Articles from the April 18, 2019 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 18 of 18

  • Assembly opposes budget in letter to governor

    Brian Varela|Apr 18, 2019

    The borough assembly approved a resolution on Monday opposing Gov. Mike Dunleavy's proposed 2020 fiscal year budget that also lists the direct impacts of the budget to the borough. Resolution #2019-06 urges the governor and the Alaska Legislature to adopt a more balanced budget that only includes budget cuts that are backed up with an analysis of the cut's economic and social impacts to Alaska residents. According to the resolution, the proposed budget would do significant damage to the economie...

  • Spring time tea

    Apr 18, 2019

    Devyn Flint, Lydia Morrison, Cadence Flint and Lexie Tow seated at the Spring Time in Paris table at Saturday's spring tea party hosted by the Pioneers of Alaska's Women's Igloo #10...

  • Skipper faces $8,000 fine for dumping sandblast waste

    Ron Loesch|Apr 18, 2019

    The captain of the fishing vessel Alaskan Girl has been indicted on federal charges of discharging 16,000 pounds of pollutant into the waters of Sumner Strait in June 2017, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office. According to information provided in a plea agreement filed on April 15, the F/V Alaskan Girl skippered by Brannon Finney, was enroute from Wrangell to Petersburg with four bags, known as super sacks or brailer bags, onboard. Each 4,000-pound bag contained sandblast waste generated...

  • Deer population up between 2013 and 2016 on Mitkof Island

    Brian Varela|Apr 18, 2019

    Between 2013 and 2016, the deer population on Mitkof Island was on an upward trend, according to Stephen Bethune, Unit 4 area management biologist with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game based in Sitka. It is difficult for ADF&G to survey the exact number of deer on Mitkof Island, so it tracks population trends over a several year period, according to Bethune. To determine the trends, ADF&G uses deer pellet surveys, hunter harvest rates and aerial surveys. Between 2004 and 2008, the deer...

  • Assessors settle remaining property tax appeals

    Brian Varela|Apr 18, 2019

    The borough's contract assessors gave the borough assembly, who were acting as the board of equalization, a review of the remaining unsettled property tax appeals between property owner Andrew Cowan and the assessor on April 9. Every four years, the borough's contract assessors cycle through different areas of the borough evaluating current building permits as needed. This year the assessors evaluated the canneries and properties near the borough's cemetery. The assessors received 81 appeals...

  • Proclamation of Appreciation

    Apr 18, 2019

    Mayor Mark Jensen, left, presents a Proclamation of Appreciation to retired fire chief Doug Welde for his dedication to the Petersburg Volunteer Fire Department and Petersburg for over the past 50 years at Monday's borough assembly meeting....

  • Fire department petitions borough assembly to fill vacant EMS position

    Brian Varela|Apr 18, 2019

    During Monday's borough assembly meeting, assistant fire chief Dave Berg presented a petition to the assembly requesting that they fill the vacant emergency medical services coordinator position. The petition had over 25 signatures from members of the Petersburg Volunteer Fire Department. If the borough were to fill the vacant position, then the Petersburg Volunteer Fire Department would have a designated person available to train EMS volunteers and free up Fire/EMS director Sandy Dixson's time...

  • Hospital CEO kayaks 135 miles to Ketchikan

    Brian Varela|Apr 18, 2019

    Taking advantage of the sunshine Southeast Alaska has been experiencing this spring, Petersburg Medical Center CEO Phil Hofstetter paddled 135 miles in his kayak to Ketchikan by himself as a way to test his endurance. His journey began Friday, March 29 at Banana Point and he arrived in Ketchikan the following Monday. He was greeted by staff at Peace Health Ketchikan Medical Center. Hofstetter said he had been planning to visit the facility and build a relationship with the staff, but flights...

  • Police report

    Apr 18, 2019

    April 3 — Juan Gallardo, 36, was issued a citation for driving without a valid driver’s license. A police patrol was requested on S. Nordic Dr. A vehicle was illegally parked on school grounds. Authorities were requested at a location on Howkan Dr. to deal with an unruly customer. Authorities responded to a civil argument over child custody. Andrew J. Whitethorn, 45, was arrested on charges of driving under the influence, assault in the fourth degree and two counts of criminal mischief in the fifth degree. April 4 — Extra patrols were requested...

