(334) stories found containing 'Petersburg Chamber of Commerce'

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  • Yesterday's News

    Apr 28, 2016

    April 29, 1916 – The pipe line in the north end of town is again in working order, having finally thawed out last Monday. It had been out of commission from the N. Martinsen residence north to the end of the walk, and, although frozen up since early in the winter, no breaks were found in the pipe. May 2, 1941 – What seems to be the culmination of the hard fight of the Petersburg community to secure the improvement of Wrangell Narrows, was the authorization of a bill which should soon be reported out of committee in the national congress. A few...

  • Yesterday's News

    Apr 21, 2016

    April 22, 1916 – An advance in passenger rates is announced by the Border Line Transportation Company, effective with the next sailing of the Al-Ki from Seattle. The new rates between Petersburg and Seattle are $23 first-class and $14 second-class, the increase being $4.00 and $1.50 respectively. No change is announced in fares between Alaska ports. A. E. Austin, representing the Tacoma Grocery Company, was a Petersburg business visitor the fore part of the week. Mr. Austin reports a brisk and growing demand in Alaska for his company's s...

  • One voice can make a difference:

    Kyle Clayton|Mar 24, 2016

    Petersburg Parks and Recreation Director Donnie Hayes helped save Petersburg shoppers’ money this year after voicing his opinion during this week’s borough assembly meeting where the assembly appeared set to vote against allowing two sales-tax free days. Before Hayes interjected, Assembly member Cindi Lagoudakis said approving sales tax free days in light of the state’s fiscal challenges would send the wrong message. “I understand merchants have said that it’s some of their best sales days of the year. It’s really unclear to me whether tha...

  • Borough Manager's report

    Mar 24, 2016

    Borough Manager Steve Giesbrecht reported the following during the March 21 Borough Assembly meeting: A Firefighter 1 Course started on February 13. One person is attending all of the classes and two people are hit and miss. Emergency Trauma Technician Course started on February 28. There are 9 participants (four current firefighters, three new EMS volunteers, and two will not volunteer). EMS Director Sandy Dixson taught two Basic Life Support for Health Care Provider courses (total 12 people), and we had three individuals go through the...

  • Assembly requests financial info from non-profits

    Kyle Clayton|Mar 10, 2016

    The Petersburg Borough Assembly is asking for an increase in financial information from organizations requesting community service grants from the borough during this year’s budget hearings. “One thing I would like to ask that be added to all of the people that are applying for these grants is to put a detailed financial statement like if you have holdings on property or bank accounts,” Mayor Mark Jensen said during Monday’s meeting. “It’s going to be tough times financially and if some people have a better wherewithal to take a little bit of a...

  • State lawmakers talk budget at Chamber dinner

    Kyle Clayton|Feb 18, 2016

    State Sen. Bert Stedman talked about how well the community would weather the state budget deficit during Petersburg’s annual Chamber of Commerce Dinner Saturday night. He said the community’s already endured difficult times, citing several wars and economic downturns, and has come out of it unscathed. “We’ve had these austere moments where we’ve had to pull together and this is just another one,” Stedman said. “I don’t sit in my office and eat a lot of Rolaids over it.” Stedman went on to discuss the legislative climate in Juneau and what h...

  • AK Air rep speaks at Chamber banquet

    Kyle Clayton|Feb 18, 2016

    Petersburg Chamber of Commerce members sat down at their annual banquet last Saturday evening at the Sons of Norway Hall. Halibut and prime rib were on the menu and chamber members bid on deserts and won raffle prices such as gift certificates and even 49,000 Alaska Air miles. Alaska Airlines Director of Sales and Marketing Scott Habberstad was one of the banquet speakers. He gave a brief history of the company, which began in 1952, and discussed its present and future. “It’s a great time for the company,” Habberstad said. “We had a great y...

  • Coast Guard Appreciation Reception

    Kyle Clayton|Feb 4, 2016

    Charlie Christensen's boat, the Angela Marie, sank on February 15, 1994. After hearing a recording of the mayday call, Christensen took to the podium. "That still leaves me a little shaky," Christensen said. His boat started sinking stern first and towards the door to the port side. "I firewalled the engine and turned the boat hard over so it would lay over the other way so the door would be up," Christensen said. "I went out the door on and top of it was where the survival suits were. I...

