(126) stories found containing 'First baby'

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  • Petersburg's first baby of 2017

    Jan 12, 2017

  • Stork Report: First Baby of 2017

    Jan 12, 2017

    The first baby of 2017 was born to Lyman and Rachel Hudson on January 6 at the University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle. Brynnleigh Aurora Hudson was born at 9:24 am, and she weighed 5 lb and 7 oz....

  • Fish Factor, Higher ocean acidity is affecting Bering Sea crab shell production and immune systems

    Laine Welch|Apr 21, 2016

    Increasingly corrosive oceans are raising more red flags for Bering Sea crab stocks. Results from a first ever, two year project on baby Tanner crabs show that higher ocean acidity (pH) affects both their shell production and the immune systems. Bairdi Tanner crab, the larger cousins of snow crab, are growing into one of Alaska’s largest crab fisheries with a nearly 20 million pound harvest this season. “We put mom crabs from the Bering Sea in a tank, and allowed her embryos to grow and hatch in an acidified treatment,” explained project leade...

  • Truth hurts: How saying 'I don't love you anymore' saved one couple's marriage

    Kyle Clayton|Apr 14, 2016

    A little more than a year ago on a cold winter morning, not unlike many Petersburg couples, Meggan and Donnie Hayes were eating breakfast. Out of all those couples, the Hayes may have had the most honest, albeit brutally honest, conversation shared in that moment. In-between slurps of cereal, Meggan told Donnie she didn't love him anymore. Not only did she not love him, she told Donnie, she didn't even like him. "We had been through such a time in our marriage where I just said that because that... Full story

  • Local church welcomes homegrown pastor

    Jess Field|Feb 11, 2016

    There is one thing Nathan Lopez made sure to bring with him from the church he worked at in Omaha, Neb., the mini-basketball hoop from his tiny office. The hoop now hangs in his more spacious office at the Lighthouse Assembly of God, other items in the room include handcrafted Native flutes and a baby grand piano. Lopez is the new pastor for the church, but he is no stranger to Petersburg. He grew up playing basketball here and left the community after graduating high school in 1997 to begin...

  • Fish Factor: Halibut catches will not be slashed for the first time in 15 years

    Laine Welch|Feb 4, 2016

    Alaska’s halibut stocks are showing signs of an uptick and fishermen’s catches will not be slashed for the first time in 15 years. Fishery managers on Friday set the coast wide Pacific halibut harvest for 2016 at 29.89 million pounds, a 2.3 percent increase from last year. “This was probably the most positive, upbeat meeting in the past decade,” said Doug Bowen of Alaska Boats and Permits in Homer. “The feeling is the stocks are up and the resource is stabilizing and recovering, and it’s the first meeting in a long time that there weren’t any...

  • Petersburg's first baby of 2016

    Jan 21, 2016

  • First baby of 2016

    Jan 14, 2016

  • Santa's Mailbox

    Dec 24, 2015

    Dear, Santa i would like a Hachet, i would like a dirt bike to, and a psa game boy and a sky Drone and a pare of snow showes and some Fishing tackle and a pare of corce logeing Bootes. Senserliy, Davis DEAR SANTA, I WOULD LIKE A MAKEUP KIT AND JULIE'S BEd FOR MY DOLL. IVE BEEN GOOD. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? I WOULD ALSO LIKE THE FIREELF LEGOS. LOVE LEXIE Lexie Tow, Age 6 DEAR SANTA, I HAVE BEEN A GOOD GIRL. I WOULD LIKE A CAMERA, AND A PlAY CAR, AND A ZOOMER KITTY. AND A GIRLSCOUT OVEN. THANK YOU,...

  • Breakfast with Santa

    Dec 24, 2015

  • Parade of lights and Christmas tree lighting

    Dec 3, 2015

  • Exchange student tells of travels to Chile

    Jess Field|Nov 12, 2015

    Last year, when Kyla Willis went to Chile, the only Spanish she knew was how to ask where the bathroom was and how to order two beers. A lot has changed since last August. Willis can now speak Chilean Spanish fluently, and she has a new appreciation for international travel and the local Rotary Youth Exchange program. However, the start to her journey was a little rocky, with a steep learning curve, because of the three families she stayed with during her stay, only one family member knew how to...

  • Oktoberfest produces good time and goodies for everyone

    Jess Field|Oct 29, 2015

    The 39th Annual Oktoberfest Artshare was held last weekend, and the theme this year was "Christmas Magic." Around 54 vendors participated in the event, and event coordinators Naomi Welde and Cathy Harris dressed up in costumes for the 14th year in a row. The two dressed as the "Christmas Magic Grandmas," which delighted many youngsters and garnered a couple laughs and looks from adults, too. The two are members of the Muskeg Maleriers, an art based non-profit group in Petersburg. "I think...

  • Fourth of July winners

    Jul 9, 2015

    Log Roll: Men's - Max Peeler Women's - Sue Erickson (Over all champ as well) 2 x 6 Stomp – Team "7 different kinds of Smoke" with a time of 24.71 Giant Trike Race: Solo – Michael Cannidy Tandem – Chris Allen and partner The Bed Race – The Peelers The Cutest Baby Contest: 0-9 months – Tied between Kaelynn Morrison and Helmi Rae Versteeg 10-18 months – Kai Lyons Swainson 19-24 months – Mae Adeline Stoner Look a Like – Luci and Veronica Maldonado Parade: Best of Parade – Fools on Spools Organizati...

