Articles from the June 28, 2018 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 26

  • Molly Parks Estate files wrongful death claim against Borough and William "Chris" Allen

    Ron Loesch Publisher|Jun 28, 2018

    The Estate of Molly Parks filed a Wrongful Death claim in Petersburg Superior Court on May 18 against the Petersburg Borough and the driver of the Parks and Rec. van, William “Chris” Allen. Parks, 18, was one of two persons killed on July 4, 2016 following a vehicle collision on N. Nordic Drive. The complaint states that Parks death was a result of Allen sustaining a seizure while driving the Parks and Rec. Dept. vehicle. Parks, Allen, Catherine Cardenas, 19, and Marie Giesbrecht, 19, were assigned to set up rest stations for the 4-mile Jul...

  • Ice pack

    Jun 28, 2018

    Devil's Thumb and the shark's tooth shaped Kate's Needle (left) as viewed from atop massive snowfields along the coastal Mountains on the mainland abutting Frederick Sound...

  • PMEA reaches tentative agreement with Borough

    Ron Loesch Publisher|Jun 28, 2018

    Members of the Petersburg Municipal Employees Association will receive a 1% raise each year of their 3-year agreement under the terms of the tentative settlement reached during negotiations with the Petersburg Borough. According to Joe Bertagnoli, a member of the negotiating team, the terms of the agreement are retroactive to July 1, 2017. The increases are applied to the Step C wages paid to employees with 1 year of service with the Borough. Previously the workers had rejected the Borough offer of a 1%-1%-0% wage hike over the three-year...

  • AK to receive $56M in relief funds for pink salmon crash

    Jun 28, 2018

    JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) —Alaska is expected to receive more than $56 million in disaster relief for groups impacted by the drop in pink salmon numbers in the Gulf of Alaska. The Juneau Empire reports the money is part of the $200 million that the U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross is sending to struggling fisheries across the nation. In 2016, pink salmon runs around Alaska dipped dramatically. In southeast Alaska, revenue from pink salmon dropped 51 percent below a five-year average. Gov. Bill Walker said in a statement issued Thursday that t...

  • Study finds chronic health risks in Alaska fishermen

    Jun 28, 2018

    KODIAK, Alaska (AP) — The presence of risk factors for some chronic health problems was found to be higher in a sample of Alaska gillnetters than the general population, according to researchers. The study by researchers at the University of Washington and the University of Alaska Fairbanks showed that higher risk rates of hearing loss, musculoskeletal disorders and sleeping problems were found in the group of commercial fisherman in Cordova, Alaska, the Kodiak Daily Mirror reported Thursday. Aspects of the job like exposure to noise, the physi...

  • Yesterday's News

    Jun 28, 2018

    June 28, 1918 Petersburg’s celebration of the Nation’s Birthday this year will feature patriotism rather than sporting events. The decision of the committee on arrangements appears to be generally accepted as eminently fitting. J.H Wheeler, C. Lawrence, and H. Dahl comprise the committee. The committee’s tentative plans are to provide a programme of speaking, music, races, etc, for the youngsters, and probably a couple of like events for the young men, the day’s doings to close with a big dance in the evening. The committee also announc...

  • Iced out

    Jun 28, 2018

    The entrance to Shakes Glacier was blocked off by calving ice on Saturday. Like other glaciers that make up the Stikine Icefield, Shakes has been gradually losing ice. Since the 1980s, it has receded by approximately 1.4 miles....

  • First Bank donates to Petersburg Veterans Memorial Fund

    Jun 28, 2018

    First Bank recently presented a check for $1,250 to the Petersburg Veterans Memorial Fund. The money was raised through a special bank-wide promotion during “May Military Appreciation Month.” A total of more than $9,400 was raised by First Bank branches in Petersburg, Wrangell, Ketchikan, Juneau, Sitka and Prince of Wales, and distributed to 10 different military organizations in those communities. During the month of May, First Bank donated $25 for each deposit account opened during the month. Depositors were able to designate which org...

