Articles from the August 5, 2021 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 19 of 19

  • PMC CEO and Hospital Board chair meet with SEARHC

    Chris Basinger|Aug 5, 2021

    Petersburg Medical Center CEO Phil Hofstetter and Hospital Board Chair Jerod Cook met with SEARHC leadership to discuss the future of healthcare in Petersburg. With the rise of discussions within the community about the future of healthcare, these two organizations met to talk about collaborative opportunities. According to Hofstetter, the meeting covered a number of topics, but the focus was on community healthcare. "It's a starting point," Hofstetter said. "I think one of the things we'll...

  • Replacement undersea power cable nears completion

    Larry Persily, Wrangell Sentinel Publisher|Aug 5, 2021

    The marine work is done and all that remains are the final shoreside connections and testing, and a new undersea power cable between Woronkofski and Vank islands will be ready to carry electricity. The cable repair barge that pulled up the broken line and laid down 3.5 miles of new cable has left, with the onshore work expected to take until about mid-August, Trey Acteson, chief executive officer of the Southeast Alaska Power Agency, said July 29. At its deepest, the crossing is about 700 feet,...

  • Yesterday's News

    Aug 5, 2021

    August 5, 1921 From Petersburg to Seattle, from there to St. Michaels and there on river steamer to Iditarod, its destination, will be the route covered by a shipment of 1000 feet of clear spruce lumber which left here on the steamer Jefferson on Thursday. The lumber was shipped by the Petersburg Lumber Company. When asked why the lumber was shipped from here to Seattle and then north, Ed Locken manager of the local mill stated, “The consignees can save money over Seattle prices. When landed there, spruce lumber from here is $18 per thousand c...

  • Active COVID-19 cases drop to 4 in past week

    Chris Basinger|Aug 5, 2021

    The Petersburg COVID-19 dashboard is reporting one new case in the past week for a total of four active cases. According to the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services' vaccine monitoring dashboard, 65% of Petersburg Borough residents ages 12 and up have received one or more doses. Chief Nursing Officer at PMC Jennifer Bryner said that though there was much interest when the vaccine was first released, the number of people signing up for the vaccine waiting list at the hospital has...

  • School board discusses COVID-19 guidelines

    Chris Basinger|Aug 5, 2021

    The Petersburg School Board had a work session Friday to outline preliminary ideas for COVID-19 guidelines for when students return. The board considered an assortment of measures ranging from masking requirements and regular testing at school to travel precautions. Though some specific guidelines were discussed, Superintendent Erica Kludt-Painter stressed that these early ideas were not set in stone. "These are very rough thoughts," Kludt-Painter said. "These are very preliminary thoughts...

  • To the Editor

    Aug 5, 2021

    We Alaskans have had a free ride To the Editor: We Alaskans have basically had a free ride since our Permanent Fund was established in 1976 with the proceeds from the Prudhoe Bay oil lease sales. At that time, the Legislature decided to abolish the State income tax (based on a percentage of the Federal income tax), the School Tax (a once-a-year $5 payment per wage earner to help fund schools) and the Disaster Tax (a once-a-year $10 payment per wage earner to help fund disaster relief). Rather than keep these taxes, even at a very minimal rate,...

  • Joyce Cummings places second in SE mortgage originators honors

    Aug 5, 2021

    The Alaska Housing Finance Corporation named Joyce Cummings second in mortgage originators in Southeast Alaska. Cummings was among two other First Bank mortgage originators receiving honors. Sarah Griffin from Ketchikan placed first and Rocky Elerding , also from Ketchikan, placed third in the Southeast Alaska ratings for its 2021 fiscal year. "When a homebuyer chooses AHFC for their home loan, dollars stay in Alaska to help Alaskans," AHFC's Directors of Mortgage Operations Jan Miyagishima...

  • Police report

    Aug 5, 2021

    July 28 — A fire alarm was set off on Skylark Way. Harassment was reported to the Police Department. Loud noise and smoke coming from a buoy nearby Outlook Park was reported. The USCG was notified. A warning was issued for speeding on Haugen Dr. Officers responded to a vehicle with a door left open near Cornelius Rd. Extra patrols were conducted on Mitkof Highway. July 29 — A parking complaint was reported near Haugen Dr. A warning was issued for a stop sign violation on Fram St. A warning was issued for a stop sign violation at 5th St. and...

  • Court report

    Aug 5, 2021

    July 13 – The court ruled that bail set at $1,525 would remain unchanged in cases involving Lloyd Thane Bennett. July 14 – Harland Paul Billy entered not guilty pleas to two counts of DUI. The court released the defendant with the usual conditions established by the court. Troy J. Rogers entered a no contest plea to charges of Theft 4. The court sentenced the defendant to a $100 surcharge and payment of $95 in restitution. July 16 – Adrian A. Morales requested a modification of her bail which is set at $2,500. The court denied the reque...

