(933) stories found containing 'Alaska Fish & Game'

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  • Alaska Fish Factor: Alaska salmon permit values ticked upwards in regions with good fisheries this year while others tanked 

    Laine Welch|Nov 28, 2019

    The value of Alaska salmon permits has ticked upwards in regions that experienced a good fishery this year while others have tanked. Not surprisingly, the record sockeye fishery at Bristol Bay has boosted sales of driftnet permits to nearly $200,000, up from the mid-$170,000 range prior to the 2019 season. Another strong run forecast of 48.9 million sockeyes for 2020 with a projected harvest of 36.9 million could increase the value even more, said Doug Bowen of Alaska Boats and Permits in Homer. What’s really raising eyebrows, Bowen said, is v...

  • Alaska Fish Factor

    Laine Welch|Nov 14, 2019

    Alaska’s 2019 salmon season was worth $657.6 million to fishermen, a 10% increase from the 2018 fishery. Sockeye salmon accounted for nearly 64% of the total value, topping $421 million, and 27% of the harvest at 55.2 million fish. Those are the lead takeaways in a summary from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game that reveals preliminary estimates of salmon harvests and values by region. The final values will be determined in 2020 after processors, buyers, and direct marketers submit their totals paid to fishermen. Pink salmon were the s...

  • Federal habitats to protect whales would reach to Alaska

    Nov 14, 2019

    JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — The National Marine Fisheries Service proposed creating critical habitat sites to protect humpback whales that will extend to waters off Alaska, officials said. The habitats are focused on the feeding areas of groups of humpback whales and include the area off Juneau, The Juneau Empire reported Sunday. A critical habitat does not establish a sanctuary or preserve, said Lisa Manning, an official with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which includes the fisheries service. Manning conducted a public p...

  • Yesterday's News

    Nov 7, 2019

    November 14, 1919 Rasmus Enge, proprietor of the Variety Theatre, and one of Petersburg’s prosperous business men, has just completed the work of remodeling the theatre. Among the notable improvements are the comfortable chairs which have been installed on a raised floor and superimposed so that everyone is insured a good view of the screen. An excellent hot air heating plant has been installed and a stage suitable for amateur theatricals has been built in. The Variety is now one of the most comfortable and best appointed movie houses in s...

  • OBITUARY: Willi Herff, 77

    Nov 7, 2019

    Willi Herff passed away very peacefully on October 24, 2019, at the Petersburg Medical Center. He had diabetes and vascular issues for many years and it all gradually caught up with him. He was born August 10, 1942 in Aachen, Germany during World War II. For safety, his father moved his mother and baby Willi to Poland, and then later after the war, he and his mother lived for years in Fliegenberg, Germany, on the River Elbe. It was a farming community and he flourished living and working on the... Full story

  • Yesterday's News

    Oct 31, 2019

    October 31, 1919 Dr. Dickinson, arrived from Ketchikan early this week on the U. S. Forestry boat Than. He was sent to Petersburg by Governor Riggs, who received word that several cases of smallpox had been reported to him. As there has been no physician here for some time it was necessary to get one at once. Dr Dickinson, is a Marine Surgeon, and will be in Petersburg until the epidemic subsides. So far five cases have been reported by the board of health. October 27, 1944 A 4-H Baking Club for the girls was organized this week. The...

  • Crab run outshines salmon harvest in SE

    Brian Varela|Oct 31, 2019

    This year's salmon harvest came in below expectations in Southeast Alaska with a particularly bad chum salmon run, but the Dungeness crab fishery kept cannery crews and fishermen busy. "It was a below average harvest for all species of salmon," said Troy Thynes, regional management coordinator for commercial fisheries with Alaska Fish and Game. The coho salmon harvest came in at 1,673,000 in Southeast Alaska, while districts six and eight, the two districts around Mitkof Island and north of...

  • Alaska Fish Factor

    Laine Welch|Oct 31, 2019

    They are certainly cute but the voracious appetites of sea otters continue to cause horrendous damage to some of Southeast Alaska’s most lucrative fisheries. How best to curtail those impacts will be the focus of a day long stakeholders meeting set for November 6 in Juneau. “All of the people who have anything to do with the otters hopefully will all be in the same room at the same time,” said Phil Doherty, co-director of the Southeast Alaska Regional Dive Fisheries Association (SARDFA) based in Ketchikan. A 2011 report by the McDowell Group...

