Sorted by date Results 751 - 775 of 936
Meeting in Wrangell last week, the Alaska Board of Fisheries elected to maintain the current Southeast Alaska Area Dungeness Crab Fisheries Management Plan. A trio of policy proposals would have repealed the plan and its early closure thresholds, returning management of the fishery to size, sex and season, as used elsewhere. “I understand the reason this proposal was put forward,” board member John Jensen said of Proposal 58. “Size, sex and season has been a very good way to manage fisheries for a long, long period of time in South...
Alaska seafood marketers are facing some strong headwinds heading into 2015, notably, for sockeye salmon and crab. Snow crab is Alaska’s largest crab fishery, underway now in the Bering Sea. The fleet has a slightly increased 61 million pound catch quota; boats also are tapping on a hefty bairdi Tanner crab catch, the larger cousin of snow crab. A 25% increase in snow crab, the unexpected 15 million pound Tanner fishery, a weak Japanese yen, plus several million pounds of Russian snow crab from a new fishery in the Barents Sea, (not to mention...
The Petersburg Advisory Committee met last week to discuss proposals and potential changes to fishing regulations that will eventually head to the Board of Fisheries for ultimate approval. “Every three years anybody and everybody can put in a proposal to the board of fisheries to change existing regulations, add new regulations or delete regulations,” Alaska Department of Fish and Game Petersburg Area Management Biologist Troy Thynes said. “They can’t deal with state statutes but these are just the codified regulations.” The committee...
This fall’s Dungeness crab fishery preliminary harvest estimate is totaled at 975,000 pounds with 137 recorded permit holders fishing. According to Alaska Department of Fish and Game data, as of November 30, 19 percent of this year’s total fall harvest was caught this fall. During the previous ten year average, 25 percent of the annual harvest is taken in the fall. This year’s total harvest so far is a heaping 5.04 million pounds, well above the 3.78 million pound ten-year average. “With some areas still open it remains to be seen whether...
On Dec. 18 Wrangell’s advisory committee to Alaska Department of Fish and Game held the last and lengthiest of its public meetings to discuss Board of Fisheries proposals for the 2014-15 meeting cycle. This 12-person committee let the public review and discuss new finfish management proposals, providing their recommendations to the state board of Fisheries. Consulting them on management policies were Troy Thynes and Patrick Fowler from Petersburg’s ADFG office. Among the policies the committee supported, it voted ten to two in favor of cre...
WRANGELL — Wrangell's advisory committee to Alaska Department of Fish and Game held the second of several public meetings at the Fire Hall Dec. 11, to discuss Board of Fisheries proposals for the 2014-15 meeting cycle. This committee provides a forum for fishing and game management issues, allowing the public to review and discuss new proposals and to provide recommendations to both state boards of Fisheries and Game. To consult with them on crab, shellfish and shrimp management policies were Joe Stratman and Troy Thynes from Petersburg's A...
Dear Santa, Would you like to look at my tree? I love you! Can I have a dark purple and pink dinosaur that is little? I am making you a toy to buy. Or do you want to go back home? Do you want to look at my brother? Isabelle Hammer, age 3 Dear Santa, I have been really good. I would like an electric scooter, video games, and pokemon cards. what is your favorite food? Logan Tow age 7 P.S. also a flexible flyer Dear Santa, Do your reindeer eat carrots? I like Santa because he is snuggly and...
The Pacific halibut stock appears to be rising from the ashes and that bodes well for catches in some fishing regions next year. It would turn the tide of a decades-long decline that has caused halibut catches to be slashed by more than 70% in Alaska, Washington, Oregon and British Columbia. Three Alaska areas showed improvement in the annual stock surveys that range from Oregon to the Bering Sea, and could have higher catch levels in 2015. That’s according to information revealed at the International Pacific Halibut Commission’s interim mee...
