(126) stories found containing 'First baby'

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  • Obituary, Martha Louise Reid, age 90

    Sep 11, 2014

    Martha Louise Reid was born on December 6, 1923 in Bellingham, Washington. She was the 1st of six children born to Petersburg, Alaska residents Edgar (Ted) and Caroline Hungerford. Martha passed away, at the age of 90, on August 21, 2014 in Sitka following a long struggle with Alzheimer's disease. Caroline and baby Martha returned to their home town of Petersburg from Bellingham in the spring of 1924. They joined Martha's father, Ted, and logging partners, Bill and Elvina Stedman with infant son... Full story

  • Officials look to Rally's return

    Brian O Connor|Jun 19, 2014

    WRANGELL — Officials this week tried to make the best of last week’s postponement of the Salty Dog Rally. Among the officials who expressed disappointment was Leslie Cummings, a Wrangell Convention and Visitors Bureau board member who played a large role in facilitating Wrangell’s participation as the end point of a long-distance yachting rally. Cummings made the initial connection with Salty Dog Rally ALASKA organizer Dawny Pack and said, while local organizations who contributed were upset about the plan, they looked forward to Rally...

  • Yesterday's News

    Jun 12, 2014

    June 13, 1914 – Last Tuesday evening, immediately after the adjournment of the firemen's meeting, nearly every man in town who was not otherwise occupied assembled at the Fire Hall for the purpose of devising ways and means for the celebration of the coming fourth. Enthusiasm ran high and, if kept up, Petersburgers and visitors will witness the greatest fourth of July celebration in the history of the town. It was suggested that everybody be appointed a committee of one and invite out-of-town friends to join in the festivities of the day. J...

  • One mile of trail, years in the making

    Kyle Clayton|May 1, 2014

    Plans to move the Raven's Roost trailhead to Sandy Beach Park are finally moving forward after more than a decade of bureaucratic haggling between the United States Forest Service and other government agencies. The U.S. Forest service decided the trail needed to be moved because of its proximity to the expanding rock quarry. When blasting occurs at the pit, falling rocks have broken holes in trail planks or punched through nearby muskeg. "In the late 90s we realized we needed to move this thing... Full story

  • Farmer's market potluck and auction at ANB Hall

    Kyle Clayton|May 1, 2014

    The committee responsible for organizing and operating the local farmer’s market is holding a potluck and silent auction this Friday at 6 p.m. at the Alaska Native Brotherhood Hall. Attendees can bring food for the potluck and will have the opportunity to place silent bids on local art, handmade crafts and other goods made and created by local residents. Andrea Weathers heads up the committee and said all proceeds will go towards the operation of the market such as ANB hall rental and promotional activities. “I think the more business we can...

  • 2013 Year in review

    Jan 2, 2014

    January Petersburg residents contributed a record amount to the Salvation Army Christmas program last year-$15,618.17-more than $9,700 than the year before. Jan. 4, a 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck 58 miles west of Craig and 203 miles south of Juneau prompting a tsunami warning across Southeast. Petersburg Police Chief Jim Agner and Sergeant Heidi Agner announced their intentions to retire. Officer Ben King joined the Petersburg Police Department. The Petersburg Borough Assembly members were... Full story

  • Santa's Mailbox

    Dec 19, 2013

    Dear Santa, I want a butterfly net and any toy from the frozen movie is my Christmas wish. Miranda Carr Dear Santa, I would please want a big metal toy excavator. I love you. I deserve a toy because I really want one badly. Ariston Warmack Dear Santa, I have been a very good girl this year. Here are some things I would like: American Girl Doll Kit Kitteredge and dog Kit Kitteredge’s bed American girl doll snowpant gear Kit’s summer dress Kt’s birthday outfit Kit’s holiday dress Kara Newman Dear Santa, I was so good everyday. Every single day I...

