Articles from the January 24, 2013 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 23 of 23

  • Borough transition is moving forward

    Shelly Pope|Jan 24, 2013

    Since the formation of the Petersburg Borough, officials have been working to put together a plan to make a smooth transition. The transition will still take the better part of the year to complete. “The first big part of the process is the status of the appeal from Juneau,” Petersburg Borough Manager Steve Giesbrecht said. “We are looking at April or May before this will be finalized.” The City and Borough of Juneau is suing the Local Boundary Commission and the Petersburg Borough due to disagreements on the boundary line drawn for the newly f... Full story

  • PIA accepts resignation from board member Lopez

    Shelly Pope|Jan 24, 2013

    The Petersburg Indian Association held its first official meeting after the election Thursday evening and one of the first orders of business was to accept the resignation of board member Derek Lopez. Ways in which to fill the vacated seat were tossed about before taking direction from Tlingit Haida rules. “The Tlingit Haida rules state that there are two different ways in which to fill a vacant seat on the board,” PIA Election Committee Judge Fran Jones said. “The selection can come from the candidate that received the next highest numbe... Full story

  • Petersburg ready to aid Wrangell celebration

    Shelly Pope|Jan 24, 2013

    The rededication ceremony of Shakes Island and the Chief Shakes Tribal House is scheduled for May 3 and 4 in Wrangell and housing is still needed for the 1,000-plus guests that are expected to attend the festivities. “This is an historical event that is happening in our neighborhood and it is a huge celebration for Wrangell,” Petersburg Chamber of Commerce Manager Sally Dwyer said. “We are attempting to help our neighbor.” Dwyer and Marilyn Menish-Meucci of the Petersburg Visitor Center have contacted the Tides Inn and Scandia House to make su... Full story

  • Yesterday's News

    Jan 24, 2013

    January 26, 1983 - Depending on who you talk to in town, the Petersburg school propositions didn’t pass last week either because of propaganda and scare tactics or because the proposals did not meet needs the community thought were important. Voters turned down a master plan of a new school: 231 – 654, and $2.25 million general obligation bonds to pay for the plan, 366 – 520. One of the conflicts about the master plan was over the proposed auditorium. Wilmer Oines, school board member, said the proposed auditorium is an expensive issue but it i...

  • To the Editor

    Jan 24, 2013

    Big adventure ahead To the Editor: The newly created Petersburg Borough stands poised at an epic transformation. The big question is: How can we achieve unity in the overall populace? No other organized borough in Alaska hails any ethnic group as a component in it’s composition either in it’s name or group as a component in it’s motto/slogan/by line/ tag line. Why? It would be devisive and discriminatory, degrading every other person outside the named group. Our new organized borough now includes lands and waters and people far outside the t...

  • Wrangell Police seeking leads in assault investigation

    Greg Knight|Jan 24, 2013

    WRANGELL — Wrangell Police Department officers are investigating allegations of an assault that led to the hospitalization of a 17-year old Wrangell High School student. The incident, which is alleged to have occurred at a residence near the corner of Case Avenue and Front Street in the late evening hours of Saturday, Jan. 12, involved a party where allegedly a number of minors and at least two adults were present – and where WPD Lieutenant Merlin Ehlers said alcohol was a major contributing factor. “We are investigating a number of individuals...

  • Police assist federal officers in arrest

    Shelly Pope|Jan 24, 2013

    Petersburg Police Officers assisted agents of the United States Department of Homeland Security in serving a federal arrest warrant for a Petersburg resident Tuesday, Jan. 22. Yolanda Perez, 44, was arrested in her home on the charge of illegally entering the United States after being deported. “Our SEACAD investigator came across Perez's name during the normal course of his duties as a narcotics enforcement investigator,” Petersburg Police Captain John Hamilton stated. “She was referred to the federal authorities and subsequent to that refer...

  • Police reports

    Jan 24, 2013

    January 16 Fraudulent use of a credit card was reported. A vehicle had been gone through in the elementary school parking lot January 17 A high water alarm was received at the pump station. January 18 A pot hole was reported to the Department of Transportation at Haugen Drive and Second Street. Caller was concerned about safety and damage to vehicles. January 19 A vehicle was peeling out onto the road on Ira II. Officers were notified. January 20 An officer’s presence was requested for rowdy patron on Chief John Lott. Possible gunshots were r...

  • Courts

    Jan 24, 2013

    January 17 Gina R. Stafford, 43, appeared before Deputy Magistrate Cris Morrison for an arraignment hearing on the charge of violating conditions of release. Stafford entered a plea of not guilty and a public defender was appointed. Trial is set for Feb. 19. January 22 Jessica J.B. Ray, 25, appeared before Judge William Carey for a change of plea hearing and sentencing. Ray was charged with fourth degree assault and domestic violence. She entered a plea of guilty to harassment and was sentenced to 60 days in jail with 60 days suspended; 40...

  • Ordinance for Transient Room Tax is defeated by Assembly

    Shelly Pope|Jan 24, 2013

    Ordinance 2013-2 will have to start all over for approval now that it has been defeated due to confusion regarding combined-price packages. The rate for a combined-price package was computed by charging the transient room tax on 30 percent of the total cost of the package price. Mike Payne of Rocky Point Resort spoke on behalf of lodge owners who charge a combination package price. “We are wanting to make the numbers justifiable for us and make it easier for everybody to figure out,” Payne said. “I would like to propose that each lodge repre...

