(118) stories found containing 'Petersburg Mental Health Services'

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  • Pedometer challenge to continue this spring

    Kyle Clayton|Nov 21, 2013

    Petersburg Mental Health Services will take the reins on running a second Pedometer Challenge this spring after Petersburg Indian Association found out it couldn’t secure grant funding for the program. Interest in last year’s challenge sparked and Mark Banda, PIA Tobacco Prevention Specialist saw participation double from what was expected. “What started out at about 150 assumed participants turned into 200 very quickly and that followed up and turned into over 300,” Banda said. Banda gave pedometers to participants who were able to track h...

  • Whatever works: PMHS celebrates 20 years

    Kyle Clayton|Oct 31, 2013

    What started as a two-woman operation consisting of a secretary and a fresh college grad has turned into a multi-program, community wide mental health center that serves several hundred clients a year. Petersburg Mental Health Services celebrated its 20-year anniversary last week where board members and other guests gave accolades to PMHS Executive Director Susan Ohmer-the once wide-eyed and idealistic college grad who came back to her hometown in 1993. When Ohmer returned to Petersburg an organ... Full story

  • Beat the Odds race celebrates past and present

    Kyle Clayton|Oct 10, 2013

    One hundred and ninety people ran and walked in the 14th annual Beat the Odds race in an effort to raise awareness and money for cancer research. The rain held off Saturday morning for runners and walkers who were participating in the event. The Mitkof Dance Troupe performed in the community gym and Mindy Anderson spoke to the crowd before the race kicked off. “Many of you here have cancer yourselves and we know that some day we’re going to beat this,” Anderson said. “We’re going to beat the...

  • Mountan View Manor's Senior Senior Prom loads of fun

    Shelly Pope|Jun 13, 2013

    The second Annual Senior Senior Prom was a huge success Friday evening with music and dancing for all in attendance. Mountain View Manor staff in partnership with Petersburg Mental Health Services sponsored the event to bring a little bit of the past back to the residents and citizens of Petersburg who are 65 years of age and older. The soulful sounds of Frank Sinatra and old rock and roll classics of the 1950s resounded through the makeshift ballroom. The 2013 Prom King and Queen were...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Feb 21, 2013

    “Thank you” to emergency responders To the Editor: The motto for Alaska’s Emergency Medical Services (EMS) is, ‘Neighbor Helping Neighbor’ and in the past several weeks, I’ve been able to witness communities walking the walk, not just talking the talk. Recently, a child was murdered in the village of Kake. Responding to the call for help, the Kake EMS and the community responded to one of the most dreadful scenes imaginable. In the wake of the event, resources flooded into Kake to help with the psychological and physical trauma surrounding...

  • Kilkenny and Wright receive Distinguished Service Medal

    Shelly Pope|Nov 22, 2012

    Petersburg Mental Health Services Therapists, Kim Kilkenny and Chad Wright received the Distinguished Service Medal for their actions regarding a police standoff Monday evening during the Petersburg City Council’s regular meeting. The Petersburg Police Department’s award program provides that a Distinguished Service Medal may be awarded for an act of distinct service by a private citizen to the Department which is determined to be of major proportions and has a significant impact on a pri... Full story

  • PMHS SHARE Coalition expand their scope of prevention

    Shelly Pope|Nov 22, 2012

    Petersburg Mental Health Services Supporting Health and Resiliency Education, SHARE, Coalition is expanding the range of the behavior health prevention division in conjunction with the Petersburg Police Department. “We have begun to furnish a public list of people who are ordered by the court to not consume alcohol or enter an establishment serving alcohol to the local bars,” Petersburg Police Chief Jim Agner said. “This is all a matter of public record, but now it isn’t just the police department that will be watching.” PMHS has been awar...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Nov 8, 2012

    Promotional fact To the Editor: I enjoyed the quote from Mr. Giesbrecht in the October 25, 2012 Pilot “We need to make sure that all of our promotional information is based on fact.”So now we have fact to support a crumbled foundation. The foundation that I refer to is the Charter and Petition. The Petition makes promises which are not carried into the Charter. Once the vote is taken the Petition is meaningless. Charter provisions important to those living outside Petersburg were removed or changed. Public meetings were held early on to sel...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Nov 1, 2012

    Promotional Facts To the Editor: I enjoyed the quote from Mr. Giesbrecht in the October 25, 2012 Pilot “We need to make sure that all of our promotional information is based on fact”. So now we have fact to support a crumbled foundation. The foundation that I refer to is the Charter and Petition. The Petition makes promises which are not carried into the Charter. Once the vote is taken the Petition is meaningless. Charter provisions important to those living outside Petersburg were removed or changed. Public meetings were held early on to sel...

