Articles written by shelly pope

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  • Assembly to approve sea otter resolution

    Shelly Pope|Apr 18, 2013

    The Petersburg Borough Assembly approved Resolution 2013-11, a resolution requesting support from the Alaska Legislature of the Sealaska Heritage Institute's sustainable arts project re-introducing skin sewing to produce and market sea otter handicrafts during its regular meeting Monday evening. “This resolution is just part of a building block that we would like to establish with the governor and the legislature back in Washington, D.C. and eventually with our own legislature that we do have a sea otter issue,” Petersburg Assembly Member Kurt...

  • USFS to assist canoeing groups

    Shelly Pope|Apr 18, 2013

    The Forest Service is working with the One People Canoe Society in their efforts to participate in the Chief Shakes House re-dedication effort in Wrangell, the weekend of May 4. “There are groups coming from all over Southeast Alaska,” Petersburg District Ranger Jason Anderson said. “We have been asked to actually crew one of the canoes to join them as they pass by Petersburg and paddle into Wrangell.” At this time there are approximately 40 to 50 people that will be canoeing past Petersburg and they are hoping for a place to stop. “The be...

  • Assembly awards bid to local construction company

    Shelly Pope|Apr 18, 2013

    The Petersburg Borough Assembly awarded a bid for the Wastewater Pump Station 5 Replacement Project to Rock-n-Road Construction for an amount not to exceed $662,757. “There was only one bid for this project,” Petersburg Borough Vice Mayor Sue Flint said. “And this bid exceeded both the engineer's estimate and the construction funding available.” Due to the time sensitive nature of the project and the tight funding budget, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation negotiated a contract price with the lone bidder, Rock-n-Road Construction....

  • Fundraising flamingos flock to Petersburg

    Shelly Pope|Apr 11, 2013

    Flocks of flamingos have landed in various yards around Petersburg and who knows which yard they will be in next. The Petersburg Humane Association, along with the Petersburg Junior Girl Scouts, have been busy landing flamingos for a good cause. Throughout the month, the bright pink birds can be found all around Petersburg for a donation to the PHA. “This is the first year we have tried this,” PHA Director Merrily Jones said. “By the second day they were in rotation we had about 20 spots filled.... Full story

  • Sea Otter Management Committee re-vamps resolution

    Shelly Pope|Apr 11, 2013

    The Ad Hoc Sea Otter Management Committee has met twice to discuss ways to enhance or amend Resolution 1958, which was originally adopted in January 2011, to encourage support managing the exploding sea otter population in southeast Alaska. “I believe this resolution states things pretty well,” Committee Chair and Petersburg Borough Assembly member Kurt Wohlhueter said. “I think we can take this and add to it or amend it and use it as a model for what we want to say.” Friday afternoon the committee scoured over information in the US Fish and Wi...

  • Masons present bicycle to readers

    Shelly Pope|Apr 11, 2013

    Local Masonic leaders, with leaders of the Grand Lodge of Alaska were in attendance to present new bicycles to two elementary students who reached their accelerated reading goal for the trimester. “These kids have all worked very hard on the accelerated reading goals,” Stedman Elementary School Principal Erica Klundt-Painter said. “We had 80 percent of our students reach their goals for this period.” Each of the students’ names who reached their reading goal were placed in a drawing for the n...

  • Road Construction continues on Nordic Drive

    Shelly Pope|Apr 11, 2013

    Matt McGuan, Project Engineer for DOWL HKM, reported that the concrete pavement has been poured on the east side of Nordic Drive in front of the Trading Union Hardware Store during a road construction progress meeting Tuesday afternoon. “SECON has completed the installation of the storm drain pipe and structures on the Phase 2 portion of Nordic Drive,” McGuan stated. “They have also completed the demolition of Excel Street with the exception of the south sidewalk.” McGuan also said that the inst...

  • Lady Viking runners place third in Ketchikan meet

    Shelly Pope|Apr 11, 2013

    The Petersburg Viking runners traveled to Ketchikan for the first track meet of the season and the girls came home with third place and the boys placed fourth in Saturday's competition. For the boys, senior Viking Mizani Rawhani came in first place in the 110 meter hurdles, seventh in the 100 meter dash and third in the 300 meter hurdles; Kaleb Simbahon placed 18th in the shot put and eighth in the triple jump; Nels Evens placed 11th in the 3,200 meter run and 18th in the 800 meter run; Ben...

