Articles from the December 22, 2011 edition

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  • Piston & Rudder to expand retail space

    Dec 22, 2011

    Piston and Rudder Services has hauled over 70 boats since the shipyard re-opened this summer, and now the company will be expanding their retail supply space from 1200 square feet to 7,200. A 50x60 two-story building will be located adjacent to the existing store on S. Nordic Drive in the coming months. According to Bob Dolan a local fisherman and member of Piston and Rudder Services, Inc. board of directors, the company is staging to become a regional player in the marine services market....

  • Yesterday's News

    Dec 22, 2011

    News from 10-20-30 years ago Compiled by Maria Silva December 23, 1981 - Cablevision is expanding its service to Petersburg with one additional TV channel and four channels of FM stereo. The new service is scheduled to be available Jan. 1. The newest of the company’s 12 cable TV channels will be Music Television, on Channel 6. Music TV is a 24-hour channel of concerts, specials and films featuring contemporary music. In addition to carrying the channel on TV, Cablevision will offer stereo sound for Music Television with its new FM radio h...

  • City discusses fishing industry development

    Matt Naber|Dec 22, 2011

    Petersburg City Council held a special public work session on Dec. 16 to discuss ideas and share information regarding economic development as it relates to the waterfront and commercial fishing industry. “The news was that we made the governor’s budget for a match of $3.5 million so we now have the $7 million needed for the north harbor float system,” Harbormaster Glo Wollen said. Once the $3.5 million is spent, the harbor will need to rebuild its funds for future projects and upkeep on current facilities. “I heard this morning that the fed...

  • Council approves change orders

    Dec 22, 2011

    Change orders for a variety of city projects were approved by the city council at Monday night’s meeting. Completion of the Dock Street improvements project by Rock-n-Road was changed to allow for a completion date of May 31, 2012. No monetary changes to the $725,000 project were requested. The final change order for the completion of the city’s new fire hall added $44,080 to the project costs. $26,921 was added for a concrete sign with raised aluminum lettering. The balance was for electrical and various electronic additions to the training ro...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Dec 22, 2011

    To the Editor: On Tuesday, December 20, it seems like half the community of Petersburg came out to help me and Santa celebrate our birthdays. I just turned 67. I can’t speak for Santa, whose poor dear wife had to stay home with the flu, but I appreciated the party – it was just a delight. Connie Morgan...

  • Police Reports

    Dec 22, 2011

    Dec. 14 – Nicole Stockton, 40 was cited for excessive speed (35/25) on Haugen Drive. A caller spoke with an officer about bad checks. A person reported finding keys at Haugen and 2nd St. Multiple callers reported slippery street conditions. Public Works was called to sand the area. Dec. 15 - Slippery street conditions were reported at Haugen and Nordic Drives and on Kings Row. A caller reported being rear-ended by another vehicle at Haugen and Nordic drives. Slippery road conditions were reported at Howkan and 12th. Dec. 16 – A caller rep...

  • Hospital to replace roof, possibly lean on city

    Matt Naber|Dec 22, 2011

    Petersburg Medical Center's board discussed replacing the roof and boilers at their meeting on Dec. 15 and president Tom Abbott proposed leaning on the city for funding since neither was budgeted for and grants are still pending. “We're going to put some money in to help with the roof and boilers, in an emergency this is where people might come and the roof is pretty bad,” CEO Liz Woodyard said during her monthly report. “It's not money we have budgeted, so hopefully we'll get some of that grant money.” Abbott brought the recently release...

  • City says D.A.’s office not responsive to local needs

    Dec 22, 2011

    Both the police chief and city manager expressed ongoing frustration with the District Attorney’s office in how it handles Petersburg’s caseload. According to a memo presented at Monday’s council meeting the case dismissal rate has gone from 18% in 2005 to 38% in 2011. According to the memo, “this does not include a multitude of plea bargains that in our opinion were too lenient.” After having a 30% case dismissal rate in 2010 the city met with the district attorney and had a promise of improved service from the office. City Manager Steve Gie...

