Articles from the July 25, 2019 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 19 of 19

  • Sewage discharge "not likely" from the Le Soléal, says DEC

    Brian Varela|Jul 25, 2019

    An investigation by the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation revealed that the Le Soléal did not dump sewage into Frederick Sound near Le Conte Bay earlier this month after a report of "brown sludge" being seen near the cruise ship's anchorage. The DEC conducted an onboard inspection, reviewed the electronic monitoring records for the ship's pumps, observed samples taken of the ship's treated water and talked to crew members of the Le Soléal, said Ed White of the commercial p...

  • Borough assembly votes against filling second police sergeant position

    Brian Varela|Jul 25, 2019

    The borough assembly denied Police Chief Jim Kerr's request to advertise and fill a vacant police sergeant position at an assembly meeting last week. While the borough's 2020 operating budget does allocate funds for the position, assembly members decided not to fill the position, citing uncertainty in the ability to continue funding the $127,224 position in the future. The assembly increased the millage rate in service area one to 12.3 mills earlier this month as a response to Gov. Mike...

  • Vacant EMS coordinator position to remain vacant

    Brian Varela|Jul 25, 2019

    The borough assembly voted against filling a vacant EMS coordinator position last week that would free up Fire/EMS Director Sandy Dixson's time to apply for grants, while designating an individual that could train more EMS volunteers. "If people don't think that this is a big deal, you will come this winter or some late night when something is going haywire out at your house or there's a car accident and you don't have enough people, then people are going to get really upset at why we don't have...

  • USCGC ELDERBERRY returns to Petersburg

    Brian Varela|Jul 25, 2019

    From Oct. 31, 2018 through July 6, the United States Coast Guard Cutter ELDERBERRY, home ported in Petersburg, was dry docked in Ketchikan for routine maintenance. Coast Guard civilian employees performed most of the work, which included a complete overhaul the ship's engines and the replacement of the fire main piping and potable water piping, according to Andrew Tetrault, executive petty officer of the ELDERBERRY. A large portion of the ship's steel and deck was also replaced. The ELDERBERRY...

  • Hemlock sawfly outbreak continues for a second summer

    Brian Varela|Jul 25, 2019

    Southeast Alaska is currently going through its second year of increased hemlock sawfly activity, but an entomologist with the United States Forest Service said the trees that the insects feed off of should make a full recovery after the ecosystem regulates itself. "We have experienced these kinds of outbreaks in the past," said Elizabeth Graham, an entomologist with the State & Private Forestry, which is a branch of the USFS that focuses on forest health protection. "Usually we have a big...

  • Part 2: Food fight between SE fishermen and sea otters

    Brian Varela|Jul 25, 2019

    Sea otters are protected by the Marine Mammal Protection Act, a federal law that prohibits the harvesting of marine mammals. However, this law does allow for some exceptions. Under section 101 of the act, on page 16, it reads that "... the provisions of this Act shall not apply with respect to the taking of any marine mammal by any Indian, Aleut, or Eskimo who resides in Alaska and who dwells on the coast of the North Pacific Ocean or the Arctic Ocean if such taking-(1) is for subsistence...

  • Water and wastewater projects move to second reading

    Brian Varela|Jul 25, 2019

    The borough assembly approved an ordinance last week in its first reading that would give voters the opportunity to decide whether or not to allow the water and wastewater departments to take out loans not to exceed a total of $8 million for capital improvement projects. The responsibility of the repayment of the loans would fall on water and wastewater rate payers. The loans will be through the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation and will be paid back over a 20-year period at 1.5...

  • Hundreds of Alaska ferry workers go on strike

    Jul 25, 2019

    Juneau, Alaska (AP) - A spokesman for a union representing workers for the Alaska ferry system says the union has gone on strike. Hundreds of ferry workers went on strike Wednesday after failing to reach agreement on a contract with state negotiators. Robb Arnold, a spokesman for Alaska's Inlandboatmen's Union of the Pacific, said the strike began Wednesday afternoon after a meeting with state officials did not yield an agreement. He said the union remains open to a deal. "Unfortunately, we had...

  • Alaska House comes up 1 vote short on capital budget funding

    Jul 25, 2019

    JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — The Alaska House failed by one vote Monday to win sufficient support to use reserve funds to help pay for a state infrastructure budget. The vote came on reconsideration, after a similar vote failed Sunday. Lawmakers still could try to revive the measure for another vote later. The measure previously passed the Senate. “We are not giving up hope,” House Speaker Bryce Edgmon said in a statement. “We thank everyone who voted for the capital budget and for the growing commitment to find compromise on this issue and the man...