  • Library to archive all Petersburg newspapers

    Shelly Pope|Apr 11, 2013

    The Petersburg Public Library has currently archived Petersburg newspapers from the years 1913 to 1931 in order to make information easier to access. In order to see these archived newspapers just visit the Petersburg Public Library web page; a link has been established on the home page. “All of the information is at your fingertips,” Librarian Tara Alcock said. “The beauty of this is we have not had to do this ourselves.” Alcock explained that the library's microfilm was sent to Advantage, a company down south that converted the informa...

  • Assembly puts police building on hold

    Shelly Pope|Mar 21, 2013

    The Petersburg Borough Assembly have put the new Petersburg Police Facility Project on hold in order to investigate lower prices for the project. “I would suggest that we delegate the Borough Manager to look for a lower cost alternative price for the police and jail facility,” Petersburg Borough Assembly member John Hoag stated. “I would like for us to also give him the authority to cancel or enter into new contracts because the price tag on this facility is just beyond the reach of this community.” The last engineer estimate that was receive... Full story

  • Local fishermen urge support for sea otter bounty bill

    Shelly Pope|Mar 21, 2013

    Several Petersburg fishermen came out to support Senate Bill 60, implementing a $100 bounty on all sea otters taken legally under the Marine Mammal Protection Act, Monday evening during the regular meeting of the Petersburg Borough Assembly. The resolution that was proposed by the Assembly at the March 4 meeting was brought back to the table for discussion due to the interest of the residents and fishermen of the area. Local commercial fisherman Max Worhatch was the first to step to the microphone. “On the surface, this may seem like a bill t... Full story

  • Stedman and Judy, Petersburg pilots and legends

    Shelly Pope|Mar 21, 2013

    Bill Stedman and Rod Judy were named Alaska Aviation Living Legends last summer, but they have been so much more to those who have known them. Stedman is a lifelong resident of Petersburg and still lives in the childhood home that he shared with his parents and sisters. “The place has changed over the years, and I have done a lot of work to it,” Stedman stated. “But I have lived here all my life and really haven't wanted to be anywhere else.” Stedman attended Petersburg High School and worked...

  • Over 20 interested applicants for police officer position

    Shelly Pope|Mar 21, 2013

    During the regular meeting of the Petersburg Borough Assembly Monday evening, Petersburg Borough Manager Steve Giesbrecht reported that there are over 20 interested applicants for the police officer position and two potential Chief candidates from Alaska. “The police officer position is the position that Heidi will be vacating,” Giesbrecht stated. “We will be replacing that with an officer, not a Sergeant.” According the Giesbrecht, the two police chief candidates are from Alaska and have expressed a desire for the position. Giesbrecht also re...

  • Fankhauser wins first Losing Big Petersburg competition

    Shelly Pope|Mar 21, 2013

    After six weeks of competition, a winner for the first ever Losing Big Petersburg competition has been declared. Christin Fankhauser is the first “Biggest Loser” of Petersburg. According to Petersburg Parks and Recreation Director Donnie Hayes the resounding number of votes for all of the contestants was phenomenal. Fankhauser is the winner of a one year membership to Petersburg Parks and Recreation; an iPad from a grant that was partnered by Parks and Recreation and the Petersburg Schools; a n...

  • Murph works for Girl Scouts' highest honor

    Shelly Pope|Mar 21, 2013

    Petersburg High School Junior Diane Murph is well on her way to earning the highest award for Girls Scouts, the Gold Award. The Girl Scout Gold Award represents the highest achievement in Girl Scouting. Open only to girls in high school, this prestigious award challenges the student to change the world, or at least their corner of it, and be eligible for college scholarships, too. By the time the final touches are put on this seven-step project, a problem will have been solved, not only in the...

