(14) stories found containing 'board of equalization'

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  • Assembly sets FY24 budget work session, reschedules May meeting

    Chris Basinger|Apr 20, 2023

    The Petersburg Borough Assembly voted on Monday to hold a work session to discuss the borough's FY24 draft budget and reschedule its first meeting in May. The work session will give the assembly and the public their first opportunity to review next year's borough budget ahead of its first reading. The work session will be held on Monday, April 24 at 6 p.m. in the assembly chambers. The assembly also voted to move its meeting scheduled for May 1 to Tuesday, May 2 at noon. The rescheduling was...

  • Assessed residential property values up about 15%

    Chris Basinger|Mar 23, 2023

    Petersburg residents are set to see the assessed value of their residential properties go up this year brought on by the current real estate market. According to a report from the Appraisal Company of Alaska, the majority of the increases to assessed residential property values in Petersburg will range from 10% to 20%. Assessors Mike Renfro and Martins Onskulis with the Appraisal Company of Alaska gave their report on the 2023 estimated tax assessments for the borough during Monday's Petersburg...

  • Borough acquires two lots on Kupreanof Island

    Brian Varela|Apr 8, 2021

    The Borough Assembly on Monday determined that two parcels on Kupreanof Island obtained by the Petersburg Borough through tax foreclosure proceedings will be sold. Ordinance #2021-06 determines that parcel number 03-213-040 on Kupreanof Island is not needed by the borough for public purposes and shall be sold. Similarly, Ordinance #2021-07 identifies parcel number 03-210-310 on Kupreanof Island as not being needed by the borough and shall also be sold. Both properties were acquired by the boroug...

  • BOE supports assessors' property valuations

    Brian Varela|Apr 16, 2020

    The Board of Equalization, which is made up of the borough assembly, voted in favor of property valuations made by the borough's contract assessors on two properties that were brought before them at a meeting last Wednesday. Twenty-two appellants made a combined total of 30 appeals on their property valuations, and 28 of the appeals were resolved and withdrawn outside of the BOE meeting. Ivar Enge was set to make an appeal on parcel 01-007-672, but the matter was settled prior to the meeting,...

  • Assembly sends letter of disapproval to NMFS

    Brian Varela|Jan 23, 2020

    The borough assembly supported sending a letter to the National Marine Fisheries Service regarding issues the borough has with the proposed rule to designate critical habitat for Mexico, Central America and Western North Pacific distinct population segments of humpback whales at an assembly meeting Tuesday evening. The letter's main concern is with the critical habitat for the Mexican district population of humpback whales. A large portion of the proposed critical habitat area is in Southeast...

  • Assessors settle remaining property tax appeals

    Brian Varela|Apr 18, 2019

    The borough's contract assessors gave the borough assembly, who were acting as the board of equalization, a review of the remaining unsettled property tax appeals between property owner Andrew Cowan and the assessor on April 9. Every four years, the borough's contract assessors cycle through different areas of the borough evaluating current building permits as needed. This year the assessors evaluated the canneries and properties near the borough's cemetery. The assessors received 81 appeals...

  • Correction:

    Apr 13, 2017

    The graphic showing a summary of the Board of Equalization decisions at their April 3 meeting incorrectly showed Assembly action taken on property appeals for Melinda Hofstad and Elizabeth Pawuk. The story appeared on page 6 of last week’s paper. Hofstad’s appeal was withdrawn and no action was taken. On Pawuk’s appeal, the Assembly stayed with the Assessor’s recommended valuation of $269,400....

  • Assembly upholds land assessor valuations

    Ron Loesch Publisher|Apr 6, 2017

    The Petersburg Borough Assembly meeting as the Board of Equalization (BOA), on Monday, upheld the Assessor's property valuations on each property brought before them on appeal. Six appellants sought to have property values lowered on 10 parcels. According to Borough Clerk Debra Thompson 34 property owners brought appeals on 79 parcels. Of that number, the Assessor met with owners and resolved 69 of the appeals before the BOA met. Melinda Hofstad withdrew her appeal during the BOA meeting. Appeal...

  • Yesterday's News

    Jun 18, 2015

    June 19, 1915 – The cannery pile-driver has completed trap work and was towed in Thursday. There are already some fish coming into the traps, and canning is expected to start next week. H. S. Finch, who has been buying fish for the Packing Company on the Stikine, returned home Thursday. He reports the run of kings at the river as practically over. June 21, 1940 – Cornelius Vanderbreggen Jr., writer and lecturer of Norwood, Pennsylvania, will present an illustrated lecture, THIS IS HOLLAND, with slides and movies, in the Sons of Norway Hal...

  • Board of Equalization hears five property assessment appeals

    Mary Koppes|Apr 16, 2015

    The Petersburg Borough Assembly sat as the Board of Equalization (BOE) for 2015 property assessment appeals on April 6. There were 66 appeals this year, most of which were settled privately with the Borough’s assessors Mike Renfro and Arne Erickson from the Appraisal Company of Alaska out of Anchorage. Renfro said the appeals process was straightforward this year. “Most of the appeals were people that had legitimate issues and we addressed all of those concerns,” said Renfro. Five appeals went before the BOE for consideration. The BOE denie...

  • Majority of property tax appeals adjusted

    Kyle Clayton|Apr 10, 2014

    Borough wide property assessment appeals have ended after the Petersburg Borough Assembly acted as a Board of Equalization (BOE)—the board that addressed and finalized the remaining 22 appeals that weren’t settled privately with assessor Mike Renfro. The BOE accepted the assessors adjusted value to each property that came before it. There were around 200 appeals overall, the majority of which were settled outside the BOE. Renfro works for Appraisal Company of Alaska—the company the borough hired to appraise outlying areas. He said his staff... Full story

  • Borough Manager reports on current borough projects

    Shelly Pope|May 9, 2013

    Petersburg Borough Manager Steve Giesbrecht reported on several projects that are taking place in Petersburg now and in the near future. “The bathroom at Sandy Beach will be reopened within the next two weeks after being closed for several years, “Giesbrecht stated. “This project was due to a grant that was received last year and a lot of work has gone into getting those facilities back in working order.” Giesbrecht explained that the property assessor will be in town the week of May 13 to work...

  • City manager's report: Residents can pay utilities online

    Suzanne Ashe|May 10, 2012

    Petersburg residents can now pay their utility bills online. A new program allows utility customers to register their accounts and then pay monthly bills on the web site with a credit card. Customers can log on to verify their accounts with an account number and either a meter number or phone number associated with the account. “The new program will let customers view usage and billing history for themselves,” said City Manager Steve Giesbrecht reported to the City Council on Monday. He also noted that online bill pay offers the added con...

  • City manager's report: The city tracks down unlicensed business owners on Facebook

    Suzanne Ashe|Mar 22, 2012

    Petersburg City Manager Steve Giesbrecht said that letters are being sent out to local business operators who advertise on Facebook's “It's My Business” page, without a business license filed with the City and without filing sales tax returns. “It's just kind of a reminder letter to let people know that if you are going to run a business you need to have a business license, that doesn't cost you anything. But you do need to file your sales tax,” he told the City Council on Monday. “We've had some people do that, and some people pretty up...