  • PHS cross country begins practices

    Chris Basinger|Aug 5, 2021

    The Petersburg High School cross country team has begun practicing for its upcoming season. "Well we've only been in it for a week, but it's amazing because despite the small numbers, it's a really dedicated group," Head Coach Tom Thompson said. While only a handful of students are currently training with the team because of vacations and fishing, the full team should number anywhere from 12 to 20 students, including three seniors, during the season according to Thompson. "It's a nice group,...

  • Borough Assembly meeting cancelled

    Chris Basinger|Aug 5, 2021

    The Borough Assembly meeting due to take place on Monday was cancelled due to lack of a quorum. Mayor Mark Jensen and Assembly Members Taylor Norheim, Jeigh Stanton Gregor, and Chelsea Tremblay were all out of town according to Deputy Borough Clerk Becky Regula. The agenda for the assembly meeting rescheduled for August 9 at 12:00 p.m. includes a report from PMC CEO Phil Hofstetter and a presentation by Utility Director Karl Hagerman on the Electric Utility Bond Issue. An update on the...

  • SEARHC agrees to construct new hospital in Sitka

    Aug 5, 2021

    SouthEast Alaska Regional Healthcare Consortium announced an agreement Friday to construct a new multimillion dollar medical center in Sitka. The Mt. Edgecumbe Expansion and Construction Project will replace the Mt. Edgecumbe Medical Center on Japonski Island. The Indian Health Service and SEARHC signed a joint venture agreement on July 23 that will see SEARHC design the new facility and fund its construction and IHS provide long-term funding for operations and maintenance. "To continue to meet...

  • Local man charged with indecent photography

    Aug 5, 2021

    David Louis Stewart, Jr., 48, was indicted on July 15 with a single count of Indecent Viewing and Photography and 13 counts of attempted Indecent Viewing and Photography of four minors. He entered not guilty pleas to each charge in arraignments held on July 17 and 20 in Petersburg Superior Court before Judge William Carey. According to the indictment Stewart, Jr. was alleged to have taken videos between Sept. 2019 and August of 2020. The defendant was released on $5,000 cash appearance bond and $5,000 performance bond with a 3rd party...

  • FAA Big Level Island cleanup to cost $5 mil

    Chris Basinger|Aug 5, 2021

    The Federal Aviation Administration's environmental cleanup of a former dump site on Big Level Island is now estimated to cost over $5 million. Located southwest of Mitkof Island, Big Level Island was home to a FAA Station that operated from 1964 to 1995. After its closure, most of the station was demolished and removed, but waste from a dump site near the facility has been deemed a threat to the environment according to the administrative record associated with the Big Level Island cleanup....

  • Obituary: Rose Menish, 93

    Aug 5, 2021

    Rose Ormbrek Menish, 93 passed away on March 20, 2021 surrounded by family at her son Bill's house. She was born on August 18, 1927 in Centralia, Washington and was the youngest of 10 kids. She grew up in Centralia, went to grade and high school there and attended one year at Centralia Community College. She married William E. Menish on December 21, 1946 and they had two children, Marilyn and William Jr. They spent from 1946-1959 living and logging on the Olympic Peninsula. After working on the... Full story

  • Sailing along

    Aug 5, 2021

    The Anne, built in the Netherlands and registered in the Cayman Islands, anchored off Hungry Point Monday before heading down the Wrangell Narrows....

  • Petersburg Sport Fishing Report

    Patrick Fowler, ADF&G Area Management Biologist|Aug 5, 2021

    King Salmon Catch rates are now slowing as we approach the end of the summer season. Residents: Throughout most of the management area, where the retention of king salmon was prohibited to conserve Alaska wild stock king salmon in the spring, the resident bag and possession limit is now two king salmon 28 inches or greater in length. South and West of Point Baker the bag and possession limit is one king salmon, 28 inches or greater in length. Maps of this boundary are provided in the most recent king salmon advisory announcement (link to...

  • Fireweed at Dry Bay

    Aug 5, 2021

    Fireweed was blooming on Friday at Dry Bay, located north of Thomas Bay. Fireweed is known for its purplish pink color....

  • Eight non-resident cases identified in Petersburg

    Aug 5, 2021

    Eight non-residents on a private boat tested positive for COVID-19 on Sunday after arriving in Petersburg according to the Petersburg Medical Center. The non-residents notified PMC of their symptoms upon arrival and all passengers tested positive. Those onboard the boat have begun isolating and are not at risk of spreading COVID to the community. Asymptomatic testing will be available at no charge to residents on Thurs., Aug. 12 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the respiratory clinic. Testing for... Full story

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