Articles from the June 14, 2012 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 23 of 23

  • Governor visits Petersburg, talks infrastructure

    Shelly Pope|Jun 14, 2012

    Governor Sean Parnell was welcomed to town by Petersburg Mayor Al Dwyer Thursday afternoon at a reception in the City Council chambers. “We are happy to welcome you to Petersburg,” Dwyer said. “This is the man that has made it possible to have funding of over $11 million this year alone.” The governor was presented gifts from the Sons of Norway, the Petersburg Parks and Recreation Department and others. “I am a son of Norway,” Parnell said. “I am happy to make myself available to you.” “I want... Full story

  • City council votes to pave Odin and N. Second streets

    Shelly Pope|Jun 14, 2012

    Petersburg City Council amended a contract between the city and R & M Engineering to complete the Water and Sewer Reconstruction Project with an addition of funds not to exceed $37,000 to be paid. A change order for the Water and Sewer Reconstruction was also on the agenda in order to add $6,335.70 to the initial construction contract to add a fabric mesh layer to Odin Street to help support the road bed and keep it from sinking into the muskeg. The cost of paving N. Second Street in the amount of $154,294.10 and surfacing Odin Street with... Full story

  • Borough Election to be held this fall

    Shelly Pope|Jun 14, 2012

    The Local Boundary Commission voted 4 to 1 Friday, June 1, that the City of Petersburg petition for borough formation met all standards for incorporation and authorized that a community wide election be held. The election date has yet to be determined, but is expected to be sometime this fall. The election will be conducted by the State of Alaska and will be a mail-in election. In addition to voting for borough formation, the ballot will also consist of candidates for the position of borough assembly members; borough school board members;... Full story

  • Boardwalk roller coaster

    Jun 14, 2012

    The boardwalk leading to the lower Chief Shakes Slough hot tub from the boat dock suffered structural damage. The collapsed walkway resembled an amusement park roller coaster track. Photo was taken on Sunday....

  • City Manager reports on community activities

    Shelly Pope|Jun 14, 2012

    Petersburg City Manager, Stephen Giesbrecht, reported to the council Monday evening on the current and upcoming projects the city is involved with. “The library project is expected to be surveyed and staked,” Giesbrecht stated. “Excavation of the site should begin in the next couple of weeks.” The Parks and Recreation Department is meeting bi-weekly in preparation for the July 4 celebration. “Anyone with any ideas for the event should call Donn Hayes,” said Giesbrecht. Giesbrecht will meet with Wayne Jensen to take a preliminary look at des...

  • Yesterday's News

    Jun 14, 2012

    June 23, 1982 - 422,000 Alaskans who have lived in the State for at least 6 months, and who have already signed up for the State’s Permanent Fund Dividend program will be receiving a $1,000 check in the mail during the upcoming weeks. The Alaska Department of Revenue began mailing checks out within moments after the Governor signed legislation that replaced the distribution plan that was struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court last Monday, June 14. June 18, 1992 - Alaska Marine Lines 40-foot d...

  • City to negotiate for waterfront property

    Shelly Pope|Jun 14, 2012

    The Petersburg City Council has ordered the city manager to enter into negotiations regarding the purchase of waterfront property owned by the Reid Family Trust. Petersburg City Manager, Stephen Giesbrecht spoke directly in the Monday evening council meeting. “This property is not going to pay for itself.” The council decided to have the property evaluated in order to see what improvements will need to be made. “This is an important piece of property for the fishing community,” City Councilman Rick Braun said. “But I hesitate to buy something...

  • Rainforest Islands Ferry delays launch until spring of 2013

    Shelly Pope|Jun 14, 2012

    The Rainforest Islands Ferry was scheduled to launch in July 2012. Due to funding and design delays the launch of this service has been pushed back to the spring of 2013. City of Coffman Cove representative, Heather Hedges said, “Originally the launch date was delayed because of funding.” The City of Coffman Cove was attempting to receive funds from the United States Department of Agriculture. “We were told that the USDA was no longer funding these projects,” Hedges said. “We tried other ave...

