryce Iverson said. “This is making the transition much easier and faster.” Dowl HKM Project Engineer Matt McGuan and Iverson updated the public in a progress meeting Wednesday afternoon...

  • PMC accused of Whistleblower Act violation

    Shelly Pope|Jun 13, 2013

    Former Petersburg Medical Center Business Office Manager Ramona Thompson has accused PMC administration of violating the Alaska Whistleblower Act along with other serious infractions dealing with Medicare contracts and billing office errors that could cost PMC more than $3 million in fines. Thompson prepared a statement to be read to the PMC Hospital Board during its regular meeting May 23 and was terminated only five minutes prior to this meeting. “It was well known that I had prepared a report to be read to the board,” Thompson said. “Minutes... Full story

  • New police officer sworn in Monday afternoon

    Shelly Pope|Jun 13, 2013

    Newly sworn Petersburg Police Officer, Jim Kerr, arrived in Petersburg from Arizona June 3 and is settling into the community with his wife, Tina, and their two sons Nathan and Caleb. Kerr served as a police officer in Kingman, Ariz. for nine years and said Alaska would be the only place he would move to. “I never wanted to live anywhere else,” Kerr said. “If I was to leave Arizona, then I would go to Alaska.” Kerr just happened to search through the Police One classifieds and found the positio... Full story

  • Tonka timber sale to benefit local projects

    Shelly Pope|Jun 13, 2013

    The Tonka Timber Sales Logging Project was contracted in September 2012 and the work commenced on two projects in Feb. 2013. “Two different projects came from the original notice of intent in 2008,” United States Forest Service District Ranger Jason Anderson said. “These projects were the sort yard and the actual timber sale contract.” The sort yard project is an area for upland log storage above the existing ramp and dock at Tonka. This contract was finished in late April. As that project was ending the timber sale contract began and continu...

  • First Art Walk of the season a success

    Shelly Pope|Jun 13, 2013

    Despite the road construction, and mess in downtown the first First Friday Art Walk of the season was well attended. Miele Gallery and Framing hosted a show featuring Lu Grauel’s original watercolors. The Wild Celery Framing Studio and Eclectic Gallery displayed painted silk scarves, wraps and wall art by Theresa Vanaken of Coffman Cove. The Fabric Basket featured a quilt that is sponsored by the 8th Annual Alaska State Shop Hop. “We are looking forward to a wonderful summer season,” Fabri...

  • Rain Game Classic is in full swing

    Shelly Pope|Jun 13, 2013

    The Petersburg Chamber of Commerce has sponsored the new Rain Game Classic for residents to predict the correct annual rainfall in Petersburg. “This was suggested to our Chamber of Commerce Director Sally Dwyer by a member of the community,” Rain Game Classic Committee member Cate Kowalski said. “Sally brought it to our attention and here we are.” The game will be conducted along the same line as the Nenana Ice Classic. “We wanted to do something that would be fun and kind of spice up the winter months,” Kowalski stated. “We are hoping that t...

  • Mountan View Manor's Senior Senior Prom loads of fun

    Shelly Pope|Jun 13, 2013

    The second Annual Senior Senior Prom was a huge success Friday evening with music and dancing for all in attendance. Mountain View Manor staff in partnership with Petersburg Mental Health Services sponsored the event to bring a little bit of the past back to the residents and citizens of Petersburg who are 65 years of age and older. The soulful sounds of Frank Sinatra and old rock and roll classics of the 1950s resounded through the makeshift ballroom. The 2013 Prom King and Queen were...

  • Six survivors and one dead in LeConte Glacier plane crash

    Shelly Pope|Jun 6, 2013

    Between 3:30 and 4 p.m. Tuesday afternoon a Pacific Wings deHavilland Beaver, carrying a pilot and six sightseeing passengers, crashed at LeConte Glacier. “I was able to spend about an hour and a half in the helicopter with an EMT,” Petersburg Volunteer Fire Department Assistant Chief Dave Berg said. “We were trying to find the location of the crash, but had no luck.” Along with Berg, in the Temsco craft, there were two fixed wing planes from Sunrise Aviation of Wrangell out searching as well... Full story

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