Articles from the May 25, 2017 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 23 of 23

  • Four new cams collect traffic data for ADOT

    Ron Loesch Publisher|May 25, 2017

    Four traffic cameras have been placed at Haugen and Nordic Drive locations to collect both pedestrian and vehicle data for the Alaska Dept. of Transportation, according to Ryan Siverly, Regional Highway Data Manager. Cameras are mounted to telescoping poles attached to street signs. At the base of the pole is a battery pack. Data is relayed to equipment in an ADOT van for storage. The cameras are placed at the corners of Nordic and Dolphin, Nordic and Haugen, Haugen and Second and at Haugen and...

  • 2017 Little Norway Festival

    May 25, 2017

  • Randal Long indicted by Grand Jury on Wednesday

    Ron Loesch Publisher|May 25, 2017

    A grand jury indicted Randal K. Long on three counts of Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance on Wednesday May 24. Long was arrested by the Petersburg Police Department on April 26 after search warrants were executed and 1,500 doses of Methamphetamine were seized from two locations. The indictment allows prosecutors to proceed with a criminal case against Long. The search was carried out with the cooperation of multiple law enforcement agencies. The seized drugs had a street value of...

  • Grey's Passage area closed to King fishing

    May 25, 2017

    The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced Tuesday king salmon sport fishing regulations have changed for the marine waters adjacent to the Stikine River in District 8, near Petersburg and Wrangell. From May 25 through July 15, sport fishing for king salmon is closed for the Grey's Passage area. This area is defined by all waters encompassed by a line from Babbler Point to Hour Point; Point Highfield to an ADFG regulatory marker located at the eastern entrance of Blind Slough; a...

  • Yesterday's News

    May 25, 2017

    May 25, 1917 – Arrangements for the purchase of the Charles Smith residence were completed at a meeting of the Petersburg Hospital Association. The sum of $500.00 had been paid three months previous as an option on the property, since which time about $1,500 was colected in subscriptions, leaving a balance of $1,500 to be raised on the purchase price, $3,500. May 29, 1942 – “By far the best Poppy Sale we have ever had”, is the report of Mrs. Fred Nelson, chairman of the Poppy Sale for Petersburg. A total of $136.00 was turned in for sale of...

  • King Salmon derby starts Friday

    May 25, 2017

    The 36th Annual Petersburg Chamber of Commerce King Salmon Derby gets underway this Friday at 7 a.m. The derby continues through the Memorial Day Weekend and ends Monday at 5 p.m. The Derby hopes to tag and release two fish worth $10,000 and $5,000 prior to the start of the Derby. The $10,000 prize is sponsored by Alaska Marine Lines and the Petersburg Chamber of Commerce. The $5,000 tagged fish is sponsored by Hammer and Wikan. Volunteers fished all morning on Wednesday for the tagged fish and, weather permitting, will continue trolling on Thu...

  • Mayor resigns

    May 25, 2017

    Without explanation or elaboration Mayor Mark Jensen resigned his position in a single sentence letter sent to the Borough Clerk, Borough Manager and the Borough Assembly. “I, Mark Jensen, resign my position as Mayor of the Petersburg Borough effective 8:00 a.m. today, May 18, 2017,” the letter read. Cindi Lagoudakis is the Vice Mayor and will assume the mayoral duties. Jensen was elected to a second three-year term during the Borough election held October, 2016....

  • To the Editor

    May 25, 2017

    Thank you To the Editor: Thank you to all the wonderful people that came and helped haul stuff out of my warehouse that collapsed on the beach. I really appreciate all of you. Sigrid C. Medalen Fluoride To the Editor: Being a dentist in this community for approximately 37 years, 14 without fluoridation and 23 with, I have seen the positive effect that it has had on the dental health of the people in this town. When a water supply is fluoridated at the correct level, decay rates in permanent teeth drop significantly, because the enamel of these...

  • Mayfest Mayhem 2017 Victory

    May 25, 2017

  • Police reports

    May 25, 2017

    May 17 — Chase A. Martin, 22 was cited for driving without a valid license. Police responded to an alarm on N. 1st. St. Police provided transport on Hungerford Hill. Trespassing was reported on Mill Slough. Brittany L. Martin, 24 was arrested following a reported assault. May 18 — Suspicious activity was reported on N. 14th St., Vesta St., N. Nordic Drive and S. Nordic Drive on this date. A process service was made at a Skylark Way address. A disabled vehicle was reported at 4th and Gjoa. A motor vehicle accident was reported at Haugen and Nord...