  • Diapers and pack rafts: A traveling family visits town

    Kyle Clayton|Oct 24, 2013

    Erin McKittrick, author of “A Long Trek Home,” and her husband Hig, visited Petersburg to talk about their expeditions across Alaska and promoted her new book “Small Feet Big Land: Adventure, Home, and Family on the Edge of Alaska.” The latest book chronicles her adventures with her husband and two young children as they tour the landscape. “Our life is somewhat made up of journeys and this book is a story of journeys,” McKittrick said. “It’s a story of some big capital J journeys up the Arctic...

  • Ocean acidification threatens marine life

    Sep 19, 2013

    NORMANBY ISLAND, Papua New Guinea (AP) — Katharina Fabricius plunged from a dive boat into the Pacific Ocean of tomorrow. A bleak portrait emerged: Instead of tiered jungles of branching, leafy corals, Fabricius saw mud, stubby spires and squat boulder corals. Snails and clams were mostly gone, as were worms, colorful sea squirts and ornate feather stars. Instead of a brilliant coral reef like the one living a few hundred yards away, what the Australian Institute of Marine Sciences ecologist found resembled a slimy lake bottom. The cause: c...

  • Veggie Gardening at home

    Orin Pierson|Aug 22, 2013

    Throughout this sunny summer, and thanks in large part to the continued success of The Market, locally grown produce was more available in Petersburg than any time in recent memory. But it begs the question, why hasn’t local produce been more available in town, and what stops people around here from growing their own food? To examine these questions we visit the gardens of some of this season’s most abundant food growers to talk about techniques they’ve used to overcome the commonly perce...

  • Yesterday's News

    Jul 11, 2013

    July 12, 1913 – What to the Easterner, who holds popular idea as to the climate of Alaska, would seem like sending coals to Newcastle, is the shipments of Seattle ice cream made to the North on nearly every steamer sailing to Southeastern Alaska. That a vessel sailing to a country which is supposed to be the land of eternal ice and snow, should carry numerous tubs of delicious frozen sweets is past the understanding of persons living east of the Rocky Mountains. The steamer Dolphin, of the Alaska Steamship Co., had an unusually large s...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jun 6, 2013

    A village that raises children To the Editor: Jeff and I would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to the community of Petersburg and the Petersburg school system. Our children have been privileged to experience community support and high school mentoring as they blossomed into young citizens. They transitioned into colleges in natural resources, law, and civil engineering, an attribute to a village that raises children. Mr. Dormer alluded to this in his introductory address, “acting like a parent when we parents aren’t aroun...

  • Obituary, John Silva Jr., 63

    Apr 4, 2013

    John Silva, Jr. a resident of Petersburg and Angoon, Alaska, passed away on March 3, 2013 at the University of Washington Hospital in Seattle, Wash. from a short battle with cancer. John was born in Petersburg to John Silva, Sr. and Maria Perez-Silva on May16, 1949. John was a very quiet and reserved person who took his job very seriously working as the Water Plant Operator—taking care of the City of Angoon water for 34 years. He was looking forward to retirement, but instead, due to his c... Full story

  • Passport to Reading

    Orin Pierson|Mar 7, 2013

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  • First baby of the New Year

    Shelly Pope|Jan 17, 2013

    Jesse Roundtree and Desiree Watkins brought Jesse Lyle Roundtree, Jr. into the world at 1:15 p.m. Jan. 5 to be the first baby of the New Year in Petersburg. Jesse Jr. was born at Ketchikan General Hospital in the New Beginnings Birthing Center. He weighed 6 pounds 14 ounces and was 19 ¾ inches long. Watkins arrived in Ketchikan Dec. 21 with a due date of Jan. 1, 2013. Proud grandparents are Tonya and late Patrick Roundtree of Petersburg and Carin and Greg Richter of Prince of Wales. Watkins is...

  • Jan 3, 2013

  • SEAPA workshop discusses possible TBPA takeover

    Greg Knight|Nov 8, 2012

    The City and Borough of Wrangell held a workshop on Monday, Nov. 5 to deal with a number of issues related to the Southeast Alaska Power Agency, Thomas Bay Power Authority, and a report by an engineering and consultancy group that is recommending a change in the way Tyee Lake’s hydropower facility, among others, is operated. A report by D. Hittle and Associates, which was commissioned by SEAPA, is calling for the cancellation of the partnership agreement between TBPA and SEAPA for the o...

