Articles from the December 3, 2015 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 23 of 23

  • Municipal remodel funding vote delayed

    Kyle Clayton|Dec 3, 2015

    The Petersburg Borough Assembly will delay voting for funding the municipal building remodel project, after construction costs came in higher than estimated. Borough Manager Steve Giesbrecht learned last Friday the anticipated $9.8 million project is now totaling $10.2 million, according to MRV Architects, the firm hired to complete the remodel design. The Borough Assembly was scheduled to vote December 7 on funding the project, but that date will likely be pushed back to January. Giesbrecht said he’s asked MRV architect Corey Wall to i... Full story

  • Petersburg retailers are busy getting in the Christmas spirit

    Jess Field|Dec 3, 2015

    With the holidays upon Petersburg and Black Friday in the rearview mirror, retailers are looking for ways to help keep shoppers local and combat online shopping. Heidi Lee of Lee’s Clothing says the holiday season really gets jumpstarted with the lighting of downtown. Lee says the store has spearheaded the Christmas tree lighting and parade for years because it helps encourage residents to get in the holiday spirit and start visiting downtown stores, in addition to making downtown look good and festive. Lee’s Clothing makes a concerted eff... Full story

  • Snow man, glow man

    Dec 3, 2015

  • Yesterday's News

    Dec 3, 2015

    December 4, 1915 – The work of digging holes for the electric light poles was started Wednesday morning, the digging tools having finally reached here on Tuesday's steamer. Forty-seven poles are to be put up now, to be added to from time to time as extension of the line is called for. The power house is completed and ready for the machinery, with the exception of laying the concrete foundations. When the poles are in place, the work of stringing wires and wiring buildings will start, as practically all material for this work is now here. Decemb...

  • Harbor video may help track meteor path over Petersburg

    Kyle Clayton and Ron Loesch|Dec 3, 2015

    Petersburg Harbor video surveillance footage may confirm a meteor did pass over Petersburg in the early morning hours of Sat., Nov. 21. Eyewitness reports placed the fireball at times ranging between 2:22 a.m. to 2:33 a.m. Petersburg Harbor video surveillance footage shows a bright flash of light lasting for two seconds on nearly all its camera feeds at 2:25 a.m. The Petersburg Public Library video camera also captured images of a bright flash of light at exactly the same time. Johnson Space Center NASA scientist Marc Fries points to data that... Full story

  • Brew n Stew fest winners

    Dec 3, 2015

    Chili Cookoff/Brew fest winners: Dave Cubbage - Con Carne Jo Ann Day - Veggie Rachel Newport - Spicy Ruth Johnson - Fish and Game Joe Stratman and Jeff Rice - Brew Bev Siercks - Wine Bev Siercks - Cordial Bev Siercks - Mead Best overall brew -Joe Stratman and Jeff Rice Best overall stew - Ruth Johnson...

  • To the Editor

    Dec 3, 2015

    Taste the herring To the Editor: As neighbor and FAVORITE Editor I implore you to ask the good people of the beautifully decorated Sandy Beach Neighborhood to keep a watchful eye out for that “Stately Swede from DoyHof” and the “Handsome Norske from Scow Bay” who may be sniffing around our neck of the woods interested in sabotaging this year’s Pickled Herring recipe! Hagar and Annie are on high alert for any funny business and rewards of the successful arrest of would be “saboteurs” will be paid in Lefse or holiday baked goods. See everyone...

  • Editorial: Board policy on memorials is appropriate

    Ron Loesch Publisher|Dec 3, 2015

    Despite the articulate and sometimes emotional comments presented to the school board, we think the board is justified in approving its draft policy for memorials on school property. The policy allows for temporary memorials and sets the terms for commemoration events. Key policy components are: 1. Memorials can be an ongoing visual reminder of what happened. Memorials need to be an opportunity of choice for families, friends and the public. 2. The fact that schools are designed primarily to support learning and should not serve as the main...

  • Man convicted of Sing Lee Alley murder running out of appeals

    Jess Field|Dec 3, 2015

    Anthony Haube, convicted of the 2005 murder of Micheal Gerber in Petersburg, is down to his last option in the appeal process after his latest attempt was denied. The decision by the Alaska Court of Appeals last week means that Haube only has one move left in the state court appeal process, the Alaska Supreme Court. Court records say on April 1, 2005, a fight happened between Haube, Gerber, Thomas Lyons and Thomas Evenson while the men were in a Sing Lee Alley apartment drinking and playing...

  • Courts

    Dec 3, 2015

    November 24-December 1 Brandon Abbott appeared before Deputy Magistrate Brandy Boggs and pleaded no contest on a charge of illuminating deer with artificial light. Abbott was fined $2,000 with $1,000 suspended. The defendant also paid a $50 surcharge fee, and was put on probation for one year. Abbott must comply with all direct court orders, and commit no fish and game violations during the probation period. Kenneth Olsen appeared in person and Danya Davis appeared telephonically before Magistrate Judge Desiree Burrell for a dissolution of...

