Articles from the September 4, 2014 edition

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  • Weaver indicted on two counts in explosives case

    Mary Koppes|Sep 4, 2014

    Mark Weaver, 59, was indicted by a Grand Jury in U.S. District Court on two counts of Possession of Unregistered Destructive Devices in conjunction with an explosion at the Petersburg rock quarry July 13. He was arrested Aug. 27 in Tacoma, Wash. According to court documents, “Weaver did knowingly possess a destructive device which was not registered to him.” The document also states that Weaver possessed seven hand grenades, which were also unregistered. The prosecutor Assistant U.S. Attorney Joseph Bottini said, “The first device (in count... Full story

  • Runners make their mark at Petersburg's first half-marathon

    Mary Koppes|Sep 4, 2014

    Seventeen runners, including two teams of two, and four walkers participated in Petersburg's first ever Rainforest Run half marathon on Labor Day. The sounding of a conch shell marked the start of the race as runners took off along the 13.1-mile course that wound through the eastern end of the island and ended at Sandy Beach Park. Runners followed tiled mile markers custom-made by Emil Tucker and Carin Christensen and received encouragement, along with water, from volunteers and supporters at ai... Full story

  • The ladies of Lee's Clothing look back on 45 years

    Mary Koppes|Sep 4, 2014

    Lee's Clothing has had a main street presence for decades. In fact, owner Roxy Lee and her daughters and store managers Cynthia Lee Mathisen and Heidi Lee are celebrating 45 years of business this month. In the early days Lee's was a working man's store. Roxy outfitted loggers and fishermen and the high-school-aged boys in town. Lee's has since grown into a main street staple outfitting for fashion and function. The story of the store and the Lee's family who run it parallels the story of the... Full story

  • Yesterday's News

    Sep 4, 2014

    September 5, 1914 – With the opening of the new restaurant the traveling public as well as the residents of the town will find a change for the better. Heretofore the lack of a proper restaurant has always been a drawback to this town. This however, will soon be forgotten as the new place will be opened in a very few days, John Bruce, one of the most popular men of the town decided some weeks ago that an opening for a good restaurant was awaiting him, and immediately started to fit up the large room adjoining the Dory Saloon and being neatly f...

  • New coat for the Sons

    Sep 4, 2014

  • Police reports

    Sep 4, 2014

    August 27 A caller reported individuals loitering in a park after hours. An officer responded and the individuals cleared the area. A caller reported an unaccompanied backpack. A caller reported a phone scam. A caller reported a boulder fell off a truck headed toward town and the boulder is on the side of the road. A caller reported a dog shot in the leg. A caller reported theft from a debit card. A caller reported a prescription was stolen from their vehicle. A caller reported unsafe driving. A caller reported their backpack had been taken...

  • Courts

    Sep 4, 2014

    August 28 Roberto J. Martinez appeared before Magistrate Judge Desiree Burrell for an arraignment on a charge of Minor Consuming Alcohol. The defendant plead not guilty and a trial was set for Nov. 12. Conditions of release were set: $200 appearance bond and no violation of laws. Jasmine Abarca appeared before Magistrate Judge Desiree Burrell for an arraignment on a charge of Minor Consuming Alcohol. The defendant plead guilty and was sentenced to a $600 fine with $400 suspended, a police training surcharge, one-year unsupervised probation, to...

  • PMC has break-even year and clean audit

    Mary Koppes|Sep 4, 2014

    The Petersburg Medical Center (PMC) hospital board meeting last week covered many topics, several of which revolved around financials as the center received their annual audit and a financial report indicating a break-even year for the fiscal year ending June 30. One new cost also came to the fore as Maintenance Director Mike Boggs reported the fuel oil boiler—one of two boilers used to heat the facility— has a leak and needs to be retubed. However, due to the cost to repair and maintain the old boiler, an estimated $37,900, and fuel costs to...

  • Correction:

    Sep 4, 2014

    In the last edition of the Petersburg Pilot in a story about the Drive Down dock, it was stated that there was $1.9 million in surplus state grants funds left that the Harbor Advisory board requested to be used for 120 feet of bulkhead on the Drive Down dock. That figure was actually approximately $1.4 million with a recent utility change order. It was also stated that the facility is being funded through three legislative grants totaling more than $18 million. In fact the grants awarded in 2009, 2010 and 2013 totaled about $10.8 million. The...

  • First day of school

    Sep 4, 2014

  • Vikings size up the competition at Jamboree

    Orin Pierson|Sep 4, 2014

    Southeast Alaska's high school volleyball teams took to the court last weekend for the season opener at Ketchikan's Region V Jamboree. This year Petersburg has an especially large squad: 31 girls, including 11 freshmen. This has led to the creation of a second junior varsity team for some of the younger girls just getting into the mix. Talented and young is a good way to describe the PHS teams. “We've got no seniors on varsity, but we've got a lot of returners with varsity experience from last year and a couple of freshmen that surprised us a...

  • "Super Six" girls team upsets the competition

    Orin Pierson|Sep 4, 2014

    PHS Cross Country is off and running with a new head coach. Vikings Head Coach Tom Thompson has led practices for a full month and took the girls and boys teams to Juneau for the first meet of the season last weekend. This year's girls team has some very big running shoes to fill after last year's "Fab Five" seniors took the Region V title and finished third in State. Despite being a young team of six girls with a total of three years of cross country experience between them all, Coach Thompson...

  • Plans in the works to ban Russian seafood imports

    Laine Welch|Sep 4, 2014

    If Russia won't buy seafood from the US, we won't buy seafood from them. That's the gauntlet being thrown down by Alaska's Congressional Delegation to retaliate against Russia's yearlong ban on food products from the US and several nations. In a letter to President Obama spurred on by Sen. Lisa Murkowski, the Delegation wrote: "Our purpose here is to ask that your Administration respond to the Russian action with a two-step process. First, we ask that you use all diplomatic means available to...

  • Canadian mines on upcoming tribal conference agenda

    Dan Rudy|Sep 4, 2014

    Representatives of Southeast Alaskan tribal groups will be meeting in Juneau next week to discuss regional concerns at the annual Southeast Environmental Conference in the city’s Vocational Training and Resource Center. Beginning Monday, the five-day event is being hosted by the Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska, in partnership with the Chilkat Indian Village, Craig Tribal Association, Douglas Indian Association, Organized Village of Kasaan, Petersburg Indian Association and Sitka Tribe of Alaska. The purpose o...

  • School News

    Sep 4, 2014

    University of Washington Julia Buschmann, a junior at the University of Washington in Seattle, Wash., was named to the Dean's List for Spring Quarter 2014....

  • PMC will pursue Trauma IV designation

    Mary Koppes|Sep 4, 2014

    Petersburg Medical Center (PMC) board members unanimously approved a resolution supporting the establishment of a Level IV trauma center. Members of the Trauma Committee at PMC will now pursue the designation given by the Alaska Division of Public Health in conjunction with the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ASCOT). Trauma designations range from Level I, which has the greatest number of requirements, to Level IV, which has the least. Level IV centers are typically granted to rural facilities that evaluate and assess...

  • Year's first walk to school

    Sep 4, 2014

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