Articles from the March 10, 2016 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 22 of 22

  • Petersburg Republicans miss out on primary vote

    Kyle Clayton|Mar 10, 2016

    Petersburg Republicans couldn’t vote in town last week during the Presidential Preference Poll because no one volunteered to run the caucus. The Petersburg Pilot fielded multiple calls and received emails asking why Petersburg didn’t have a poll. Chair of the Alaska Republican Party Peter Goldberg summed it up. “An effort was made to find people around the state,” Goldberg said. “Some districts had multiple places but there were several communities that had no one. If there is someone to blame, and you’re a Republican, look in the mirror and... Full story

  • Devil's Thumb Shooters

    Jess Field|Mar 10, 2016

    Tolin Eddy (left), prepares to locate a launching clay pigeon supervised by Frank Neidiffer (center) and Larry O'Rear (right) during the first Devil's Thumb Shooters practice of the spring. The practice held on Sunday at the Rod and Gun Club Range kept five club members plenty busy breaking targets. Eddy came out to the range with his father, Jaime, to see what the club was like and get his first taste of shooting at clay pigeons. The club will be at the range shooting every Sunday until... Full story

  • Zoning fears prompt hour-long public comment

    Kyle Clayton|Mar 10, 2016

    A flood of public criticism washed through the Petersburg Borough Assembly chamber Monday afternoon regarding zoning language in the soon to be adopted Borough Comprehensive Plan, but the nature of the comments in some ways highlighted misunderstanding of and the lack of involvement in the public process. Mandated by the state, a comprehensive plan is "a compilation of policy statements, goals, standards and maps for guiding the physical, social and economic development, both private and... Full story

  • Yesterday's News

    Mar 10, 2016

    March 11, 1916 – Hogue & Tveten have received word from the Gardner Company, shrimp dealers, of Seattle, that they are contemplating the establishment of shrimp-packing quarters in Petersburg, to peel and pack the catches of their steamer, instead of shipping the shrimp to Seattle and having the work done there, as at present. The letter states that the company will need from forty to fifty pickers to begin with, as a good many drop out when they find they are not adapted to the work, and requests that women, girls and children who would c...

  • PVFD battling to gain new recruits

    Jess Field|Mar 10, 2016

    The age of Petersburg Volunteer Fire Department (PVFD) members ranges from men and women in their early-20s to a handful of men over 60. Some of the volunteers have over 30 years of experience, but they are starting to reach retirement age, and the department is fighting to recruit younger generations. Fire marshal Ryan Welde has just over 21 years with PVFD, he is one of two paid employees with the department, and he helps train new recruits seeking Firefighter-1 state certification. Welde... Full story

  • School board approves superintendent and teacher contracts

    Jess Field|Mar 10, 2016

    The Petersburg school board approved the contracts of district superintendent Erica Kludt-Painter and teachers at the regular meeting on Tuesday night. The action is the result of salary negotiations that have been taking place with the Associated Teachers of Petersburg (ATP). The board unanimously approved a three-year contract for superintendent Kludt-Painter, and each year includes a 260-day contract with 40 days of leave. The contract will run through June, 2019, with a one-time signing incentive of $10,000 to be paid on or before June 30,...

  • Testimony flawed by misinformation & ignorance

    Ron Loesch|Mar 10, 2016

    We hope folks in the newly organized borough will base their public testimony on the factual material brought forth by the borough administration and less on inaccurate hearsay. It was clear that few if any of the “outliers” testifying had even read a portion of the Borough’s Comprehensive Plan. The document clearly states that it is a broad compilation of guidelines the borough will consider for future economic, physical and social development within the borough boundary. The plan does not carry the weight of law, as some people alleged at Mo...

  • Birdie Ball

    Mar 10, 2016

    Petersburg Parks and Rec. held the second night of Birdie Ball Golf in the community gym on Monday. There are four or five hitting pads for golfers and each round golfers hit 10 birdie balls at targets placed down court. Once all the players have hit their birdie balls, they are retrieved and another round begins. Parks and Rec director Donnie Hayes says the activity was designed years ago by a professional golfer after he got tired of practicing his game with inadequate plastic wiffle balls....

  • Assembly requests financial info from non-profits

    Kyle Clayton|Mar 10, 2016

    The Petersburg Borough Assembly is asking for an increase in financial information from organizations requesting community service grants from the borough during this year’s budget hearings. “One thing I would like to ask that be added to all of the people that are applying for these grants is to put a detailed financial statement like if you have holdings on property or bank accounts,” Mayor Mark Jensen said during Monday’s meeting. “It’s going to be tough times financially and if some people have a better wherewithal to take a little bit of a...

  • Police reports

    Mar 10, 2016

    March 2 A caller reported a violation of a protective order. A driver received a warning for a headlight. Multiple callers reported an over turned vehicle on Mitkof Highway. A caller reported individuals spinning brodies in a parking lot. An officer on detail was unable to respond. A caller reported the location of an individual with an outstanding warrant. A driver received a warning for a headlight violation. A vehicle parked off a roadway ran out of gas. March 3 A caller reported someone in California using their social security number. A dr...