  • Moose season finishes with Unit Three record

    Brian Varela|Oct 24, 2019

    This year's moose season finished with a final count of 127 animals, which is a new Unit Three record, according to Petersburg Fish & Game. Last week when the season ended on Oct. 15, final preliminary numbers showed 125 moose harvested this year, but hunters had an additional five days from the end of the season to report their kills to fish and game. Since the end of the season, two more moose were reported. The additional moose were shot in the Stikine River area and another mainland...

  • Alaska Fish Factor

    Laine Welch|Oct 24, 2019

    As more Alaskans eye the lucrative opportunities in growing kelp, many others are heading to beaches at Lower Cook Inlet to commercially harvest the detached bunches that wash ashore. That practice is now getting a closer look by state managers and scientists and could result in new regulations by year’s end. Detached kelp harvests have occurred at Lower Cook Inlet under special permits since the 1970s but matters of who needs permits, for how much and for what purposes are not clearly defined. Currently, a special permit is needed for c...

  • Alaska Fish Factor

    Laine Welch|Oct 17, 2019

    Hundreds of fishery stakeholders and scientists will gather in Anchorage next week as the state Board of Fisheries (BOF) begins its annual meeting cycle with a two-day work session. The seven-member BOF sets the rules for the state’s subsistence, commercial, sport and personal use fisheries. It meets four to six times each year in various communities on a three-year rotation; this year the focus is on Kodiak and Cook Inlet. The fish board and the public also will learn the latest on how a changing climate and off kilter ocean chemistry are a...

  • Moose harvest numbers above five-year average

    Brian Varela|Oct 3, 2019

    This year's moose harvest looks to be above the five- year average with the moose count at 64 just 17 days into the season. Between 2014 and 2018, the average moose count for this time of the season was 58. There was a dip in the moose harvest this time last year, with only 42 being taken. Fish and Game Area Biologist Frank Robbins said the warm weather last fall may have been a factor in the low number of moose being taken. In 2017 and 2016, the moose harvest was 64 about 17 days into the seaso...

  • Alaska Fish Factor

    Laine Welch|Oct 3, 2019

    The nation’s farmers of the sea are hoping for a helping hand from Uncle Sam to train future generations of fishermen. It would mirror programs in place for nearly 160 years for U.S. farmers and ranchers. Federal backing of training programs for entry level farmers and ranchers can be traced back to the 1862 Morrill Land-Grants Act. Beginning in 2009, Congress authorized $75 million for the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program (BFRDP) to “develop and offer education, training, outreach and mentoring programs to enhance the sus...

  • Police report

    Sep 26, 2019

    September 18 — Extra patrols were requested twice on Cornelius Rd. Authorities responded to individuals smoking marijuana in public on Harbor Way. Extra patrols were requested on 4.5 St. and S. 4th St. September 19 — A disturbance was reported at a location on N. 4th St. September 20 — Extra patrols were requested on Harbor Way. Fredrick Haltiner was arrested on charges of felony failure to stop at the direction of a peace officer and driving under the influence. Authorities responded to a disturbance at a residence on N. 3rd St. The indiv...

  • Alaska Fish Factor

    Laine Welch|Sep 26, 2019

    Federal stewards of Alaska’s fisheries will meet in Homer for the first time since 1983 as they continue their pursuit of involving more people in policy making. From September 30 to October 10, the Spit will be aswarm with entourages of the 15 member North Pacific Fishery Management Council which oversees more than 25 stocks in waters from three to 200 miles offshore, the source of most of Alaska’s fish volumes. The NPFMC is one of eight regional councils established by the Magnuson-(Ted) Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act in 197...

  • Hospital Board candidates

    Sep 19, 2019

    George S. Doyle General Information Age: 66 Experience: Three years Medical Center Board Member Why do you want to serve on the PMC Board of Directors? Supporting a fiscally and professionally strong Medical Center for our community. As a current board member, I've become more aware of how dedicated the staff of the Medical Center is in providing quality care and services. What are your ideas to make the hospital run more cost efficiently? On a day to day basis the Medical Center staff does an...

  • Alaska Fish Factor

    Laine Welch|Sep 19, 2019

    "Unpredictable" is the way salmon managers describe Alaska's 2019 salmon season, with "very, very interesting" as an aside. The salmon fishery is near its end, and a statewide catch of nearly 200 million salmon is only six percent off what Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game number crunchers predicted, and it is on track to be the 8th largest since 1975. The brightest spot of the season was the strong returns of sockeye salmon which produced a catch of over 55 million fish, the largest since 1995 and...

