Articles from the June 11, 2015 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 24 of 24

  • Petersburg vessel sinks on Fairweather Grounds

    Dani Palmer|Jun 11, 2015

    Owned by local fisherman Jay Thomassen, the 73-foot fishing vessel Kupreanof went down early Wednesday morning on the Fairweather Grounds. U.S. Coast Guard Petty Officer Third Class Meredith Manning said Sector Juneau watchstanders received the mayday call from the ship's captain at 3:42 a.m. and launched an MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter from Air Station Sitka. The helicopter crew located the sinking vessel between Cross Sound and Yakutat Bay. Manning said the four crew members were in their... Full story

  • Petersburg School Board approves 2016 budget

    Dani Palmer|Jun 11, 2015

    The state still hasn’t decided on a budget, but the Petersburg School District has. The school board approved the district’s 2016 budget during its monthly meeting Tuesday evening in assembly chambers. Finance Director Karen Quitslund said Petersburg schools’ are looking at an $8.4 million general fund next year. “Well this has certainly been a very interesting budget year,” she said, adding she may not have survived it if it had been her first year in the job. While there are still uncertainties, the district’s budget is due to the state b... Full story

  • A new record: May received less than an inch of rain

    Dani Palmer|Jun 11, 2015

    With less than an inch of rain, May of 2015 is officially the driest on record. Meteorologist Richard Lam, with the National Weather Service (NWS) in Juneau, said Petersburg only recorded 0.26 inches of rain last month. The former record was set in 1996, when there was 1.15 inches of precipitation, according to NWS data. This May set a second record in the longest stretch of consecutive days without measurable precipitation at 22, Lam added, beating the 20 day record set in 1958. The reason was a broad high pressure system that kept storm... Full story

  • Yesterday's News

    Jun 11, 2015

    June 12, 1915 – The territorial secretary has received a reply from the Secretary of Commerce Refield to the “fish-trap” memorial passed by the Alaska legislature. Mr. Redfield says: “I will take this opportunity to express my belief that the time is not ripe for the assumption by the territorial legislature of Alaska of full jurisdiction over the fishing industry. It is my belief that just as any legitimate business enterprise is entitled to the legitimate protection, so should those engaged in the taking of fish lawfully by the use of trap...

  • Hungry Point Trail to become part boardwalk

    Dani Palmer|Jun 11, 2015

    At least a portion of the Hungry Point Trail extension will be elevated boardwalk, similar to that of Blind River Rapids Trailhead. The Petersburg Indian Association board decided on June 1 to construct the boardwalk trail from 14th Street up to the ball field section of the trail. The decision was a combination of economics, zoning and environmental regulation concerns, Transportation Director Susan Harai said. The Petersburg Planning and Zoning Commission will likely discuss the lower route at its August meeting. It’s in an unplatted s...

  • Mom & babies

    Jun 11, 2015

  • To the Editor

    Jun 11, 2015

    Is zoning coming to the borough? To the Editor: Prior to the Borough election, I had several meetings with the Borough manager and asked about Borough intentions for the outlying areas to be incorporated. He assured me that there would not be any additional rules and regulations in these areas. Now, suddenly, there is talk of zoning regulations. Building codes always follow on the heels of zoning codes and both require enforcement and inspection. This will result in higher government costs and require additional taxes to pay for these...

  • Petersburg reunion 2015

    Jun 11, 2015

  • Local couple meets the king of Norway

    Dani Palmer|Jun 11, 2015

    Locals Al and Sally Dwyer not only got to meet the king of Norway, but invited him to come check out Petersburg. The couple met King Harald V on May 27 during an Alaska World Affairs Council luncheon. They, and others, also joined him for an evening event. Al was the first to receive an email from the Anchorage Sons of Norway lodge about the opportunity, and then Sally as the cultural director for the district. They had to get credentials and Sally was selected to join just a handful of people...

