(334) stories found containing 'Petersburg Chamber of Commerce'

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  • AMHS Celebrates 50 years in Southeast

    Shelly Pope|May 2, 2013

    The Alaska Marine Highway System will celebrate with towns all along the Southeast for the 50 year anniversary of service to this area. The Motor Vessel Malaspina made its inaugural trip to Petersburg at 6 p.m. Sunday, April 28, 1963 and Friday, the Malaspina will make port here again at 6 p.m. “We have activities scheduled once people have boarded,” Petersburg Chamber of Commerce Director Sally Dwyer said. “That is when the Leikerring Dancers will dance being led by Heidi Lee.” Dwyer said she did not know what the ferry system had schedul... Full story

  • 500 Writers May Be Here April 28 On Ferry Inaugural

    Petersburg Press|May 2, 2013

    March 22, 1963, Petersburg Press Governor William A. Egan has announced the formal inaugural voyage of the M-V Malaspina, marking the start of service over the Southeastern Alaska marine highway system, will be held April 27 to May 2. The vessel will arrive in Petersburg at 6 p.m. Sunday, April 28, and leave 8 a.m. Monday. More than 500 travel editors for the nation’s newspapers and magazines have been invited to participate in the week-long event which will include visits to each of the stops on the ferry route. Governor Egan wrote the m...

  • Malaspina Undergoing Repairs; Due Back Tuesday

    Petersburg Press|May 2, 2013

    Jan. 25, 1963, Petersburg Press The Alaska State Ferry Malaspina is undergoing engine repairs in Juneau but is still expected to be back on schedule and in Petersburg again next Tuesday, the Press learned today from Juneau. The Malaspina went through Petersburg Thursday afternoon, a day late because of a delay in getting away from Seattle. Minor engine trouble has plagued the ship but the Associated Press reported this morning that it was believed the vibration in the engine exhaust, which caused the trouble, has been licked. The Malaspina arri...

  • EAS to continue for Petersburg, Wrangell through 2015

    Greg Knight|Mar 21, 2013

    There will no change in Alaska Airlines’ status as the provider of Essential Air Service for Southeast Alaska communities after the U.S. Department of Transportation issued an order in February continuing the EAS through 2015 – and Alaska Airlines will retain the designation as the provider of the service. “On February 11, we issued an order re-selecting Alaska Airlines to provide Essential Air Service in five communities in Southeast Alaska,” said USDOT spokesperson Bill Moseley. “That o... Full story

  • To the Editor

    Mar 21, 2013

    Made me feel welcome To the Editor: I want to thank everyone who helped make my first formal visit to Petersburg as your representative successful. I was lucky to be able to spend a long weekend in Petersburg March 7-10 while the Legislature took a break. On Friday, about 50 people came to a pizza party at the Legislative Information Office on Gjoa Street. I was also able to meet with various groups around town, including the Petersburg Vessel Owners Association and Petersburg Economic Development Corporation. I also spent time at some of the...

  • Papa Bear's Pizza is named Business of the Year

    Shelly Pope|Mar 14, 2013

    Each year, the Petersburg Chamber of Commerce honors a business and this year, Papa Bear's Pizza was awarded Business of the Year. "Papa Bear's Pizza was nominated for its friendly atmosphere and new location," Chamber of Commerce Banquet emcee Donnie Hayes said. "They have a friendly staff and are constantly donating to the community." One of the nominations said that they may not be huge but they are a wonderful small business trying to improve every day. "They work hard to make our visitors... Full story

  • Kertulla speaks at Chamber of Commerce Banquet

    Shelly Pope|Mar 14, 2013

    The annual Petersburg Chamber of Commerce Banquet was awash in green and sparkles as business owners and residents attended to hear Representative Beth Kertulla speak about herself and her experiences, the legislative session and the future. Kertulla's family has a long history in Alaska and her father, Jay was the state's longest-serving legislator and the only legislator to have served as both Speaker of the House and Senate President. Kertulla, herself has been elected eight times to the... Full story

  • New "Rain Game" contest announced

    Mar 14, 2013

    The Petersburg Chamber of Commerce announced a new contest during their annual banquet Saturday evening. The contest, the Rain Game Classic, will pay cash to people guessing how much rain and snow falls this year. "This is a new raffle we will be having throughout the year and it is a guess of how much rain we get on a yearly basis," Chamber of Commerce member Donnie Hayes said. "This is going to be a wonderful addition to this year's activities. Each ticket costs $2 and will be available until...

