Articles from the June 19, 2014 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 21 of 21

  • Assembly denies funding assistance to hospital

    Kyle Clayton|Jun 19, 2014

    The Petersburg Borough Assembly voted against a funding request from the Petersburg Medical Center Hospital Board. The board requested $21,900 to repair a leaking exhaust stack in the building. PMC CEO Liz Woodyard made the request to the assembly on behalf of the hospital board and the conversation soon turned to the relationship between PMC and the borough—a discussion that hasn’t resolved since last summer. “We are an essential service to the community just like the police, fire and schools,” Woodyard said. “Many local communities in Alaska... Full story

  • State speeds up Crystal Lake reconstruction process

    Kyle Clayton|Jun 19, 2014

    The Crystal Lake Hatchery reconstruction project has one less hurdle to jump through after Kim Rice, Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities deputy commissioner, delegated authority to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) in order to expedite project completion. “(DOT&PF) generally oversees state facility projects such as the Crystal Lake Hatchery,” Rice wrote in a letter to Petersburg Mayor Mark Jensen. “However, because DOT&PF is aware of the critical nature of this facility to the community of Petersburg, my staff... Full story

  • Sandy Beach log shelter builder responds to public complaints

    Kyle Clayton|Jun 19, 2014

    Petersburg Borough Parks and Recreation staff member Dave Nauman responded during the last borough assembly meeting to complaints some members of the public have lodged about the length of time it's taking to build the new log shelter at Sandy Beach Park. "It's been a privilege to work on that project, show it the respect that it deserves, and it continues to be a privilege," Nauman said. "That being said, we all know that it's gone past the date that we initially said that it would be done."... Full story

  • Watching a crow grow

    Jun 19, 2014

  • Yesterday's News

    Jun 19, 2014

    June 20, 1914 – A glance over the harbor at Petersburg together with the activity at the cannery, remind the observer that the fishing season is opened. The harbor is clear of its numerous fishing boats and the cannery is running. Three traps have been completed and are fishing. The Colpoy trap was lifted Thursday and 1000 sockeye, 25 large king and a few humpback salmon were taken. This will start the cannery. June 7, 1974 Celebrating the Pilot's 40th Year – May Kuwata is queen of the Kings this year, with her 47.5-pound entry in the first ann...

  • New marquee

    Jun 19, 2014

  • To the Editor

    Jun 19, 2014

    Keep moving, Petersburg To the Editor: Petersburg Mental Health staff is grateful for the generous people that made the second annual Pedometer Challenge happen. We couldn't have done it without Mark Kubo’s amazing tracking skills, Erin Michael and Colleen Jaeger at Public Health serving as the distribution center, local businesses (Hammer and Wikan and Skate of Gear) for their contribution, and the Petersburg Indian Association for providing amazing grand prizes. Thanks to you and to all the participants. Petersburg's entire step count during...

  • Thomason's farewell meeting

    Jun 19, 2014

    Outgoing Petersburg School District Superintendent Rob Thomason attended his last school board meeting Tuesday evening. He had these final words for the board and the public: "It's been a great five years in Petersburg," Thomason said. "It's been the highlight of my career. It truly has. As my wife and I have reminisced, we always say we wished we would have found this opportunity ten years sooner. It's been good, and I think the district is in good hands with the principals and the director of... Full story

  • Police reports

    Jun 19, 2014

    June 11 A caller reported smoke blowing towards residence. Police issued a burn permit violation. June 12 A caller reported a theft from their vehicle on Towne Trailer Court. A caller requested a welfare check for an individual. An officer responded to report of an individual shooting at cats with a BB gun in Towne Trailer Court. The officer informed the individual that shooting projectiles within city limits is prohibited. An officer discouraged loitering in the ferry terminal parking lot. An officer spoke with people in Sandy Beach Park...

  • Courts

    Jun 19, 2014

    June 12 Richard Patterson and James Demko appeared before Magistrate Judge Burrell for a Domestic Violence Long Term hearing. The court issued a six-month stalking order against Demko. June 17 Roderick Vasquez appeared before Magistrate Judge Burrell on charges of Assault in the 4th degree and Violating Conditions of Release. The court entered a not-guilty plea on the defendant’s behalf. The court set bail at $1,000 and a $1,000 performance bond among other conditions of release....

  • State dismisses Brock gambling charges

    Brian O Connor|Jun 19, 2014

    EDITOR’S NOTE: The following story ran in the Wrangell Sentinel on May 6 and was omitted from publication in the Petersburg Pilot the same week. Since Brock pleaded not guilty to the specified charges, it was important that we print a story about the dismissal of charges against Brock in a timely manner, in both publications. That did not happen. The Pilot regrets the error and apologizes for the oversight. WRANGELL — The State of Alaska dismissed charges against Lavina “Lovey” Brock April 22. Brock, 67, of Wrangell, had faced four Class A...

