Articles from the July 12, 2012 edition

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  • Condition and possible uses of the Reid Property

    Shelly Pope|Jul 12, 2012

    For some time the City of Petersburg has been contemplating the purchase of the Reid waterfront and warehouse property. During the June 11 City Council meeting requests were made for an appraisal and survey of the property to be performed along with the preparation of a business plan to assess the possible benefits for this facility to the city. Several statements of positive feedback from the business community were introduced to help guide the council toward a favorable decision regarding the purchase of the property. “Our fishing c... Full story

  • Hockey will continue at the community gym

    Shelly Pope|Jul 12, 2012

    Chip marks and excessive wear and tear to the gym floor of the Petersburg Community Center are main subjects of discussion by the Petersburg Parks and Recreation Department. The concerns regarding the conditions of the floor brought the Petersburg Hockey Club members to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meeting Monday, June 25 to address the possibility of losing its program. “This facility was built in the 1990s,” Parks and Recreation Director Donn Hayes said. “About 10 years ago is wh... Full story

  • Bird’s eye view

    Orin Pierson|Jul 12, 2012

    A bald eagle perched atop a harbor piling watches last week’s Fourth of July festivities....

  • Yesterday's News

    Jul 12, 2012

    July 14, 1982 - If someone has explained to you that, honestly, he was bumping along Three Lakes Loop Road last Wednesday in an old pickup truck and along came a big, silver Greyhound bus with a sign in the front window saying “Macon, Georgia,” he was telling the truth. The driver of the first tour bus to hit Petersburg in years says he has always liked cruising his Greyhound down the less beaten, potholed path. He guided this busload of senior citizens from Macon, up Canada’s rugged Highw...

  • First Friday event big success

    Shelly Pope|Jul 12, 2012

    Petersburg's First Friday Meet the Artist event was a big success Friday evening. Even the rain could not keep Petersburg art lovers at home. Paintings by Beth Flor were displayed for the public at Miele Gallery and Framing, and everyone had a chance to talk with the artist. “I like to paint places I have been,” Flor said. “And I take photos of the subjects sometimes to capture the light at the moment.” Don Cornelius was on hand at Wild Celery Framing Studio and Eclectic Gallery with several of... Full story

  • Letters to the editor

    Jul 12, 2012

    Thanks for the new sidewalks To the Editor: I want to thank the young men who built the sidewalk on the ANB Hall blocks. They did a beautiful job and in such a short period of time, and deserve recognition for the good job they did. Thanks guys. Merry Armin Dog Variety Show a success To the Editor: A big thank you to the folks who walked dogs in the parade with our banner and entered them in the Dog Variety Show afterward. The costumes were adorable. Thanks to our intrepid panel of judges, Sean, Jacob, Mary and Sarah, who agreed to take on the...

  • Cause of ferry accident still undetermined

    Shelly Pope|Jul 12, 2012

    Investigation ensued after the Alaska Marine Highway ferry Matanuska crashed into the Ocean Beauty Seafoods dock Monday, May 7, but the cause of the accident has yet to be determined. “A report has been submitted for internal review,” Alaska Department of Transportation Public Information Officer Jeremy Woodrow stated. “There are several things that need clarification before any news can be released.” As reported in the May 10 issue of the Petersburg Pilot, the M/V Matanuska was negotiating a turn in Wrangell Narrows prior to the acciden...

  • Police reports

    Jul 12, 2012

    July 5 Individuals returning to their home on S. Nordic Drive reported someone in their home and they assaulted them. Justin D. Falter, 24 was arrested on possible disorderly conduct charge. A report of fireworks being discharged into the trees on S. 3rd Street and Ira Street was called in. A warning was given for inoperable tail lights on S. Nordic Drive. Loud music in a residence on Skylark Drive was reported. A warning for inoperable head lights was given on S. 4th Street. Youths igniting fireworks on equipment at the library construction...

  • Courts

    Jul 12, 2012

    July 6 Julia Violet Brusell, 30, appeared before Magistrate Desiree Burrell for an arraignment hearing on the charge of disorderly conduct. Brusell entered a plea of guilty and was sentenced to 10 days in jail with 10 days suspended; a fine of $500 with $500 suspended; a surcharge of $10 to be paid in 10 days; a jail surcharge of $150 with $100 suspended and two years probation. Justin Dale Falter, 24, appeared before Magistrate Desiree Burrell for an arraignment hearing on the charge of disorderly conduct and a charge of violation of...

  • Sitka's Baby Doe grows up and comes for a visit

    Jul 12, 2012

    SITKA (AP) — Remember when a newborn baby girl was found in the sink in the women's restroom at Thomsen Harbor? That was Jan. 23, 1994, and over the years Sitkans have wondered what happened to her. Now they know. The baby was adopted by a Juneau couple, Karen and John Amrhein, who named her Karissa. When she was two, the family moved to St. Augustine, Fla. This week they came back to Sitka. The trip was a high school graduation present to Karissa from her parents, to let her see the place she was found and maybe meet some of the people who c...

