Articles from the October 2, 2014 edition

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  • Grand Camp returns to Petersburg between centennial celebrations

    Erik LeDuc|Oct 2, 2014

    Petersburg’s Alaska Native Sisterhood and Alaska Native Brotherhood Camp 16 will play host to the 102nd annual Grand Camp Oct. 8-11, returning after 43 years of convening elsewhere around Alaska. “Each year the camp itself in each community works to address the needs in the community,’’ said Brenda Louise, ANS 2nd Grand Vice President and member of Petersburg’s Camp 16. “Each community, depending on how big or active the camp is and what issues they see as needing addressing in their environment, would write resolutions and bring them to Gra... Full story

  • Headed to State

    Oct 2, 2014

  • Halfway around the world, Petersburg still looks like home

    Erik LeDuc|Oct 2, 2014

    Clara Henriksen has relocated from her home in Denmark to Petersburg where she will live as a Rotary Exchange Student until July of next year. "It's almost the same, but we don't have as much rain as here,'' Henriksen said. Small discrepancies, such as new seafood and language barriers, still throw her occasionally, but Petersburg is a comfortable reminder of home during her stay with Kim Kilkenny, her host parent. The two have made time to play in the kitchen, giving Henriksen an introduction... Full story

  • Yesterday's News

    Oct 2, 2014

    September 26, 1914 – The boys are home: Paul Lund, Jack Hanseth, Jack Wanberg, Tony Michaelburst, Chris Lange and the cook—Paul doesn’t know his name— all jolly and popular bachelors, who have spent the summer at their logging camp, returned this week after a very successful season. The boys promise to take time easy this coming winter. Their only diversion will be to look for lasting partners. Both Lund and Hanseth are reported to be tired of this temporary partnership affair. Their many friends suspect as much. October 6, 1939 – The Chamb...

  • Leo Luczak retires after 28 years with Petersburg Borough

    Erik LeDuc|Oct 2, 2014

    When he first took a job with the City of Petersburg, now Petersburg Borough, Leo Luczak didn’t expect to be with it long enough to retire from it. “It was supposed to be full time, temporary for three to four months, and it’s been 28 years,’’ he said. Starting as building inspector, Luczak was quickly fitted for new hats, gaining the titles and duties of Community Development director and supervising a building maintenance crew. The new roles came with new learning curves as well, throwing him headlong into bureaucratic waters he had only... Full story

  • To the Editor

    Oct 2, 2014

    Seniors not wanted To the Editor: The upcoming election contains a number of tax propositions directed at our elderly population. The harshest most egregious of these is proposition 4. This tax law is not a law recommended by the tax committee. I repeat “not’’. It is to all appearances, a law made up by the three people that were recently on the radio, promoting it. By the way not one advocate for the elderly was on this program and the entire law was not put before the public. Kudos to our Mayor the only Assembly member to call in (He is vo...

  • Editorial: Remember to vote

    Ron Loesch Publisher|Oct 2, 2014

    In addition to selecting members for the Borough Assembly, school board, hospital board and other boards and commissions, voters will determine the fate of six ballot propositions. We encourage the passage of proposition 1 which exempts municipal officers and elected officials from the State financial disclosure law. While some borough elected officials found the law easy to comply with, others refused to file for elective office because of the requirement. Petersburg has been exempt from the law’s requirements for decades and it has caused n...

  • PMC funds new projects, accounts holds steady through August

    Erik LeDuc|Oct 2, 2014

    Petersburg Medical Center is continuing to balance the books and expand its services, but the budget still will be tight around the edges as it moves forward on some big ticket purchases after recent, costly, repairs. The hospital’s resource committee had met on Sept. 22 to discuss which projects to fund, now and in the future, as members weighed their chances of PMC’s requests appearing higher on the borough’s own capital projects list to be submitted to the state appropriations committee, and therefore be more likely to receive state fundi...

  • Spoils of the Paddle Battle

    Oct 2, 2014

  • Connecting to history: Library to continue digital archive additions

    Erik LeDuc|Oct 2, 2014

    Petersburg Public Library just finished the grant phase of a project to digitally preserve local Tlingit and borough history, according to Taralee Alcock, Library Director. The grant, obtained from the Institute for Museum and Library services and administered by the Alaska State Library, was for $16,940, which gave the library a "foot in the door'' to begin adding the wealth of local history available to a much greater electronic catalogue than is available at home. "We added 200 photographs...

  • Fish Factor: Bering Sea crab scientists and stakeholder meet to discuss the outlook for Alaska's biggest crab fisheries

    Laine Welch|Oct 2, 2014

    Alaska’s conservative management combined with the grace of Mother Nature are swelling the abundance of two of the state’s largest and most important fisheries. Bering Sea crab scientists and stakeholder met last week to discuss the outlook for Alaska’s biggest crab fisheries that open October 15th. The take away was that the stocks of red king crab, bairdi Tanners and snow crab all showed big increases in mature size classes, based on data from the annual summer surveys. (Only mature male crabs cans be retained in Alaska’s crab fisheries.) Tha...

