Articles written by shelly pope

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  • Manager warns of spike in property thefts

    Shelly Pope|Jan 24, 2013

    Petersburg Borough Manager Steve Giesbrecht has warned the public as a part of the manager’s report during the Petersburg Borough Assembly meeting Tuesday evening that there has been an increase in property crimes, specifically vehicle burglaries in town. “We are encouraging any witness to come forward,” Giesbrecht said. “We would also like to remind everyone to lock their doors and not leave anything of value in your cars.” Giesbrecht explained that there is no explanation for the spike and the police do have some suspects in mind, but it wo...

  • Borough still seeking people to fill vacancies

    Shelly Pope|Jan 24, 2013

    The Petersburg Borough is still seeking letters of interest from qualified borough residents to fill two vacancies on the Assembly; three seats on the hospital board and seven positions on the planning and zoning commission until the regular election in October 2014. Anyone appointed to a vacancy will be required to file a Public Officials Financial Disclosure Statement, POFDS, within 30 days of taking office. The Borough is also accepting letters from individuals interested in serving on the Land Selection Committee. “The Borough will r...

  • Alaska Airlines gives to WAVE

    Shelly Pope|Jan 24, 2013

    A donation of $1,200 was presented to WAVE by Alaska Airline General Manager Jon Wright on behalf of the Alaska Airlines’ Community Advisory Board. “We look for philanthropic ways to help the community,” Alaska Airlines’ Community Advisory Board Chair Kris Norosz said. “This organization does a lot for the community and we felt they were the deserving party.” Working Against Violence for Everyone, WAVE, is a non-profit group whose trained staff assists and advocates for people who are experiencing domestic violence in their lives. According t...

  • School Board appoints three to vacant seats

    Shelly Pope|Jan 17, 2013

    The Petersburg School Board appointed members to the vacant seats on the board during the regular meeting Tuesday evening. Dawn Ware, Sarah Holmgrain and John Bringhurst took the positions and were sworn in. Term lengths were drawn for and Jean Ellis and Holmgrain will hold their positions until 2016, Cheryl File and Bringhurst will hold their offices until 2015 and Ware drew the short term of 2014. Ellis was also voted as president of the school board with Holmgrain taking the vice president nomination and File will serve as secretary. “We a...

  • Final vote count for PIA is complete

    Shelly Pope|Jan 17, 2013

    The Petersburg Indian Association met Monday evening for a final election canvas and to swear in new members in attendance. The final tally for the PIA chair position was 53 votes for Tina Sakamoto and 33 for Mike Sheldon. The board positions go to Jeannette Ness with 75, Melanie Frentz-Hallingstad with 71, Skip Hallingstad with 67 and Carol Martinez and Darnell Wilton come in with 23 and 20 votes. Sakamoto, Ness and Frentz-Hallingstad are incumbents taking seats with Hallingstad taking a seat... Full story

  • PVFD continues Junior Firefighter training through Spring

    Shelly Pope|Jan 17, 2013

    The Petersburg Volunteer Fire Department will continue Junior Firefighter training longer under the direction of PVFD Firefighter Devren Bennett. The Junior Firefighter training program usually runs from Oct. 1 to the end of December, but the program has evolved recently with Bennett's contribution. “This is my first year to run the program,” Bennett said. “Previously the program was run by Troy Thynes and Paul Jennings but I have structured things a little different this year.” In previous year... Full story

  • Vikings fall to Mt. Edgecumbe

    Shelly Pope|Jan 17, 2013

    The Petersburg Vikings played host to Mt. Edgecumbe for two basketball games over the weekend and played hard but ended up defeated both nights. “Friday night the game started out good for us,” Head Coach Rick Brock said. “We were passing the ball against their pressure and attacking it.” Brock explained that Mt. Edgecumbe made a bit of an adjustment toward the end of the first quarter. “We just went cold in the second quarter,” Brock stated. “We went several minutes without scoring and w... Full story

  • Losing Big Petersburg to begin in February

    Shelly Pope|Jan 17, 2013

    A version of the Biggest Loser, called Losing Big Petersburg will be sponsored by the Petersburg Parks and Recreation Department beginning in February and the public is encouraged to put their voting power to work for the event. “I have done one of these programs in another city,” Petersburg Parks and Recreation Director Donnie Hayes said. “It was successful there and I think our little community will embrace this event.” Hayes is hoping this event will become a recurring program that will ta...