SITKA (AP) — The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced the preliminary guideline harvest level for the 2015 Sitka Sound sac roe herring fishery is 8,712 tons. That’s just over half of last year’s quota of 16,333 and the lowest expected GHL in more than 10 years. The preliminary harvest level is based on a 19.7 percent harvest rate of a mature biomass forecast of 44,237 tons, said Dave Gordon, area management biologist. The preliminary GHL is quite a bit below the 10-year average of 13,500, and far below the 2014 catch of 16,957 tons....
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced the following information concerning the preseason forecast for king salmon returning to the Stikine and Taku Rivers in 2015. The 2015 preseason terminal run size forecast for large Stikine River king salmon is 30,200 fish. The resulting U.S. Allowable Catch (AC) is 210 large Stikine Kings. An AC of 210 fish is not large enough to allow for directed commercial fisheries. Inseason terminal run size estimates will be produced starting late May of 2015. Inseason estimates may result in a higher AC...
The Southeast Alaska Drift Gillnet and Purse Seine task forces met in Petersburg on Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively, to review the 2014 season and discuss the 2015 season. On Tuesday, Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) biologists from districts around Southeast presented a review of the 2014 season for various salmon species harvested by gillnetters. Justin Breese, ADFG biologist from Ketchikan, reported District 1, Tree Point, had an above average harvest for cohos and pink salmon and a below average harvest for sockeyes and chums.... Full story
The trapping season for marten, river otter, mink and weasel opened December 1 on Admiralty, Baranof, and Chichagof islands (Unit 4). Unit 4 beaver season opened November 10. The trapping season runs through February 15, 2015 for most species in Unit 4. Exceptions are the marten, mink, and weasel season closure on December 31, 2014 in the north Chichagof Island area and the beaver season which remains open until April 30, 2015. In addition to obtaining a trapping license, trappers must have marten, river otter, and beaver hides sealed within...
Alaska is poised for some big fish stories next year based on predictions trickling in from state and federal managers. For the state’s (and nation’s) largest fishery - Alaska pollock - the Eastern Bering Sea stock has more than doubled its ten year average to top nine million tons, or 20 billion pounds. And the stock is healthy and growing, according to annual surveys. “It is one of the most stunning fisheries management successes on the planet,” exclaimed global market expert John Sackton when the pollock numbers were released by the (Seattl...
Sitka — The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced the preliminary guideline harvest level (GHL) for the 2015 Sitka Sound sac roe herring fishery is 8,712 tons based on a 19.7% harvest rate of a forecast mature biomass of 44,237 tons. The department mapped 50 nautical miles of herring spawn in the Sitka Sound area during the spring of 2014, compared to the recent 10-year average of 60 nautical miles. The estimated post-fishery spawning biomass in 2014 was 51,321 tons and the total sac roe harvest was 16,957 tons. An additional 121 tons w...
A recent news release from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) outlines an estimated 2015 pink salmon harvest of 58 million fish. “An actual harvest of 58 million pink salmon would be well above the recent 10-year average of 41 million pink salmon and a harvest of that magnitude would be in the top ten harvests since 1960,” according to the release. The release states that the annual forecast was produce in two steps, “1) a forecast of the trend in the harvest, and 2) the forecast trend adjusted using 2014 juvenile pink salmon abund... Full story
November 21, 1914 – For the interest of Alaska in general, and the southeastern part in particular, we suggest that every newspaper take up the laboring man’s part in the framing of laws for his protection at the coming session of our legislature. We specifically mention the laboring man because his environments, his conditions, his associations and tendencies do not afford sufficient advantages to compel lasting attention. The only time he is seriously considered is at election time, but this soon fades away and he is left to meditate ove...