  • Fallen tree kills man during logging operations at South Mitkof timber sale

    Kyle Clayton|Jun 19, 2014

    A hook setter was killed last Thursday at the South Mitkof timber sale site near Banana Point. Mark Debates, 51, had just finished hooking cables onto logs near the camp at 28 mile when a tree fell onto him after the helicopter transferring the logs to a barge flew away. “He was there with a partner who witnessed it,” said Beth Ipsen, Alaska State Trooper spokesperson. “The helicopter was flying off when the top of a tree broke off and fell on him. His partner said he heard a crack and saw the treetop fall.” Ipsen said there’s no indicatio...

  • New weather system could better inform marine travelers

    Kyle Clayton|Jun 19, 2014

    The Petersburg Borough Assembly approved a letter to Alaska Department of Transportation Commissioner Pat Kemp in support of establishing a permanent Road Weather Information System (RWIS) at Blaquerie Point on South Mitkof Island. The system would allow current weather information data from the site to be accessed via the Internet. The current site, on the south end of Mitkof Island, was established more than ten years ago and is currently in disrepair and difficult to access for maintenance. The proposed site would be more conveniently...

  • Lack of leadership concerns Thomas Bay Power Authority Commission

    Kyle Clayton|Jun 19, 2014

    Former Thomas Bay Power Authority (TBPA) Commission President James Stough resigned last Thursday-the same day the TBPA Commission questioned his lack of communication and participation at commission meetings. Stough didn't attend the most recent meeting held in Petersburg last Thursday. "This is the second meeting he has chosen not to attend," TBPA Commissioner Joe Nelson said at last Thursday's meeting. "He has chosen not to communicate with us. We have no idea what his thoughts are." Stough...

  • Officials look to Rally's return

    Brian O Connor|Jun 19, 2014

    WRANGELL — Officials this week tried to make the best of last week’s postponement of the Salty Dog Rally. Among the officials who expressed disappointment was Leslie Cummings, a Wrangell Convention and Visitors Bureau board member who played a large role in facilitating Wrangell’s participation as the end point of a long-distance yachting rally. Cummings made the initial connection with Salty Dog Rally ALASKA organizer Dawny Pack and said, while local organizations who contributed were upset about the plan, they looked forward to Rally...

  • Alaska biologists: Baby moose are not pets

    Jun 19, 2014

    ANCHORAGE (AP) — State biologists are reminding people not to touch moose calves or try to take them home as pets following a string of incidents involving people handling the animals, including one household that had a calf in the living room “as if it was a puppy.” Moose are being born in Alaska this time of year, and biologists say people should leave the calves alone — even if they seem to have been abandoned by their mothers. Most of the time, the mothers eventually return to their young. In one recent case in Willow, a calf was put in...

  • Results from the 2014 Coho Triathlon

    Jun 19, 2014

    Eighteen Petersburg residents competed in the Parks and Recreation annual Coho Triathlon last Saturday. Thirteen individuals and two teams swam 500 yards, biked ten miles and ran 2.5 miles. “Everyone was in great spirits, even though it was raining,” facility supervisor Heidi Cabral said. “There were lots of sideline cheerleaders.” Overall Race Results for Coh20 Triathalon Individuals 1:11:26 Carin Christenson, 1st overall and 1st place female overall 1:11:27 Grace Weller, 2nd overall and 2nd place female overall 1:17:39 Lee Coyle, 3rd overall...

  • Wells Fargo turns 100

    Jun 19, 2014

  • Fish Factor: Where do major candidates stand on seafood, Alaska's biggest employer

    Laine Welch|Jun 19, 2014

    You’ve heard it before and you’ll hear it again: The seafood industry is Alaska’s largest private employer, putting more people to work than mining, oil/gas, timber and tourism combined. The annual revenue the seafood sector contributes to State coffers is second only to Big Oil. So where does the seafood industry rank for the major candidates running for Alaska Governor and the US Senate? Here’s what a thorough look at each of their campaign websites reveals, starting with the race for Governor (all in alphabetical order)— Byron Mallott (...

  • Participate in SE State Fair

    Jun 19, 2014

    Residents of Petersburg can participate in the 46th Annual Southeast Alaska State Fair by sending in items for exhibition. Entry and shipping is free of charge for all Southeast Alaska State Fair exhibits sent through the Fair's representative, Josef Quitslund. Petersburg entries for the Fair are due July 11 and will be shipped via Alaska Marine Lines to Haines. The 2014 Fair is July 21-Aug. 3; exhibit judging will be conducted July 26. Southeast Alaska State Fair will ship Division Champions, Department Champions, and exceptional Best of...

  • Borough manager's report

    Jun 19, 2014

    During the June 16 Petersburg Borough Assembly, meeting Borough Manager Steve Giesbrecht gave the following report: Transient boaters are excited about the new harbor facility. About half are having issues with the electric meters and the boaters are requesting WiFi hookup. The recycling program is set up with individual vessels through the Harbor Office. Staff members hand out the blue bags and participants are required to return the filled bags back at the office for Wednesday pickup. Borough staff will monitor the program throughout the...