(348) stories found containing 'Columbia'

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  • Guest Commentary: Powerful interests should stop targeting Alaska hook and line fishing

    Joe Emerson, For the Alaska Beacon|Aug 10, 2023

    Nine years ago on Aug. 4, the mine waste dam at Mount Polley mine in British Columbia’s Fraser River watershed failed, releasing 6.6 billion gallons of wastewater into a once-famed sockeye salmon nursery just as the salmon were returning. It scared me. Nine years later, Fraser River sockeye runs have tanked. The mine has re-opened and has been allowed for years now to spew its wastewater directly into one of the Fraser River’s key sockeye salmon nurseries, Quesnel Lake. And British Columbia corporations have doubled down on digging up and lay... Full story

  • Guest Editorial: About time the pipeline dream ran out of gas

    Larry Persily|Aug 3, 2023

    Elected officials who say the proposed Alaska North Slope natural gas project is closer than ever to putting steel pipe in the ground and money in the pockets of construction workers should take a break from their political grandstanding and pay attention to the facts. Not a single analyst tracking gas projects around the world ever mentions Alaska when they list developments with the best potential of getting built. The talk about multiple liquefied natural gas export projects going to construction along the U.S. Gulf Coast, in Qatar,...

  • To the Editor

    Jul 13, 2023

    Join the Volunteer Fire Department To the Editor: Now that we have seen the ugly damage to the church that a structure fire does so quickly, it should be obvious why Petersburg needs a fire department. But a fire department is not just big red trucks, air packs, hoses, and axes. It needs volunteers — people who have the skills to deal with the serious problems that lesser mortals run away from. PVFD always needs more volunteers to learn to serve as firefighters, emergency medical technicians, search team members, and non-tactical supporting w...

  • Limited southbound ferry service to Petersburg for six weeks in draft winter ferry schedule

    Larry Persily, Wrangell Sentinel writer|Jul 6, 2023

    Petersburg will go without any southbound ferry service in alternating weeks from Oct. 1 to mid-November under the Alaska Marine Highway System's draft fall/winter schedule. The town is on the schedule for its usual weekly northbound stop during that period. The rest of the winter schedule shows once-a-week service to town in each direction, with the bonus of two stops in each direction the second week of each month from mid-November through February when the Kennicott will shorten its...

  • State sets commercial troll harvest limit at 74,800 kings

    Garland Kennedy|Jul 6, 2023

    The Department of Fish and Game has announced that 74,800 "treaty" king salmon (non-hatchery fish) will be available for taking in the summer commercial troll season's first opening, which started Saturday. The department released summer king salmon harvest numbers on June 22. In total, 106,800 kings remain on the table following the spring fishery harvest, the agency said, and the troll fleet will be able to target 70% of those in the summer's first opener. The fleet hooked 24,700 fish in the...

  • Yesterday's News News from 25-50-75-100 years ago

    Jun 29, 2023

    June 29, 1923 – Leonard Martins suffered a cracked bone in one of his legs and Leif Mathieson suffered a severely bruised foot last Thursday night, week, when a large wheel of an engine being installed at the West Lumber Company mill was tipped over and caught the boys as it fell. The two boys, with several others, were playing around the mill site and in some manner the wheel, which had been removed from the engine and set to one side, was pushed over and caught the two boys. Young Martins was removed to the hospital where his leg was d...

  • State ferry Columbia expected back at sea this week

    Wrangell Sentinel staff|Jun 29, 2023

    The state ferry Columbia, after a week in the shop to repair leaky pipes and its bow thrusters, was expected back at work starting Wednesday, June 28, with its regularly scheduled run from Ketchikan to Bellingham, Washington. The vessel was pulled from service on June 20, missing two southbound stops and one northbound stop in Wrangell. The 50-year-old Columbia left Haines that day — without any passengers — and headed straight for the Vigor shipyard in Ketchikan for repairs, canceling all stops along the way. “There’s a manifold down in the...

  • State ferry system says it is unable to provide hiring numbers

    Larry Persily, Wrangell Sentinel writer|Jun 29, 2023

    The Alaska Marine Highway System, which five months ago embarked on improving its hiring process to address chronic crew shortages, is unable to say how many new employees it has hired since then. The push started after a consultant’s report in January determined the state had hired just four out of 250 job applicants the over prior 12 months. The crew shortage forced the state to pull the Kennicott, the second-largest operable ship in the fleet, off this summer’s schedule and keep it tied up at the dock in Ketchikan. Asked how many new emp...