  • Police reports

    Jun 11, 2015

    June 4 Police received reports of a snow machine being tipped over on the side of Mitkof Highway at mile 2. A caller reported an assault and requested civil standby. Police received report of rain washing out fresh gravel work on Sing Lee Alley and Nordic, and notified the responsible party. A caller made a report of dogs being left out on the porch barking all the time. June 5 An officer gave a warning for driving without lights on Gjoa. An intoxicated individual was reported heading south in the 200 block of North Nordic Drive. Zebadiah...

  • Psg Library challenges youth to read more this summer

    Dani Palmer|Jun 11, 2015

    The Summer Reading Challenge and its companion, the Read to Me Challenge, are underway at the Petersburg Public Library. The goal is for each child to read 120 minutes per week, even if they're traveling, Librarian Director Tara Alcock said. "I think it's a great way to just keep kids reading over the summer," said Jennifer Dickson, who has both of her children participating. She's always encouraged her kids to read, reading to them when they were younger, and said they usually enjoy it. But...

  • Pool reopens after two week closure

    Dani Palmer|Jun 11, 2015

    The Petersburg Aquatic Center is back up and running after an electrical fire knocked out its two boilers. Parks and Recreation Director Donn Hayes said a fire in the boilers' wiring on May 27 left them inoperable, forcing closure of the pool. It reopened on Wednesday as one boiler is again running and water temperatures have risen to mandated levels. Hayes said a technician from the manufacturers of the boilers came in to examine both. He was able to rebuild one and get it back online. "It's...

  • University tech program sets up shop in Wrangell

    Dan Rudy|Jun 11, 2015

    WRANGELL - The next steps have been taken on an agreement between the University of Alaska Southeast and Wrangell Public School District, with the establishment of an office for the university's technical preparation program. The tech prep program is offered for college credit through the university, and courses are taught by approved instructors using UAS syllabi. Enrolled students earn high school credits needed for graduation as well, and school superintendent Patrick Mayer explained the...

  • Thousand year old skull found on Stikine awaits interment

    Dan Rudy|Jun 11, 2015

    WRANGELL — A skull found by a hunter near the Stikine River almost three years ago has yet to be interred. Wrangell resident Vena Stough discovered the skull while at Government Slough on Oct. 5, 2012, and brought it to the local police department. From there it made its way to United States Forest Service offices in Petersburg for further analysis. “What we try to do is figure out if it’s Native American ancestry,” explained Jane Smith, an archaeologist for the USFS for 23 years. The repatriation process is governed by the Native America...

  • Ketchikan lawmaker faces fines for campaign violations

    Jun 11, 2015

    JUNEAU (AP) — A Ketchikan lawmaker faces possible fines of about $6,000 for campaign violations, including not properly reporting some contributions and spending. The Alaska Public Offices Commission says Rep. Dan Ortiz also received a prohibited contribution in the form of a bed-and-breakfast stay and didn't report who paid for several campaign fliers. Commission staff noted Ortiz's cooperation and status as a first-time legislative candidate in recommending fines lower than the maximum possible. The commission was scheduled to hear the m...

  • Halibut bycatch limit reduced by 25 percent in Bering Sea

    Jun 11, 2015

    JUNEAU (AP) — The North Pacific Fishery Management Council is asking pollock and cod trawlers in the Bering Sea to cut halibut bycatch by a fourth. The Juneau Empire reports Sunday afternoon's 6-3 vote didn't give halibut fisherman the 41-percent reduction they wanted and frustrated trawlers targeting other fish who say they've voluntarily put measures in place to avoid bycatch. Two council members recused themselves from the vote because of their jobs in the fishing industry....