  • Library progress continues

    Shelly Pope|Jan 24, 2013

    Work on the new Petersburg Public Library continues on schedule and work on the inside has begun. “All of the concrete has been poured inside,” Petersburg Borough On-Site Construction Administrator Dan LaForce said. “We even have the upper deck concrete poured and the work on the inside of the building can go along as planned.” According to LaForce, the insulation in the roof is coming along and is scheduled to be finished this week. In an earlier article, it was reported that the floor heating...

  • Rawhani is nominated for the U.S. Naval Academy

    Shelly Pope|Jan 24, 2013

    Petersburg High School senior Mizani Rawhani was nominated for appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy by Congressman Don Young, Senator Lisa Murkowski and Senator Mark Begich. Each member of Congress can have five constituents attending the Naval Academy at any time. When one member leaves the Academy, a vacancy is created. “The Navy really caught my attention when the different military branches sent representatives to the school,” Rawhani said. “I have always thought I would love to fly but g...

  • Soccer Shoot winners

    Jan 24, 2013

    Local Elks Lodge 2012 Soccer Shoot winners are also top scorers at the state level. From left to right, Julian Kumps 1st place in 8-9 age division, Nina McCay 1st place in 10-11, Anya Pawuk 3rd place under 8, Dan McMahon, Gage Massin 2nd place under 8, Rylan Wallace 2nd place 10-11....

  • Vikings defeated by Sitka Wolves at home

    Shelly Pope|Jan 24, 2013

    The Petersburg Vikings hosted the Sitka Wolves for a two game fight but didn't come out the victors. “I thought we made some progress this week in a couple of areas and our intensity level was better than it was last weekend against Mt. Edgecumbe,” Head Coach Rick Brock said. “I believe also that, physically, we competed against a team that was much bigger than us but we continue to struggle putting the ball in the basket.” Brock explained that both nights the Vikings had good shots that th...

  • Viking girls drop two to Ketchikan over the weekend

    Shelly Pope|Jan 24, 2013

    The Petersburg Lady Vikings traveled to Ketchikan and came home two games down for the season. “The first night started out really well,” Head Coach Dino Brock said. “We did a nice job defensively and offensively we were moving the ball a lot.” The girls were down 10 to eight at the end of the first quarter and 24 to 22 at half-time. “We came out in the third quarter and didn't start as strong,” Brock stated. “That became the whole separation of the game.” At the end of the third quarter the Lady Vikings were down 38 to 25 and ended up with a...

  • USCG conducting dockside exams

    Jan 24, 2013

    Coast Guard Commercial Fishing Vessel Examiners will be conducting dockside examinations for Commercial Fishing Vessels in Petersburg February 6 – 8. Anyone needing an exam or interested in receiving a Voluntary Dockside Exam sign-up at the Petersburg Harbormasters Office or contact Scott Wilwert at (907) 957-0152. Dockside examinations are free, take about an hour and help foster public awareness of fishing vessel safety, regulations and safety carriage requirements....

  • Fish Factor

    Laine Welch|Jan 24, 2013

    Fishing groups, consumers and health organizations are launching a final push to prevent genetically modified fish from getting the nod for American dinner plates. During the holidays the Food and Drug Administration issued its environmental assessment concluding that the fish, tweaked to grow at least three times faster than normal, will not have any significant impacts on the human environment and is unlikely to harm wild stocks. The FDA’s environmental green light is the last step before AquaBounty, the creators of so called Frankenfish, c...

  • Stork report

    Jan 24, 2013

    Lora Jean Lombard was born on December 19, 2012 to Heidi and Stephen Lombard at Ketchikan General Hospital. She weighed 8 pounds 3 ounces and was 19 inches long....

  • Manager warns of spike in property thefts

    Shelly Pope|Jan 24, 2013

    Petersburg Borough Manager Steve Giesbrecht has warned the public as a part of the manager’s report during the Petersburg Borough Assembly meeting Tuesday evening that there has been an increase in property crimes, specifically vehicle burglaries in town. “We are encouraging any witness to come forward,” Giesbrecht said. “We would also like to remind everyone to lock their doors and not leave anything of value in your cars.” Giesbrecht explained that there is no explanation for the spike and the police do have some suspects in mind, but it wo...

  • Borough still seeking people to fill vacancies

    Shelly Pope|Jan 24, 2013

    The Petersburg Borough is still seeking letters of interest from qualified borough residents to fill two vacancies on the Assembly; three seats on the hospital board and seven positions on the planning and zoning commission until the regular election in October 2014. Anyone appointed to a vacancy will be required to file a Public Officials Financial Disclosure Statement, POFDS, within 30 days of taking office. The Borough is also accepting letters from individuals interested in serving on the Land Selection Committee. “The Borough will r...

  • Barn Dance

    Jan 24, 2013

    Friday night the Sons of Norway Hall was transformed into a western scene for the elementary school’s Barn Dance, complete with a “chuckwagon” providing meals, volunteers running games and activities for kids and a festive photobooth, as seen above....

  • Bear Paw on a frosty morning

    Jan 24, 2013

    A view across the Wrangell Narrows toward Bear Paw Mountain on a recent winter morning....

  • Alaska Airlines gives to WAVE

    Shelly Pope|Jan 24, 2013

    A donation of $1,200 was presented to WAVE by Alaska Airline General Manager Jon Wright on behalf of the Alaska Airlines’ Community Advisory Board. “We look for philanthropic ways to help the community,” Alaska Airlines’ Community Advisory Board Chair Kris Norosz said. “This organization does a lot for the community and we felt they were the deserving party.” Working Against Violence for Everyone, WAVE, is a non-profit group whose trained staff assists and advocates for people who are experiencing domestic violence in their lives. According t...