(280) stories found containing 'Petersburg Indian Association'

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  • Letters to the Editor

    Sep 26, 2013

    Thanks Assembly To the Editor: A couple of weeks ago I read and was appalled by a statement of one of our Assemblywomen as she was quoted as saying “what have senior citizens done to deserve a tax exemption other than get older?” I guess a short history lesson might be in order. The tax exempt status for seniors was a sign of respect and a thank you for all the things they had accomplished in aiding Petersburg's economic development before and during their fixed income days. Let's start with the Petersburg Indian Association. They were not alw...

  • Tlingit craftsman gives TED talk in Petersburg

    Kyle Clayton|Sep 19, 2013

    Tommy Joseph, master woodcarver and Tlingit artist, gave a Technology, Education and Design talk in the borough assembly chambers last Thursday. Joseph talked about his experiences traveling the world learning about Tlingit battledress and how he incorporated that knowledge into pieces he crafted called “Rainforest Warriors” that are in display at the Alaska State Museum in Juneau. His work was inspired in 2004 while researching the battledress used during 1804’s Battle of Sitka that pitte...

  • Future uncertain for Rasmus Enge Memorial bridge

    Kyle Clayton|Aug 8, 2013

    The Rasmus Enge Memorial bridge on Sing Lee Alley might prove to be beyond repair after officials pull planks and inspect the stringers underneath. Borough Manager Steve Giesbrecht said the borough currently isn’t allowing its garbage trucks to drive over the bridge and told other large trucks not to cross the bridge either. Giesbrecht said the bridge has been re-planked many times over the years and that process weakens the stringers—boards the bridge planks are nailed to. “It’s like Swiss c... Full story

  • Borough approves gym floor refinish, centennial sculpture and park expansion

    Suzanne Ashe|Jul 18, 2013

    The Borough Assembly voted to award the gymnasium floor refinishing contract to Alaskan Industries based on a recommendation from the Parks and Recreation Dept. Alaskan Industries is the company that has worked on the floor for the last 15 years, said Parks and Recreation Director Donn Hayes. The cost for the floor refinishing will be $32,400, or $35,900 with the Petersburg branded logo installed in the middle of the gymnasium floor. Part of the funding, $13,000, has been provided by a grant...

  • Ball field bathrooms damaged by firecrackers

    Suzanne Ashe|Jul 18, 2013

    The ball field bathrooms will be closed until further notice due to damage caused by fireworks that were set off in the bathroom, Petersburg Borough Manager Steve Giesbrecht reported to the Assembly during Monday’s meeting. “Somebody decided that was a good way to get rid of some firecrackers and it destroyed one of the toilets ... [The firecrackers] caused a fair amount of damage,” Giesbrecht said. An estimate of how long it will take to repair the bathrooms, and how much it will cost, is in the works. Giesbrecht also updated the Assem...

  • PIA to offer new recycling services

    Shelly Pope|Jun 20, 2013

    The Petersburg Indian Association has been working hard to expand its recycling program and has unveiled a few new services recently. PIA Tribal Resource Director Jason Wilson has implemented new programs beginning with recycling services for big events. “We started this service during Mayfest,” Wilson stated. “We will offer it again for the July 4th event as well as any event in the community.” For this service, anyone planning events in the community such as weddings, reunions, dances, etc. will be able to call PIA and order bins to be plac... Full story

  • Borough recycling program brings in 1,100 pounds in first week

    Shelly Pope|Jun 20, 2013

    Petersburg Borough Manager Steve Giesbrecht reported to the Petersburg Borough Assembly at its regular meeting Monday evening on several topics including the trial commingled recycling program. “This program is off to a great start,” Giesbrecht said. “Over 1,100 pounds of recycling was picked up by Petersburg Indian Association in the first week.” The program is in the second week of a six week trial and it is already off to a good start. According to Petersburg Borough Public Works Director Karl Hagerman, he is hoping to offset some of the...

  • Sanitation Department holds trial for new recycling program

    Shelly Pope|Jun 6, 2013

    The Petersburg Public Works Sanitation Department will introduce a new and improved recycling program to the community called commingled recycling. This commingled recycling program will accept a wide range of materials all bagged together. This new program will be running in Petersburg as a trial for the next six weeks. “This program is an extension of our solid waste contract,” Petersburg Public Works Director Karl Hagerman said. “As part of that contract we have pricing for the shipp... Full story

  • PHS Class of 2013 graduates 39 seniors

    Shelly Pope|Jun 6, 2013

    Petersburg High School gym was filled will people ready to witness the passing of another class from those hallowed halls as the Class of 2013 graduated 39 seniors last Wednesday evening. The graduates filed into the room with the band playing in the background placing them ever closer to that moment they have strived for so many years. PHS Principal Rick Dormer contemplated on the fact that these students were freshmen when he arrived in Petersburg and this is the first class that he has had fr...