  • Petersburg withdraws from the IFA

    Shelly pope|Jun 14, 2012

    The Petersburg City Council directed an ordinance be prepared to withdraw membership from the Inter-Island Ferry Authority during its May 7 meeting. If this ordinance is approved by a two-thirds Council majority, it will be submitted to the voters for ratification at the City election, Oct. 2. The Inter-Island Ferry Authority was created to develop an efficient and effective network of ferries and ferry-related facilities and services to provide the ferry system to serve the various ferry transportation needs of residents of Prince of Wales...

  • Mayor makes recommendation on appointment to Inter-Island Ferry Authority Board

    Shelly Pope|Jun 14, 2012

    The Inter-Island Ferry Authority of Directors has not reached a decision in regard to the appointment of an individual to serve a three year term as the “at large” board member. The IFA by-laws require that the Mayor from each participating municipality, with concurrence of their respective City Council, appoint the at large director. The choice of candidates before the Mayor and Council are Tim Rooney, Wrangell City and Borough City Manager and Adelia (Deedee) Jefferys of Coffman Cove. City of Petersburg Mayor, Al Dwyer, has recommended Tim...

  • City Council approves budget

    Shelly Pope|Jun 14, 2012

    The Petersburg City Council adopted a budget for the city establishing appropriations for the fiscal year Monday evening. After four work sessions discussing the 2013 proposed budget there were still issues of concern that were brought out during the meeting. “I didn't participate in the budget,” City Councilman Don Koenigs said, “But I think it should be noted that the City of Petersburg has been deficit in its budget spending.” Koenigs says the current budget provides little constraint to limit the city's spending more than it is making. “Thi...

  • Federal Building receives facelift

    Shelly Pope|Jun 14, 2012

    The Federal Building is undergoing a complete exterior renovation. Scaffolding can be seen around all outside surfaces of the building. “We are replacing all windows,” Southwest Construction Project Manager Doug Keith said. “All the siding will be pressure washed and clear coated as well.” The doors will be repainted and a completely new roof will be installed. “We are hoping for a few days of sunshine in order to finish the roof,” Keith said. “I could be finished as soon as the weekend with...

  • Property tax levy resolution passes

    Shelly Pope|Jun 14, 2012

    Petersburg City Council passed Resolution 2010 to establish the rate of levy of property tax for the 2012 and 2013 fiscal year. The assessed taxable value of real property for the City of Petersburg for municipal purposes for calendar year 2012 is $258,764,945. The tax levy for general operations of the city is $1,190,319 which is determined at a 4.6 mill rate; the tax levy for general operations of the school is $1,141,153 which is determined at a 4.41 mill rate. Tax levies for General Obligation Bonds for constructing and equipping a new...

  • Major court house remodel underway

    Shelly Pope|Jun 14, 2012

    The Petersburg Court House has been going through some major changes and these changes are all making a positive impact on the building. “Bathrooms have been added in the main reception area,” Court Clerk Cris Morrison said. “A law library and two adjoining attorney meeting rooms have been added as well.” The court room has been enlarged and the jury box reconfigured and refaced. “Everything is more efficient and well placed,” Morrison said. “And the judge’s entrance has been moved to make i...

  • Police reports

    Jun 14, 2012

    June 6 Individual reported the loss of a wallet containing credit card, debit card, Washington operators license, assorted pictures and papers and approximately $60 to $80. The Petersburg Library reported a donation container stolen. A possible intoxicated individual was reported in Severson’s Subdivision. An officer was requested for a minor vehicle accident on Fram Street. Tasha L. Prus, 47, was issued a citation for limitation on backing. Information was reported regarding possible animal cruelty on Howkan Street. A vehicle was reported b...

