Articles from the April 11, 2013 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 26

  • Tonka Seafoods buys Mitkof Cannery from Trident

    Ron Loesch|Apr 11, 2013

    Tonka Seafoods has purchased Mitkof Cannery on Libby Straight from Trident Seafoods according to partners Seth Scrimsher and Wendel Gilbert. The company’s processing space will increase from 3,000 sq. ft. at its Sing Lee Alley location to 30,000 square feet at Libby Straight. Tonka will acquire 2.08 acres of waterfront along Wrangell Narrows, the cannery and the cookhouse. Trident will retain the warehouse, bunkhouse and loading dock and 1.92 acres of uplands. The larger space will allow T... Full story

  • Fundraising flamingos flock to Petersburg

    Shelly Pope|Apr 11, 2013

    Flocks of flamingos have landed in various yards around Petersburg and who knows which yard they will be in next. The Petersburg Humane Association, along with the Petersburg Junior Girl Scouts, have been busy landing flamingos for a good cause. Throughout the month, the bright pink birds can be found all around Petersburg for a donation to the PHA. “This is the first year we have tried this,” PHA Director Merrily Jones said. “By the second day they were in rotation we had about 20 spots filled.... Full story

  • PMC to end patient surveys and investigate 'mini health fair' options

    Suzanne Ashe|Apr 11, 2013

    The Petersburg Medical Center Board of Directors during a regular meeting on March, 30 decided to end the Patient Satisfaction Surveys. The year-long survey program asks patients to rate their medical care. “I think over time we’ll have less and less returned surveys, so the data will become more and more meaningless,” said PMC CEO Elizabeth Woodyard. “If our scores varied tremendously [the surveys] would remain,” she said adding that based on the surveys, patients are satisfied with their level of care, but not “wowed.” “We have a lot of p... Full story

  • ADF&G announces Chinook quotas, king regulations

    Apr 11, 2013

    The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced last week that the preseason Chinook salmon all-gear harvest quota for Southeast Alaska in 2013 is 176,000 fish. The 2013 quota is 90,000 fish lower than the 2012 allowable preseason Chinook all-gear harvest level of 266,800. The Chinook Technical Committee of the Pacific Salmon Commission determines the annual all-gear quota for Southeast. The quota is based on the forecast of an aggregate abundance of Pacific Coast Chinook salmon stocks subject to management under the treaty. Most Chinook...

  • Yesterday's News

    Apr 11, 2013

    April 12, 1913 – Are Bound For Siberia: Will E. Hudson, one of the Post Intelligencer's staff photographer, travelling on the boat Polar Bear, Captain Lane, master, together with a Zoological party representing the Smithsonian Institute and Harvard Museum, visited in town several hours Wednesday. Mr. Hudson said that they were on their way North intending to visit the Aleutian Islands, from there will travel by way of Bering sea to Siberia and the Arctic. The Zoological party will be busy gathering up datas for their respective institution w...

  • Sea Otter Management Committee re-vamps resolution

    Shelly Pope|Apr 11, 2013

    The Ad Hoc Sea Otter Management Committee has met twice to discuss ways to enhance or amend Resolution 1958, which was originally adopted in January 2011, to encourage support managing the exploding sea otter population in southeast Alaska. “I believe this resolution states things pretty well,” Committee Chair and Petersburg Borough Assembly member Kurt Wohlhueter said. “I think we can take this and add to it or amend it and use it as a model for what we want to say.” Friday afternoon the committee scoured over information in the US Fish and Wi...

  • To the Editor

    Apr 11, 2013

    Tonka Mess To the Editor: Thanks for this truth. Additionally, the Tonka mess goes far beyond these later-made changes. The Final EIS is devoid of important habitat & wildlife information that ADF&G put on record earlier in the Tonka planning process. That was removed at the direction of the State's Tongass timber tzar (in DNR), who executed the Parnell administration's political policy. The governor is entitled to his policy, but an EIS must be a fact-driven document. The Forest Service failed the public interest Larry Edwa...

