Articles from the September 22, 2022 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 23 of 23

  • Municipal election ballot propositions review

    Chris Basinger|Sep 22, 2022

    Voters will be faced with three ballot propositions during the municipal election on Oct. 4 which, if approved, would amend Petersburg's home rule charter. The three ordinances which sent the three propositions to the ballot were unanimously passed by the Petersburg Borough Assembly earlier this year. During Monday evening's assembly meeting, Borough Clerk Debbie Thompson led a review of the three propositions during a discussion requested by Vice Mayor Jeigh Stanton Gregor. Proposition 1 would...

  • Muskeg Morning

    Sep 22, 2022

  • Petersburg couple celebrates 75th anniversary

    Lizzie Thompson|Sep 22, 2022

    Last Sunday there was a familiar Petersburg scene at the Lutheran Church's Holy Cross House: a table laden with open-faced sandwiches, shrimp and macaroni salad, delicate krumkake, spritz, and the signature kransekake (wreath cake). This time, however, the celebration was for an uncommon, maybe even unprecedented event: a 75th wedding anniversary–a milestone so few couples accomplish that there is no statistic for it, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. The room was packed and loud with h... Full story

  • Yesterday's News News from 25-50-75-100 years ago

    Sep 22, 2022

    September 22, 1922 – The first flying machine to ever land in Petersburg did so Monday when the hydro-plane Northbird arrived here from Wrangell. The Northbird took twenty-one minutes of actual flying time to make the trip. Dr. A. B. Jones came over as a passenger on the machine and has the distinction of being the first passenger to travel by air between two Alaska towns. The Northbird is owned by Roy Jones, of Ketchikan, and is used for commercial purposes in Southeastern Alaska. The machine will be here for several days and those who d...

  • Mayoral candidates answer questions during forum

    Chris Basinger|Sep 22, 2022

    The three candidates running for mayor in this year's municipal election participated in a candidate forum hosted by KFSK and the Petersburg Pilot Tuesday afternoon. Mayor Mark Jensen and Assembly Members Bob Lynn and Jeff Meucci were presented with the same questions on a rotating basis and were each given one minute to respond. Written here are some of the questions asked and a summary of each candidate's response. The full forum can be listened to at

  • Correction:

    Sep 22, 2022

    In the Mayoral Candidate Survey in the Sept. 15 edition, a picture of Jeff Meucci was incorrectly labeled as “Mark Jensen....

  • To the Editor

    Sep 22, 2022

    Good on Hankins To the Editor: I had the good fortune to attend a class given by Aaron Hankins. He inspires confidence. He was an excellent instructor; knowledgeable, intelligent and personable. I can see him confidently organizing a unit of first responders who could effectively execute a search, a rescue, or a medical evacuation. Good on him and it will be good on the Borough Assembly to approve his appointment. George Cole Meucci for Mayor To the Editor: Over the years I’ve written several times to the borough assembly on municipal i...

  • Police report

    Sep 22, 2022

    September 14 – Petersburg Police Department (PPD) received a report of a dangerous driver, but a patrol was unable to locate the offender. PPD received a report of a suspicious vehicle at the Ballfield, but determined there was no criminal activity. An officer responded to a report of individuals at a business after hours and determined they had permission to be there. September 15 – An officer responded to a report of a domestic disturbance on South 3rd Street. An officer responded to a report of a strange noise coming out of a manhole, and...

  • Assembly approves Fire/EMS/SAR director hire

    Chris Basinger|Sep 22, 2022

    Aaron Hankins was officially hired as the new Fire/EMS/SAR director during Monday evening's Petersburg Borough Assembly meeting with unanimous approval. Hankins said he was initially hesitant to apply for the position and try to follow in the footsteps of former director Sandy Dixson, but after receiving encouragement from friends and family he decided to give it a shot. "My dad is the one who sat me down and said, 'listen the worst they can say is no, from what I've see you have what it takes...

  • Court report

    Sep 22, 2022

    September 7, 2022 In the Superior Court at Petersburg, Alaska, Superior Court Judge Amy Mead presided over a status hearing for State of Alaska v Malcolm Ware. The defense asked for the travel restriction to be lifted off of his conditions of release so that the defendant could fly to California for the birth of his child. Agreeing, the court also amended that the electronic monitoring device be removed while the defendant was out of state and would be reattached upon his return to Alaska. Another status hearing was set for October 5. A...

  • Celebrating rosemaling

    Sep 22, 2022

  • Assembly updated on Early Childhood Education Task Force

    Chris Basinger|Sep 22, 2022

    During Monday evening's Petersburg Borough Assembly meeting, Assembly Member Chelsea Tremblay gave a report on the progress of the Early Childhood Education Task Force. The task force, which was established in April and is chaired by Tremblay, is composed of 14 members broken up into three subgroups-Access and Brainstorming, Staff and Administrative Support, and Policy and Details. According to Tremblay's report, the Access and Brainstorming group has identified and discussed barriers for...