  • Courts

    Jun 14, 2012

    June 6 George D. Marlow III, 25, appeared before Judge William Carey to change his plea in Count one of a second degree burglary felony; Count two of a third degree assault felony and Count three of a fourth degree criminal mischief. Marlow entered a guilty plea for Counts one and two and sentencing is set for Monday, Aug. 27, 2012. June 13 Jay Q. Lister, 39, appeared before Deputy Magistrate, Cris Morrison for arraignment for failure to immediately affix a locking tag to a brown bear. This case was filed against Jay Q. and Kenneth A. Lister,...

  • Council accepts $6,420 grant from Volunteer Fire Assistance Program

    Shelly Pope|Jun 14, 2012

    The Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Forestry has provided the grant to assist the Petersburg Volunteer Fire Department in providing training and equipment to assist the United States Forest Service in wild land fire response and other emergencies. This grant will be provided on a ten percent match basis. The Volunteer Fire Assistance program is used for both wild land and structure protection needs. The assistance is provided to increase firefighter safety, improve the fire fighting capabilities of rural volunteer fire...

  • Seasonal road improvements underway in Petersburg

    Suzanne Ashe|Jun 14, 2012

    Several road projects are happening this summer around Petersburg. Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities has budgeted a total of $13 million for road repair, as well as other road reconstruction projects. According to Chuck Correa, regional preconstruction engineer for DOT&PF, the state maintenance chip seal crew will be stabilizing the existing road surface and chip sealing from mile point 27.8 to 30.0 near the end of Mitkof Highway. “The crews will also be doing ditch work and brush cutting in the same area. The chip s...

  • Fast pitch softball

    Suzanne Ashe|Jun 14, 2012

    Petersburg hosted fast-pitch softball little league games against Sitka over the weekend. Twenty girls from Sitka made the trip to Petersburg. (Above) Molly Parks dashes toward first base after a hit on Sunday....

  • Local fisherman finds unidentified yellow growth in North Harbor

    Shello Pope|Jun 14, 2012

    Local fisherman, Ed Wood, spied a bright yellow growth on one of the pilings at the minus tide of the North Harbor Thursday morning. “I went to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and brought Becky Knight to look at the growth,” Wood said. “While she was taking photos, I crawled down and got a sample of it with my knife.” One of the bigger fears of fishermen in these waters is the growth called Didemnum vexillum, also called D. vex, which was found in Sitka a few years ago. D. vex, also known...

  • Sea otters are expanding throughout Southeast Alaska

    Laine Welch|Jun 14, 2012

    Sea otters are expanding throughout Southeast Alaska and dining on crab, sea cucumbers, geoduck clams and more as they go. An ongoing study aims to track the otters, what they’re eating and where they are going – and researchers hope to get ‘grounds truth’ from Southeast residents. For the past two years, Sea Grant marine advisory agents have spearheaded a project to learn more about the region’s sea otter diets and behaviors.   The US Fish & Wildlife Service has provided aerial surveys and otter tagging to track their movements around Kupreono...

  • Whiskey Ted, 64

    Jun 14, 2012

    Whiskey Ted lost his battle with cancer on June 6 2012. “Teddy Lee” Letcher known to many as Whiskey Ted was born to Theodore and Clair Letcher on June 4, 1948 in Tillamook, Ore. Ted, a proud veteran of the Vietnam Era, served in the Navy ’65-’69, returned from service to Portland, Ore. Ted was “looking for a place to be me”. After saving for years Ted headed north and eventually found “that place” in Petersburg’s harbor. Whiskey Ted was a fisherman experiencing it all; he was a hand troller an...

  • Donald H. Luhr, 79

    Jun 14, 2012

    Donald H. Luhr, 79, took his last boat ride on June 5, 2012 after a year long battle with Mesothelioma. Don was born in Tacoma, Wash. to Frank and Laura (Bollen) Luhr on April 6, 1933. His family moved to Petersburg in March of 1945 and he fished with his parents until his senior year and then on his own boat. Don married Beulah Reid on May 31, 1952 and they celebrated their 60 years of marriage on June 2 with family and friends at the Elks Lodge. For over 25 years Don worked as a mechanic /oper...

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