  • Sitka's Baby Doe grows up and comes for a visit

    Jul 12, 2012

    SITKA (AP) — Remember when a newborn baby girl was found in the sink in the women's restroom at Thomsen Harbor? That was Jan. 23, 1994, and over the years Sitkans have wondered what happened to her. Now they know. The baby was adopted by a Juneau couple, Karen and John Amrhein, who named her Karissa. When she was two, the family moved to St. Augustine, Fla. This week they came back to Sitka. The trip was a high school graduation present to Karissa from her parents, to let her see the place she was found and maybe meet some of the people who c...

  • Fourth festivities brings out revelers

    Shelly Pope|Jul 6, 2012

    Fourth of July activities brought out visitors and residents alike. Semi-clear skies and no rain made for great times for all. Festivities began in earnest Tuesday, with competitors hitting the water for the Blindfold Row Boat Races, the two person Tote Race, the four person Tote Race and the Herring Toss. After several boats got hung up in the pilings, the winners of the Blindfold Row Boat Race were Brian Pike with child navigator Kobuk VanHouten. As the Tote Races began, the tide ran stronger... Full story

  • Jonathan C. Ness, 61

    Jun 21, 2012

    Jonathan Carl Ness, 61, passed away on June 8, 2012 in Petersburg, Alaska. He was born on August 15, 1950 in Petersburg, Alaska to Leo and Ruth Ness. Jon was the second son and younger brother to Steve. He was considered a miracle baby, being born with a congenital heart defect. Mom, Dad, Steve, and numerous friends had to help carry him up the stairs at school, as he was too weak to do so himself. Jon had two heart surgeries as a child. Doctors at Virginia Mason in Seattle performed a very new...

  • Letters to the Editor

    May 17, 2012

    Let us be teenagers To the Editor: This year Petersburg High School worked toward hosting a successful, safe and enjoyable Promenade. “Prom” is a classy event where students have the opportunity to dress formally and enjoy an evening with friends in a highly decorated special venue. We were a few of the students who attended Petersburg High School’s 2012 Prom: A Black Tie Affair. The junior class did an excellent job of decorating, and supplying tasty food and drinks. However, if you talk to the students who went, the majority of them will...

  • Hospital Guild celebrates 75 years of service

    Submitted by Alice Grant|May 10, 2012

    This year the Hospital Silver Tea will be held on Thursday, May 17 from 2 - 4 pm in the Long Term Care dining room. The entire community is welcome to help the Hospital Guild celebrate 75 years of service to the Petersburg Medical Center. On May 12, 1938 the Hospital Guild held their first Hospital Tea Day. The Tea observes the birthday of Florence Nightingale and honors all hospital workers. On February 12, 1937, eighteen Petersburg women met to form the Hospital Guild and the following by-laws were adopted: 1.The Petersburg Hospital Guild...

  • Couple offers private mental health services

    Suzanne Ashe|Mar 8, 2012

    The Stanton Gregor's take the term “couples counseling” to a whole new level. For spouses Lea and Jeigh Stanton Gregor mental health is a family affair, and practice. True North Counseling & Consultation, LLC is the only private counseling practice available in Petersburg, the alternative being public-funded Petersburg Mental Health. “We found a niche that people needed, a private option. It's been great. Really exciting and very well received,” said Lea, 37. She and her husband Jeigh, 35, are...

  • Police Reports

    Jan 5, 2012

    Dec. 28: Police reported icy road conditions on Hungerford Hill. Public Works was advised of a water line break at 5th and Haugen Drive. A gray Blackberry Pearl cell phone was reported lost. A caller reported losing a woman’s black frame rectangular glasses. A caller reported youths playing with knives attached to sticks. Officers found a bike abandoned on Sandy Beach Road. Dec. 29: Police dispatched an ambulance for a possible stroke victim. Officers responded to an argument at LeConte Trailer Park. Sounds of loud cursing and threats were b...

  • Jan 5, 2012

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