  • In "major victory" for SE Alaska trollers, federal appeals panel reverses king fishery closure

    Nathaniel Herz, Northern Journal|Jun 22, 2023

    A federal appeals panel issued a last-second ruling Wednesday that will allow this summer’s Southeast Alaska troll Chinook salmon fishery to open as scheduled July 1 — reversing a lower court ruling that would have kept the $85 million industry off the water. “It’s a major victory,” Alaska Fish and Game Commissioner Doug Vincent-Lang said in a brief phone interview. “We can go fishing.” The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals panel, in a five-page ruling, said that the entities defending the fishery — the Alaska Trollers Association, th...

  • Columbia cancels sailings for at least a week due to repairs

    Mark Sabbatini, Juneau Empire|Jun 22, 2023

    The Columbia state ferry has cancelled its sailings for at least a week due to a mechanical issue, affecting stops at ports between Haines and Bellingham, Washington, according to a service notice by the Alaska Marine Highway System (AMHS). The primary interruption to service is a seven-day period starting Wednesday, with a sailing from Ketchikan to Bellingham and back through Southeast Alaska cancelled, the AMHS notice issued Monday notes. The decision is due to a "mechanical issue with the ves...

  • Lower 48 group plans to seek endangered species listing for SE kings

    Nathaniel Herz, Northern Journel|Jun 15, 2023

    A Washington state-based conservation group whose actions have already caused the closure of the Southeast Alaska king salmon commercial troll fishery is now planning to ask the federal government to list several Alaska king salmon stocks under the Endangered Species Act. Last month, the Wild Fish Conservancy formally notified the state of Alaska of its plans to file the ESA petition for multiple populations of king salmon — also known as chinook — in Southeast, Southwest and Cook Inlet, just outside Anchorage. If successful, experts said the...

  • Yesterday's News: News from 25-50-75-100 years ago

    May 18, 2023

    May 18, 1923 – Assistant Forester E.A. Sherman has presented seventy-one volumes as a nucleus for a marine library to the Forest Service boats operating in this district, according to word received by C.H. Flory. The library will be known as the Sherman Marine Library. The books are now on the way to Alaska. They include works of high class fiction, travel, exploration and history. Following the plan suggested for the library, the headquarters will be on the Ranger Tahn and from that boat will be distributed throughout the Forest Service f...

  • Fishermen, state respond to judge's SE troll ruling

    Anna Laffrey, Ketchikan Daily News|May 11, 2023

    Tom Fisher, a commercial troll fisherman and the president of the board of the Southern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association, has been catching salmon out of Ketchikan and surrounding communities since 1973. When he heard that a federal judge in Washington made a ruling last Tuesday that could shut down the small boat troll fishery in Southeast Alaska, Fisher was "flat dumbfounded." "Currently I'm at my boat in Wrangell," Fisher told the Daily News during a phone interview last Thursday. "I was slated to get hauled out of the water...

  • To protect orcas, federal judge orders closure of iconic Southeast Alaska troll fishery

    Max Graham and Nathaniel Herz, Northern Journal|May 4, 2023

    A federal judge issued an order Tuesday that appears to close an iconic Southeast Alaska salmon fishery for at least the summer season - a decision that threatens hundreds of jobs and a $30 million industry in response to a conservation group's lawsuit. The lawsuit, filed by the Washington state-based Wild Fish Conservancy, seeks to protect endangered orcas off the coast of the Lower 48 and British Columbia - whales that feed on some of the same salmon harvested by Southeast Alaska troll... Full story

  • Guest Commentary: The pollution continues at Tulsequah Chief mine

    Brian Lynch, Rivers Without Borders Petersburg|May 4, 2023

    The Taku River is usually the most productive wild salmon river in Southeast Alaska and one of the most prolific on the west coast of North America that is also vitally important to Petersburg and other Southeast Alaskan fishermen and processors. For over 60 years the abandoned Tulsequah Chief mine has been spewing toxic acid mine drainage into the Taku River watershed. For over 20 years Alaska Tribes, fishermen, elected leaders, tourism operators and many others have been fighting to get the British Columbia (B.C.) government to close down...

  • Alaska Legislature passes bills boosting mothers' health care and renewable energy fund

    James Brooks, Alaska Beacon|May 4, 2023

    Thousands of new mothers will receive extended Medicaid coverage under legislation proposed by Gov. Mike Dunleavy and passed by the Alaska Legislature on Wednesday. The Alaska House of Representatives voted 35-3 to approve Senate Bill 58, which now returns to the Senate for a procedural vote before being sent to Dunleavy’s desk for final approval. In a separate action, the House also approved a permanent extension to the state’s renewable energy grant fund. House lawmakers had previously approved a 10-year extension, and the Senate changed tha... Full story

  • Meet one of Petersburg's new secondary school principal candidates

    Jake Clemens|Apr 27, 2023

    Brad King, the current principal at the K-12 school in Gustavus, visited Petersburg over the weekend as a candidate for secondary school principal. He's lived in Southeast Alaska ten years, serving as principal in Hydaburg and then Gustavus. Before that he was the district curriculum coordinator in the Fairbanks school district. A teacher for 14 years before turning to administration for the last 19, King still tries to teach a class at every school he works at. He's taught social studies, Germa...