  • Twin bucks

    Jun 28, 2018

    Two Sitka Blacktail buks alert to nearby acticity while grazing....

  • Impact of Petersburg Community Foundation

    Jun 28, 2018

    As the publicly-funded statewide community foundation, The Alaska Community Foundation (ACF) is proud to celebrate our local Petersburg Community Foundation for 10 years of commitment to strengthening the community through grantmaking, working with donors to help them support the causes they care about, and partnering with other organizations to improve the quality of life for all Petersburg residents. ACF believes that grantmaking and fundraising is managed most effectively at the local level. This is why The Alaska Community Foundation and...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jun 28, 2018

    Dead bear pornogrphy To the Editor: The Pilot needs to stop running photos of bear kills. Recent issues of the Pilot have included photos of local hunters gloating over their bear kills. These photos are distasteful and of questionable newsworthiness. Not everyone in town wants to see the photographic evidence of someone else’s bloodlust. Even in Alaska, values are changing. The photos of the two Kerr children and their kills are particularly disturbing. Kaleb and Nathan Kerr are apparently the young children of our new police chief, James Kerr...

  • Police Report

    Jun 28, 2018

    June 20 — Police found store lights flashing at 1:22 a.m. and notified a store manager. There was an electrical issue with the service panel. An intoxicated person was removed from a N. 1st St. property. James Goldsbury, 61, was arrested on a charge of DUI. June 21 — Officers responded to a disturbance at a Mitkof Hwy. location. While mowing along the right-of-way an ADOT machine threw a rock that damaged a parked vehicle along Mitkof Hwy. An abandoned vehicle was reported in the 1100 block of S. Nordic Dr. Officers checked with an ind...

  • Trooper report

    Jun 28, 2018

    On June 22, at about 2:25PM, the Alaska State Troopers on Prince of Wales Island responded to Hydaburg to investigate a report of an individual violating a domestic violence protective order. Investigation revealed 31 year Hydaburg resident Gwen Peratrovich violated a domestic violence protective order, violated her conditions of release, and committed the crime of Unlawful Contact. Gwen was arrested and transported to Craig Police Department where she was remanded....

  • Court report

    Jun 28, 2018

    June 14 — Kenneth Kvernvik was arraigned before Magistrate Judge Burrell on charges of DUI and Refusal to allow breath test. The defendant entered a Not Guilty plea and was released O.R. with conditions. June 18 – Katie Jo Edfelt appeared before Magistrate Judge Burrell on a charge of Violating Conditions of Release. She was released O.R. if the bail amount was lowered and she was ordered to contact PMHS for evaluation after release. June 19 — Stephen Lee Waddle entered a change of plea before Judge Carey on reduced charges of Criminal Tresp...

  • Wrangell magistrate judge retires after 30 years

    Dan Rudy|Jun 28, 2018

    WRANGELL - After 30 years on the bench, Wrangell's district magistrate will conclude her legal career today. Chris Ellis has served as a magistrate judge for First District Court in Wrangell for 14 of those years, with most of her preceding tenure spent in Craig. When she graduated with her bachelor's degree in 1973, law hadn't been on her mind, but Alaska was. "Basically I studied anthropology with a specialty in archaeology, and my goal was to come to Alaska," she said. Ellis found herself dra...

  • Water in Wrangell seems to be fine at start of summer

    Dan Rudy|Jun 28, 2018

    WRANGELL - The glass appears to be on the half-full side for Wrangell's water situation, as the season for peak usage of the resource starts up. "Our outlook is very good right now," reported Amber Al-Haddad, director for Public Works. While reservoir levels have dropped slightly since the spring due to drier than usual weather conditions, raw water reserves are still looking healthy. The city's treated water supply comes from a pair of open reservoirs, with the treatment plant drawing from the...