  • Parks & Recreation to reduce hours starting May 1

    Brian Varela|Apr 18, 2019

    The Petersburg Park and Recreation Center will be temporarily reducing their hours of operation beginning May 1 due to understaffing. Currently, the community center is open Monday through Saturday from 6 A.M. through 9 P.M. and 1 P.M. through 7 P.M. on Sundays. Starting May 1, the community center will only be open from Tuesday through Saturday from 6 A.M. through 9 P.M. According to Parks and Recreation director Chandra Thornburg, the new schedule will allow Parks and Rec staff to keep the...

  • Work begins for the new hospital

    Apr 18, 2019

    Work began to clear land for Wrangell's new hospital last week. Kendall Nielsen, with Dawson Construction, said that they began cutting down trees on April 4, and will continue to clear and level land next to the AICS Clinic through the rest of the month. The land will be ready to pour the foundation by the second week of May, he added. The new hospital has been an ongoing project in Wrangell for several years. Construction of a new hospital was part of the deal made by the Southeast Alaska...

  • Murkowski Announces $10.9 Million in  Secure Rural Schools Payments to Alaska

    Apr 18, 2019

    U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, announced on Tuesday that communities across Alaska will soon receive a total of $10,990,708 to fund schools and local budget priorities. The payments are being provided through the Secure Rural Schools (SRS) program, which Murkowski successfully reauthorized and funded through Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 in the FY2018 omnibus appropriations bill. "Local communities in Alaska and across the country rely on the Secure Rural Schools program to pay for essential...

  • State plans to award contract for ferry options protested

    Apr 18, 2019

    JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — The state’s intent to award a contract to a company to review options for the future of Alaska’s ferry system is being challenged by the other bidder for the job. Aurah Landau is a spokeswoman for the state transportation department. She says two companies submitted proposals, and the state issued a notice of intent to award Northern Economics the contract. The state’s budget for the project was up to $250,000. She says Northern Economics’ bid was $249,887.54. The second company submitting a proposal, MAP Consultin...

  • Watch Me Grow!

    Apr 18, 2019

    Early Childhood Care Family Fair Saturday, April 13...

  • SE have partnered with Net Your Problem to recycle old or derelict seine and gillnets

    Laine Welch|Apr 18, 2019

    The Panhandle plans to be the next Alaska region to give new life to old fishing gear by sending it to plastic recycling centers. The tons of nets and lines piled up in local lots and landfills will become the raw material for soda bottles, cell phone cases, sunglasses, skateboards, swimsuits and more. Juneau, Haines, Petersburg and possibly Sitka have partnered with Net Your Problem to launch an effort this year to send old or derelict seine and gillnets to a recycler in Richmond, British Columbia. “We’re going to be working in a new loc...

  • Neuneker and Courtney to wed

    Apr 18, 2019

    The engagement of Kristin Neuneker and Michael Courtney is being announced by the couples' parents, Mike and Vonda Neuneker of Petersburg, Alaska and Danny and Lynette Courtney of Chugiak, Alaska. Kristin is a 2010 graduate of PHS; a 2014 Pacific Lutheran University graduate; and earned her MS in 2017 at UAF College of Fisheries and Ocean Science. She is currently employed as ADF&G Lead Biologist on the Stikine River Chinook Salmon Projects. Michael is a 2004 graduate of Chugiak HS, served in...

  • Congressman works to save cabins in Tongass National Forest

    Apr 18, 2019

    In a trip through Southeast Alaska, Congressman Don Young (R) stopped in Petersburg on Tuesday to meet with constituents and talk about the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA). Signed in 1980, the act provided protection to over one million acres of land in Alaska, which includes parts of the Tongass National Forest. Under ANILCA, cabins cannot be built on protected land designated as wilderness. The cabins that were already built prior to ANILCA were grandfathered in; howev...

  • Online tax ordinance passes to its third reading

    Brian Varela|Apr 18, 2019

    In its second reading on Monday, the borough assembly approved Ordinance #2019-02, which would create language in the borough's sales tax code regarding internet sales of goods and services. According to finance director Judy Tow, the borough's current tax code doesn't mention internet sales tax, nor does it forbid it. The ordinance would just broaden the language in the sales tax code to include internet vendors not located in Petersburg or Alaska. One member of the public spoke during a...

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