  • TRT Grants are awarded by Assembly

    Shelly Pope|Mar 7, 2013

    The Petersburg Borough Assembly awarded several grants funded by the Transient Room Tax during its regular meeting Monday afternoon. The TRT Committee recommended awarding the following; $1,600 will go to the Chamber of Commerce for a Viking ship bench; $1,788 will go to the Clausen Memorial Museum for flags directing visitors to their location; $1,625 will go to the Chamber of Commerce and the Petersburg Economic Development Commission to assist in developing a photo library; $1,500 will go for a Petersburg Annual Harvest calendar and $1,623...

  • Petersburg ready to aid Wrangell celebration

    Shelly Pope|Jan 24, 2013

    The rededication ceremony of Shakes Island and the Chief Shakes Tribal House is scheduled for May 3 and 4 in Wrangell and housing is still needed for the 1,000-plus guests that are expected to attend the festivities. “This is an historical event that is happening in our neighborhood and it is a huge celebration for Wrangell,” Petersburg Chamber of Commerce Manager Sally Dwyer said. “We are attempting to help our neighbor.” Dwyer and Marilyn Menish-Meucci of the Petersburg Visitor Center have contacted the Tides Inn and Scandia House to make su... Full story

  • Friday, Oct. 12 declared sales tax-free day

    Shelly Pope|Oct 4, 2012

    Petersburg City Council voted to declare Friday, Oct. 12 as the second sales tax-free day for 2012. Resolution 2026 sets the date for the tax-free day and clarifies that merchants may choose to option out of the sales tax-free day if they desire. “This was a wonderful opportunity for Petersburg businesses,” business owner and Chamber of Commerce Retail Committee Chair Savann Guthrie said. “Even with the loss of the tax revenue to the City, this is a great way to bring in business for the commu...

  • Ocean Beauty proposes containers for housing

    Shelly Pope|Sep 13, 2012

    Ocean Beauty Seafood manager Cheryl Romeo requested the transfer of a conditional use permit allowing the placement of six 8 foot by 40 foot bunkhouses to the site of the old Ocean Beauty Bunkhouse at 15 Harbor Way during a regular Planning Commission meeting Thursday evening. “Letters were sent to everyone in the zone,” Community Development Foreman Joe Bertagnoli said. “The only response we received was in support by Dave Ohmer of Trident Seafoods.” Ohmer stated that this proposal goes along with the history of Ocean Beauty, the area they ar...

  • New City budget adopted

    Shelly Pope|Jul 26, 2012

    The City of Petersburg adopted the 2012-13 City budget with very few changes from last year. “The biggest change is the general fund subsidizing some of the assisted living facility expenses,” City of Petersburg Finance Director Jody Tow said. “In addition to charging a mill rate for the facility’s annual debt service, the City will be transferring $100,000 from the general fund to assisted living. These funds are to support the facility’s day to day operations. The facility is now at full occupancy which means the City is receiving more reve... Full story

  • Merchants see increased traffic on tax-free day

    Shelly Pope|Jul 26, 2012

    Many Petersburg merchants expressed mixed feelings regarding its first sales tax-free day. The tax-free day took place, in conjunction with the Petersburg Chamber of Commerce Spring Market giving merchants extra opportunities to pass savings on to the public. Savann Guthrie owner of The Fabric Basket and Chamber of Commerce Retail Committee Chair stated the committee received no negative feedback regarding this event. “I believe people spent money that they normally wouldn’t have,” Guthrie said. “Many merchants, including myself, had extra s... Full story

  • “The World” to visit Petersburg Sunday

    Jul 26, 2012

    “The World” will visit Petersburg on Sunday, July 29, according to Sally Dwyer, office manager of the Petersburg Chamber of Commerce. The World, launched in 2002 is the largest privately owned yacht on the planet. It measures 644 feet and is owned by the persons residing aboard the 165 private luxury residences. The owners, according to the ship’s website, determine the cruise itinerary. The residents wake up to a new destination every few days. The ship’s Enrichment Program brings experts onboard to prepare residents for experiences from wi...

  • Fourth festivities brings out revelers

    Shelly Pope|Jul 6, 2012

    Fourth of July activities brought out visitors and residents alike. Semi-clear skies and no rain made for great times for all. Festivities began in earnest Tuesday, with competitors hitting the water for the Blindfold Row Boat Races, the two person Tote Race, the four person Tote Race and the Herring Toss. After several boats got hung up in the pilings, the winners of the Blindfold Row Boat Race were Brian Pike with child navigator Kobuk VanHouten. As the Tote Races began, the tide ran stronger... Full story

  • August 2013 start date possible for North Harbor Dredge

    Shelly Pope|Jul 6, 2012

    Petersburg City Manager Stephen Giesbrecht summarized the activities taking place for the city during the Petersburg City Council Meeting Monday, July 2. The Corps of Engineers opened up the bid period for the North Harbor Dredge Project Friday, June 22 with bids due by Tuesday, July 24 at 2 p.m. “The bid will be awarded by the end of August in order to satisfy federal funding regulations,” Giesbrecht said. “We have a tentative start date of August 2013.” The contractor for the Mountain View Manor roof replacement has submitted materia...