  • Reception for Beth Flor

    Sep 22, 2022

  • Moose season opens

    Chris Basinger|Sep 22, 2022

    If you have been putting off making room in your freezer, now may be the time to do so. The RM038 moose hunting season opened last Thursday and will last until Oct. 15. The hunt encompasses Units 1B, 3, and a portion of 1C located south of Point Hobart. Areas include Kuiu, Kupreanof, Mitkof, and Wrangell Islands, the Stikine River, and Farragut Bay among others. According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, a legal moose is defined as a bull moose with a spike or forked antler, or a...

  • School News

    Sep 22, 2022

    The University of Alaska Fairbanks has announced the students named to the Deans’ and Chancellor’s Lists for the Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 semesters. The lists recognize students’ outstanding academic achievements. Students receiving a 3.9 grade point average or higher are placed on the Chancellor’s List, while those receiving a grade point average of between 3.5 and 3.89 are named to the Deans’ List. Congratulations to the following local students who earned academic honors at UAF: Tristan Enriquez, Fall 2021 Deans’ List and Spring 2022...

  • PMC Board Candidate Survey

    Sep 22, 2022

    Cindi Lagoudakis What is your age? 68 What experience do you have? I have served as Assembly Member and as Mayor, and am a current member of the Hospital Board. Why do you seek public office? I see being involved as a responsibility, and one that I enjoy. Do you support the construction of a new Petersburg Medical Center building? Yes, for multiple reasons. Having seen some of the building issues firsthand, I do support construction of a new hospital building. The staff have been making a good...

  • School Board Candidate Survey

    Sep 22, 2022

    Sarah Pawuk Holmgrain What is your age? 51 What experience do you have? I have served on the school board since I was appointed and then elected in 2009. Why do you seek public office? I still have the time and energy to put into volunteering on this Board. How would you like to see the budget managed through the challenges the school district currently faces? Actually, I think the budget has been managed quit well for over a decade with fewer and fewer resources and funds. We have had...

  • Harbor Board Candidate Survey

    Sep 22, 2022

    Casey Knight What is your age? 36 What experience do you have? Three years on Harbor Board Why do you seek public office? To help maintain an affordable working waterfront in Petersburg What are your thoughts on the proposed improvements to the Papke's Landing Marine Facility? The State isn't going to do improve Papke's, so the Borough has to. But we must decide whether the Borough is in a position to take on the extra responsibilities involved in taking over the relevant land from ADOT and ADNR...

  • Cross country finds second wind in Ketchikan

    Chris Basinger|Sep 22, 2022

    The Petersburg High School cross country team had extra motivation going into the Ketchikan Invitational last weekend. The meet was the Vikings' first opportunity to compete with a full women's team as Kinley Lister returned from injury and newcomer Eleanor Kandoll joined up for her first race of the season. "It was pretty exciting having a full five girls, that's something that we always kind of struggle with because there's not a whole lot of girls who like to run because we have volleyball at...

  • PHS swim competes in first meet of the season

    Chris Basinger|Sep 22, 2022

    The Petersburg High School swim team hit the waves for the first time this season last weekend at a two-day meet in Ketchikan. Coach Andy Carlisle said many of the swimmers he brought to the meet dropped their times in the water, showing their improvement from the start of practices this summer. “Friday we could do no wrong. Friday we were on fire. It was a great day and then Saturday was only a good day instead of a great day but it was still pretty darn good,” Coach Andy Carlisle said. The Juneau-Douglas High School women’s team topped the s...

  • Artifact Archive

    Sep 22, 2022

    It should be known that England is not the only place that celebrates queens. Petersburg Prom Queen Charlotte Clausen wore this crown made by Mary Allen in 1937. Charlotte was the second Prom Queen for the event when it was held in the gymnasium at Petersburg High School. Carefully crafted from the gold foil paper used in wrapping Miss Saylor's Chocolates, a candy company which operated from 1920 to 1973, this royal creation features imitation pearls and colored glass "jewels." Though...

  • Obituary: Marilyn Mae Prus, 86

    Sep 22, 2022

    Marilyn Mae Prus was born in Grand Rapids Michigan on August 19, 1936 to Erwin and Birtha Dressle. On September 9, 2022 she was met at the bridge by her spiritual teacher and he walked her the rest of the way to heaven. In 1954 Marilyn married Donald Prus in Massachusetts and they were honored that nine souls allowed them to bring them into this world. She prayed that she inspired these souls and others to love life and the God who gave it to them. Marilyn pursued an education after raising her... Full story

  • Obituary: Alex Steven (Sandy) Reid, 74

    Sep 22, 2022

    Alex Steven Reid (Sandy) was born to Alexander John Reid and Mary Hungerford Reid on February 29, 1948 in Petersburg, Alaska. Sandy was raised in Petersburg, attended Petersburg Elementary School and graduated from Petersburg High School in 1966. During his childhood years, he spent summers all over Southeast Alaska at his family's logging camps. He learned to build almost anything from parts and pieces that he could scrounge up. He was interested in anything he could put a motor on. That kind... Full story

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