  • Event aims to show support for Coast Guard

    Jess Field|Jan 28, 2016

    The Sons of Norway Hall will hold a Coast Guard Appreciation Reception on Friday night hosted by the Petersburg Chamber of Commerce. The event is open to the public and the goal is simple: thank Coast Guard crews and families for their service and many contributions to Petersburg. David Byrne spearheaded the effort to create the event, but he admits it was not an original idea. He got the idea from a Coast Guard appreciation dinner in Kodiak sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. “I didn’t really think of it, I just stole the idea,” Byrne says.... Full story

  • Editorial: Divert funds for Kake Road Project

    Ron Loesch Publisher|Jan 28, 2016

    Since the Department of Transportation continues to push ahead on the Kake-Petersburg Road, it’s appropriate that the Borough Assembly takes action to divert funds from the project. Nothing kills a road project quicker than taking the money off the table. Repeatedly, citizens from Kupreanof, Kake and Petersburg have told Transportation officials the road is a bad idea. It’s not needed, it’s not cost effective and it needs to go away. Kake needs lower cost electricity and a road is not needed to address their power needs. Since as early as Ja...

  • Juneau woman wins Petersburg's 2015 Rain Game Classic

    Jan 14, 2016

    Tiffany Foss guessed the exact amount of rain that fell in Petersburg over the course of 2015. According to NOAA data, 135.99 inches of precipitation soaked the streets and muskegs of Petersburg making 2015 the second rainiest year on record. The Petersburg Chamber of Commerce sponsors the Rain Game Classic and sold 633 tickets this year, splitting those sales with Voss, who took home $575. NOAA measures its data from equipment at the airport....

  • Yesterday's News

    Jan 7, 2016

    January 8, 1916 – The army department has been trying for some years to switch the lines over to the postoffice officials, who heretofore have been reluctant to take charge, as they have always been operated at a loss. Postmaster General Burleson has been won over to the proposition, and will soon ask congress to turn the cable military telegraph over to him. Burleson recommends that the cable and telegraph and telephone wires be appraised by the interstate commerce commission and turned over to him before July, 1916. Congress will be asked t...

  • Bringing light into Black Friday

    Dec 3, 2015

  • Yesterday's News

    Nov 12, 2015

    November 13, 1915 – A message was received from the Pacific Coast Steamship Company last Saturday evening by Hogue & Tveten giving a notice of reduction of $2.50 in freight tariffs on fresh fish from Petersburg, making the rate $5.00 instead of $7.50. The matter of getting a lower rate on fresh fish was taken up by the Petersburg Commercial Club several weeks ago, when such action was suggested in a letter to the club from H. S. Finch. The matter gained considerable publicity, and co-operation of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce was secured. N...

  • United Fishermen of Alaska meet in Petersburg

    Kyle Clayton|Oct 29, 2015

    United Fisherman of Alaska members gather in the Sons of Norway hall this week as it conducts its 2015 Fall Board Meeting. Board members representing 35 Alaska commercial fishing organizations began their meeting Tuesday, Oct. 27 where representatives of Lt. Governor Mallott, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, University of Alaska Anchorage and other independent commercial fishing agencies gave presentations to the board. Much of the time was devoted to internal discussion regarding seafood...

  • Bergmann a double winner in Canned Salmon Classic

    Oct 15, 2015

    William Bergmann won both first and second place in the Petersburg Chamber of Commerce Canned Salmon Classic according to a news release from the chamber. The total can pack in Petersburg was12,516,654 for the 2015 season. Bergmann’s guesses were12,502,814 and 12,522,814. This is the second time the contest had a double winner. Bergmann’s daughter Tessa won both first and second place in 2011. 700 guesses were submitted in this year’s classic. Proceeds benefit a $2,000 AML/Petersburg Chamber of Commerce Scholarship. Major sponsors of the event...

  • Yesterday's News

    Oct 1, 2015

    September 2, 1915 – Plans for the proposed Petersburg-Scow Bay throughfare were discussed last evening at a special meeting of the Commercial Club by Messrs. Hayes and Zug of the road commission for Alaska. They stated that $2,500 was available for the project, and favored the using of this fund toward the establishment of a permanent road. The plan is to widen the present board walk along the beach at Scow Bay, at a cost of about $500, and use the balance of the money in clearing a roadway via the beach to Petersburg. It is considered p...

