Articles from the November 16, 2023 edition

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  • Coast Guard helicopter crashes during rescue Petersburg emergency services respond, all 4 crew survive

    Olivia Rose, Pilot Writer|Nov 16, 2023

    Late Monday night, a Coast Guard MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter from Air Station Sitka crashed on Read Island in Farragut Bay during a search and rescue mission for a nearby fishing vessel -leaving four helicopter crew members in need of urgent rescuing, as well. The prompt response from Petersburg's emergency services played a crucial role in the successful rescue operation that resulted in the survival of all four helicopter crew members. Two members were discharged from the hospital Wednesday morni...

  • Harbormasters seek increase to state matching grant

    Olivia Rose, Pilot Writer|Nov 16, 2023

    “The Municipal Harbor Facility Grant is the single most significant funding tool available to Alaskan Harbormasters to plan, maintain, and recapitalize port and harbor infrastructure,” states the resolution passed at the Petersburg Borough Assembly meeting on Nov. 6. The assembly voted in support of the resolution to urge the Governor and Alaska Legislature to increase the amount of money made available to municipalities in the state’s harbor match grant program in order to adjust for inflation. According to the Alaska Department of Trans...

  • Updates on progress toward APEI recommendations

    Olivia Rose, Pilot Writer|Nov 16, 2023

    The borough’s human resources department provided a progress report about the municipality’s newly implemented safety measures during the Borough Assembly Meeting Nov. 6. In September, Alaska Public Entity Insurance (APEI) representatives presented a safety review of the Petersburg Borough during a regular assembly meeting. Assembly members and human resources staff left that meeting with actionable recommendations to address safety concerns within the borough. Part of that was the establishment of a formal Borough Safety Committee. Becky Reg...

  • Police investigating four recent burglaries in downtown Petersburg

    Orin Pierson, Pilot Editor|Nov 16, 2023

    In the past three weeks, four downtown Petersburg businesses have reported burglaries. The Petersburg Police Department confirmed all four incidents are the subject of active investigations. The Blomster Hus flower shop was the most recent incident, with staff arriving Monday morning this week to find the cash register had been pried open by a burglar over the weekend. A week earlier, security cameras captured footage of a burglar searching for cash after breaking into the Petersburg Moose Lodge. “Security camera footage from the Moose Lodge h...

  • Phil Hofstetter recognized as Alaska's "Community Star"

    Olivia Rose, Pilot Writer|Nov 16, 2023

    The National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health (NOSORH) named Petersburg Medical Center CEO Phil Hofstetter as Alaska's 2023 "Community Star." Hofstetter is being recognized by the national organization for his dedication to enhancing rural healthcare and addressing the health needs of the Petersburg community through wellness and prevention activities, education, collaborative partnerships, and accessible at-home care. "Phil and PMC have advanced local healthcare through numerous...

  • IBEW and Borough ratify new contract

    Olivia Rose, Pilot Writer|Nov 16, 2023

    The Petersburg Borough and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) agreed to increase wages for union workers in the most recent ratified contract approved by the Petersburg Borough Assembly on Nov. 6. The Petersburg Municipal Power & Light department (PMPL) has struggled for over a year to hire an Electrician/Operator and a Journeyman Lineman, which burdens the few workers that are there. Sam Caulum spoke at the Nov. 6 borough assembly meeting, representing himself and a majority of IBEW members at PMPL. He said the prolonged...

  • Viking Swim Club hosts November Rain

    Nov 16, 2023

  • Yesterday's News

    Nov 16, 2023

    November 16, 1923 – What for a time looked like a serious accident occurred to the steamer Northwestern as she was pulling away from the Petersburg dock last Saturday. In rounding the red spar buoy into the channel opposite the town, the vessel refused to answer her helm and plowed into the sand bar in front of the Hanseth homestead. When she finally stopped, her bow was within a few feet of dry land and she was apparently tightly stuck. Scows were immediately towed to the scene and considerable concentrates from the forward hold were l...

  • To the Editor

    Nov 16, 2023

    Thank you To the Editor: Thank you to Hammer & Wikan for re-establishing the footpath from the grocery store to the post office. Right now, the path is better than it ever was. Good job!, Sam Bunge Change the ferry LeConte’s name To the Editor: Do you believe in equality? Do you believe in human rights? Please sign the petition in the link below asking the Alaska Marine Highway System to change the name of the ferry LeConte. Joseph Leconte was a slave owning Georgian who believed in racial superiority and never once stepped foot in the state of...