  • Search underway for multiple vacancies in Wrangell

    Dan Rudy|Jun 28, 2018

    WRANGELL — The hunt is on for a whole crop of high-level management positions in different city departments. The City and Borough of Wrangell is in the early stages of finding replacements for the heads of the Nolan Center, Wrangell Municipal Light and Power and Public Works, plus the city’s top accountant and a newly-created maintenance lead position. The tidal wave of turnover started on April 16, when WMLP superintendent Clay Hammer stepped down in order to head projects for Southeast Alaska Power Agency. City manager Lisa Von Bargen rep...

  • Scientists find respiratory pathogen in AK animals

    Jun 28, 2018

    KENAI, Alaska (AP) — A respiratory pathogen that scientists previously believed to be restricted to sheep and goats has been detected in moose and caribou in Alaska. Scientists have also recently identified Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae, also known as Movi, in other animal species for the first time, including a bison in Montana, mule deer in New Mexico and white-tailed deer in the upper Midwest, the Peninsula Clarion reported last week. The pneumonia-like disease may have contributed to the death of an emaciated caribou from the Fortymile herd n...

  • Grizzly bear mauls man on Copper River rafting trip

    Jun 28, 2018

    JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — A man on a rafting trip in south-central Alaska was bitten numerous times by a grizzly bear, sustaining what appeared to be non-life-threatening injuries, authorities said. Alaska wildlife troopers late Monday afternoon received a call of a bear attack on the Copper River near Chitina. Tim DeSpain, a spokesman for the Alaska State Troopers, said a man and woman on a rafting trip stopped to camp and encountered a grizzly sow and at least one cub. Chitina is about 65 miles (105 kilometers) southeast of Glennallen. Troopers s...

  • Juneau pleads for stop to unauthorized rainbow crosswalks

    Jun 28, 2018

    JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — Juneau officials are searching for a compromise between public safety and creative expression in response to unauthorized multicolored crosswalks. The white lines marking a crosswalk in the city have been painted over with rainbowcolors five times since last year, the Juneau Empire reported. The city said it costs $300 each time to repaint the crosswalk white, the color needed for safety reasons. Another crosswalk was found to be painted in rainbow colors Tuesday. In an open letter to residents this week, city manager R...

  • Flying above "Shtax'héen"

    Jun 28, 2018

    Seen from a small aircraft, the delta of the Stikine River's northern arm shimmers in the sun as the tide rises on June 20. Nearby Mallard Slough is a popular destination for campers and hunters, while LeConte Bay just to the north is notable for its view of the namesake glacier....

  • Lofty perch

    Jun 28, 2018

    A juvenile eagle perches high atop an ice berg in search of a meal at the enterance to Le Conte Bay last week....

  • AMSEA Marine Safety Instructor Training

    Jun 28, 2018

    The Alaska Marine Safety Education Association (AMSEA) is conducting a six-day Marine Safety Instructor Training (MSIT) at the Public Safety Training Academy in Sitka, Alaska, from Sept. 24-29. This is an intensive train-the-trainer course that prepares individuals to effectively teach cold-water survival procedures, use of marine safety equipment, and vessel safety drills. The MSIT provides practical, hands-on experience in survival equipment use and procedures. AMSEA recommends this workshop for anyone that wants to provide cold-water...

  • Whale strikes Alaska ferry, may have suffered mortal injury

    Jun 28, 2018

    JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — Authorities in Alaska say a whale struck the side of a state ferry traveling a scheduled route between Homer and Kodiak, possibly sustaining mortal injuries. The ferry itself sustained damage to its starboard fin stabilizer, an element that helps make for a more comfortable ride in rougher waters, said Aurah Landau, a spokeswoman for the state transportation department. But she said the vessel Tustumena was cleared to operate safely by the U.S. Coast Guard. The stabilizer isn’t a safety feature but a comfort feature, she...

  • Service News

    Jun 28, 2018

    Gianni Vinson, 19, graduated from U.S. Coast Guard's basic training on June 22 with a rank of Seaman (E-3). The May 2017 PHS graduate will serve in Ketchikan aboard the Buoy Tender Anthony Petit before he begins training in Virginia for Maritime Enforcement duties. Vinson enlisted for a six-year tour of duty....

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