Articles from the August 23, 2012 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 20 of 20

  • Multiple rifle shots cause power outage

    Shelly Pope and Greg Knight|Aug 23, 2012

    The hour-long, region-wide power outage experienced Sunday, Aug. 19 in both Wrangell and Petersburg was due to rifle shots into an insulator on one of the main power delivery towers on Wrangell’s backchannel. According to Thomas Bay Power Authority General Manager Paul Southland, the rifle shots into the insulator core were no accident. “The SEAPA helicopter crew found the fault early Monday morning,” Southland said. “The insulator on the tower had been shot multiple times, so it wasn't an acci... Full story

  • Petersburg City Schools have four new teachers for the 2012-13 school year

    Shelly Pope|Aug 23, 2012

    Petersburg students will have four new teachers to learn from for the 2012-13 school year. James Rodgers, a 25-year teaching veteran, comes to Petersburg by way of Utah and New Mexico. Rodgers will teach middle school and high school special education. “Special education is like a new frontier,” Rodgers said. “You can bring your imagination and novel ideas to this program and someone will learn.” This is Rodgers first year to teach in Petersburg, but he has had Petersburg classroom experie... Full story

  • Yesterday's News

    Aug 23, 2012

    August 25, 1982- General Construction not only is dredging the new small boat harbor for almost $1 million less than the state had anticipated; but it expects to complete the dredging and construction of the parking lot in December-six months before deadline. Work began Monday morning on the first phase of the new small boat harbor construction. Approximately 420,000 cubic yards of material will be dredged from the Narrows in between Alaska Island Air’s float and the new boat harbor, then transported to Frederick Sound for disposal. General C...

  • Reality TV crew is safely home after Russian ordeal

    Shelly Pope|Aug 23, 2012

    Stars of “Dangerous Waters”, a reality TV show focusing on six individuals riding jet skis around the world, were detained by Russian authorities after crossing the Bering Strait. “Our goal is to go around the world,” Charles Davis of Petersburg Bottled Gas and Dangerous Waters mechanic said. “We tried to go from Seattle to Russia last year and fell short.” This year the crew planned to travel from Nome to Russia and down through Japan but were held in Russia and not allowed to continue. ... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor

    Aug 23, 2012

    Remembers Kito To the Editor: Our paper last week featured an article about Harry Kito and the bridge that will be named after him. The day after the article was published, I was told that Harry was killed by friendly fire. This is a false rumor. Harry was killed by shrapnel in the battle of Conthien during operation Buffalo. A major at the time referred to them as the walking dead as they were surrounded by enemy fire. Harry was the first fatality in Vietnam from Alaska. I grew up with Harry and was a guest countless times in the Sam and...

  • Police reports

    Aug 23, 2012

    August 15 An alleged case of harassment was reported on the 200 block of N. Nordic Drive. Four juveniles were setting off fireworks at Hammer Slough. Officer arrested Christopher Miller, 43, on a charge of Theft in 2nd degree at South Harbor. August 16 A vehicle was unable to move due to a flat in South Harbor parking lot. Officer was notified of a possible case of fraud with a credit card on Wrangell Avenue. A gate was left open at the Ferry Terminal on Mitkof Highway. Department of Transportation was notified. Officers responded to a report...

  • Courts

    Aug 23, 2012

    August 16 Susan R. Shorey, 23, appeared before Magistrate Desiree Burrell for an arraignment on the charge of second degree promoting contraband. Shorey entered a plea of not guilty and conditions of release include $500 cash only. Tanner Gene McKitrick, 20, appeared before Magistrate Desiree Burrell for an arraignment on the charge of minor consuming alcohol. McKitrick entered a plea of no contest and was fined $600 with $400 suspended; a surcharge of $10; completion of alcohol information school; one-year probation and fine paid by Aug. 24....

  • Salmon in the jaws

    Aug 23, 2012

    This young brown bear was spotted fishing at Blind River Rapids on July 26th....

  • Zombies invade Petersburg

    Shelly Pope|Aug 23, 2012

    Over the last couple of months most of Petersburg has run into a zombie or two on the street. Why...because three of Petersburg's own have been making a movie. Heather Canik, James Hegar and Nick Johnston entered a contest for Amazon Studios in October and won a place in the semi-finals. “I found this contest on Amazon around the first of September,” Canik said. “We decided to write for a couple of weeks and see what we came up with.” Canik attended the Art Institute in Seattle for screenw... Full story

  • Council puts purchase proposal before voters on Reid property

    Shelly Pope|Aug 23, 2012

    Petersburg City Council has come to a consensus regarding the purchase of the Reid Marine Property. Based on that consensus, a funding proposal has been prepared that will be submitted to the voters at the Oct. 2 municipal election. The funding proposal provides for $250,000 from the Property Development Fund; $200,000 from the General Fund; $400,000 from the Economic Fund and financing the balance of the purchase, not to exceed $550,000, over a 15 year period payable from increased harbor moorage and upland outdoor storage rates. Taking...