  • First baby of the New Year

    Shelly Pope|Jan 17, 2013

    Jesse Roundtree and Desiree Watkins brought Jesse Lyle Roundtree, Jr. into the world at 1:15 p.m. Jan. 5 to be the first baby of the New Year in Petersburg. Jesse Jr. was born at Ketchikan General Hospital in the New Beginnings Birthing Center. He weighed 6 pounds 14 ounces and was 19 ¾ inches long. Watkins arrived in Ketchikan Dec. 21 with a due date of Jan. 1, 2013. Proud grandparents are Tonya and late Patrick Roundtree of Petersburg and Carin and Greg Richter of Prince of Wales. Watkins is...

  • New artist donates mural to Parks and Recreation

    Shelly Pope|Jan 17, 2013

    Tattoo and all-around artist Tammie Wales arrived in Petersburg Dec. 18 and has since donated her time and talent to the Petersburg Parks and Recreation Department in the form of a mural. “I wanted to give something back,” Wales said. “But I also wanted to get my work out there and seen.” Wales has been drawing and painting for years and has been a tattoo artist for the last three years and plans to open a tattoo shop here in the near future. Wales approached Parks and Recreation Directo...

  • An earthquake shakes Petersburg sending residents to higher ground

    Shelly Pope|Jan 10, 2013

    Petersburg residents began seeking higher ground after an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.5 hit just before midnight Friday evening. This major earthquake struck 58 miles west of Craig and 203 miles south of Juneau and immediately prompted a tsunami warning for almost the entire southeast region of Alaska. “After realizing this was an earthquake, I immediately grabbed the phone and called dispatch, knowing they would be inundated with calls,” Petersburg EMS Director Sandy Dixson said. “I just... Full story

  • Petersburg Police Chief and Sergeant announce retirement

    Shelly Pope|Jan 10, 2013

    Petersburg Police Chief Jim Agner and Petersburg Police Sergeant Heidi Agner announced their intention to retire at the end of May. “Jim and Heidi Agner have put in for their official retirement,” Petersburg Borough Mayor Mark Jensen stated. “This will be effective as of May and the Borough Manager Steve Giesbrecht would like to use a firm that he is familiar with to conduct the process of replacing the police chief.” The hiring of the firm will cost $7,500 up front and a total of up to $30,000 for their services. The firm of Brimeyer Fursman... Full story

  • King joins Petersburg Police Department

    Shelly Pope|Jan 10, 2013

    Newly sworn in Petersburg Police Officer Ben King comes to Petersburg from Boise, Idaho. King has worked in the Department of Corrections for the State of Idaho for the past six years, was a part of the emergency response team and served as squad leader for that specialized team using special weapons and tactics. “I am certified in basic firearms tactics, combat firearms, arrest techniques and hold various instructorship in tactical disciplines,” King stated. “In corrections, I was able to wo... Full story

  • Ocean Beauty repairs are well underway

    Shelly Pope|Jan 10, 2013

    Repairs to the Ocean Beauty Seafoods processing plant are almost complete and the plant will be up and running again for the 2013 season after the Alaska Marine Highway M/V Matanuska ran into the Ocean Beauty Seafoods plant in May of 2012 and damaged the facility enough to close processing for the season. “The work is almost 100 percent complete and we are pleased with the way the repair process has gone,” Ocean Beauty Vice President of Marketing Tom Sunderland said. “The floors, walls and s...

  • A reception to be held for new borough constituents

    Shelly Pope|Jan 10, 2013

    A welcome reception for the old and new constituents of the Petersburg Borough is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 15 from noon to 3 p.m. in the Assembly Chambers. “This will be a good opportunity to talk about things and see what the people want,” Assembly member Sue Flint stated. “We have heard good things on both sides of the issue and there are a lot of decisions to be made and we need more than just the six of us.” Flint explained that issues regarding APOC filing, special elections, meeting dates and times and taxes and advisory boards...

  • Borough seeks letters of interest for vacant positions

    Shelly Pope|Jan 10, 2013

    The newly formed Petersburg Borough Assembly is seeking letters of interest from qualified borough residents to fill borough vacancies until the first regular borough election in October of 2014. “We are in need of two people to fill assembly seats,” Petersburg Borough Mayor Mark Jensen said. “We also need three for the hospital board and seven for the planning commission.” Anyone appointed to a vacancy will be required to file a Public Officials Financial Disclosure Statement within 30 days of taking office. “There are many positions...