  • Havrilek hired by Chamber of Commerce

    Sep 24, 2015

    The Petersburg Chamber of Commerce announced this week that they have hired John Havrilek as the new Administrative Manager of the organization. He replaces Cindi Lagoudakis who resigned in August. Havrilek will assume the administrative duties of the organization and work with the 11-person board of directors in fulfilling the chamber's community-wide mission. President Seth Scrimsher expressed appreciation to Lagoudakis for her work the past 20-months and welcomed Havrilek, who began his...

  • Yesterday's News

    Sep 3, 2015

    September 4, 1915 – Captain Greeley, U.S. army, came up from Seattle last week to investigate the proposed survey and dredging of Dry Straits. In company with a committee of the Wrangell Chamber of Commerce, the officer made a trip over the proposed route of the canal. Pictures of the channel were also procured, which will be sent with Captain Greeley's report to headquarters. September 6, 1940 – A new course which is being started this year in the Petersburg High School is a course in vocational guidance, Lester L. Wingward, instructor. The co...

  • Yesterday's News

    Aug 13, 2015

    August 14, 1915 – The fast and commodious launch Trigby will leave Petersburg next Monday for Cape Fanshaw, Port Houghton, Pybus Bay, Tyee, Warm Springs Bay, Kuiu Island points, and Kake. Such is the announcement of S.L. Hogue, who this week purchased the Trigby from Conrad Dahl. It is Hogue's intention to make a trial trip to the points above listed, and if it appears that business will justify the enterprise, to make weekly return trips, carrying passengers, mail, and freight, and also to take orders for and deliver merchandise to people a...

  • Fourth of July winners

    Jul 9, 2015

    Log Roll: Men's - Max Peeler Women's - Sue Erickson (Over all champ as well) 2 x 6 Stomp – Team "7 different kinds of Smoke" with a time of 24.71 Giant Trike Race: Solo – Michael Cannidy Tandem – Chris Allen and partner The Bed Race – The Peelers The Cutest Baby Contest: 0-9 months – Tied between Kaelynn Morrison and Helmi Rae Versteeg 10-18 months – Kai Lyons Swainson 19-24 months – Mae Adeline Stoner Look a Like – Luci and Veronica Maldonado Parade: Best of Parade – Fools on Spools Organizati...

  • l'Austral welcomed

    Jun 18, 2015

  • Farm property tax exemption fails to see the light of day

    Dani Palmer|Jun 4, 2015

    A short-lived farm property tax exemption proposal died during an assembly meeting Monday afternoon. Assembly member Jeigh Stanton Gregor had been contacted by residents on the possibility of the exemption earlier this year and asked in January if he could work with staff to develop an ordinance for future consideration. On Monday he said he liked “the idea of promoting agriculture in Southeast” because it’s challenging, but added that he could no longer support the ordinance knowing the exemption would also apply to marijuana grow opera...

  • Local wins Petersburg Salmon Derby with 50 pound fish

    Dani Palmer|May 28, 2015

    He was alone on his boat, and it was a bit of a battle. Scott Stafford, of Petersburg, caught his Salmon Derby winning 50.9 pound fish on Saturday. Fishing from his 22-foot-long Alice Marie, just outside of the North Arm with fishermen from a dozen vessels watching nearby, Stafford said it took about 30 to 40 minutes to reel in the fish. The fisherman brought the king salmon up to his boat about seven times. It went under the boat, around the boat. Finally he got it to where the head was... Full story

  • King Salmon derby starts this Friday

    May 21, 2015

    The 34rd Annual Petersburg Chamber of Commerce King Salmon Derby gets underway this Friday at 7 a.m. The derby continues through the Memorial Day Weekend and ends Monday at 5 p.m. Two tagged fish have been released at Frederick Point. The $10,000 fish is about a 15 lb. King, while the $5,000 King is a 28-30 lb. fish, according to Derby committee member Doug Welde who trolled for the Kings for two mornings this week. The $10,000 tagged fish prize is sponsored by Alaska Marine Lines and the Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and the $5,000 tagged... Full story

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