  • Bids are in for North Harbor Project

    Shelly Pope|Mar 14, 2013

    Petersburg Harbormaster Glorianne Wollen and staff will make a recommendation to the Petersburg Borough Assembly Monday evening regarding the bids that were received for the North Harbor Project. "The Assembly will be presented with the bid results and the recommendation will be to go with the low bidder," Wollen said. "Western Dock and Bridge out of Ketchikan came in with that low bid." The bids that were received were from Tamico, Inc. for $7,189,420; Pacific Pile and Marine, LLC for $7,855,462; American Construction Company for $8,517,800... Full story

  • Papa Bear's Pizza is named Business of the Year

    Shelly Pope|Mar 14, 2013

    Each year, the Petersburg Chamber of Commerce honors a business and this year, Papa Bear's Pizza was awarded Business of the Year. "Papa Bear's Pizza was nominated for its friendly atmosphere and new location," Chamber of Commerce Banquet emcee Donnie Hayes said. "They have a friendly staff and are constantly donating to the community." One of the nominations said that they may not be huge but they are a wonderful small business trying to improve every day. "They work hard to make our visitors... Full story

  • Kertulla speaks at Chamber of Commerce Banquet

    Shelly Pope|Mar 14, 2013

    The annual Petersburg Chamber of Commerce Banquet was awash in green and sparkles as business owners and residents attended to hear Representative Beth Kertulla speak about herself and her experiences, the legislative session and the future. Kertulla's family has a long history in Alaska and her father, Jay was the state's longest-serving legislator and the only legislator to have served as both Speaker of the House and Senate President. Kertulla, herself has been elected eight times to the... Full story

  • At the end of the rainbow

    Shelly Pope|Mar 14, 2013

    A bright rainbow on Sunday morning appeared to touch down at Ocean Beauty Seafood’s Petersburg processing plant....

  • Another Losing Big contestant is eliminated

    Shelly Pope|Mar 14, 2013

    The Petersburg Parks and Recreation Department began the very first Losing Big Petersburg competition just a little over a month ago with 10 contestants. The competition is now down to six with the loss of Ken Caulum last week. The Losing Big Blue Team was on the chopping block again for the second week in a row. Carrie Bullar, again, won the community vote giving her the extra 50 points that are available. "Ken was a strong competitor for this program," Petersburg Parks and Recreation Director...

  • Hoops season ends at Region V Tournament

    Shelly Pope|Mar 14, 2013

    The Petersburg Vikings traveled to Sitka last week for the Region V Tournament and that is where the season for the Vikings ended. "We started out play against Mt. Edgecumbe," Head Coach Rick Brock stated. "We knew going into this tournament that to be successful we would have to play excellent basketball and have things go our way." During the first quarter, the Vikings played well but were down 13 to 17 at the end. "The pace of the game was a little too fast for us but we were still doing fine," Brock said. "In the second quarter, we missed...

  • Lady Vikings season closes

    Shelly Pope|Mar 14, 2013

    The Petersburg Lady Vikings traveled to Sitka to compete in the Region V Tournament and came home with a positive attitude for next year. "We played Sitka for the first game of the tournament," Head Coach Dino Brock said. "We started out very well and were very competitive. We were actually ahead at the end of the first quarter." The Lady Vikings kept the lead and were up by five at half time and up by three at the end of the third quarter. "Sitka came out and had a really big fourth quarter and we just couldn't maintain the lead," Brock...

  • Library windows

    Shelly Pope|Mar 14, 2013

    The new Petersburg Public Library has a different look every day. The windows have been installed and interior work continues. The project is on schedule and should be ready for move in by July 1....

  • North Harbor bids closed March 5

    Shelly Pope|Mar 7, 2013

    Petersburg Borough Manager Steve Giesbrecht reported that the bids for the North Harbor project closed March 5 during the regular meeting of the Petersburg Borough Assembly Monday afternoon. "There seems to be quite a bit of interest in this project," Giesbrecht said. "We hope that means we will have competitive bids." Residents of Petersburg will notice the slow and steady migration of vessels from the North Harbor to the Middle and South Harbors in the coming weeks. A tour ship schedule will be put together by the Harbor Advisory Board soon.... Full story

  • Assembly takes no action on sea otter bounty

    Shelly Pope|Mar 7, 2013

    During its regular meeting Monday afternoon, the Petersburg Borough Assembly took no action at all on Resolution 2013-7, which is a resolution supporting Senate Bill 60 introduced in the twenty-eighth legislature of the State of Alaska for an act relating to sea otter population management by the implementation of a bounty on sea otters. Senate Bill 60, if enacted, would add a new section to AS 16.35 titled "Bounty on Sea Otters," and reads, "The department shall pay a person $100 for each sea otter the person lawfully takes under the Marine...

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