(936) stories found containing 'Alaska Fish & Game'

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  • Blind Slough closes to sport fishing and king salmon bag limits decrease

    Jul 12, 2012

    The Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish announced July 11, a closure to sport fishing in Blind Slough to ensure adequate brood stock collection at the Crystal Lake Hatchery (CLH) necessary for future releases of king salmon in the Petersburg area. The closure includes all waters of Blind Slough upstream of a line between Blind Point and Anchor Point, from Friday July 13 through Sunday August 5th, 2012. The king salmon regulations for the marine waters of the Wrangell Narrows Terminal Harvest Area (THA), will be the same...

  • Ravens devouring fairways at Muskeg Meadows

    Greg Knight|Jul 12, 2012

    WRANGELL — For patrons of Muskeg Meadows golf course, at least three fairways are interfering in their game – courtesy of the ubiquitous ravens seen throughout Wrangell Island. According to course co-manager Shannon Booker, flocks of up to 50 ravens at one time have been digging into the fairway looking for grubs and other insects on which to feed. The result has been a tremendous upheaval of grass leading to No. 3, 4 and 5 holes, as well as minor damage to every other hole except Nos. 1 and...

  • Senator hears issues with sea otters and government regulations

    Shelly Pope|Jul 6, 2012

    Senator Lisa Murkowski visited Petersburg Monday, July 2, and discussed issues and concerns in regards to fisheries. “I am here to listen to issues that impact your ability to make a living and raise a family here,” Murkowski said. “Give me your concerns on subjects that we need to work closer with you on.” Many of the members of this fishery centered round-table discussion made mention of a problem with the sea otter population. “Sea otters eat everything,” co-owner of Tonka Seafoods We...

  • Biologists: Alaska king salmon woes tied to ocean

    Jun 28, 2012

    ANCHORAGE (AP) — Poor king salmon returns have state biologists limiting fishing throughout Alaska and biologists have their eyes on the ocean as the problem. “We're in a period of low abundance and low returns, statewide, and whether it's from Southeast, Copper River, Cook Inlet, Kodiak, Nushagak, Yukon, we're just in this period of low productivity in the ocean,” said Ricky Gease, a biologist and director of the Kenai River Sportfishing Association. The widespread failure indicates the problem is not in freshwater, said biologist Tom Vania...

  • Local fisherman finds unidentified yellow growth in North Harbor

    Shello Pope|Jun 14, 2012

    Local fisherman, Ed Wood, spied a bright yellow growth on one of the pilings at the minus tide of the North Harbor Thursday morning. “I went to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and brought Becky Knight to look at the growth,” Wood said. “While she was taking photos, I crawled down and got a sample of it with my knife.” One of the bigger fears of fishermen in these waters is the growth called Didemnum vexillum, also called D. vex, which was found in Sitka a few years ago. D. vex, also known...

  • Southeast Alaska drift gillnet fishery

    Jun 7, 2012

    The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced last week the following information concerning the District 8 and District 11 drift gillnet fisheries: District 8: The second inseason estimate is projecting a terminal run size of 21,000 Stikine River Chinook salmon. This forecast is well below the preseason forecast and results in no U.S. allowable directed harvest. District 8 will remain closed until the start of the sockeye salmon fishing season. The sockeye salmon fishing season will begin in both Districts 6 and 8 on Monday, June 18, 2012....

  • Liberalized King Salmon sport fishing regulations rescinded near Petersburg

    Jun 7, 2012

    The Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish announced that the liberalized king salmon sport fishing regulation that have been in effect in the salt waters of District 8 near Petersburg and Wrangell will be rescinded. As of Monday, June 4, the king salmon sport fishing regulations for the waters of District 8 will be the same as those in effect for the entire Southeast region. These regulations are as follows: Alaska Residents — The resident bag and possession limit is three king salmon; 28 inches or greater in length; N...

  • Southeast Dungeness fishery opens June 15

    Jun 7, 2012

    The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced that the season for the commercial Dungeness crab fishery in Registration Area A (Southeastern Alaska) will open by regulation at 12:00 noon on Friday, June 15, 2012. The following information applies to the 2012/2013 commercial fishing season. Closed Waters: Regulatory closed waters are listed in 5 AAC 32.150. District 16 will be open to commercial fishing for Dungeness crab during the 2012/2013 fishing seasons. Permit holders intending to fish in District 16 are asked to contact Joe Stratman...