  • Police report

    Nov 16, 2023

    November 8 – An officer conducted foot patrols downtown. An officer conducted a security check at a business on North 1st Street. Petersburg Police Department (PPD) received a report of lost property from Valkyrie Street. An officer assisted Emergency Medical Services (EMS) with an overdose on Fram Street. A driver at Baltic Street and North Nordic Drive received a warning for failure to stop at a stop sign. Officers conducted a security sweep at a business on South Nordic Drive. November 8 – An officer responded to a report of a monitored fir...

  • Viking Swim Club reigns at November Rain

    Liam Demko, Pilot writer|Nov 16, 2023

    The Viking Swim Club made sure to give the home crowd a show at their annual November Rain meet in Petersburg last weekend. The local swimmers had impressive performances at the event with loads of high placements, strong rates of personal improvement, and successes in new categories. "[The team] was beyond excited and happy. Since this was a home meet, we had a great turnout... we had 48 of our swimmers compete this past weekend, and they did great," said VSC coach Scott Burt. November Rain is...

  • Petersburg wrestlers podium in Ketchikan tournament

    Liam Demko, Pilot writer|Nov 16, 2023

    Petersburg High School’s wrestling team traveled south last weekend for the annual Bill Weiss tournament in Ketchikan. Across the course of the two day meet—one of the largest events in Southeast Alaska— several PHS wrestlers earned their place on the podium against tough competition. Petersburg freshman Eli Anderson earned the team’s highest placement, taking second in the 150 pound bracket. “Being able to go that far at such a young age is pretty impressive, so it was a good showing and I’m happy that he got to where he was,” said head coa...

  • The Mitkof Mummers Theatre Co. Presents: McQuadle: A Dragon's Tale

    Nov 16, 2023

  • Lecture shares bombardment history, calls for formal reconciliation

    Caroleine James, Wrangell Sentinel reporter|Nov 16, 2023

    WRANGELL — In a livestreamed lecture sponsored by Sealaska Heritage Institute, ethnohistorian Zachary Jones presented on the U.S. military’s 19th century attacks on the Tlingit villages of Kaachxhaan.áak’w, Kéex’ Kwáan and Xutsnoowú Kwáan — present-day Wrangell, Kake and Angoon. Though the attacks occurred over 150 years ago, their effects are still felt by Tlingit communities today, Jones said, and community leaders are still seeking restitution. In 1867, the U.S. government paid Russia $7.2 million — less than two cents per acre — for the t...

  • Advisory committee supports proposal to protect commercial king harvest share

    Caroleine James, Wrangell Sentinel reporter|Nov 16, 2023

    WRANGELL — Members of the Wrangell Fish and Game Advisory Committee are concerned about the future of commercial salmon fishing as Alaska’s tourism industry continues to expand, bringing in more non-resident fishers on charter trips. The advisory committee supports amending state regulation to prevent the Southeast sport fishery from exceeding its 20% share of the Pacific Salmon Commission’s annual harvest ceiling for king salmon. The committee voted Nov. 7 to support a proposal calling for tighter state regulation of the charter catch and q...

  • Debate over Pebble mine in Alaska's Bristol Bay region moves to dueling Supreme Court briefs

    Yereth Rosen, Alaska Beacon|Nov 16, 2023

    The company trying to build a huge copper and gold mine in the salmon-rich Bristol Bay will keep fighting for the project, despite a decision by the federal government to keep the proposed development site off-limits to large-scale metals mining. John Shively, chief executive officer of the Pebble Limited Partnership, made that vow in a presentation at the Alaska Miners Association annual convention in Anchorage. He said the Pebble mine had the potential to transform the economy and improve lives in the rural Bristol Bay region, just as he... Full story

  • Salmon returns to Alaska's Bristol Bay expected to drop to more normal levels next year

    Yereth Rosen, Alaska Beacon|Nov 16, 2023

    After recent years of record or near-record runs and harvests, Bristol Bay sockeye salmon numbers are expected to return to more average levels next year, according to state biologists. The 2024 Bristol Bay sockeye salmon run is expected to total 39 million fish, with a predicted range between about 25 million and 53 million fish, according to a preliminary forecast released Friday by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. That is 35% lower than the average over the past 10 years but 6% higher than the long-term average for Bristol Bay, the... Full story

  • Honoring Veterans

    Nov 16, 2023

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