Articles from the July 31, 2014 edition

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  • Thomas Bay Power Authority transfer progresses

    Suzanne Ashe Special to the Pilot|Jul 31, 2014

    The Petersburg and Wrangell Boroughs are a few steps closer to completing the transfer of Operations and Maintenance of the Tyee Lake hydroelectric facility from Thomas Bay Power Authority (TBPA) to Southeast Alaska Power Agency (SEAPA) after a meeting last Thursday. Thursday's regular session meeting brought representatives from the Thomas Bay Power Commission (TBPC) and the Petersburg and Wrangell Boroughs together to elect a new commission chair and secretary, work towards finalizing the SEAPA transition document and discuss the future role... Full story

  • Put your Xtratufs on and dance, dance, dance

    Suzanne Ashe Special to the Pilot|Jul 31, 2014

    Two dozen daring dancers braved torrential rains to participate in National Dance Day on Saturday at the ball field. The pitching mound may have been soaked, but the dancers scored a home run with their interpretation of this year's advanced dance routine set to Mark Ballas' single "Get My Name." This is the third non-consecutive year Petersburg dancers have participated in the national event. The videos of this and past years' routine can be viewed on YouTube. This year's event was organized... Full story

  • Abbott resigns from Petersburg Medical Center board

    Suzanne Ashe Special to the Pilot|Jul 31, 2014

    After 14 years on the Petersburg Medical Center Board of Directors, Tom Abbott tendered his resignation, saying that the hospital was "in a good place" and that he was ready to leave. Abbott, who has served as board president, an elected position, notified Borough Clerk Kathy O'Rear in a letter stating, "The community has an excellent medical center with a professional staff providing quality healthcare to all in our community. The integrity of the staff ensures the public will be treated with... Full story

  • Yesterday's News

    Jul 31, 2014

    August 1, 1914 – An unaccountable late season has somewhat worried the cannery men up till now; and great apprehension was felt all along that possibly this year would also prove another failure. However, the last few days have shown better. Out of 8,000 salmon brought in Thursday evening at the company's cannery, 4,000 were sockeyes. The sockeye this season has helped considerably. Capt. Sanderson of the company's cannery tender, the Marian, said that nearly 4,000 cases of sockeye were already put up by the company with a bright prospect of a...

  • Earthquakes near Glacier Bay jolt Southeast

    Dan Rudy|Jul 31, 2014

    A pair of mid-sized earthquakes occurred offshore in Palma Bay early Friday morning, about 49 miles west of Gustavus near Glacier Bay National Park. The Alaska Earthquake Information Center recorded a 5.29 local magnitude (ML) quake at 2:54 a.m., immediately followed by a 5.89 ML quake. Further quakes and tremors continued throughout the morning with diminishing intensity, with a 3.92 ML quake recorded at 8 a.m., followed by multiple aftershocks. No tsunami was expected. "Everybody camping in our backcountry have reported that they're all...

  • Physical Therapy orders new equipment, offers new services

    Suzanne Ashe Special to the Pilot|Jul 31, 2014

    The Physical Therapy department at the Petersburg Medical Center has recently ordered new equipment that will assist in helping clients. An anatomical model of a shoulder was purchased with funds from the Petersburg Community Foundation. The fully flexible model shows the scapula, clavicle, and a portion of humerus and joint ligaments. Models of knee and hip joints are on order, Ellie van Swearingen, department head, told the PMC board during a meeting July 24. The models make it easier for...

  • Getting some fresh air

    Jul 31, 2014

  • Police reports

    Jul 31, 2014

    July 23 A caller reported being assaulted. A witness observed an individual driving with a revoked license. Two callers reported a parking violation on Hammer Slough bridge. The vehicle's owner was contacted and moved the vehicle. Police made contact with an individual after receiving multiple reports of a suspicious person in the area. A caller reported suspicious people together on the street walking toward downtown. An officer responded and found no crime. Police responded to a report of an aggressive employee. A caller reported an...

  • Sport fishing closed in Blind Slough

    Jul 31, 2014

    The Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish is closing sport fishing in Blind Slough due to broodstock concerns at the Crystal Lake Hatchery. Fishing is prohibited in all waters of Blind Slough upstream of a line between Blind Point and Anchor Point from August 1 - August 31. Monitoring of king salmon returning to Crystal Lake Hatchery indicates that the hatchery broodstock goal for king salmon will not be met. The broodstock goal is 500 female and 500 male king salmon. On July 27, an aerial survey observed approximately 150...

