Articles from the September 27, 2018 edition

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  • Girls cross country places 1st at regionals

    Brian Varela|Sep 27, 2018

    The Petersburg High School girls cross country team came in first place at Regionals in Juneau on Saturday, with the boys team coming in third. Both teams will be heading to the state cross country meet in Anchorage this weekend. "I think we inherited some good talent," said assistant coach Debby Eddy. "They're just willing to work hard, which makes them faster runners. That comes from inside of them." The girls cross country team came in first place overall with a combined score of 32. This...

  • Post office reopens following week long shut down

    Brian Varela|Sep 27, 2018

    After mercury leaked out of a package at the Petersburg Post Office and closed the facility for just over a week, the post office reopened last Friday. "[Post office staff] handled it great and they adapted to the changes as necessary to make sure that we could keep serving our customers," said Postmaster Mark Eppihimer. Environmental contractors and regulators were flown into Petersburg to clean the facility of the mercury, though the amount that was exposed wasn't harmful, according to a...

  • Yesterday's News

    Sep 27, 2018

    September 27, 1918 On account of the break in the cable between Juneau and Wrangell, the Report failed to receive its press dispatches this week. The cable break cuts off all communication between Seattle and Petersburg, and between Juneau and Petersburg except by Wireless. As the business all passes through the wireless at Ketchikan, that station is overworked and so far has not been able to get the press dispatches through. When they arrive they will be posted in the window of the Report office. September 24, 1943 Last week Dr. Earl F....

  • PMC vaccinating community for the flu

    Brian Varela|Sep 27, 2018

    The Petersburg Medical Center is currently vaccinating the public, six months and older, for influenza. "This is typically when we start vaccinating as soon as we get the vaccine, which can be in September, October and then we try to vaccinate people sooner rather than later," said Joy Janssen Clinic manager Jenna Olsen. Residents are encouraged to schedule an appointment to be vaccinated. PMC also has a supply of the high dose for people 65 years of age or older, said Olsen. A flu shot clinic...

  • Petersburg hospital board votes to invest up to $1.5 million

    Brian Varela|Sep 27, 2018

    The Petersburg Medical Center board of directors passed a motion on Sept. 19 to invest up to $1.5 million at the CFO and CEO’s discretion in bonds and treasuries. The decision came at the suggestion of hospital CFO Doran Hammett. He said that PMC’s operating cash in an account at First Bank was increasing at a rate of .5 percent in interest per month, but the bank was only crediting the hospital a sufficient amount to offset bank charges. “Over the last 13 months, we earned almost $11,000 in excess of our bank charges, and that’s money that we...

  • Editorial: Preserve sales tax exemptions for those who need it

    Ron Loesch Publisher|Sep 27, 2018

    Passage of Proposition 1 will reimburse citizens who most desperately need the sales tax exemption — the elderly people living on various assistance programs. It’s pure folly to have millionaires and well-off retired and elderly residents benefiting from the exemption while the Petersburg Borough administration cuts quality of life programs that benefit the youth in the community. Parks and Rec. programs such as the aquatic center, weight room, racquetball courts, gym, park maintenance will be cut back or eliminated first. Cuts will follow in o...

  • To the Editor

    Sep 27, 2018

    MVFS misconception To the Editor: I want to address a small point in Glo Wollen’s letter this last issue. Thanking Glo for her fine support of Proposition 1, which I agree, she referred to a popular misconception as she described our quality of life in Petersburg. Many citizens use the term “Meals on Wheels” when they refer to Petersburg’s Senior dining program. The Mt. View Food Service is not an affiliate of Meals on Wheels. We are an organization in Petersburg which is dedicated to a senior group dining experience. If eligible consume...

  • Police report

    Sep 27, 2018

    September 19 — A speed warning was issued at 2.8 mile on Mitkof Highway. A welfare check was requested on Howkan St., but the responding officer was unable to locate the subject. An assault was reported at North Harbor. The parties involved were separated. Extra patrols were requested at S. 7th St. September 20 — An intoxicated individual was reported at 1st. St. and Fram St., but the situation was deemed non-criminal. Foot patrol was conducted downtown. A vehicle ran out of gas halfway up Dump Hill. The owner removed the vehicle. Aut...

  • Court report

    Sep 27, 2018

    September 7 — Jacob J. Pauline appeared before Magistrate Judge Burrell in a bail review hearing. The court set a $500 cash performance bond requirement for his release. September 18 — Judge Carey dismissed the Assault in the 4th Degree charges against Ryan Michael Tate and vacated the trial. David Moncada Gutierrez failed to appear. Judge Carey issued a $50 bench warrant. September 19 — David D. Estes was arraigned on charges of Disorderly Conduct. The defendant entered a guilty plea and was sentenced to time served, a $250 fine with $250...