  • Study attempts to explain low salmon numbers

    Greg Knight|Jul 12, 2012

    The amount of mature sockeye salmon present in the waters of Southeast Alaska and other areas of the Pacific Northwest has been on a downward spiral recently according to a study published last week in the Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. The study states that the, “widespread decrease in productivity has important implications for management of salmon stocks and requires research into its potential causes to help determine future management strategies.” Dr. Randall Peterman, a professor in fishery science and management at...

  • Rainfall records in Southeast broken Monday

    Jul 12, 2012

    JUNEAU (AP) — Fifteen daily rainfall records were broken Monday in southeast Alaska, and five records were set for the coldest highs. Not all those records were in different communities; for example, the National Weather Service says Haines and Juneau had several reporting stations posting new records in both categories. Two sites in Sitka broke rain records. Rainfall totals ranged from 2.02 inches at Snettisham to 0.6 inches at the Skagway Power Station. The high temperature only managed to reach 52 degrees at Point Baker and the weather s...

  • Summer camp kids build a structure in the woods

    Shelly Pope|Jul 12, 2012

    The Petersburg Parks and Recreation Department Big Viking Summer Camp is in full swing and this week the theme for these campers is Ancient Ancestors. “We are trying to teach the kids the hardships of living on the land,” Brigham Young University intern Jake Hartner stated. “This is obviously not a true Tlingit structure, but they are getting the idea behind the activity.” Hartner and his wife, Tiffany, also a BYU intern, guided the children to the woods around Sandy Beach Park. Campers Ines La...

  • Winners of the Humane Association 4th of July “Strut your Mutt Show”

    Jul 12, 2012

    Most playful – Chewie, entered by Caleb Fankhauser Largest – Eros, entered by Marisa Martens Smallest – Yoshi, entered by Darla Mattingly Hairiest – Hank, entered by Helen Riemer Baldest – Rocky, entered by Alesha Taylor Loudest bark - Chewie, entered by Caleb Fankhauser Highest jumper – Eros, entered by Marisa Martens Longest tail – Yuna, entered by Samantha Kivisto with Sajjan White Shortest tail – Benson, entered by Terry Wolf with Peter Newman Fattest – Rocky, entered by Alesha Taylor Skinniest – Britlee, entered by Dakota Caples Most...

  • Stork Report

    Jul 12, 2012

    Nathan Daniel Rock was born on June 29, 2012 to Ken and Nora Rock at Mat-Su Mid-Wifery in Wasilla, Alaska. He weighed 9 lbs. ad was 20 3/4 inches long....

  • Blind Slough closes to sport fishing and king salmon bag limits decrease

    Jul 12, 2012

    The Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish announced July 11, a closure to sport fishing in Blind Slough to ensure adequate brood stock collection at the Crystal Lake Hatchery (CLH) necessary for future releases of king salmon in the Petersburg area. The closure includes all waters of Blind Slough upstream of a line between Blind Point and Anchor Point, from Friday July 13 through Sunday August 5th, 2012. The king salmon regulations for the marine waters of the Wrangell Narrows Terminal Harvest Area (THA), will be the same...

  • Fish Factor

    Laine Welch|Jul 12, 2012

    Marine debris trackers are taking to the air any day to get a better idea of where and what is washing ashore from last year’s devastating tsunami in Japan. Best ‘guesstimates’ claim at least 1.5 million tons of debris are afloat on and under the current driven waters that routinely cover Alaska coastlines. The State has funded a $200,000 systematic aerial survey by Airborne Technologies, Inc. of Virginia that will span waters and beaches from Cold Bay to Ketchikan to get a more complete view of the debris problem. “That should give a good pi...

  • Dangerous Waters crew back in Alaska

    Jul 12, 2012

    The film crew from the "Dangerous Waters" TV reality show were released from Russian custody and returned across the Bering Strait on Sea-Doo jet skis. They are currently in Alaska. According to a video update posted July 11, the team were given a helicopter escort up to the Russian border. The team had been in Russia for five days, detained by authorities when they landed on the shores after crossing the Bering Strait on jet skis. In the show, Folsom resident Steven Moll demonstrates how a Sea-Doo can be used for more than recreation. Last yea...

  • Ravens devouring fairways at Muskeg Meadows

    Greg Knight|Jul 12, 2012

    WRANGELL — For patrons of Muskeg Meadows golf course, at least three fairways are interfering in their game – courtesy of the ubiquitous ravens seen throughout Wrangell Island. According to course co-manager Shannon Booker, flocks of up to 50 ravens at one time have been digging into the fairway looking for grubs and other insects on which to feed. The result has been a tremendous upheaval of grass leading to No. 3, 4 and 5 holes, as well as minor damage to every other hole except Nos. 1 and...

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