  • Bear essentials: Experts offer advice on bear encounters

    Dan Rudy|Jul 31, 2014

    WRANGELL — This year's Bearfest attracted a number of bear-knowledgable brainboxes, from biologists and behaviorists to wilderness managers, guides and artists. Over the course of the five-day event, experts shared their knowledge in a series of workshops, demonstrations, and lectures with the public. "It's a great opportunity for Wrangell residents and visitors alike to hear from some of the best bear experts in the world," explained Lance Craighead, conservation director at the Craighead Institute in Montana. A lot of what was discussed w...

  • Troopers investigate assault on fishing vessel

    Jul 31, 2014

    ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Alaska State Troopers say they are investigating an assault aboard a fishing vessel in Petersburg. Troopers say they responded Wednesday to a report that the 28-year-old captain of the vessel Favorite grabbed a 31-year-old crew member around the throat. Troopers say the crew member has left the vessel....

  • Governor asks feds to buy surplus canned salmon

    Jul 31, 2014

    JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) – Gov. Sean Parnell has asked a federal agency to buy about 1 million cases of canned pink salmon to ease a glut that has weighed down prices for Alaska fishermen this year. Parnell made the request in a letter to U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack this week. He wants the USDA to purchase $37 million worth of canned pink salmon under a federal law that allows for buying surplus food from farmers and donating it to food banks or other programs. USDA purchased $20 million worth of salmon earlier this year, which Parnell c...

  • Loan approved for Prince of Wales hydro project

    Jul 31, 2014

    KETCHIKAN, Alaska (AP) — A $20 million loan has been approved for a new hydropower project on Prince of Wales Island. KRBD reports that the Alaska Energy Authority approved the loan to Haida Energy Inc. for construction of the Reynolds Creek project, about 10 miles east of Hydaburg. The loan was approved in June. The project could supply power to all of the island's residents, who currently depend on diesel-generated power during some parts of the year. Haida Energy Inc. is a joint venture of the Haida Corp. and Alaska Power and Telephone C...

  • Alaska tourist train derails, slightly injuring 23 passengers

    Jul 31, 2014

    ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) _ A vintage rail company that transports hundreds of thousands of tourists a year along the route of the historic Klondike Gold Rush was expected to resume operations last Friday, two days after a derailment left 23 people with minor injuries, officials said. Two vintage locomotives and four passenger rail cars were involved in the derailment Wednesday during a run of the White Pass & Yukon Route tourist train from Skagway to Canada, the company said in a statement. “We heard a bang, then another bang, then there was s...

  • Alaskans have opportunities to help shape fisheries policy

    Jul 31, 2014

    Nowhere in the world do people have more say in shaping fisheries policy than in Alaska. While the outcomes might get mixed rants and reviews, no one is ever denied the chance to state ideas, concerns and gripes to decision makers. Several opportunities are available right now. First off, a revised draft of the Magnuson-Stevens Act was just released for public review and comment. The MSA is the primary federal law that governs all fisheries management in U.S. waters; it is undergoing...

  • School News

    Jul 31, 2014

    University of North Dakota Carly Tate, daughter of Daniel and Anne Tate, received an academic achievement scholarship from the University of North Dakota for the 2014-15 academic year. Carly Tate graduated rom Petersburg High School and plans to attend UND in the fall....

  • Summer Reading Challenge ends with a splash

    Suzanne Ashe Special to the Pilot|Jul 31, 2014

    Dozens of youngster challenged themselves to read books this summer. Dozens of local businesses donated prizes, and it all concluded at a big pool party at the community gym on Tuesday. More than 40 children participated in the public library’s Summer Reading Challenge, competing for 64 prizes from local donors. The challenge began on May 29 and ended July 19. Participants earned points by reading books and testing their comprehension of the themes, characters and plot of the story. This year's participants earned between ten and almost 200 p...

  • Obituary, Patricia "Pat" Lee Walden (Ray), 58

    Jul 31, 2014

    Patricia "Pat" Lee Walden (Ray) of Sedro-Woolley, Wash., died suddenly on Thursday, July 24, 2014, in Mount Vernon, Wash. Pat was the first of three children born to Lee Ray and Shirley Menne. She was born on August 28, 1955 in Redding, Calif. Pat grew up in the Concrete and Newhalem area of Washington State and graduated from Concrete High School in 1973. In 1978, Pat married Douglas Lawrenson of Burlington, Wash. During their marriage they had three children. At the time of their marriage,... Full story

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