  • Forest service holds meeting on Roadless Rule

    Caleb Vierkant|Sep 27, 2018

    WRANGELL — In 2001, the U.S. Department of Agriculture issued a nationwide regulation on the management of roadless areas in national forests across the country. The “Roadless Rule,” as it’s known, generally prohibits timber harvesting and road construction in roadless areas.The rule affects 58.5 million acres of land across the country, based on information provided by the Forest Service. According to Nicole Grewe, with the Forest Service, about 55 percent of the Tongass National Forest is designated as roadless area. The Roadless Rule ha...

  • Fatal wreck in Wrangell

    Caleb Vierkant|Sep 27, 2018

    WRANGELL — On the night of Sept. 19, at approximately 8 p.m., a single vehicle on Zimovia Highway was in an accident near 6.5 mile. According to Chief Doug McCloskey, with the Wrangell Police Department, there were two occupants in the vehicle. The wreck was fatal for one passenger, while the other sustained serious injuries. “Basically, the car left the road and struck the bluffs out at 6.5 mile,” McCloskey said. He added that the police were still investigating the cause of the accident, but it would appear that the car was speeding at the t...

  • PMC moves to work with project management firm for facility project

    Brian Varela|Sep 27, 2018

    The Petersburg Medical Center board of directors passed a motion for hospital CEO Phil Hofstetter to form a working document with DOWL, a professional project management firm, for the management of the facility project. The vote brought cheers from those present at the PMC board meeting on Sept. 19. “I love it, action,” said Hofstetter. In a letter submitted to the board of directors, Kendall E. Gee, senior project manager with DOWL, proposed an initial projectbudget of $20,000. Hofstetter said that the company would not invoice the hos...

  • Moose numbers below last year's count so far

    Brian Varela|Sep 27, 2018

    At 12 days into moose season, this year's moose count is falling short at 22 as of Monday afternoon when compare to this time last year. On Sept. 26, 2017, the moose count was 47. "Every year is different," said an official with the Petersburg Fish & Game office. "We have no idea what October will bring." Moose season began on Sept. 15 and will run through Oct. 15. Last year's moose season closed with a moose count of 117, which was a unit record, beating out the 2016 total of 111. So far, two...

  • Borough assembly candidates answer questions at forum

    Brian Varela|Sep 27, 2018

    A forum was held on Monday that allowed representatives from KFSK, the Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and the Petersburg Pilot to ask borough assembly candidates a variety of questions on local issues. All the candidates were present for the two hour long forum except for Donald Spigelmyre. He said he is unable to take a seat on the borough assembly; however, he was unable to withdraw from candidacy before the deadline to withdraw had passed. His name will still appear on the ballot in the Petersburg municipal elections on Tuesday. Each...

  • Assembly candidates

    Sep 27, 2018

    Bill Tremblay General Information Name: Bill Tremblay Age: 64 Experience: My past experience includes 9 years on the Petersburg City Council (1999-2007), and 2 1/2 years on the City Council for Craig, Alaska (1985-1988). In addition to my 36 year work experience with the Forest Service, I have been a part of several groups or organizations that provide a benefit to the Petersburg community. At this time I am the President of the Board of Directors for KFSK Public Radio, a board member for the...

  • Alaska Fish Factor: Pending bill in U.S. Senate would streamline permitting process for offshore aquaculture projects such as offshore fish farms

    Laine Welch|Sep 27, 2018

    Offshore fish farms could soon dot the sea scape along with those oil and gas platforms being proposed for U.S. waters by the Trump Administration. The fish farms, which would be installed from three to 200 miles out, are being touted as a way to boost seafood production, provide jobs and reduce the nation’s $16 billion trade deficit due to America’s importing nearly 90 percent of its seafood favorites. The U.S. Commerce Department is holding meetings around the country through November to talk about its strategic plan for getting aqu...

  • Fishing buddies

    Sep 27, 2018

  • No jail time in assault case spurs push to oust judge

    Sep 27, 2018

    ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — A man drove an Alaska Native woman to a dark street, said he would kill her and choked her until she blacked out. He then masturbated on her face. Originally charged with kidnapping, 34-year-old Justin Schneider pleaded guilty to a single count of felony assault in a deal with prosecutors and was sentenced last week to two years in prison with one year suspended. Having already spent a year in home confinement, he stepped out of the courtroom with no more time to serve. The case has stirred outrage, with victims’ advoca...

  • Number of human-bear conflicts growing across Alaska

    Sep 27, 2018

    ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) - Wildlife experts are calling this summer one of the busiest years of bear encounters they have seen. Biologists believe that poor berry crops and struggling salmon are motivating the hungry bears to wander away from the woods and go into towns, the Anchorage Daily News reported. Recent incidents include a black bear taking over the Juneau arboretum and another bruin that shut down a fish-cleaning facility. A rise in the numbers of young black bears may also be contributi...

  • A robust catch

    Sep 27, 2018

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