  • New king salmon bag limits in Wrangell Narrows-Blind Slough for 2012

    May 31, 2012

    The Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish recently announced regulation changes for king salmon in Wrangell Narrows-Blind Slough Terminal Harvest Area (THA) from June 1 – July 31. The bag and possession limits for all anglers fishing in the THA is two king salmon 28 inches or greater in length and two king salmon less than 28 inches in length. The Wrangell Narrows-Blind Slough terminal harvest are near Petersburg is that portion of Wrangell Narrows north and east of the northern tip of Woewodski Island (56º 36’ N and 132º 5...

  • Salmon derby starts Friday; no tagged fish this year

    May 24, 2012

    The 31st Annual Petersburg Chamber of Commerce King Salmon Derby gets underway this Friday morning at 7 a.m. The derby continues through the Memorial Day Weekend and ends Monday at 5 p.m. No tagged fish will be available for anglers this year however. Derby Committee member Doug Welde reported volunteers in as many as seven participating boats were unable to catch two King Salmon to tag on Wednesday morning near Frederick Point. The tagged fish could normally bring a derby angler a chance at $5,000 from Hammer and Wikan and the other could...

  • Fish and Game cautions not to pick up deer fawns

    May 24, 2012

    With spring upon us, and the weather slowly improving, more and more people will be heading outdoors to recreate. Undoubtedly, some people will come across baby animals that may appear to have been abandoned. Fish and Game would like to remind people that Alaska law prohibits the taking or holding of live animals (including birds) without a permit from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Late-May and early June is typically when deer give birth to fawns. Female deer do not always stay close to their fawns, particularly when humans approach....

  • Southeast Alaska 2012 lingcod sort fishing regulations set for the northern Southeast area

    May 10, 2012

    The Alaska Department of Fish and Game recently announced that the lingcod sport fishing seasons, bag and possession limits, annual limits, and size limits have been established for the Northern Southeast Area. In this area the following regulations apply: Northern Southeast Area - Season: May 16 – November 30. Limits: Residents – 1 daily 2 in possession, no size limit. Nonresidents – 1 daily, 1 in possession, size limit: 30 inches or greater in length and less than 35 inches in length, or 55 inches or greater in length. An annual limit of 2...

  • Southeast Alaska 2012 lingcod sort fishing regulations set for the southern Southeast area

    May 10, 2012

    The Alaska Department of Fish and Game recently announced that the lingcod sport fishing seasons, bag and possession limits, annual limits, and size limits have been established for the Southern Southeast Area. In this area the following regulations apply: Southern Southeast Area - Season: May 16 – November 30. Limits: Residents – 1 daily 2 in possession, no size limit. Nonresidents – 1 daily, 1 in possession, size limit: 30 inches or greater in length and less than 45 inches in length, or 55 inches or greater in length. An annual limit of 2...

  • Southeast fishermen approve permit buyback plan

    May 10, 2012

    KETCHIKAN (AP) — Southeast Alaska commercial fishermen have approved a $13 million plan to buy back 64 state permits for purse seine fishing to boost market conditions. The region's seine permit holders voted 215-54 in favor of the “capacity reduction program” aimed at improving the economic viability of the remaining 315 permit holders. They voted from March 30 to April 30 in a referendum conducted by the National Marine Fisheries Service. The buyback will be financed with a federal loan to be repaid over time by remaining permit holde...

  • Yesterdays News

    May 3, 2012

    May 5, 1982 - Many of the 61 nurses attending the Alaska Nurses Association convention held in Petersburg April 29-May 1 said it was one of the best conventions they had ever attended. During the three day meeting, Petersburg gained a representative on the association’s board of directors. Maxine Worhatch, a registered nurse at Petersburg General Hospital and a co-organizer of the convention, was appointed secretary of the board. Florence Bell of Petersburg was also honored at the convention for her service as a public health nurse at Kake. She...

  • Commercial golden king crab announce closure date

    May 3, 2012

    The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced Tuesday that the commercial golden (brown) king crab fishery in the Southern Area will close at 12:00 noon Friday, May 11, 2012. Based on an analysis of effort levels and harvest projections, the harvest as of the closure date is expected to reach the 20,000-pound GHL for the Southern Area. The department will continue to monitor golden king crab harvest levels in the remaining four open areas. A vessel may leave gear in a stored condition for five days after the closure of a portion of...

  • Ted Nugent pleads guilty in illegal bear kill

    Apr 26, 2012

    ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Rocker and gun rights advocate Ted Nugent pleaded guilty to transporting a black bear he illegally killed in Alaska, saying he was sorry for unwittingly violating the law. “I would never knowingly break any game laws,” Nugent told the court on Tuesday. “I'm afraid I was blindsided by this, and I sincerely apologize to everyone for this.” With his plea, the singer and avid hunter followed through with a signed agreement he made with federal prosecutors earlier this month. Magistrate Judge Michael Thompson accepted...