  • Wrangell line truck loaned to Petersburg for tree trimming

    Erik LeDuc|Oct 2, 2014

    Recently, the Petersburg and Wrangell boroughs helped one another with a 'handshake agreement' that sent Wrangell's bucket truck over to its neighboring municipality for about a week, Petersburg crews worked fast to make the most of their time, preparing to send the vehicle back on the Friday morning ferry. "We're trimming over top of the power lines where the snow builds up and makes problems,'' said Petersburg Line Foreman Scott Newman. "We've got some of it done and still have a lot more to...

  • PMC scores top marks in quality test

    Erik LeDuc|Oct 2, 2014

    Petersburg's hospital won top marks and recently was honored with the Quality Achievement Award, the highest possible, from the Mountain Pacific Quality Health foundation (MPQH), Liz Woodyard, Petersburg Medical Center's CEO, reported, recognizing the efforts of Quality Specialist Shelly Hjort in providing accurate, timely reports. Medical facilities were scored on seven national quality areas, a composite score known as the Appropriate Care Measure. Heart attacks and failures, pneumonia,...

  • Lady Vikings head to second shot at Sitka, Mt. Edgecumbe

    Erik LeDuc|Oct 2, 2014

    The Lady Vikings wear their hearts on their sleeves as they play, flagging each conquest with a flash of their smiles. That energy buoyed them to the next spike or sliding defense, but it might also be burning too brightly – coming from a strong start against Sitka on their initial clash, the girls were notably less vigorous in Saturday's second match. The Lady Vikings took the first game without much trouble, riding about four points ahead the whole way. Scored at 11:8 by the first Sitka t...

  • Cross country Vikings to send both teams to state meet

    Erik LeDuc|Oct 2, 2014

    For the first time in many years, both of Petersburg's running teams will be going to the state championship match after both teams finished second at the regional meet in Ketchikan on Sept. 27. "It's been a long time since the boys have gone and it's been much, much longer since both teams have gone,'' said Coach Tommy Thompson. "They ran just fantastic. They may have finished second but it was the best performance of the year from them, just in terms of being really gritty, sticking together a...

  • Hospital limits vacation time accruals

    Erik LeDuc|Oct 2, 2014

    Petersburg Medical Center board members revised the hospital’s Paid Time Off policies during their Sept. 25 meeting, placing a closer cap on how much time off employees can bank away, moving from a previous two-year limit to 18 months. Under the new policy, approved unanimously by board members, PTO accruals would max at 300 vacation hours for two- or less year staff, up to 480 hours for those employed for a decade. Previously, those numbers ranged from 400 to 640 hour limits. “Grandfathered’’ staff, those who were hired at PMC prior to Marc...

  • State of Alaska defends gay-marriage ban

    Oct 2, 2014

    JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) - Citizens, not the courts, should decide whether the definition of marriage includes same-sex couples, the state of Alaska said in court papers filed Friday. The state is defending in federal court an amendment to Alaska’s constitution that bans gay marriage. In May, five same-sex couples - four married outside of Alaska and one unmarried couple - sued to overturn the ban approved by voters in 1998, saying it violates their rights to due process and equal protection under the U.S. Constitution. In a filing Friday, a...

  • Police reports

    Oct 2, 2014

    Sept. 24 Officer assisted Transportation Security Administration officers with a noon ammo seizure at the airport. Sept. 25 Caller reported finding a child’s jacket in the Garnet Mine area. Caller reported an abandoned vehicle on their property along Haugen Drive. Officer served a summons to Jacob Sturgeon to appear in court on Oct. 2 for a Sept. 15 charge of Driving WhileLicenseCancelled/ Suspended/Revoked/Limited. The charge is a Class A Misdemeanor. Sept. 26 Officer responded to a request for assistance on Haugen Drive. The individual subseq...

  • New Pilot reporter

    Oct 2, 2014

    Erik LeDuc joins the Petersburg Pilot as staff reporter. He joins Mary Koppes who also produces news reports and photos for the paper. LeDuc and his wife Caitlyn arrived last week from Las Cruces, New Mexico. He worked for the Ruidoso News and the Ruidoso Free Press in New Mexico for nearly three years. Most recently, he was a freelance writer and photographer for the Las Cruces Bulletin. In 2011 LeDuc received two-first place and two-second place awards from the New Mexico Press Association...

  • Municipal Election preview: Borough Assembly candidates

    Oct 2, 2014

    Cindi Lagoudakis Position sought: Assembly member, 3-year term Age: 60 Education: Undergraduate coursework, University of California, Berkeley; B.S. in Forest Management, Oregon State University; Graduate coursework in fisheries, University of Alaska Fairbanks Family: "Bill Tremblay, husband; children: Stephanie, Chelsea, Jarrett and Lindsay'' Political experience: "Petersburg Borough Assembly member and vice-mayor Lincoln County, Oregon, Planning Commissioner Alaska State Appointee to the...

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