  • Council won’t challenge redistricting ruling

    Dec 22, 2011

    The City of Petersburg lost its redistricting argument that the city’s new voting district is not compact as is required by the Alaska Constitution. Following the 2010 census, the Alaska Redistricting Board amended districts and Petersburg was moved into District 32, which consists of the areas of Juneau, Skagway, Gustavus and Tenakee Springs. Superior Court Judge Michael P. McConahy ruled, “The shape of the district is caused by Alaska’s unique geography, particularly the shape and placement of the islands. At some point a district must be dee...

  • Ruth Elsie Noreide, 85

    Dec 22, 2011

    Ruth Elsie Noreide died on December 5, 2011. Ruth was born in Ferndale, Wash., on March 24 1926 and raised in Sequim, Wash. on a small farm. She recalled her childhood as lots of chores, riding the cow around the barnyard as they had no horse, and the sound of her mother’s lovely piano playing. Ruth received her degree in nursing in 1947. She possessed the gifts for nursing, and her upbeat, outgoing charms were not lost on her family, friends or patients. Always ready to lend a hand, she led daughter Kristi’s Girl Scout troop and carted Ala...

  • Everett Gustav (Gus) Nelson, 76

    Dec 22, 2011

    Everett Gustav (Gus) Nelson, age 76, passed away unexpectedly, but peacefully, in his sleep on December 5, 2011 at his home in Sierra Vista, Ariz. Gus was born to Henrietta and Gustav Nelson on March 11, in Brainerd, Minn. Two months after his birth, Gus’s father died leaving Henrietta alone to raise Gus and his four older brothers and sisters, Donald, Carol, Shirley and Kenneth until she married Henry Gehweier in 1943. Growing up at ‘Camp Nelson’, their small fishing camp and summer resor...

  • Songs of salvation

    Dec 22, 2011

    (Left to Right) Lila and Grant Trask, Katey Gilpen, Joey Doyle, Dana Simon, Janet Holten, Erica Kludt-Painter, Cindy Marden, and Irene Littleton sang carols last week as one of the many groups of volunteers who helped raise thousands of dollars for the Salvation Army this holiday season....

  • Happy Holidays!

    Dec 22, 2011

    Before we wrap up another holiday edition, we’d like to give you our greetings, along with our gratitude for your loyal readership. Thanks to all of our faithful advertisers, office supply & printing customers. Petersburg Pilot Staff: (left to right) Ron Loesch, Sebastian Fisher, Maria Silva, Matt Naber, Tasha Prus, Orin Pierson, Chris Reyes, Tiffany Budinger, (front row, left to right) Honey, Joelle Reyes, Manzie, Anne Loesch....

  • Petersburg High School Winter Concert

    Otin Pierson|Dec 22, 2011

  • Sons of Norway hosts annual pickled herring contest

    Dec 22, 2011

    The Sons of Norway hosted their annual and highly anticipated Pickled Herring contest on Dec. 14. Local chefs presented their best pickled herring, pickled seafood, smoked seafood and smoked salmon to a group of a dozen judges with enough leftovers for over 40 guests to sample as well. “Sons of Norway is 100 years old, so this has probably gone on 101 years since we needed the building,” Harbormaster Glo Wollen said. “Winners get bragging rights and a trophy to display at the entry of their...

  • Marlena Erickson performs as Lucia in Sweden

    Dec 22, 2011

    EDITOR’S NOTE: Marlena Erickson, is the Petersburg Rotary Club’s exchange student and is living in Sweden this year. The following stories and photo were submitted to the Petersburg Pilot by her mother, Kristine Erickson. St. Lucia Day is celebrated in many Scandinavian countries, including Sweden and Norway. Many stories are told about the origins of St. Lucia and one account is provided below. Following is a letter from Marlena, telling her experience of honoring the tradition of St Luc...

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