  • Sullivan will make a return trip to Poland

    Shelly Pope|Jan 10, 2013

    Petersburg High School senior, Maura Sullivan returned home in July after a year long exchange student experience in Poland. “I lived in Warsaw, the capital and I loved it,” Sullivan said. “But coming from Petersburg to the capital where there are almost two million people was quite a culture shock.” Sullivan went into this experience with only a few phrases of Polish to her credit and enjoyed every moment of her time in Poland. “I didn’t really speak any Polish except for a couple of phrases an...

  • Energy roundtable to be held in Petersburg

    Shelly Pope|Jan 10, 2013

    Robert Venable, Energy Coordinator, Southeast Conference, is interested in conducting a Stakeholders Roundtable to discuss the hydro resources in and around the Thomas Bay and southeast Alaska region that would benefit the area. “We had some discussion about this back in November at the last Alaska Municipal League meeting in Anchorage,” Petersburg Borough Mayor Mark Jensen said. “This has materialized from that discussion.” Venable has volunteered to facilitate this roundtable discussion and has been calling on people from the differe...

  • Assembly appoints Nelson and Jensen to SEAPA Board

    Shelly Pope|Jan 10, 2013

    Petersburg has traditionally appointed the Power and Light Superintendent, Joe Nelson as the voting member of Southeast Alaska Power Authority, SEAPA. The Petersburg Borough has received one letter of interest to take the alternate position on this board, held by Ted Smith. John Jensen has applied for the spot. Jensen has served as a member of the SEAPA Board in the past and is currently a member of the Thomas Bay Power Authority Board. “Without any objections from the assembly,” Petersburg Borough Mayor Mark Jensen stated. “I would like to ap...

  • First ordinances of the Petersburg Borough are approved

    Shelly Pope|Jan 10, 2013

    The newly formed Petersburg Borough Assembly approved, for a first reading, the first three ordinances to be put in place. Ordinance #2013-1 is an ordinance providing for an area wide sales tax in the amount of six percent throughout the Petersburg Borough. The Petersburg Borough Charter designates that sales and use taxes can be levied on an area wide basis. Ordinance #2013-2 provides for an area wide transient room tax in the amount of four percent throughout the Petersburg Borough and...

  • Assembly temporarily changes meeting schedule

    Shelly Pope|Jan 10, 2013

    The Petersburg Borough Assembly made a temporary change to the meeting schedule to possibly invite members outside the city limits to participate in the new government. “I would like to make a change in the meeting times for two reasons,” Assembly member John Havrilek said. “This would be more friendly to any out of town people and people from across the way that may wish to come. I would like to have at least one of the monthly meetings at noon.” Havrilek chose the first meeting of the month t...

  • Borough Assembly members are sworn in and draw for term length

    Shelly Pope|Jan 10, 2013

    The new Petersburg Borough Assembly Members were sworn in by new Borough Clerk Kathy O’Rear to bring the first Borough Assembly meeting to order. The first order of business for the assembly was to draw for term lengths for the sitting assembly members. “These terms will not start counting until October of 2013,” Petersburg Borough Mayor Mark Jensen stated. “Terms being drawn for tonight will end in 2015 and 2016.” Assembly members Sue Flint and John Hoag drew terms ending in 2016 and Nancy Str...

  • PIA to hold board election Monday

    Shelly Pope|Jan 3, 2013

    The Petersburg Indian Association will hold an election for board members and chairperson Monday, Jan. 7. The tribe members will have choices on this ballot to fill the needed seats. Mike Sheldon and Tina Sakamoto are vying for the chair position on the board and Skip Hallingstad, Darnell Wilton, Melanie Frentz-Hallingstad, Jeanette Ness and Carol Martinez are going for the three board seats that are up for grabs. Mike Sheldon is a lifelong resident of Petersburg and his family goes back in the area for generations. “My idea as future chairman... Full story

  • Plunging into a new year

    Shelly Pope|Jan 3, 2013

  • Viking boys show great progress in Ketchikan

    Shelly Pope|Jan 3, 2013

    The Viking boys traveled to Ketchikan for the CCCC Tournament and came away with a win against Metlakatla in their last game of the tournament. “There were a lot of really good things that came out of this tournament,” Head Coach Rick Brock stated. “Even the things that didn't go as well as we wanted them was important for us to experience and learn from.” The boys faced Ketchikan for their first game of the weekend. “We had just played them a couple of weeks ago and they were much improved from when we played them before and I feel we were a...

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