  • Safari Endeavor comes to Petersburg Sunday

    Shelly Pope|Jun 7, 2012

    The Safari Endeavor cruise ship docked in Petersburg Sunday morning and hosted a tour of the facilities for several Petersburg residents. Endeavor's captain, Jil Russell led the group throughout the ship explaining differences in the new Endeavor from the old. “We have the capabilities of putting 66 passengers in the water at any one time,” Russell said. “The kayak launch system built into the vessel makes it easy for anyone to enjoy the waters.” The passenger count has been reduced from 10...

  • Class of 2012 graduates, receives $430,526 in scholarships

    Shelly Pope|Jun 7, 2012

    Seats of the Petersburg High School gym filled with family and friends last Wednesday to say goodbye to another school year and another class of graduates. The 2012 graduating class of PHS proceeded into the room with the band playing in the background and to begin the event Elinor Robinson sang the “Star Spangled Banner”. PHS Principal Rick Dormer welcomed the graduates and reflected on the past year. “I want to thank each of you seniors,” Dormer said. “You have brought color and delight t...

  • 46.5 lb. fish wins Salmon Derby for Cumps

    Shelly Pope|May 31, 2012

    The 31st annual Salmon Derby brought in over 300 fish ranging in weight from 8.1 to 45.6 pounds. The Petersburg Chamber of Commerce sponsored event took place over the Memorial Day weekend Friday, May 25 to Monday, May 28. First prize was $7,500 cash, a derby jacket and hat and free processing by Tonka Seafoods; second prize was $3,500 cash, a derby sweatshirt and hat and third prize was $2,750 cash and a derby sweatshirt and hat. Prizes will be awarded Thursday night (May 31) at 7 p.m. at the...

  • Yesterday's News

    May 31, 2012

    June 2, 1982 - A new hematology cell counter was purchased for the hospital by the Hospital Guild. The cell counter, financed with money raised through the Charity Box, counts red and white cells in the blood and can be used to test for appendicitis, leukemia, cancer and other diseases. Before the machine was purchased, the lab technologists counted the cells by hand. The Hospital Guild invested $4,900 in the cell counter and hemoglobinometer which measure the hemoglobin level in blood. May 28,...

  • Peggy's Corner of the House

    Representative Peggy Wilson|May 31, 2012

    Hello again. After a short break to visit family, I wanted to report, from my Corner of the House, on all the latest news. Between budgets, a special session, and redistricting, there’s a lot going on. The best news is how well the Capital Budget came out. Because the legislature worked so carefully with the governor to keep expenditures at a reasonable level, there were very few vetoes. All the projects that are so critically needed in our District 2 communities can expect to get started, or at least be put out for bids, very soon. The recent...

  • Salmon derby starts Friday; no tagged fish this year

    May 24, 2012

    The 31st Annual Petersburg Chamber of Commerce King Salmon Derby gets underway this Friday morning at 7 a.m. The derby continues through the Memorial Day Weekend and ends Monday at 5 p.m. No tagged fish will be available for anglers this year however. Derby Committee member Doug Welde reported volunteers in as many as seven participating boats were unable to catch two King Salmon to tag on Wednesday morning near Frederick Point. The tagged fish could normally bring a derby angler a chance at $5,000 from Hammer and Wikan and the other could...

  • New city logo and branding coming to Petersburg

    Suzanne Ashe|May 17, 2012

    What's in a name? The Petersburg Economic Development Council (PEDC) hopes the name Petersburg will translate into increased tourism and economic growth thanks to new city branding. The PEDC, members of the Chamber of Commerce, and several city employees, gathered last week to see the latest artwork and slogans for a new city branding effort that is designed to entice visitors, businesses and new residents. The desire to create a Petersburg logo and slogan began about a decade ago, said PEDC...

  • Salmon Derby Committee needs volunteers

    May 17, 2012

    The Petersburg Chamber of Commerce Salmon Derby Committee has need of volunteers to sign up to man the weigh-in station during the Memorial Day Weekend Event. Persons wishing to sign-up may contact Sally at the Chamber office (772-3646). Volunteers are needed on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday (May 25-28). Instruction is provided....

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