(298) stories found containing 'petersburg indian association'

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  • Petersburg Indian Association honored by chamber for trail building contributions

    Orin Pierson, Pilot Writer|Feb 27, 2025

    This month the Petersburg Indian Association (PIA) was honored at the Petersburg Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet with the Community Impact Award — for transforming local transportation infrastructure through decades of partnerships, generosity, and community engagement. Glowing with pride as she presented the award, Petersburg Parks and Recreation Director Stephanie Payne described the partnership between the borough and PIA “in creating and maintaining trails for the community, along with ro...

  • Elizabeth Peratrovich Day

    Feb 20, 2025

    Petersburg Indian Association led a March on Sunday in observance of Elizabeth Peratrovich Day, to honor the woman who spearheaded Alaska's Anti-Discrimination Act of 1945. The procession (pictured below) makes their way up Gjoa Street toward the John Hansen Sr. Hall, with the Elizabeth Peratrovich mural, painted by Janine Gibbons in 2020, visible on the Petersburg Courthouse in the background. Once inside the hall, the Johnson O'Malley program's dancers shared dances and songs with those in...

  • Outdoor recreation: Alaska's 'underappreciated economic giant'

    Orin Pierson, Pilot Writer|Feb 6, 2025

    While many economic indicators in Alaska draw concern, outdoor recreation stands as a bright spot, generating $3.1 billion in economic output in 2023. That's according to Mariyam Medovaya, who is coming to Petersburg next week to discuss the growing potential of adventure tourism as the guest speaker at the Petersburg Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet on Feb. 15. "Outdoor recreation is kind of an underappreciated giant of American economy," says Medovaya, noting that Alaska ranked first among...

  • Project Connect

    Feb 6, 2025

    HIP Volunteers Courtney Martin and Ashley Kawashima stock the table of travel-sized hygiene products during Project Connect last week. 138 community members participated in the event. Of those, 19 reported currently experiencing homelessness in Petersburg and 23 reported experiencing homelessness at least once during the past three years. The volunteers at Project Connect distributed a lot of good resources to those who need them in the community. And through the donation drive HIP was able to...

  • Rod and Gun Club makes many improvements to shooting range

    Orin Pierson, Pilot Writer|Feb 6, 2025

    Jake Slaven, president of the Petersburg Rod and Gun Club, presented a report to the Petersburg Borough Assembly on Feb. 3 to provide updates on the activities of the club and improvements at the Petersburg Shooting range. The club has installed new security cameras at the range through $8,000 in funding contributed by club members and a matching grant from Petersburg Mental Health Services. The facility has also added a new shelter at the pistol range, funded by an NRA Foundation grant, and the...

  • Project connects those facing housing insecurity with resources

    Orin Pierson|Jan 23, 2025

    Petersburg nonprofit Humanity In Progress (HIP) is preparing for its ninth annual Project Connect event, which will provide resources and services to community members experiencing housing insecurity. The event will take place Tuesday, Jan. 28 from 2-6 p.m. at John Hanson Sr. Hall, thanks to the space being donated by Petersburg Indian Association (PIA). Preparations for the event have been underway for several months. "Our main goal is just to make sure that we have resources available for the...

  • Tribal election turnout high for the second year in a row

    Hannah Flor, KFSK Radio|Jan 16, 2025

    Petersburg's tribal members picked a new council president on Monday, January 6. Voters elected Carol Martinez president of the Petersburg Indian Association Tribal Council, ending Debra O'Gara's term in the role after just one year. Brenda Norheim also ran for council president as a write-in candidate. Three two-year terms were open on the tribal council. The two incumbents running, Brandon Ware and Jaclyn Eide, both kept their seats. Adam Ware won the third seat. Marc Martinsen and Cina...

  • Borough approves airport subdivision land transfer

    Orin Pierson|Jan 9, 2025

    The Petersburg Borough Assembly unanimously passed a resolution on Monday to transfer seven parcels of borough-owned land in the Airport Addition Subdivision to Tlingit Haida Regional Housing Authority (THRHA) in exchange for the development of 11 residential lots, a project that builds on a successful 1996 partnership between the organizations. "About 25 years ago, PIA allocated federal housing monies to the Tlingit and Haida Housing Authority, and in the partnership with the assembly, several...