  • Graduates receive $572,000 in scholarships

    Shelly Pope|Jun 6, 2013

    Petersburg High School gym was filled will people ready to witness the passing of another class from those hallowed halls as the Class of 2013 graduated 39 seniors last Wednesday evening. The graduates filed into the room with the band playing in the background placing them ever closer to that moment they have strived for so many years. PHS Principal Rick Dormer contemplated on the fact that these students were freshmen when he arrived in Petersburg and this is the first class that he has had fr...

  • Assembly looks at police station and jail design options

    Shelly Pope|May 9, 2013

    Petersburg Borough Manager Steve Giesbrecht and Petersburg Police Chief Jim Agner approached the challenge of the failing public safety building with an understanding that the only funds available for the project would be from the Fire Hall re-appropriation, and any grant money provided by this legislative session. To date, the project has $4.1 million to work with. “Our assumption is that any project undertaken must meet current building standards for police stations and jails,” Giesbrecht stated. “We assumed that $4.1 million will not neces... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor

    Apr 25, 2013

    Nice when we were trusted To the Editor: The sky didn’t fall when we became a borough. In fact, nothing much seems to have changed at all. The old city limits sign is still in place. The council, er.. the assembly, still meets in the same chambers with the same old city emblem on its bench. There is only one change I’ve noticed. This is my 3rd year as a senior citizen. The first two years I paid for my tax-exempt card. Not once was I asked to show it. I just told them my number or wrote it down. It was nice to be trusted. Now that we are a boro...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Apr 18, 2013

    Greens Camp improvements To the Editor: Thank you Petersburg Indian Association, Petersburg Borough and the Wrangell/Petersburg RAC for all the work, time and funding you have placed into improvements to Green's Camp. The State owned facility now has defined camp sites, wonderful picnic tables, a good road and grated fire pits.... all attributed to local labor, time and dedication. It is a wonderful place to visit and camp, not only for us residents and our families, but for our visitors. Now, if only we can work together to keep it clean. If...

  • Salvation Army Congress in Petersburg

    Sarah Bessel|Apr 4, 2013

    The Salvation Army of Petersburg is hosting the 2013 Salvation Army's Alaska Congress. The Congress will be held from April 5-7 and will include worship, fellowship, meals, a couple of workshops and also “time for members throughout southeast to just celebrate the Salvation Army,” according to Lt. Caleb Fankhauser, Corps Officer of the Salvation Army in Petersburg. Over 200 participants from all over Alaska are expected to come to Petersburg for the event. The Congress used to be annual but is now held every two years and is in a different loc...

  • Fankhauser wins first Losing Big Petersburg competition

    Shelly Pope|Mar 21, 2013

    After six weeks of competition, a winner for the first ever Losing Big Petersburg competition has been declared. Christin Fankhauser is the first “Biggest Loser” of Petersburg. According to Petersburg Parks and Recreation Director Donnie Hayes the resounding number of votes for all of the contestants was phenomenal. Fankhauser is the winner of a one year membership to Petersburg Parks and Recreation; an iPad from a grant that was partnered by Parks and Recreation and the Petersburg Schools; a n...

  • PIA will apply to replace Sing Lee Alley Bridge

    Mar 7, 2013

    The Petersburg Indian Association Tribal Board received reports from various departments outlining the programs they are involved in and what is happening within the organization during its regular meeting Monday evening. The PIA Transportation Department will submit an application for the replacement of the Sing Lee Alley Bridge. "The Petersburg Borough's engineers anticipate the cost of replacement at $1 to $1.2 million," PIA Transportation Director Will Ware reported. "The maximum funding allowed through the Tribal Transportation Bridge... Full story

  • PIA will apply to replace Sing Lee Alley Bridge

    Shelly Pope|Mar 6, 2013

    The Petersburg Indian Association Tribal Board received reports from various departments outlining the programs they are involved in and what is happening within the organization during its regular meeting Monday evening. The PIA Transportation Department will submit an application for the replacement of the Sing Lee Alley Bridge. "The Petersburg Borough's engineers anticipate the cost of replacement at $1 to $1.2 million," PIA Transportation Director Will Ware reported. "The maximum funding allowed through the Tribal Transportation Bridge... Full story