  • Fishery expert says he is optimistic about long-term prospects for Bristol Bay sockeye salmon

    Yereth Rosen, Alaska Beacon|Apr 13, 2023

    The long-term outlook is bright for Bristol Bay sockeye runs, source of a thriving commercial fishery that has enjoyed record-breaking returns and harvests in recent years, a salmon expert told a conference last month. Part of the credit goes to the warming climate in that southeast Bering Sea region, Daniel Schindler, a professor at the University of Washington's School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, said in a teleconferenced presentation on March 24 to the two-day Bristol Bay Sustainability... Full story

  • The big problem for endangered orcas? Inbreeding

    Apr 6, 2023

    SEATTLE (AP) — People have taken many steps in recent decades to help the Pacific Northwest’s endangered killer whales, which have long suffered from starvation, pollution and the legacy of having many of their number captured for display in marine parks. They’ve breached dikes and removed dams to create wetland habitat for Chinook salmon, the orcas’ most important food. They’ve limited commercial fishing to try to ensure prey for the whales. They’ve made boats slow down and keep farther away from the animals to reduce their stress and to quie...

  • Hyer family to set sail from San Diego to New Zealand

    Lizzie Thompson|Mar 30, 2023

    On September first Dr. Jennifer (Jen) Hyer will begin an eighteen month sabbatical from the Petersburg Medical Center to sail from San Diego to New Zealand with her family. When she and her husband, Chris Hyer, first started dating twenty-seven years ago, Chris gave Jen the book "Dove," about a boy who sailed around the world, and told her it was a dream of his. She was immediately on board and boats have been a constant in their lives ever since. Their first home together was a 30' Sundowner...

  • Ferry system short more than 100 crew to put Kennicott to work

    Larry Persily, Wrangell Sentinel Writer|Mar 23, 2023

    The Alaska Marine Highway System is short more than 100 new crew to safely and dependably put the Kennicott to sea. Without enough onboard workers, the state ferry system will start the summer schedule in six weeks with its second-largest operable ship tied up for lack of crew. Though management has said they could put the Kennicott into service if they can hire enough new employees, filling all the vacancies would represent more than a 20% gain in current ferry system crew numbers, setting a very high hurdle to untie the ship this summer. The...

  • Summer ferry schedule finally open for bookings

    Larry Persily, Wrangell Sentinel Writer|Mar 16, 2023

    Just eight weeks before the start of the summer timetable on May 1, the Alaska Marine Highway System has released its schedule and opened its online reservations system for bookings. The schedule, which was announced March 7, came later than usual this year as the state continues to wrestle with crew shortages that will keep a couple of ships tied to the dock for the summer. Petersburg will see a weekly ferry stop in each direction May through September. “The Kennicott and Tazlina will be off-line for the time being due to skilled crew s...

  • Alaskans continue pressing for U.S. intervention on B.C. mines

    Caroleine James, Wrangell Sentinel Writer|Mar 16, 2023

    After meeting with representatives of the British Columbia mining and environmental ministries in Juneau last week, state legislators, Alaska Native leaders and environmentalists urged the federal government to intervene against the development of new B.C. mines that could pollute transboundary salmon runs. In a press conference March 8, stakeholders called on the federal government to use its powers under the U.S.-Canada Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909 to place an immediate temporary pause on the exploration, development and expansion of B.C....

  • New anti-discrimination bill proposes housing protections for more Alaskans

    James Brooks, Alaska Beacon|Mar 16, 2023

    Anchorage Democratic Rep. Jennie Armstrong, one of three newly elected LGBTQ members of the Alaska Legislature, has introduced a new proposal to ban housing discrimination based on sex or sexual orientation. House Bill 99 was scheduled for a hearing Wednesday in the House Labor and Commerce Committee. The bill’s introduction on Wednesday came days after the Anchorage Daily News published an article noting that the state of Alaska had dropped a policy that banned most forms of discrimination against LGBTQ people here. Armstrong said this week t... Full story

  • Ferry system management says state is working to fix hiring problems

    Larry Persily|Mar 9, 2023

    The Alaska Marine Highway System is working faster to hire more crew, trying to fix problems that slowed the process so much the past four years that the state failed to keep up with retirements and resignations. The hiring process was so cumbersome and excessively choosy that the state brought aboard just a few new workers out of 250 applicants forwarded by a search agency over the past year, according to a January report from the recruitment contractor. “Since 2019, AMHS has lost more staff annually than recruitment efforts can replace. F...

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