  • Local news 2024 year in review

    Jan 2, 2025

    January 2024 A prized Mental Health Trust lot by Blind River Rapids, a popular recreation site for sport fishing, was sold at auction to a USCG family. Toler and Jessie Alexander are eager to return to Petersburg after retiring from the Coast Guard in a few years. The borough listed its top priority capital projects, and the Petersburg Medical Center replacement was first and second on the list – for the main hospital construction and the main hospital interior build out. Petersburg Indian A...

  • Addiction recovery speaker coming to Petersburg

    Orin Pierson|Nov 28, 2024

    Chris Herren, a former NBA player and renowned addiction recovery speaker is flying in on Wednesday, Dec. 5 to speak with Mitkof Middle School and Petersburg High School students and share his eye-opening journey from success to addiction to recovery. Once a high school basketball star recruited to play in college and then two seasons in the NBA, Herren's promising career was derailed by addiction. His story has been documented in the memoir, "Basketball Junkie" and in "Unguarded," an...

  • Gymnastics program finds new permanent home

    Olivia Rose|Nov 21, 2024

    Lifelong gymnast and founder of Fitness Fundamentals Madeleine Valentine is leaping into a new chapter for her business. After three years of operating her gymnastics and fitness school from various rented, temporary spaces around Petersburg, Valentine has secured a permit from the borough to convert a large detached garage on her recently purchased property into a permanent location for her classes. Finding a consistent space to house the program has been a challenge. Valentine explored several...

  • PIA clears land for parking lot, future projects

    Hannah Flor, KFSK Radio|Nov 14, 2024

    An acre of muskeg along Petersburg's busy Haugen Drive has been slowly transforming into a parking lot over the last month. It's owned by Petersburg's tribe, the Petersburg Indian Association, or PIA. Tribal Administrator Jalyn Pomrenke said the end goal isn't just a parking lot at the corner of 12th Street, but there is no specific plan yet for what to build beyond parking. "That would be something for the council and the tribe to decide on eventually," she said. "You know, finding funding is...

  • Two new hires at PIA

    Olivia Rose|Oct 31, 2024

    Petersburg Indian Association (PIA) filled two positions in October, hiring Jalyn Pomrenke to the Tribal Administrator position and Hillary MacDonald as Director of Finances. "I am excited to have this opportunity to listen to and uplift the voices of tribal citizens in Petersburg," Pomrenke said in a message to the Pilot. Born and raised in Petersburg, Pomrenke has a career in residential property management and real estate, working at Petersburg Properties LLC and at PIA in her previous role...

  • Above the Stikine River, the Canadian government is boosting a huge mining project you've probably never heard of

    Max Graham|Oct 24, 2024

    A major copper-and-gold mining project in the rugged mountains of northwestern British Columbia — upstream from a Southeast Alaska fishing town — is poised for a boost from the Canadian government. Canada's department of natural resources last month announced that it plans to inject about $15 million U.S. into a massive copper and gold development just 25 miles from the Alaska border. The project is perched above tributaries of the Stikine River — a major salmon-bearing waterway that flows... Full story

  • Sandy Beach sees infrastructure upgrades

    Olivia Rose|Oct 17, 2024

    Upgrades are in the works for a few amenities at Sandy Beach recreational area, including a year-round restroom, parking improvements, and the ongoing extension work on City Creek Trail. Sandy Beach is a place for all sorts of recreational happenings. The beachfront park and picnic area includes a few shelters, benches, firepits, barbecues, a playground, as well as a totem pole and four informational signs at the plaza installed this summer. Visitors also park at the Sandy Beach area to access...

  • Petersburg Indian Association buys Tides Inn

    Olivia Rose, Pilot writer|Aug 22, 2024

    As the new owners of Tides Inn hotel and Highliner Car Rental, Petersburg Indian Association (PIA) is now in the local hospitality business. "My sisters and I are very pleased with the conclusion of the sale of the Tides Inn and Highliner Car Rental to the Petersburg Indian Association," Dave Ohmer shared in a written statement. "The Ohmer Family started doing business in Petersburg in 1916, and it is wonderful to now be selling the Tides Inn and Highliner to an organization whose families were...

  • Capitol Christmas tree will come from the Tongass

    Aiden Luhr, Pilot writer|Aug 22, 2024

    A sitka spruce from the Wrangell Ranger District was selected to represent Alaska as the 2024 U.S. Capitol Christmas tree. "This is the first time the Capitol Christmas tree has come from the Tongass National Forest," Public Affairs and Partnerships staff officer Paul Robbins Jr. told the Pilot in an email. According to Robbins Jr., the tree will be transported over 900 miles by sea and 2,899-mile cross country to Washington D.C. Alaskans have been asked to provide over 10,000 handmade...