  • Seaside Restaurant will close permanently

    Shelly Pope|Feb 28, 2013

    Petersburg Indian Association will close the doors of the Seaside Restaurant permanently at the end of business Thursday, Feb. 28. “This is a venture that has to be self-sustaining,” PIA Tribal Administrator Bruce Jones stated. “There are no grants out there to run restaurants.” According to Jones, January was a good month and the restaurant still came within $730 of breaking even operationally, but that amount does not cover the debt. “There were loans taken out to get it up to the way it is now and it just isn't making enough,” Jones said.... Full story

  • PIA Board sets Transportation Improvement Program

    Shelly Pope|Feb 14, 2013

    A Transportation Improvement Program, TIP, has been established for the next five years by the Petersburg Indian Association Board during its regular meeting. PIA Tribal Transportation Director Will Ware submitted a written report for the board outlining the program, a Long Range Transportation Plan, LRTP, and projects that are ongoing for PIA. Over the next five years, the PIA Transportation Department will spend $1,630,000 on maintenance for a 50 mile range area; $25,600 will be spent on the maintenance shed; $1,355,000 will go toward...

  • Jones returns to PIA

    Shelly Pope|Feb 7, 2013

    The Petersburg Indian Association re-hired Bruce Jones after letting him go in mid-October – and only two months of service to the organization. Jones has agreed to a four-year commitment with PIA after a long career in local government. “I had all intentions of continuing on with retirement,” Jones said. “I had my name out there on the Alaska Municipal League website to be available as an interim City Manager.” Jones had just been called by the City of Whittier when he met with the PIA tribal council Wednesday evening. “I put in 28 years wi... Full story

  • PIA accepts resignation from board member Lopez

    Shelly Pope|Jan 24, 2013

    The Petersburg Indian Association held its first official meeting after the election Thursday evening and one of the first orders of business was to accept the resignation of board member Derek Lopez. Ways in which to fill the vacated seat were tossed about before taking direction from Tlingit Haida rules. “The Tlingit Haida rules state that there are two different ways in which to fill a vacant seat on the board,” PIA Election Committee Judge Fran Jones said. “The selection can come from the candidate that received the next highest numbe... Full story

  • Final vote count for PIA is complete

    Shelly Pope|Jan 17, 2013

    The Petersburg Indian Association met Monday evening for a final election canvas and to swear in new members in attendance. The final tally for the PIA chair position was 53 votes for Tina Sakamoto and 33 for Mike Sheldon. The board positions go to Jeannette Ness with 75, Melanie Frentz-Hallingstad with 71, Skip Hallingstad with 67 and Carol Martinez and Darnell Wilton come in with 23 and 20 votes. Sakamoto, Ness and Frentz-Hallingstad are incumbents taking seats with Hallingstad taking a seat... Full story

  • Record donations to Salvation Army kettle

    Jan 3, 2013

    Petersburg residents contributed a record amount to the Salvation Army Christmas programs this year, beating the 2011 donations by $5,890.94, according to Lt. Caleb Fankhauser. Giving totaled $15,618.17 in 2012 surpassing last year’s donations of $9,727.23. All funds donated to the Salvation Army Red Kettle remain in Petersburg, according to Fankhauser. Fankhauser said 77 children received Christmas gifts and 92 families were presented with Christmas meals this year. Organizations standing watch at the kettle this year helped with the record c...

  • PIA to hold board election Monday

    Shelly Pope|Jan 3, 2013

    The Petersburg Indian Association will hold an election for board members and chairperson Monday, Jan. 7. The tribe members will have choices on this ballot to fill the needed seats. Mike Sheldon and Tina Sakamoto are vying for the chair position on the board and Skip Hallingstad, Darnell Wilton, Melanie Frentz-Hallingstad, Jeanette Ness and Carol Martinez are going for the three board seats that are up for grabs. Mike Sheldon is a lifelong resident of Petersburg and his family goes back in the area for generations. “My idea as future chairman... Full story

  • 2012 Year in Review

    Dec 27, 2012

    January An elderly man was hit by a vehicle while crossing the street at Gjoa and Nordic Drive. The gentleman was crossing inside the crosswalk and was grazed by the vehicle’s mirror as it passed. The victim was thrown approximately 20 feet. He was on crutches at the time. Rock-N-Road Construction was granted a contract to demolish the Romiad Building to make room for the new library. The building was demolished for $22,499. The Petersburg City Council discussed condemning LeConte RV Park for s... Full story

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