  • Fall Ball at Mountain View Manor

    Shelly Pope|Oct 25, 2012

    Mountain View Manor held its first annual Hallows Eve Fall Ball Saturday, Oct. 13 and the evening was a huge success. Above, Carol Shaake dances with LtJG Rick Mozolic of the USCG Cutter Anacapa.... Full story

  • City hears results of alcohol abuse survey

    Shelly Pope|Oct 18, 2012

    Alaska Island Community Services teamed up with Petersburg Mental Health Services to perform a study regarding underage drinking and adult heavy and binge drinking. Alaska Island Community Services program evaluator Desiree Shepler, relayed results of the Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant to the Petersburg City Council during its regular meeting Monday evening. The Strategic Prevention Framework Incentive Grant is a federally funded program that is awarded to different states. “Each state takes the grant and performs the s...

  • Tongass Futures Roundtable votes for land swap

    Oct 4, 2012

    KETCHIKAN (AP) — The Tongass National Forest stakeholders’ group known as the Tongass Futures Roundtable has voted to support a proposed land exchange in Southeast Alaska. The Tongass Futures Roundtable voted earlier this month to support the land exchange between the U.S. Forest Service and the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority. The deal involves nearly 39,000 acres of federal and Mental Health Trust lands. As proposed, the exchange includes about 20,900 acres of federal land in the Ketchikan and Prince of Wales Island area, and about 18,...

  • New City budget adopted

    Shelly Pope|Jul 26, 2012

    The City of Petersburg adopted the 2012-13 City budget with very few changes from last year. “The biggest change is the general fund subsidizing some of the assisted living facility expenses,” City of Petersburg Finance Director Jody Tow said. “In addition to charging a mill rate for the facility’s annual debt service, the City will be transferring $100,000 from the general fund to assisted living. These funds are to support the facility’s day to day operations. The facility is now at full occupancy which means the City is receiving more reve... Full story

  • Senior-Senior Prom takes participants back in time

    Shelly Pope|Jun 7, 2012

    The soulful sounds of Sinatra and Nat King Cole streamed through the stereo of the Mountain View Manor for the first annual “Dancing in the Rain” Senior-Senior Prom Friday evening. Food, laughter, conversation and a lot of dancing made this evening a fun time for the participants. Residents 65 years and older were invited to attend this Petersburg Mental Health Services sponsored event. Women came out in their best dresses and men in their suits and ties all topped off with corsages and flo...

  • Letters to the Editor

    May 17, 2012

    Let us be teenagers To the Editor: This year Petersburg High School worked toward hosting a successful, safe and enjoyable Promenade. “Prom” is a classy event where students have the opportunity to dress formally and enjoy an evening with friends in a highly decorated special venue. We were a few of the students who attended Petersburg High School’s 2012 Prom: A Black Tie Affair. The junior class did an excellent job of decorating, and supplying tasty food and drinks. However, if you talk to the students who went, the majority of them will...

  • Couple offers private mental health services

    Suzanne Ashe|Mar 8, 2012

    The Stanton Gregor's take the term “couples counseling” to a whole new level. For spouses Lea and Jeigh Stanton Gregor mental health is a family affair, and practice. True North Counseling & Consultation, LLC is the only private counseling practice available in Petersburg, the alternative being public-funded Petersburg Mental Health. “We found a niche that people needed, a private option. It's been great. Really exciting and very well received,” said Lea, 37. She and her husband Jeigh, 35, are...

  • Community feeling more frustrated following town hall meeting

    Suzanne Ashe|Feb 23, 2012

    “Justice was not served tonight,” said Petersburg City Councilman Don Koenigs, following an hour and a half-long town hall meeting to discuss the breakdown in communication and lack of services from the Juneau District Attorney's Office. The meeting, held on Tuesday evening at Wright Auditorium, brought community leaders and members together, to share opinions and ask questions regarding lack of communication and the seemingly high number of cases dismissed by the D.A.'s office in Juneau. A rep...

  • City again tries to engage D.A. with 2nd letter to Governor

    Feb 2, 2012

    Once again the city is attempting to resolve longstanding issues with the District Attorney’s office by calling a town hall meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 21 and inviting representatives of the Governor’s office to attend. Kim Kilkenny of Petersburg Mental Health Services, said she would work to get citizens to attend the meeting by getting copies of the mayor’s letter to as many people as possible. According to a draft letter in the council packet for the Feb. 1 meeting, the mayor cited lack of support by the D.A., related to, “the dismissal of a hi...