  • Yesterday’s News

    Apr 19, 2012

    April 7, 1982 - The Alaska Department of Fish and Game reported that 4,260 tons of herring were harvested from the waters of Sitka Sound adjacent to Halibut Point Road during the March 30 fishery which lasted from noon to 6:10 p.m. Although Petersburg fisheries was not disclosing the poundage of roe herring it is handling from the Sitka fishery, area manager Rick Dutton reports that “we did fine.” A harvest guideline of approximately 3,000 tons of herring was established for the 1982 fis...

  • Sitka herring closes at 47% of prediction

    Apr 19, 2012

    The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced April 12 that the Sitka Sound sac roe herring fishery closed for the remainder of the 2012 season. The total harvest is approximately 13,534 tons or 47% of this season’s guideline harvest level of 28,829 tons. The decision to close the fishery was based on the completion of major spawning in Sitka Sound, and vessel and aerial surveys conducted over the last several days have not identified a biomass of pre-spawning herring in the Sitka Sound area at this time. The preliminary harvest by o...

  • Recent graduates of Basic Hunter Education course

    Apr 12, 2012

    The Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game Basic Hunter Education (HE) courses provide training in firearms safety, and wildlife conservation as well as respect for natural resources, landowners, and other hunters. Graduates receive lifetime certification recognized by all states, Canadian provinces and Mexico. Conclusive evidence shows that the HE course has dramatically reduced hunting related firearms accidents - up to 75% in some states - and has brought about positive change in hunter skills,...

  • Peggy's Corner

    Representative Peggy Wilson|Apr 5, 2012

    Hello again from the Legislature. Now that we’re down to the last two weeks of session, the pace is really picking up and the hours getting longer. I was very pleased that my resolution to recreate the state’s dedicated transportation fund received approval of the House on Friday. House Joint Resolution 4 would put a constitutional amendment before the voters in November to amend the Alaska Constitution - reinstating a dedicated Alaska Transportation Infrastructure Fund (ATIF). As the state’s po...

  • Third Sitka Sound herring opener set for Thursday

    Apr 5, 2012

    On Monday, April 2, the Sitka Sound herring sac roe fishery was opened in the northwest portion of Sitka Sound and brought in an estimated catch of 5,610 tons. The fishery opened at 11:30 a.m. and closed at 4:40 p.m. The preliminary harvest for the first opening on March 31 is 4,730 tons for a total harvest this season of 10,440 tons. This leaves approximately 18,390 tons remaining of this year’s guideline harvest level of 28,829 tons, according to a release from the Alaska Dept. of Fish and G...

  • Southeast Alaska king salmon sport fishing regulations for 2012

    Apr 5, 2012

    The Alaska Department of Fish and Game sport fishing regulations for king (Chinook) salmon in Southeast Alaska and Yakutat from 12:01 A.M. Friday, March 30, 2012 through 11:59 P.M. Tuesday, April 30, 2013, are: Alaskan Resident: The resident bag and possession limit is three king salmon 28 inches or greater in length. Nonresident: The nonresident bag and possession limit is one king salmon 28 inches or greater in length; except during May 2012 when the bag and possession limit is two king salmon 28 inches or greater in length; The nonresident...

  • Two wolves take down black bear on Stikine River

    Mar 29, 2012

    Alaska Department of Fish and Game Biologist Rich Lowell was able to photograph a black bear kill on the Stikine River on Wednesday, March 20 during a moose survey conducted by the department. According to Lowell, “it appeared two wolves had just taken down the black bear right before we arrived overhead.” The photos were taken on the North Arm of the Stikine River. Lowell flew over the site 3-1/2 hours later after the wolves had eaten their fill and left the scene. Eagles had moved in to fin...

  • 2012 rockfish sport fishing limits released

    Mar 22, 2012

    Alaska Department of Fish and Game has announced the non-pelagic rockfish bag, possession and the mandatory retention for the sport fishery during 2012 in the Southeast Outside Waters and Southeast Inside Waters. Nonresident angler annual limits of yelloweye rockfish have also been established for the 2012 season. The following regulations are effective on March 16, 2012. Southeast Outside Waters: • All non-pelagic rockfish caught must be retained until the daily bag limit is reached. • The resident daily bag limit is two non-pelagic roc...

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