  • State troopers teach difference between legal and illegal moose

    Caleb Vierkant|Sep 12, 2019

    WRANGELL - State Wildlife Troopers Kyle Freeberg, of Wrangell, and Cody Litster, of Petersburg, set up shop in Wrangell's downtown pavilion last Sunday afternoon with several hunting regulation handbooks and racks of moose antlers. As many eager hunters across Southeast Alaska are aware, moose season opens on Sept. 15. This is a registration moose hunt, Freeberg said, so anybody wanting to hunt moose will have to be registered with the Department of Fish and Game. The bag limit is one bull...

  • Grizzly with cubs mauls Alaska hunter; partner shoots sow

    Sep 12, 2019

    ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — An Alaska hunter is recovering from a mauling by a grizzly. Alaska State Troopers spokesman Tim DeSpain says the injured hunter was with a partner Friday in the Eureka area when they surprised a sow with two cubs. Eureka is about 110 miles (177 kilometers) northeast of Anchorage. The sow attacked and seriously injured one hunter. The second hunter shot and killed the bear. The hunters made it on their own to a cabin. A Lifemed Alaska helicopter flew to the cabin and transported the injured man to an Anchorage h...

  • Federal agencies define U.S. dietary guidelines for 2020-2025

    Laine Welch|Sep 12, 2019

    Federal agencies are meeting now through next March to define U.S. dietary guidelines for 2020-2025, and a high powered group of doctors and nutritionists are making sure the health benefits of seafood are front and center. For the first time in the 40 year history of the program, the dietary guidelines committee has posted the questions they are going to consider. They include the role of seafood in the neurocognitive development in pregnant moms for their babies, and in the diet of kids from b...

  • Fisheries lobbyist suspected of violating fishing boundaries

    Sep 5, 2019

    SITKA, Alaska (AP) — Alaska wildlife troopers have confiscated catch from a fishing industry lobbyist suspected of fishing in closed waters, officials said. Bob Thorstenson Jr., 55, was commercial fishing Sunday when wildlife troopers cited him for fishing within 200 yards (183 meters) of a protected salmon stream near Sitka, CoastAlaska reported Thursday. The stream acts as a buffer to protect native pink salmon that have become vulnerable near freshwater streams because of drought conditions, said Eric Coonradt, a state Department of Fish a...

  • Shuffling at Alaska fisheries offices around state due to veto impacts 

    Laine Welch|Sep 5, 2019

    Now the shuffling begins at Alaska fisheries offices around the state as the impacts from back and forth veto volleys become more clear. For the commercial fisheries division of the Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, an $85 million budget, about half of which is from state general funds, reflects a $997,000 dollar cut for FY 2020. Where and how the cuts will play out across Alaska’s far flung coastal regions is now being decided by fishery managers. “Now that the salmon season is about over we’re taking a good close look at this and what we’re...

  • Alaska salmon deaths blamed on record warm temperatures

    Aug 29, 2019

    ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Add salmon to the list of species affected by Alaska’s blistering summer temperatures, including the hottest July on record. Dead salmon have shown up in river systems throughout Alaska, and the mortalities are probably connected to warm water or low river water levels, said Sam Rabung, director of commercial fisheries for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. The department has not quantified past heat-related fish deaths because they tended to be sporadic and inconsistent, Rabung said. But department scientists thi...

  • Alaskans applied for over 2,000 acres of new or expanding undersea farms

    Laine Welch|Aug 29, 2019

    Underwater and out of sight are the makings of a major Alaska industry with two anchor crops that clean the planet while pumping out lots of cash: shellfish and seaweed. Alaskans have now applied for over 2,000 acres of new or expanding undersea farms, double the footprint from two years ago, ranging in size from .02 acres at Halibut Cove to nearly 300 acres at Craig. Nearly 60 percent of the newest applicants plan to grow kelp with the remainder growing a mix of kelp and/or Pacific oysters, said Cynthia Pring-Ham, aquatic farming coordinator a...

  • Four residents become U.S. citizens

    Brian Varela|Aug 22, 2019

    In the past year, at least four citizens from Petersburg and Wrangell have sought and gained their U.S. citizenship to be with their families and for peace of mind. Elisa Teodori originates from Italy, but moved to Petersburg after she met her husband, Tor Benson, while working in Ecuador. Laura Davies first came to the US from Canada to work as a recreation therapist in Georgia, but eventually moved to Wrangell to take a job working with Alaska Crossings and met her husband. Gilda Barkfelt...

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