  • What respect means to me

    Apr 11, 2013

    What respect means to me is kindness and always paying attention when the person is talking. Also respect is an act of giving particular attention: consideration. When I’m respectful I’m kind and listening to what the teacher or my friends are saying. When I show respect I would normally get respect back and if my family shows respect to me they would get respect back. All-in-all respect is an act of kindness and helpfulness. I love to be respectful because I’m a person of kindness. Madyson Sauer, 6th grade Respect is treating others the same a...

  • Masons present bicycle to readers

    Shelly Pope|Apr 11, 2013

    Local Masonic leaders, with leaders of the Grand Lodge of Alaska were in attendance to present new bicycles to two elementary students who reached their accelerated reading goal for the trimester. “These kids have all worked very hard on the accelerated reading goals,” Stedman Elementary School Principal Erica Klundt-Painter said. “We had 80 percent of our students reach their goals for this period.” Each of the students’ names who reached their reading goal were placed in a drawing for the n...

  • Road Construction continues on Nordic Drive

    Shelly Pope|Apr 11, 2013

    Matt McGuan, Project Engineer for DOWL HKM, reported that the concrete pavement has been poured on the east side of Nordic Drive in front of the Trading Union Hardware Store during a road construction progress meeting Tuesday afternoon. “SECON has completed the installation of the storm drain pipe and structures on the Phase 2 portion of Nordic Drive,” McGuan stated. “They have also completed the demolition of Excel Street with the exception of the south sidewalk.” McGuan also said that the inst...

  • Police reports

    Apr 11, 2013

    April 3 Two men were reported urinating on a building on N. Nordic Drive. A verbal warning was given for failure to yield on Wrangell Avenue. A vehicle was reported parked for an extended period of time on Nordic Drive. An unattended and unmarked bag was reported seen outside of a building. An individual was in a residence without permission. Nothing was reported missing. A disabled vehicle was towed from Nordic Drive. April 4 A large spike was reported on the roadway on Sing Lee Alley. Officers were requested for assistance with an...

  • Courts

    Apr 11, 2013

    March 21 Anthony Lee Hanson, 34, appeared before Magistrate Judge Leonard DeVaney for an arraignment on the charge of fourth degree assault with reckless injury. Hanson entered a plea of not guilty and was released with conditions. Trial has been set for May 21, 2013. Jacob A. Sturgeon, 20, appeared before Magistrate Desiree Burrell for an arraignment on the charges of driving with license cancelled, suspended or revoked. Sturgeon entered a plea of not guilty and was released with conditions. Trial has been set for May 21, 2013. March 29 Lisa...

  • Lady Viking runners place third in Ketchikan meet

    Shelly Pope|Apr 11, 2013

    The Petersburg Viking runners traveled to Ketchikan for the first track meet of the season and the girls came home with third place and the boys placed fourth in Saturday's competition. For the boys, senior Viking Mizani Rawhani came in first place in the 110 meter hurdles, seventh in the 100 meter dash and third in the 300 meter hurdles; Kaleb Simbahon placed 18th in the shot put and eighth in the triple jump; Nels Evens placed 11th in the 3,200 meter run and 18th in the 800 meter run; Ben...

  • PHS goes to Washington

    Apr 11, 2013

  • Ice makes land in the Narrows

    Apr 11, 2013

  • Library to archive all Petersburg newspapers

    Shelly Pope|Apr 11, 2013

    The Petersburg Public Library has currently archived Petersburg newspapers from the years 1913 to 1931 in order to make information easier to access. In order to see these archived newspapers just visit the Petersburg Public Library web page; a link has been established on the home page. “All of the information is at your fingertips,” Librarian Tara Alcock said. “The beauty of this is we have not had to do this ourselves.” Alcock explained that the library's microfilm was sent to Advantage, a company down south that converted the informa...

  • Ketchikan council OKs review of SEAPA

    Andrew Sheeler KDN News staff writer|Apr 11, 2013

    A motion to join the City and Borough of Wrangell in studying the possibility of separating from the Southeast Alaska Power Agency drew heated debate among Ketchikan City Council members Thursday before gaining narrow approval. The Council was considering whether to follow Wrangell’s lead and partner with that city and possibly Petersburg, the third member of SEAPA, in commissioning a study about SEAPA’s ongoing value to the three communities. During the public comment portion of the meeting, people spoke both for and against the motion. Jason...