  • Courts

    Mar 10, 2016

    March 3 James Coupe appeared before Magistrate Judge Burrell for a trial on a charge of driving without liability insurance. Coupe was found guilty and fined $500 with $400 suspended. Todd Newlun and George Esquiro appeared before District Court Judge Miller in small claims court in a dispute regarding crew share. The court ruled in favor of Esquiro and was owed $940 by Newlun. March 8 Verne Craig appeared before Magistrate Judge Burrell for a charge of unlawful storage of gear. The defendant entered a plea of not guilty. A trial call was set....

  • Lady Vikings triumphant against Lady Panthers

    Jess Field|Mar 10, 2016

    The Lady Vikings beat the Craig Lady Panthers twice last week while celebrating senior parent appreciation in front of the hometown crowd. The two wins closed the books on the regular season and secured the top seed for Petersburg at Regionals to be held in Mt. Edgecumbe this weekend. Head coach Dino Brock says the No. 1 seed is a good reward for a great season so far, and means the team earned an extra day of rest before they take the court. The girls will have a first round bye when the tourna... Full story

  • Vikings score big wins against Craig

    Jess Field|Mar 10, 2016

    The Petersburg High School boys basketball team took two games from Craig last week to end the regular season and earn a No. 1 seed at Regionals. The team will have a first round bye when the tournament kicks off on Wednesday, then face the winner of the Craig and Haines contest in second round action at 4:45 p.m. on Thursday. Head coach Rick Brock says the boys are healthy and ready for Regionals. The team left town on Tuesday so the short week of preparation meant going back to basics and rest...

  • Land selection process moves forward

    Jess Field|Mar 10, 2016

    The Petersburg Land Selection Committee approved sending their initial recommended land selections to the borough assembly on Monday. The borough assembly unanimously approved the recommendations of the land selection committee at their meeting later that night. The action means the land nominations will now be submitted to the Alaska Department of Natural Resources (ADNR). Assembly member Bob Lynn suggested the selection committee and assembly be prepared to select alternative lands to the...

  • Little League takes over ballfields maintenance

    Jess Field|Mar 10, 2016

    The Petersburg borough assembly agreed to transfer the maintenance and licensed use of Mort Fryer Ballfield Park to the local Little League organization on Monday. The assembly voted unanimously to pass the resolution and hopefully save the borough on maintenance and upkeep costs. The agreement between the borough and Little League will end in 2018. Little League district administrator for Southeast Alaska Duane Bell attended the assembly meeting and spoke in support of the agreement to transfer. Bell said the change has been in the works for...

  • Ferry service seeking grant money

    Jess Field|Mar 10, 2016

    The North End Ferry Authority asked the borough assembly to draft a letter of support for the company’s grant application for $117,000. The assembly unanimously agreed to draft the letter of support. The grant money the company is applying for will support the Rainforest Islands Ferry addition of a bow extension to the M/V Rainforest Islander to aid in loading and unloading vehicles at launch ramps used by the service. It will also augment working capital during the initial full year of operations and retire short-term debt, according to a l...

  • Pep band raises the roof

    Mar 10, 2016

  • Corrections:

    Mar 10, 2016

    In last week's edition of the Petersburg Pilot, a photo caption misidentified Gov. Bill Walker as Sen. Bert Stedman. In last week's issue, it was stated Petersburg school's food director Carlee Johnson, was governed by the healthy living grant, but she is actually required to follow the Healthy Hungry Free Kids Act of 2012. The Pilot regrets the errors....

  • Fish Factor

    Laine Welch|Mar 10, 2016

    Fish stomachs could help solve the mystery of why Alaska halibut are so small for their age. Halibut weights are about one-third of what they were 30 years ago, meaning a halibut weighing 120 pounds in the late 1980s is closer to 40 pounds nowadays. One culprit could be arrowtooth flounders, whose numbers have increased 500 percent over the same time to outnumber the most abundant species in the Gulf: pollock. Fishermen for decades have claimed the toothy flounders, which grow to about three feet in length, are blanketing the bottom of the...

  • Library News

    Mar 10, 2016

    Curiosity Creates – Celtic Knots. Thurs., March 10, 3:00 - 4:30 pm. Open to kids grades 1 – 6. In honor of St. Patrick's Day create your own intricately designed Celtic knot. Pokemon Club – Sat., March 12. Elementary/Middle School Club meets 2:00 – 3:30, High School/Young Adult Club meets 3:30 – 5 pm. Beyblade Club – March Tue. 15 3:00 – 4:00. Online Library Catalog - Search for and request material from libraries across the State. Manage your checkouts, renewals and holds in one convenient location with your library card and PIN (last 4 digit...

  • PHS cheer standing tall

    Orin Pierson|Mar 10, 2016

  • Obituary: Walter A. Welton, 64

    Mar 10, 2016

    Walter A. Welton, 64, of Veneta, Ore. died Feb. 27, 2016 at his home after a fight with heart complications and Parkinson's. He was born in Covina, Calif. Aug. 25, 1951 to Eldean and John Welton. They moved to Elmira, Ore., and while living there, he attended and then eventually graduated from Elmira High School. He attended Lane Community College, and took up welding classes. He did marry Carolyn and had two daughters Bobbie and Dondie. In 1976, they moved to Petersburg, Alaska and explored... Full story