  • Stikine River Federal subsistence Sockeye Salmon fishery closed

    Jul 25, 2019

    Wrangell District Ranger Clint Kolarich, under authority delegated by the Federal Subsistence Board, is closing the June 21 – July 31, 2019 Federal subsistence Sockeye Salmon fishery in the Stikine River. The closure will be effective Sunday, July 21, 2019 at 11:59 p.m. and will remain in effect through the rest of the 2019 season which ends July 31. The 2019 preseason forecast for the Stikine River is 90,000 Sockeye Salmon which is below the average 153,000 fish. The forecast includes 66,000 T...

  • Fast food

    Jul 25, 2019

    A rufous hummingbird was attracted to a scarlet bee balm plant on Tuesday....

  • Guest Commentary: To: Petersburg Borough Assembly

    Jul 25, 2019

    Over the past 10 months, the Petersburg Borough Assembly has debated the necessity of filling a vacant position in the Police Department. Assembly member Meucci has asked for a discussion multiple times but the Assembly has not wanted to discuss this important issue. This position became open when an existing Sergeant was promoted to fill the open Captain position when Captain Hamilton retired in late 2018. While we in the Police Department understand the concern over the budget, our overriding...

  • Editorial: IBU strike benefits Gov. Dunleavy

    Ron Loesch|Jul 25, 2019

    The strike called for by the Inlandboatmen's Union of the Pacific (IBU) this week defies all logic. Talk about giving the governor exactly what he wants at a most expeditious time - the script couldn't be more perfect. Instead of shutting down the ferries in October, the IBU now insures the ferries shut down in mid-summer. And in summer, visitors are impacted rather than state residents who are busy working seasonal jobs like construction and fishing. Of course, this will not endear members of...

  • Be part of the solution

    Ron Loesch|Jul 25, 2019

    While last week's unfounded account that the visiting cruise ship Le Soleal discharged sewage into Frederick Sound gave anti-cruise ship groups a reason to oust the ships from Borough area waterways, Petersburg needs to make sure they are a part of the solution for keeping our waterways clean. We hope the assembly will discuss and plan to construct a waterfront pumping station that will allow boats of all sizes to discharge sewage into the Petersburg's wastewater system. It would be a good use...

  • To the Editor

    Jul 25, 2019

    PVFD strive to be ready for anything To the Editor: Some of the amateurs on the borough assembly criticize the Volunteer Fire Dept. for the fire suppression, rescue, and emergency medical equipment equipment the department has on hand to deal with emergencies that other people run away from. The Kevlar protective vests were bought with Association, not public, funds. Those members of the assembly ought to draw up in public a list of just what sort of emergencies they think PVFD should be ready...

  • Family picnic

    Jul 25, 2019

    Whales bubble net feed in the haze near Big Creek in Frederick Sound on July 10....

  • Police report

    Jul 25, 2019

    July 17 — Randall Sassine was issued a citation for driving without a valid license. Brina Compton, 24, was arrested on charges of violating conditions of release. Kaitlin DuRoss, 32, was issued a citation for excessive speed. July 18 — Extra patrols were requested at North Boat Harbor. Authorities received a complaint of a deer on the ball field. July 19 — Patrols were requested at Eagles Roost Park and South Boat Harbor. July 20 — A patrol was requested at Sandy Beach Park. Authorities responded to a complaint of fireworks at a locatio...

  • Court report

    Jul 25, 2019

    May 30 — Ivan Antonio Gil entered a guilty plea to a charge of DUI. The court sentenced the defendant to 30 days/27 suspended home confinement, a $1,500 fine, $200 in surcharges, $66 for cost of imprisonment, 90 days license revocation, 6 months use of IID, probation for one year and was to seek an alcohol assessment. Jason L. Ratliff appeared on two counts of petition to revoke probation, two counts of assault with DV and violating conditions of release. Not guilty pleas were entered and the defendant was released on a $600 appearance bond w...

  • Sitting pretty

    Jul 25, 2019

    A rufous hummingbird takes a break on local resident John Havrilek's porch. Havrilek believes it to be a female because he saw a darker one the day after that could be its mate...

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