  • Nicholls tapped as GM of TBPA, union contract ratified

    Greg Knight|Apr 11, 2013

    The Thomas Bay Power Authority commissioners undertook a lengthy discussion over who will be hired to take the reins of the utility for Wrangell and Petersburg during a special meeting held March 4 in Wrangell. A motion by commissioner Dave Galla to keep current manager Paul Southland on as the full-time leader of the utility for at least a year failed by a 4-3 vote, with commissioners Robert Larson, Joe Nelson, Clay Hammer and president John Jensen voting against the motion. TBPA operations foreman Mick Nicholls was then nominated by commissio...

  • Students win statewide art awards

    Sarah Bessel|Apr 11, 2013

    Petersburg's own Sydney Guthrie took first place in Short Fiction Writing with her work “Weeping Willow” in F Magazine's third annual Alaska Statewide Youth Art & Writing Competition on March 16. Patricia Jackson and Diane Murph were awarded 'Honorable Mention' in art. Jackson's “Reflection” is a self portrait in pastels. “I was inspired by the difference of perception in how people look at you instead of who you really are,” said Jackson. Murph's “Epiphany” is an elaborate work in ink and penc...

  • Salvation Army Alaska Congress in Petersburg

    Suzanne Ashe|Apr 11, 2013

  • Rinehart appointed to Sealaska board

    Greg Knight|Apr 11, 2013

    The Sealaska board of directors announced last week that Richard Rinehart, Jr. has been selected to fill an open seat on the 13-member board. Rinehart fills a board term that will end at the Sealaska annual meeting in 2013. Clarence Jackson, Sr. of Kake previously held the seat. After the passing of Director Jackson in January, Sealaska followed a process to fill the vacant seat that allowed for open submissions from shareholders. The Sealaska Nominations Committee met several times to review...

  • Obituary, Carmen Nancy Lopez, 51

    Apr 11, 2013

    Carmen Nancy Lopez, 51, Carmen entered the Alaska Native Medical Center in Anchorage November, 2012 and remained there until she was transferred to her niece Cerise Sander’s home for hospice care. She was called home to be with her Lord on March 19, 2013. She was born on October 11, 1961 to Ethelyn and Art Lopez in Petersburg, Alaska. Her ancestry consisted of the Tlingit tribe on her mother’s side and Colombian Spanish on her father’s side. She was of the Raven moiety, her clan was Tak... Full story

  • Buyers push back against high halibut prices

    Laine Welch|Apr 11, 2013

    Absent from supermarket fliers this spring have been ads featuring the year’s first fresh halibut, reflecting the anticipated push back by buyers to the high priced fish. “No ads in the papers. No excitement this year,” said more than one major buyer. In recent years, dwindling supplies of halibut helped push up dock prices to more than $7/lb at major ports, and halibut fillets topped $20/lb at retail. That’s not the case this year. The fishery opened March 23 and the prices for first deliveries at Kodiak were reported at $5.25 - $5.75/l...

  • Coast Guard lifts man from Alaska sailboat

    Apr 11, 2013

    ANCHORAGE (AP) — A Coast Guard helicopter Tuesday plucked a man from a 31-foot sailboat floating without power in the treacherous Gulf of Alaska. Spokeswoman Sara Francis said Rory Williams used his Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon to signal he needed assistance. A helicopter launched from Sitka and hoisted him from the stricken vessel at about 2:20 p.m. “It's fortunate that he had an EPIRB with him,” Francis said. The Coast Guard listed the vessel's home port as Sitka, an island city of 9,000 about 95 miles southwest of Junea...

  • NTSB: Ferry fire likely caused by welding crew

    Apr 11, 2013

    ANCHORAGE (AP) — The National Transportation Safety Board says a fire on an Alaska ferry in Ketchikan for repairs likely was caused by hot materials left behind by a work crew that broke for lunch. The fire Feb. 7, 2012, caused damage estimated between $500,000 and $750,000 to the Malaspina (mal-ah-SPEE'-nah) at Alaska Ship and Drydock. The Coast Guard investigated the fire. The fire began just before noon in the sewage treatment room below a crew member stateroom where a work crew was repairing a ventilation duct. Investigators determined t...

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