October 29 An individual driving without a license was reported to police. A caller requested advice regarding an unwanted person on their property. Frances D. Mott, 43, was issued a citation by police for speeding. An officer spoke with a caller who reported hitting a dog that ran into the road and damaged their vehicle. A caller requested an officer speak with their neighbors regarding continually parking in a prohibited area. An officer responded to a report of suspicious activity. October 30 A caller reported harassment. An officer...
wrangell — Some changes to the federally-administered subsistence fisheries were recommended by the Southeast Alaska Subsistence Regional Advisory Council (RAC) at its three day meeting at Wrangell’s Nolan Center last week. Alaska Department of Fish and Game biologist Robert Larson explained the meeting’s agenda featured an uncommon mix of proposals from the state boards of Game and Fisheries, since the regulatory cycles of both synchronized with each other this year. “It doesn’t happen very often,” he noted. Of particular concern for Wrangel...
Alaska Department of Fish and Game workers are on the trail of a persistent raider of trash cans in the Severson subdivision. For a few weeks now, residents in that area and surroundings have complained of a bear in the area upsetting garbage cans and spreading refuse in its search for a meal, reported Rich Lowell, ADFG wildlife biologist. Unfortunately, the abundance of food items in the area have made trapping, accomplished by enticing the ursine in question into a cage, difficult, as there appears to much tastier fare readily available in...
After hearing from incumbent U.S. Senator Mark Begich and his opponent, Republican candidate Dan Sullivan, at the ANB/ANS Grand Camp last Friday, the Native organization endorsed Begich. Both candidates spoke on issues important to the Native community including subsistence rights, access to healthcare for rural veterans, and curbing domestic violence among other issues. Begich's talk focused on his work in the senate to date as an advocate for Alaska Natives. He spoke of his work on the Senate... Full story
September 26, 1914 – Mary A. C. Gibson, candidate for election to the territorial legislature left last Tuesday evening for Skagway where she will meet with her supporters for consultation and outline her program for the campaign. Mrs. Gibson will speak at every town on her way back. She has had her ballots printed and distributed throughout. From letters received from diverse parties Mrs. Gibson claims a large number of supporters. The fishermen in particular are evidently strong in her favor. October 6, 1939 – Jacob P. Anderson, Supervisor fo...
It appears to have been a successful month for moose hunters as the season came to an end yesterday. As of Tuesday morning, Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) biologist Rich Lowell reported it likely to be the second-best season on record. A total of 97 bull moose were harvested from the Petersburg-Wrangell area, better than last year's 92. The highest recorded figure was 109 moose in 2009. Of this year's harvest, 36 were killed near the Stikine River, its highest harvest in 24 years....
Patrick Oliver Roundtree left us unexpectedly Wednesday morning, October 8, 2014. Oliver was born on the 19th of September 1988, to Tanya and Patrick Roundtree. He was the one to give his mom the most labor pains. He quickly became their loving, compassionate, sweet little boy. He joined his big brothers, Kyle and Jesse, at their home in Juneau. The family moved to Petersburg in 1993, his charm and big heart earning him many friends immediately. Ollie also lived for a time in Coffman Cove with his father. Family and friends were everything to... Full story
Crab harvests in southeast Alaska this year won’t feature the state’s historic cash crops of Red King Crabs, as historically low population levels persist in the region, according to Alaska’s Department of Fish and Game, which announced the pre-emptive closure of the 2014/2015 fishing season on Oct. 3. The Southeast Alaska Red King Crab Management Plan directs the department to manage the Southeast Alaska red king crab fishery in accordance with the Alaska Board of Fisheries’ “Policy on King and Tanner Crab Resource Management” if the departmen...
As the third week of this year’s moose hunt came to a close this past Sunday, the current harvest is still slightly ahead of last year’s numbers. According to Alaska Department of Fish and Game biologist Rich Lowell, a total of 72 moose were reported killed for the Petersburg-Wrangell area, compared to 71 last year. With a few more reported taken Tuesday, the number stands at 74. Twenty-five have so far been taken on the Stikine River, and another 27 on Kupreanof Island. There were also six harvested on Mitkof Island, five at Thomas Bay, thr...