Articles from the August 30, 2018 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 18 of 18

  • Guttenberg speaks on bill supporting pharmacists

    Brian Varela|Aug 30, 2018

    After the weather prevented Gov. Bill Walker from landing in Petersburg, Rep. David Guttenberg in his stead spoke about the importance of House Bill 240 at Petersburg Rexall Drug on Monday. The bill will address the rising costs of pharmaceutical drugs and bring transparency to the relationship between PBMs (Pharmacy Benefit Managers) and drug manufacturers, said Guttenberg. PBMs were originally established in the 1970s as a middle man between pharmacies and drug manufacturers to negotiate...

  • Private boat ramp comes to Scow Bay

    Brian Varela|Aug 30, 2018

    On Saturday, Petersburg Marine celebrated the opening of its new boat ramp in Scow Bay with a barbecue and a demonstration of its self propelled hydraulic trailer. In Scow Bay, there is a public use boat ramp, but it can be difficult to launch and bring in a boat when winds are blowing Southwest, said John Murgas, owner of Petersburg Marine. The new ramp takes advantage of a bank of dirt that extends into the water, which has been in place for over 38 years. In the area where the ramp has been b...

  • PMC keeps high quality of care

    Brian Varela|Aug 30, 2018

    In the month of July, Petersburg Medical Center continued to offer a high level of quality of care. There were zero patients, the same amount as June, diagnosed with a catheter associated urinary tract infection, according to a quality report presented to PMC’s board members on Thursday. A urinary tract infection resulting from a catheter is one of the most common types of health care associated infections. Again, zero patients, in both June and July, had stage 3 or higher pressure ulcers, or bed sores. Also, hand hygiene scored a 98 percent in...

  • Yesterday's News

    Aug 30, 2018

    August 30, 1918 Lots within Petersburg town-site survey may be staked at the present time by those who desire to secure them for home building in the near future. Lots may be taken and improved by building foundations, fencing, or a claim established in some other way, which will give the claimant prior right to the lot. However lots can not be staked for purely speculative purpose. After the approval of the survey all unoccupied lots will be sold at prices fixed by the town-site trustee, or if unsold will be turned in to the city for future...

  • Petersburg students head back to school

    Brian Varela|Aug 30, 2018

    Students started their first day back to school on Monday at the Petersburg School District. "It's been busy but it's been great," said Mitkof Middle School and Petersburg High School principal Rick Dormer. "It really is great having the kids back in the building." The middle school was treated to an introductory assembly on Monday, which welcomed them back and introduced new students and staff. A similar assembly was held on Wednesday that introduced the high school athletic department and...

  • To the Editor

    Aug 30, 2018

    Vote yes To the Editor: Push is coming to shove at the borough budget due to declining revenues. Management is having to make budget cuts. Property taxes and sales taxes are the largest two sources of revenue that pay for schools, police, fire protection, library and museum, even part of Mt. View Manor food service and KFSK. Now we have almost 600 senior sales tax exemption cards in our population of just 3,000. Sales tax revenue is consequently less. This October’s ballot proposition changes the sales tax program to give sales tax rebates t...

  • Commentary: US Coast Guard mission cannot be understated

    Lisa Murkowski U.S. Senator|Aug 30, 2018

    I had the honor of hosting the 26th Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard, Admiral Karl L. Schultz, in Southeast Alaska. We were joined by17th Coast Guard District Commander Admiral Bell. Our time together included an important trip to Petersburg, where we visited crews and the town's two ships stationed there. One of the Coast Guard Cutters that we toured, the USCGC ELDERBERRY was put in Alaskan waters in the mid-50s. It's a testament to the great work of Coast Guard crews to keep this vessel in...

  • Walker signs bill for healthcare costs transparency

    Brian Varela|Aug 30, 2018

    Earlier this month, Gov. Bill Walker signed Senate Bill 105 into law, which improves transparency in healthcare costs. “Healthcare costs are a critical issue in Alaska,” said Walker in a press release from Aug. 7. “Trying to keep costs sustainable is an important issue for individuals and families, but also for businesses and our economy. Seeking care is often hard enough – our medicals bills shouldn’t hurt, too.” Under the new bill, healthcare providers and facilities will have to publicly post the costs of their most common procedures,...

  • 2018 Primary election results

    Caleb Vierkant|Aug 30, 2018

    After voting on Aug. 21, the results of the Alaska primary election have started to come in. Unofficial election results have been posted online at the Alaska Division of Elections’ website. According to the election results, it was a low turnout for the primary, with only 18.2 percent of Alaska’s voting public casting ballots. There were seven candidates running for the position of U.S. Representative this year, three Republicans and four Democrats. Alysa Galvin took 19,735 votes, or 54.09 percent, securing the Democratic nomination for the...