  • Norwegian American

    May 25, 2017

  • 2017 Little Norway Festival May 19 - 21

    May 25, 2017

  • Mitkof Mummers'

    May 25, 2017

  • Obituary, Scott Larson, 54

    May 25, 2017

    Scott Louis Larson, 54, passed away Monday, May 15, in his home in Petersburg, Alaska. Larson was born October 19, 1962, the son of Clifford and Lois (Blekeberg) Larson, in Denver, Colorado. He was raised and educated in Minot, North Dakota, where he graduated from Minot High School in 1981. Scott furthered his education at North Dakota State College of Science in Wahpeton and graduated in 1983 with a degree in Electronics. Once he obtained his degree, he packed his bags and moved to Alaska. He... Full story

  • Track and field team takes second in Region V

    Dan Rudy|May 25, 2017

    Petersburg athletes had a field day in Juneau for the Region V track and field championships. In the mens and womens varsity categories both, the team took second place after Sitka among 1-3A division schools, in terms of points. “It went as well as could be expected. The kids performed unbelievably superb,” coach Brad Taylor reported. Petersburg arrived early the morning of May 17, getting in two days of practice on Thunder Mountain High School's facilities. Students were able to hone skills in hurdling and jumping in ways they are oth...

  • Fish Factor: Legislative haggling may hurt fisheries management

    Laine Welch|May 25, 2017

    Alaska salmon managers are hoping for the best and planning for the worst as lawmakers extend into a third special session to try and agree on a state budget. It is the third year in a row they have not finished their legislative session on time due to budget differences. The haggling, which could last up to 30 days, means pink slips could go out to all state workers in less than two weeks in advance of job layoffs. “It’s similar to what happened last year. Pink slips go out on June 1 and then we have to start getting people out because they ca...

  • June Assembly meeting

    May 25, 2017

    The first Assembly meeting for June, 2017 has been changed to 10 a.m. on Tuesday, May 30, according to Borough Clerk Debra Thompson....

  • Appeals panel sides with agency on Alaska timber project

    May 25, 2017

    JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) – A divided federal appeals court panel has ruled that the U.S. Forest Service “chose jobs over wolves” in approving a logging project in southeast Alaska but was within its authority to do so. The decision is in response to lawsuits by conservation groups that challenged the Big Thorne project on Prince of Wales Island and cited concerns about the impact on the Alexander Archipelago wolf. It upholds a lower court ruling. The majority opinion from the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals panel states that the Forest Servi...

  • Sons of Norway parade

    May 25, 2017

  • meet the Class of 2017

    May 25, 2017

    Kallie Caples Parents: Darcy Caples and Donny Caples Number of Years in Petersburg Schools: Thirteen years - Kindergarten through Senior. High School Awards or Honors: MoneySkill Completion (American Financial Services Association Education Foundation), Certification of Recognition Cheerleader Manager (2015-2016). Plans following graduation: I plan on Attending NIC in the fall and hoping to pursue a degree in Business management. Favorite Book: “To Kill A Mockingbird” by Harper Lee. Alissa Lund Parents: Keris Hadley and Paul Lund Number of Yea...

  • Administration reflects on PHS Class of 2017

    Ron Loesch Publisher|May 25, 2017

    “Outstanding students in athletics, activities and scholastics,” is how Principal Rick Dormer will remember the PHS Class of 2017. The senior class members have, “distinct personalities, and are funny kids who lighten up your day,” according to the principal. “Their personalities will be missed by the staff. Respectfully, they were a handful in Middle School, but they have grown into mature young adults,” Dormer added. Dormer noted the athletic achievements of members of this year’s championship basketball team and the impressive feats of the c...

  • The PHS Class of 2017

    May 25, 2017

    Front (l-r) Mike File, Emma Chase, Chandler Strickland, Abi Benitz, Victoria Wegener, Hana Newman, Alexandra Bless. Second row (l-r) Buddy Stelmach, Alan McCay, Brandy Mulberry , Izabelle Ith, Alissa Lund, Morgan Swihart, Mariah Taylor, Kristina Lynn (not graduating from PHS). Third row (l-r) Kayleigh Eddy, Nathaniel Lenhard, Daniel Holmberg (not graduating from PHS), Kelsa Sperl, Kallie Caples, Sydney Guthrie. Fourth row (l-r) Casey Bell, Ben Higgins, Ethan Cummins, Nicholas Herrmann-Sakamoto, Axel Vidas, Stewart Conn, Blaine Volk, Wolf...

  • Joseph Zarlengo graduates from USCGA

    May 25, 2017

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