  • 'Thorny devil's clubs' win local second in state poetry contest

    Dani Palmer|Jun 18, 2015

    It's a frustrating plant when out fishing, but the prickly devil's club won Petersburg's Sunny Rice second in a statewide Salmon Haiku Contest. Sponsored by The Salmon Project, a group focused on exploring the deep relationship Alaskans have with wild salmon, the second annual Salmon Haiku Contest ran from May 1 to May 15 and encouraged participants to express their understanding of salmon habitat through poetry. This year, over 1,000 entries submitted across Alaska were judged, said Emily...

  • Yesterday's News

    May 14, 2015

    May 15, 1915 – Petersburg’s three-day celebration of the one hundred and first anniversary of Norway’s independence commences tonight with a grand ball in Sons of Norway Hall. Tomorrow there will be an excursion to Thomas Bay glacier. All boats leave the Citizen’s wharf at 8 o’ clock a.m. The excursion is free for all. An address by Rev. Thorvilson at the destination, is on the program, and music by the band. At 8 o’ clock in the evening, in Sons of Norway hall, the musical recital and entertainment under direction of Mrs. J. C. Allen takes...

  • Police arrest suspect in residential burglary, investigating links to others

    Dani Palmer|Apr 30, 2015

    A 22-year-old Juneau woman was indicted in a residential burglary and is a suspect in other cases, police say. A grand jury indicted Brittany Lynn Martin on a Class B felony charge of burglary in the first degree on April 24. An arrest warrant was issued for her on April 16. According to the indictment, Martin allegedly entered a residence in mid-February with the intent to commit the crime of theft. Petersburg Police Chief Kelly Swihart said there was video surveillance in that case and, according to court documents, Martin was identified in... Full story

  • Devil's Club wins Alaska's first ever co-ed vs. co-ed derby bout

    Dani Palmer|Apr 23, 2015

    Petersburg hosted and won the state's first co-ed vs. co-ed roller derby bout Saturday night, and "oh my gosh, it was so great," Devil's Club Co-Captain Rebecca Anderson said of the experience. The Southeast team, comprised of Petersburg and Wrangell skaters, defeated Fairbanks' Frozen Chosen 182-165 in the Petersburg High School gym. Devil's Co-Captain Shawna Buness, of Wrangell, said the co-ed bout "was really exciting for how new derby is in Southeast." The men who normally referee the game... Full story

  • Fish Factor, Bumper year means salmon will be harder to sell

    Laine Welch|Apr 9, 2015

    File this fish story under the “can there be too much of a good thing” category. Alaska is expecting another bumper run of salmon this year– state managers announced last Friday a projected total catch of 221 million salmon, 39 percent higher than last year. (The numbers for Chinook salmon are still being calculated,) Regional catch projections for this summer are up across the board, according to Runs and Harvest Projections for Alaska’s 2015 Salmon Fisheries and Review of the 2014 season by the AK Dept. of Fish and Game. Driving the numbers...

  • Obituary, Bentley Luke Sperl, 32

    Feb 12, 2015

    Bentley Luke Sperl, 32 passed away January 29, 2015 in Petersburg, Alaska. He was born January 27, 1983 in Petersburg to Dennis and Dorothy Sperl. He was the baby of six children and in spite of suffering since his first birthday because of sickness, he had a happy early childhood. When Bentley stopped breathing at 9 years old, he had brain surgery, gall bladder surgery, and spent three months recuperating before returning to his hometown, where he was finally able to embrace life. As a young... Full story

  • First baby of 2015

    Jan 15, 2015

  • Santa's Mailbox

    Dec 18, 2014

    Dear Santa, Would you like to look at my tree? I love you! Can I have a dark purple and pink dinosaur that is little? I am making you a toy to buy. Or do you want to go back home? Do you want to look at my brother? Isabelle Hammer, age 3 Dear Santa, I have been really good. I would like an electric scooter, video games, and pokemon cards. what is your favorite food? Logan Tow age 7 P.S. also a flexible flyer Dear Santa, Do your reindeer eat carrots? I like Santa because he is snuggly and...

  • Ragnarök Rollers skate Fall Brawl at Wrangell

    Mary Koppes and Dan Rud|Nov 27, 2014

    The Ragnarök Rollers, Petersburg's roller derby team, bouted against Wrangell's Garnet Grit Betties Saturday evening at the Fall Brawl in Wrangell as some 260 spectators cheered on the skaters. "We didn't win but it was closer this time so that was good," Coach Rebecca "Midlife Tigress" Anderson said. This was the third time the two teams have dueled it out since the Petersburg team was formed in late 2012. The Betties started out strongly, picking up an early lead and building from there. By...

  • Obituary, Patrick Oliver "Ollie" Roundtree

    Oct 16, 2014

    Patrick Oliver Roundtree left us unexpectedly Wednesday morning, October 8, 2014. Oliver was born on the 19th of September 1988, to Tanya and Patrick Roundtree. He was the one to give his mom the most labor pains. He quickly became their loving, compassionate, sweet little boy. He joined his big brothers, Kyle and Jesse, at their home in Juneau. The family moved to Petersburg in 1993, his charm and big heart earning him many friends immediately. Ollie also lived for a time in Coffman Cove with his father. Family and friends were everything to... Full story

  • Making sisters out of strangers:

    Mary Koppes|Sep 25, 2014

    Long-time Petersburg residents Joey Doyle and Beth Richards were small-town strangers before an unlikely event brought them together last year. "I kind of knew who she was, but we had never really socialized or anything like that," Doyle said. "We're sisters now." Not unlike twins, they solidified their sisterhood in a hospital room. But Doyle and Richards don't share a mother, they share an organ. It was a kidney transplant that brought them together. Joey has polycystic kidney disease (PKD),... Full story

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