  • Petersburg Indian Association has more infrastructure plans in the works

    Hannah Flor|Jul 25, 2024

    Petersburg's tribe plans to add sidewalks to some streets and build a new trail in coming years. The Petersburg Indian Association approved a four-year infrastructure plan on July 17 after finalizing the project list at a public meeting earlier in the month. The tribe will partner with the Petersburg Borough to add sidewalks along residential streets near the Petersburg Community Center. Debra O'Gara is the tribal council president. "Right now, in the middle of winter, it's really dark back...

  • Ceremony welcomes Hutli totem pole to Sandy Beach

    Orin Pierson|Jul 11, 2024

    Representatives of Petersburg Indian Association (PIA) and the Hutli committee and members of the Séet Ká Kwáan Dancers welcomed the public to witness the unveiling of the story totem pole at Sandy Beach Park on July 5. The totem pole was created by Tlingit carver Fred Fulmer Sr., Saat-Kaa, of Everett, WA - commissioned by PIA for the Hutli project. "Hutli is a Tlingit work roughly translated to Thunderbird and the thundering sound of the wings," Brenda Louise told the sizeable crowd on hand for...

  • Informational signs installed at Sandy Beach; City Creek Trail extension in the works

    Liam Demko|Jun 13, 2024

    In the past week, four informational signs were installed on a newly constructed plaza at Sandy Beach Park - bringing to life the first phase of the Hutli Project. The Hutli Project -a collaboration between the Petersburg Indian Association and an advisory committee including members from PIA, the Southeast Alaska Watershed Coalition, Petersburg Parks & Recreation, the US Forest Service, and others- aims to tell the story of Petersburg's Indigenous population through the further development of...

  • PIA Tribal Council fills vacant seats

    Olivia Rose|Jun 6, 2024

    Later this month, the Petersburg Indian Association Tribal Council will have every seat occupied after swearing in Christine Yatchmenoff as a newly appointed Councilmember. The council filled one vacant seat in March, swearing in Brandon Ware, and sought to fill another vacancy left by Everett Bennett, who was elected to the council in January but later resigned to pursue the PIA tribal administrator position left by Chad Wright and started the job May 20. Yatchmenoff will be sworn in to fill Be...

  • Paddlers prepare for weeklong journey to Celebration

    Becca Clark, Wrangell Sentinel reporter|May 16, 2024

    On May 29, a 39-foot canoe of Wrangell paddlers will start the week-long, 150-nautical-mile journey to Juneau for Celebration, the biennial Native culture festival. This year marks the first time Wrangell will have its own canoe making the journey since 2014, signifying a return of enthusiasm for canoe culture in town. Canoes from other communities will make the journey alongside Wrangell, including Juneau, Kasaan, Metlakatla and a veterans' canoe - all beginning in Wrangell. Up to seven other...

  • Petersburg residents march for Missing and Murdered Indigenous People Awareness Day

    Shelby Herbert, KFSK Radio|May 9, 2024

    Around 20 Petersburg residents marched downtown on May 5 in observance of Missing and Murdered Indigenous People Awareness Day. It was a small affair, but marchers were determined to show up in support of Alaska's stolen relatives - rain or shine. It was a typical clammy spring afternoon in Petersburg. The fragmented rain showers and temperatures in the 40s had driven many in town indoors; but the seventeen people gathered under the awning of one of the local grocery stores were undeterred. They...

  • Yesterday's News

    May 2, 2024

    May 2, 1924 – Herman Papke, rancher and homesteader on Wrangell Narrows just below Scow Bay, is doing wonders in propagation and crossing of species of small fruit, berries and vegetables. He has some apple and cherry trees which seem to be doing well. He has successfully raised loganberries and some of the finest raspberry bushes yet seen in Southeastern Alaska. The soil is dark loam with a blue clay subsoil and just enough sand admixture to let the air through. It was necessary to clear away trees and stumps and then to run deep drainage d...

  • PIA housing projects 'in the air' as development opportunities develop

    Apr 4, 2024

    The Petersburg Indian Association is currently exploring several opportunities to potentially grow housing in Petersburg. PIA is looking at and gathering information on potentially expanding the Airport Subdivision -also known in the community as the Tlingit and Haida subdivision- which is located past Hammer and Wikan grocery in a loop off Howkan Street. Similar to when the Airport Subdivision was first developed, PIA partnered with Tlingit-Haida Regional Housing Authority and are "in talks"...

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