  • City sends sales tax exemption to the voters

    Shelly Pope|Aug 23, 2012

    Petersburg City Council voted to send an ordinance increasing the sales tax exemption rate from $1,200 to $1,700 to the voters for the Oct. 2 election. Before discussion opened for this item, Council member Nancy Strand amended the ordinance to increase the amount to $2,400. “I think it should be doubled in order to accrue some money,” Strand said. “I also think with the big over run in the North Harbor project we are going to need to do some belt tightening and this is a good place to start.” This amendment was not met with much support and ma...

  • Coho coughs up diamond engagement ring

    Shelly Pope|Aug 23, 2012

    Kai Kaino and Terri Hamamoto of Hawaii became engaged on a fishing boat captained by Craig Curtiss Aug. 4. Kaino has always considered Petersburg a second home and has been coming here to fish for the past 10 years. “I brought Terri here this year hoping she would love Petersburg as much as I do,” Kaino said. “Luckily for me, she does.” It rained the entire week, but they did get one day of sun for that special day. “I had stressed that I wanted to catch a Coho salmon, because I think they are...

  • Programs to develop jobs in Bristol Bay underway

    Aug 23, 2012

    Jobs are being put on the fast track in Bristol Bay, with a focus on careers that go hand in hand with the region’s culture and economy: commercial fishing and seafood processing. “The fishery is our largest industry; it’s the backbone of the economy here,” said Patty Heyano, Program Development Director for the Bristol Bay Native Association in Dillingham. “So it made a whole lot of sense to concentrate on that. It seemed like we could make the biggest impact in the shortest amount of time because the industry is already here.” Heyano is r...

  • City awarded bids for sand and leveling material

    Shelly Pope|Aug 23, 2012

    The City of Petersburg awarded Northwood Sand and Gravel the bid for an amount not to exceed $51,000 and Rock N Road Construction of Petersburg was awarded a bid in an amount not to exceed $24,780. Petersburg Public Works Department recently solicited bids for 1,500 tons of winter maintenance sand with 500 tons additional sand to be awarded as an optional item. This material is used by Public Works for traction control in the winter months. Three bids were received for this project. Rock N Road came in with a bid of $61,835 and Ketchikan Ready...

  • Misty and muggy

    Orin Pierson|Aug 23, 2012

    Recent warm temperatures have led to remarkably foggy evenings, like this view of Middle Harbor on Sunday....

  • Stork Report

    Aug 23, 2012

    Luciana Christine Maldonado was born at Mount Edgecumbe Hospital in Sitka to parents Alex and Veronica Maldonado on July 16, 2012 at 08:55 am. She weighed 7 lbs 7 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long....

  • City employees are studying ways to lower utility costs for community buildings

    Shelly Pope|Aug 23, 2012

    Petersburg City Manager Stephen Giesbrecht, along with Parks and Recreation Director Donn Hayes are researching renewable energy grants to lower utility costs for community buildings including the hospital, schools and municipal buildings. “Donnie has taken the lead on this project,” Giesbrecht said. “We are encouraged that this will help save the city money in the long run.” The Petersburg Harbor Advisory Board and PND met recently to discuss the details on the North Harbor project with the group giving direction to PND for the preferred alter...

  • Blue view

    Pilot Photo|Aug 23, 2012

    Seabirds take flight as ice calves off the face of LeConte Glacier last week....

  • Flowers above, fish below

    Pilot Photo|Aug 23, 2012

    Dahlias, sunflowers, nasturtiums, pansies, petunias and lobelia are among the variety of flowers decorating the patio railings above Coastal Cold Storage this summer. Building owner Greg Einerson said his wife Wendy grew the plants from seeds....

  • Guest Editorial

    Kate Troll|Aug 23, 2012

    Like many residents of Petersburg, fish often determines how I vote. As a former Executive Director of United Fishermen of Alaska and Southeast Alaska Seiners, I write to strongly encourage your readers to Vote Fish and support the coastal management initiative on August 28. You may be surprised to learn that Alaska’s fisheries have benefitted from the Alaska Coastal Management Program for more than 30 years. The Alaska Coastal Management Program has helped protect fish habitat and ensure harbor and waterfront development for the fishing i...

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