Articles from the January 23, 2020 edition

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  • Leak found in community pool

    Brian Varela|Jan 23, 2020

    Parks and Recreation has pinpointed the leak in the community pool to a light conduit after draining the pool down to about six feet of water, just below the light. Several inspections proved that the source of the leak was located somewhere in the pool, instead of in a pipe that feeds into the pool. It was determined that water wasn't escaping through a valve at the bottom of the tank, so Parks and Rec decided to lower the water level to a point just below the lights in the pool. As of...

  • Population in Petersburg, Wrangell rose in last decade

    Brian Varela|Jan 23, 2020

    Petersburg and Wrangell both saw an overall increase in population from 2010 through 2019, but while Petersburg's population rose between 2018 and 2019, Wrangell's population saw a drop in the same timeframe, according to data from the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development. There were 3,203 residents living in Petersburg in 2010 and in 2019, there were 3,226, according to the ADLWD. Those figures equal to a .08 percent growth for the decade and 1.12 percent growth in the last...

  • Yesterday's News

    Jan 23, 2020

    January 30, 1920 The Petersburg Fire Department will purchase an automobile of some kind for fire fighting purposes, if the citizens of the town are willing to help. A committee has been appointed and will visit the merchants and property owners within the next few days to ascertain their wishes. It has been demonstrated that the auto is the most efficient fire fighting apparatus in existence Should fire break out at any point in the city, from Standard Oil dock to the Point an alarm would bring the car, with a 50 gallon chemical and...

  • Assembly sends letter of disapproval to NMFS

    Brian Varela|Jan 23, 2020

    The borough assembly supported sending a letter to the National Marine Fisheries Service regarding issues the borough has with the proposed rule to designate critical habitat for Mexico, Central America and Western North Pacific distinct population segments of humpback whales at an assembly meeting Tuesday evening. The letter's main concern is with the critical habitat for the Mexican district population of humpback whales. A large portion of the proposed critical habitat area is in Southeast...

  • AP&T to cease printing phone books

    Brian Varela|Jan 23, 2020

    Due to the rising costs of production and numerous electronic options, Alaska Power & Telephone will stop printing phone books after the 2020 edition that is coming out in March. According to Mary Jo Quandt, vice president of customer operations with AP&T, state legislation in 2015 removed the requirement for telecom companies to produce physical phonebooks. AP&T has still been printing phone books over the past five years but now production costs are just getting too steep. "Many telecom...

  • To the Editor

    Jan 23, 2020

    Thank you To the Editor: To whomever maintains the Bill Musson trail it’s greatly appreciated. Andrew Greinier Road to nowhere To the Editor: Assembly Members please support sending a letter to Senator Stedman to not support the road being built from Kake to 12 mile. This is a total and complete waste of $40 million dollars and no one in Petersburg or Kake are in favor of this road and wasting $40 million, it makes us all look bad. It’s a “Road to Nowhere”. Who in Petersburg or Kake is going to leave a vehicle or boat at 12 mile to access...

  • Assembly approves rate increase for MVM

    Brian Varela|Jan 23, 2020

    The borough assembly approved an ordinance that would increase assisted living rental and service rates in its first reading at their meeting Tuesday to be in line with Medicaid and other assisted living facility rates throughout the state. The basic level of services, which covers apartment maintenance, meals and rent, would be raised from $4,700 to $4,880 per month if ordinance #2020-01 is passed in three readings. Level one services, which includes the basic level of services along with...

  • Police report

    Jan 23, 2020

    January 14 — Authorities responded to an intoxicated individual at a location on S. 6th St. An individual at a location on Haugen Dr. reported a concern with a water drain. Authorities investigated a report of domestic violence at a location on Mitkof Highway. January 15 — Authorities responded to a duress alarm at a location on Haugen Dr. A disturbance was reported at a location on Birch St. A broken waterline was reported on Sandy Beach Rd. Extra patrols were requested on Skylark Way and S. 6th St. January 16 — A water leak was repor...

  • Petersburg seeks meeting with DOT on Kake access road

    Brian Varela|Jan 23, 2020

    The Petersburg Borough Assembly requested a public meeting with officials of the Alaska Department of Transportation in a letter approved at their meeting Tuesday to hear an update on the status of a new, unpaved 13.5-mile road connecting Kake and Petersburg on Kupreanof Island. The two paragraph letter addressed to Greg Lockwood, DOT project manager, states that the project is of major interest to the community and both the assembly and public have questions regarding the project. The letter...

  • Warp Wall construction

    Jan 23, 2020

  • Vikings' winning streak comes to an end

    Brian Varela|Jan 23, 2020

    After a double loss against Metlakatla, the Petersburg High School boys basketball team's winning streak came to an end over the weekend, which began in their first games of the season against Wrangell in December. "In our league you have to show up every night and play well, and we didn't do that," said Head Coach Richard Brock. The Vikings struggled through the first half of their game against the Chiefs. At the start of the first quarter, Brock said both teams were sizing each other up. Then...

  • Lady Vikings win two against Miss Chiefs

    Brian Varela|Jan 23, 2020

    In a strong showing of their defense, the Lady Vikings won both their home games this weekend against Metlakatla's Miss Chiefs. Petersburg took an early lead in Friday's game, ending the first quarter up, 12-5. Head Coach Dino Brock said the team did a good job of pushing the basketball and had a solid defense at the start of the game. In the second quarter, both teams went back and forth with their scoring and the Miss Chiefs ended up outscoring the Lady Vikings by one point. In the third...

  • Alaska Fish Factor

    Laine Welch|Jan 23, 2020

    It’s been a long time coming but payments should soon be in hand for Alaska fishermen, processors and coastal communities hurt by the 2016 pink salmon run failure, the worst in 40 years. The funds are earmarked for Kodiak, Prince William Sound, Chignik, Lower Cook Inlet, South Alaska Peninsula, Southeast Alaska and Yakutat. Congress ok’d over $56 million in federal relief in 2017, but the authorization to cut the money loose languished on NOAA desks in DC for over two years. The payouts got delayed again last October when salmon permit hol...

  • Blanket of snow

    Jan 23, 2020

  • Stork report

    Jan 23, 2020

  • School News

    Jan 23, 2020

    Clair Byrer was named to the Dean's Honor Roll for the Fall 2019 term at Western Oregon University. Karen Morrison received the Master of Science degree with a major in Education at Wilkes University's winter commencement ceremony on January 19 in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Chauncy Sandhofer graduated Summa Cum Laude from Boise State University on December 21, 2019 with a BBA degree in Human Resource Management. He was also recognized as earning Distinguished Honors from Boise State Honors College. Chauncy is a 2016 graduate of Petersburg...

  • Early snow stops hiker from completing PCT

    Brian Varela|Jan 23, 2020

    It wasn't her bad knees, a fear of heights, a limp or hundreds of miles of hiking that prevented Hillary Hunter from completing the last 295.5 miles of the Pacific Crest Trail. It was the earliest snowfall in Washington in over 100 years that forced her off the trail. On April 17, 2019, Hunter first started her expedition on the 2,226 trail that begins at the border of California and Mexico and runs north just over the Canadian border. While teaching English in Madagascar with the Peace Corps...