  • US Rep. Don Young marries on his 82nd birthday

    Jun 11, 2015

    JUNEAU (AP) — The longest-serving Republican in the U.S. House has remarried, tying the knot on his 82nd birthday. U.S. Rep. Don Young's office says the Alaska Republican married 76-year-old Anne Garland Walton during a private ceremony in the chapel of the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday. The House chaplain officiated. Both Young and Walton are widowed; Young's wife, Lu, died in 2009. Last August, he introduced Walton as his fiancee, to applause, during an Anchorage church event. Young was elected to a 22nd term last fall. In a statement, Young s...

  • Fish Factor: Salmon forecast for this season totals 221 million fish

    Laine Welch|Jun 11, 2015

    Salmon fisheries are opening up this month from one end of Alaska to the other. Total catches so far of mostly sockeye, were under one million fish, but will add up fast from here on. A total haul for all Alaska salmon this season is pegged at 221 million fish. A highlight so far is a 40 percent increase in troll action at Southeast regions, where nearly 300 fishermen are targeting king salmon. That’s likely due to a boosted price averaging $7.54 a pound, up $1.88 from last year. Speaking of high prices – Alaska halibut fishermen are fet...

  • PHS Honor Roll

    Jun 11, 2015

    7 - 2015 Petersburg High School Honor Roll and Academic Excellence Highest Honor Roll 12th Grade: Joshua Andrews, Nicholas Larson, Evan Marsh, Aaron Murph, Tayla Wilson, Ben Zarlengo. 11th Grade: Kelly Engell, Stuart Medalen, Chauncy Sandhofer, Sarah Tate, Kylie Wallace. 10th Grade: Casey Bell, Alexandra Bless, Emma Chase, Ethan Cummins, Sydney Guthrie, Izabelle Ith, Brandy Mulbury, Hana Newman, Jason Regula, Mariah Taylor, Cole Young. 9th Grade: Flahavan Abbott, Kathryn Brock, Courtney Fredricksen, Jasmine Ieremia, Helen Martin, Julia...

  • MMS Honor Roll

    Jun 11, 2015

    7-2015 Mitkof Middle School Q4 Honor Roll and Academic Excellence Students achieving highest honor roll with academic excellence of straight As for all four quarters for the 2014-15 School Year. 6th Grade: Lydia Martin 7th Grade: Brooklyn Dormer, Brynn Lister, Jack Byrer, Madison Whitethorn, Tolin Eddy. 8th Grade: Alyssa Guthrie, Louden Sandhofer, Gillian Wittstock. Students achieving highest honor roll with all As in Quarter 4 6th grade: Kendra Coonrad, Allison Davis, Liam Demko. 7th Grade: Katherine Bisset, Melanie Chase, Tatum Hagerman,...

  • Stork report

    Jun 11, 2015

    Liv Nancy Gillen was born to Caryn (Flint) and Todd Gillen on May 3 in Eugene, Ore. She weighed 8 lbs, 8 oz....

  • PMC mammography moving to digital

    Dani Palmer|Jun 11, 2015

    The Petersburg Medical Center (PMC) is upgrading to a digital mammography unit, meaning better service, but a higher cost for patients. During a special meeting Thursday, June 4, Laboratory and Imaging Director Liz Bacom said they received an opportunity to purchase the machine shortly after the Board of Directors approved a software and hardware upgrade that would help PMC convert film images into digital ones. A sales representative from Philips contacted Bacom about a unit in Sitka two weeks after the board approved that $14,000 upgrade to...

  • Track camp for kids

    Jun 11, 2015

  • Two pulled from Sumner Strait after boat capsizes

    Dani Palmer|Jun 11, 2015

    Two men were rescued south of Petersburg in Sumner Strait last week after the boat they were in capsized. Alaska Wildlife Troopers spokesperson Megan Peters said police received the call at 3:29 p.m. on Thursday, June 4. Joseph Hedlund, 57, of Petersburg, and Richard Shepson, 61, of Tacoma, Wash., were pulled from the water by troopers in the patrol vessel Moen, U.S. Forest Service and National Marine Fisheries Service personnel. Peters said the men were fishing when their boat capsized and they signaled for help. Neither were wearing their...

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