  • Police reports

    Dec 3, 2015

    November 24 Police issued a citation to John Murray, 55, for a parking violation. A driver received a warning for failure to stop at a stop sign on Haugen Drive. A driver received a warning for failure to stop at a stop sign on Gjoa Street and Nordic Drive. A driver received a warning for failure to stop at a stop sign on Gjoa Street and Nordic Drive. A driver received a warning for failure to yield in a school zone. A caller reported possibly being followed. A caller reported an individual driving recklessly and almost causing an accident. A...

  • Brock brothers ready to lead Viking basketball teams yet again

    Jess Field|Dec 3, 2015

    Between boys basketball head coach Rick Brock and his brother Dino, the two have 50 years of experience coaching basketball. The Vikings took to the court on Wednesday for their first practices of the season, marking the start of Rick’s 26th year coaching basketball. “I am very lucky to be a basketball coach,” Rick says. “The best part is seeing the kids grow as people and players during the year, and the course of four seasons.” Rick should have four seniors this year, and a good mix of lower and upperclassmen and he hopes to have 20 boys o...

  • Crystal Mountain above the clouds

    Dec 3, 2015

  • Planning and Zoning Commission to hold monthly meeting

    Jess Field|Dec 3, 2015

    The Petersburg Borough Planning and Zoning Commission will hold their monthly meeting the morning of Dec. 8. Among the agenda items are a couple public hearings and multiple discussions of unfinished business. First up for unfinished business is the continued discussion from the last meeting about Gregg Townsend’s conditional use permit application. The application is for operating a gun repair business and using his Federal Firearms License to mail order guns for residents at his Gjoa Street residence. The commission postponed voting on the m...

  • All-State Musicians

    Dec 3, 2015

    Three PHS students participated in the Alaska All-State High School Music Festival at West High School in Anchorage. This music festival enables outstanding high school musicians to participate as members of a select statewide band, choral or orchestra ensemble promoting the highest standards of musicianship. Of 972 individual auditions from 52 schools throughout the State, 352 students were selected and gathered for three days of intense rehearsals with four outstanding professional...

  • Chamber election results

    Dec 3, 2015

    Four board members, including three incumbents were elected to the Chamber of Commerce board of directors in the November election. Incumbents David Byrne, Cate Kowalski and Barb King will be joined by Barry Morrison to serve two-year terms on the board. Chamber president Seth Scrimsher, vice president Dave Kensinger and Angela Christensen will remain on the board for another year, rounding out the 7-person elected board. The board will meet in December to elect new officers and appoint up to four persons to fill the remaining seats on the...

  • Fish Factor: Contest call is out for innovative seafood products contest

    Laine Welch|Dec 3, 2015

    The call is out for products to compete in Alaska’s most celebrated seafood bash, and another new category has been added to the mix. For the 23rd year, the Symphony of Seafood in 2016 will showcase innovative new products that are entered both by major Alaska seafood companies and small ‘mom and pops’- such as last year’s top winner: Pickled Willy’s of Kodiak for their smoked black cod tips. All entries are judged privately by a panel of experts in several categories, based on the product’s packaging and presentation, overall eating expe...

  • Parade of lights and Christmas tree lighting

    Dec 3, 2015

  • Borough officials discuss expanding Coast Guard presence

    Kyle Clayton|Dec 3, 2015

    Petersburg Borough Assembly members brought up the idea of keeping and expanding the U.S. Coast Guard presence in town after attending the Alaska Municipal League Conference last month. Assembly member Bob Lynn said many coastal communities across Alaska want the same thing. “What I also came away with was everybody right now is scrambling for ways to generate revenues for our communities,” Lynn said. “They would like to have more Coast Guard presence and they’re actually beginning to vie for some of the 154 class vessels in their area....

  • Sitka Sound Herring Fishery Announced

    Dec 3, 2015

    SITKA — The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced this week the preliminary guideline harvest level (GHL) for the 2016 Sitka Sound sac roe herring fishery is 15,674 tons based on a 20% harvest rateof a forecast mature biomass of 78,372 tons. To forecast biomass, the department uses an age structured analysis model using a long time series of egg abundance and age composition data from department surveys conducted during and following the spring fishery. Herring egg abundance is estimated using aerial surveys designed to map the length o...

  • Parish priest hospitalized during California visit

    Dan Rudy|Dec 3, 2015

    Catholic parishioners of Wrangell and Petersburg were disheartened to learn the priest serving both communities has been hospitalized while visiting family in California. Fr. Thomas Weise, 46, was taken ill late Nov. 25 after experiencing cardiac arrest. As of Dec. 1 he remains in intensive care, and is in a critical but stable condition. Weise is the pastor at St. Rose of Lima parish in Wrangell and St. Catherine of Siena parish in Petersburg, splitting his time between both communities. He was...

  • Bringing light into Black Friday

    Dec 3, 2015

  • Municipal Builing

    Dec 3, 2015

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