  • Police report

    Aug 30, 2018

    August 22 — On Cornelius Dr., illegal dumping was reported to authorities. An officer separated parties involved in a domestic disturbance on Birch St. August 23 — A sex offender registered with the police department. An officer checked on an unsecured door on Sing Lee Alley. Extra patrols were conducted on N. Nordic Dr. August 24 — Brandon Thomassen, 29, was ordered to serve time for a previous charge. A bike was reported missing on Chief John Lott St. A parking violation downtown was resolved before authorities could arrive. An officer separ...

  • Cross country team hits the ground running

    Brian Varela|Aug 30, 2018

    At a meet in Sitka, the Petersburg High School cross country team had two girls come in the top five and one boy come in 9th over all. Maia Cowan came in 2nd in the girls 5k run at 19:31:43, and Kendra Coonrad came in 5th at 20:59:96. In the boys 5k, Tolin Billy Eddy came in 9th at 17:37:24. "It's pretty impressive to be all ranked so high up there right now, so they're doing a good job," said cross country head coach Tom Thompson. The girls team came in 2nd with a combined score of 74 points....

  • Nursing students begin final year in program

    Brian Varela|Aug 30, 2018

    This week, the students in the nursing program at the Petersburg Medical Center began their second and last year in the program. "Nursing school is stressful no matter where you go," said Rosa Niemi, a registered nurse staff generalist and adjunct faculty with the University of Alaska Anchorage. "They seem to be doing really good. They are a close knit group." The program is with UAA. Half of the course is done online through teleconferencing, readings and group projects. The other half focuses...

  • PMC's momentum continues one month into fiscal year

    Brian Varela|Aug 30, 2018

    Petersburg Medical Center's first month into the 2019 fiscal year saw a 6 percent increase in net revenue, but a decrease in days cash on hand. "The month of July was a decently good month," said CFO Doran Hammett. The budget for the net operating revenue was set at $1,221,250 for the month, but the hospital came in at $1,299,357, which is a 6 percent increase. The increase in the net operating revenue is attributed to the amount of money brought in by inpatient care, said Hammett. The...

  • Hospital to bring mental health counseling to clinic

    Brian Varela|Aug 30, 2018

    Petersburg Medical Center will partner with Petersburg Mental Health Services to bring mental health counseling to the Joy Janssen Clinic beginning in September. “We’re looking forward to working with the hospital on it and we think it’s a great deal for the community,” said PMHS financial officer Kathy O’Rear. Building off a strong working relationship, PMHS will send Pat Feffa one day a week to PMC to begin an effort to have mental health to be a part of primary care, said O’Rear. By having a professional available at the hospital to...

  • 1st Annual Petersburg MMIW Walk/Run

    Aug 30, 2018

  • Alaska Fish Factor

    Laine Welch|Aug 30, 2018

    More seafood tariffs in Trump’s trade war with China are hitting Alaska coming and going. On July 6 the first 25 percent tax went into effect on more than 170 U.S. seafood products going to China. On August 23, more items were added to the list, including fish meal from Alaska. “As of right now, nearly every species and product from Alaska is on that list of tariffs,” said Garrett Evridge, a fisheries economist with the McDowell Group. Alaska produces more than 70,000 metric tons of fish meal per year (about 155 million pounds), mostly made fro...

  • Local artist showcases work inspired by white sheets

    Brian Varela|Aug 30, 2018

    On Friday, Beth Flor kicked off her art show, Beyond Realism, with a reception at Firelight Gallery & Framing to display her pieces painted over a two-year period. "[Painting] makes me focus and takes me out of myself," said Flor. "It's not that I relax, it's that I focus. You escape into the work." The subject matter for half of the pieces are white sheets. Most of them were painted in Mexico. At first, she was inspired by the shapes and forms her white sheets took while she was changing them,...

  • Corrections:

    Aug 30, 2018

    In the Aug. 16 edition of the Petersburg Pilot, on page 16, Trygve Thorsen, 88 was also survived by Andrew Trygve Broschat. His name was left out of the obituary published on August 16, 2018. In the Aug. 23 edition of the Petersburg Pilot, a story on page 5 stated that Richard Burke or Sally Dwyer could withdraw from the planning commission race for the single 2-year term seat and run as a write in candidate for the available 3-year term seat so as to avoid running against each other. It should have stated Richard Burke or David Kensinger. On... Full story

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