(118) stories found containing 'Petersburg Mental Health Services'

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  • Walker tops pedometer challenge with over 1 million steps

    Dani Palmer|May 14, 2015

    Taking more than a million steps in six weeks' time, Mary Meucci topped this year's pedometer challenge, earning herself a $350 gift certificate and iPad mini. Meucci logged 1,090,486 steps and got first pick during an awards ceremony Tuesday evening at the Petersburg Public Library. Following her was Gail Herlick-Aho with 1,058,481 steps and Mark Tuccillo with 870,958. Sponsored by the Petersburg Volunteer Fire Department, Petersburg Mental Health Services and the Petersburg School District, Pe...

  • Local organizations benefit from Pick.Click.Give

    Dani Palmer|Apr 16, 2015

    A statewide fundraiser, Pick.Click.Give. saw a 25 percent increase in donors and a 20 percent increase in dollars raised this year, benefitting six of Petersburg’s own organizations. Pick.Click.Give. gives Alaskan residents the chance to make a donation to an organization of their choice when they file their Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD) online. The $3.3 million pledged statewide this year was a record amount for the seven year program, according to Interim Program Manager Kathy Day. The Petersburg Humane Association (PHA) was one that b...

  • Shoppers to enjoy two tax-free days in 2015

    Mary Koppes|Apr 9, 2015

    Petersburg shoppers will enjoy two Sales Tax Free Days this year: May 2 and October 3. The Assembly unanimously approved a resolution providing for the two days. Last year’s tax free days resulted in just over $19,000 in uncollected sales tax revenue for the Borough. Assembly member Jeigh Stanton Gregor said the days keep money circulating locally, which he said was a benefit for the community. “I think it makes lot of financial sense because people are spending discretionary money locally, which then gets reinvested in the community, whi...

  • WAVE outlines initiatives during annual meeting

    Dani Palmer|Apr 9, 2015

    Part of its strategic plan for 2014-2020, WAVE (Working Against Violence for Everyone) has increased advocate interest, moving from five to 13 potential advocates, seven of which are taking calls. But the group is always looking for more. The non-profit organization discussed growing membership, among other topics, during its annual meeting Monday evening at the Petersburg Medical Center. WAVE provides advocacy for victims of both domestic violence and sexual assault. One discussion revolved around the possible formation of new support groups....

  • Pedometer challenge offers a chance to 'get out and get active'

    Dani Palmer|Mar 26, 2015

    It may be called the 10,000 Steps Challenge, but the real goal, Assistant Fire Chief Dave Berg said, is for community members to take as many steps as they can during a day. Petersburg’s third challenge began Monday, March 23, and ends Sunday, May 3. Sponsored by the Petersburg Volunteer Fire Department, Petersburg Mental Health Services and the Petersburg School District, the challenge not only offers a chance at better health but a go at prizes provided by major sponsors, such as Piston and Rudder and the Trading Union, and through d...

  • PMHS accredited for behavioral health programs

    Mary Koppes|Feb 26, 2015

    After two years of work Petersburg Mental Health Services (PMHS) has earned a three-year accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF). This is the first such accreditation PMHS has earned from the international accrediting body. “This has been a process we’ve been working on for two years,” said PHMS Executive Director Susan Ohmer. The organization began undergoing the accreditation process in 2013 as part of a state mandate for grantees of behavioral health services. Since then PMHS staff, heade...

  • No changes proposed for community services budget

    Mary Koppes|Feb 12, 2015

    After no assembly members made a motion to change the funds appropriated in the community services portion of the Borough's draft budget for 2015-16, Friday's special meeting turned into a series of presentations by stakeholders primarily representing Petersburg Public Schools. Assembly member John Havrilek made a motion at last Monday's regular assembly meeting to hold a discussion about the proposed funding for the schools and for Petersburg Mental Health, both part of the community services budget. He said he hoped to reduce the amount...

  • Assembly overviews borough operating budget

    Mary Koppes|Feb 5, 2015

    Finance Director Jody Tow presented highlights from the operating budget for fiscal year 2015-16 at Monday's regular assembly meeting. Borough Manager Steve Giesbrecht included a letter with the budget that gave an overview of the borough's financial position. Giesbrecht said that the budget is balanced, but decreased funds from the State and Federal governments are anticipated and the budget reflects that with an overall 1.5 percent decrease from the FY2014/15 budget. Though there will be no ch... Full story

  • 2014 Year in review

    Jan 1, 2015

    January More than 600 Petersburg residents signed up for the borough's recycling program. The Petersburg Land Selection Committee requested the borough pursue legislative action regarding the State's calculation of land entitlement for the Petersburg Borough after the committee's determination that the State's selection of land was inadequate. The Petersburg School Board approved a $2.3 million exterior wall renovation project for the Rae C. Stedman Elementary School. Petersburg School District... Full story

  • Winter lights for the darkest nights: Event to aid PMHS emergency housing, transportation

    Erik LeDuc|Dec 4, 2014

    Parks and Recreation Director Donn Hayes believes Petersburg should be at its brightest as the year spins towards its darkest day, looking to launch the first of what he hopes will be an annual celebration of light amidst the bleak and black. The Light Bright Dash and Bash will begin at 7 p.m. on Sat., Dec. 20, one day before the winter solstice, he said. Registration is an hour earlier. “We just want it to be fun — we’re having this in the middle of winter,” he said. “We just want people to say, ‘the darkness is not going to affect me;...

  • School board approves contracts for mental health, technology services

    Erik LeDuc|Nov 27, 2014

    Petersburg school board members accepted the renewal of several contracted services, with four invoices totaling $95,698.75. Most of the contracts were for services where, for a variety of reasons, it was significantly more affordable to seek outside services than develop an in-house solution, said Finance Director Karen Quitslund, responding to Board Member Jay Lister’s queries on the services of Haines-based Four Ravens Occupational Therapy, LLC. “We don’t have an occupational therapist on staff, so that’s who we’ve contracted with for stude...

  • Southeast timberlands exchange in the works

    Dan Rudy|Oct 30, 2014

    An agreement is currently being worked out between the Alaska Mental Health Trust (AMHT) and the United States Forest Service (USFS) that could see the transfer of between 18,000 and 20,900 acres of state and federal lands. “I’ve been working on this personally for seven years,” said Paul Slenkamp, resource manager for the AMHT Land Office. He is currently working with Forrest Cole, USFS forest supervisor for the Tongass National Forest. “We’ve been moving through this administrative exchange...

  • Borough accepts bid for Comprehensive, Harbor Master plans

    Erik LeDuc|Oct 9, 2014

    Petersburg Assembly members accepted the bid from Agnew::Beck, an Anchorage firm, to design the borough's new Comprehensive Plan and included Harbor Master Plan. The firm was the second lowest bidder at $195,000 and was recommended by an ad hoc committee of top borough staff, including Manager Stephen Giesbrecht and Economic Development Director Liz Cabrera. The committee commended the firm's “experience with small, coastal Alaska, but not in southeast. They did some research and bring in new ideas,” though it was noted only two site vis...

  • Yesterday's News

    Aug 21, 2014

    August 22, 1914 – Every fisherman is disgusted with the season's work. Every cannery man is disappointed by the scarcity of fish. A good season had been expected, but so far it has been altogether contrary to the general expectation. And as the season is far approaching its close the outlook for this year's pack is not encouraging. The old theory which prevails among the fisherman that every three years the humpback is plentiful, has been disproved. Likewise for the sockeye which is supposed to abound every fourth year, has also proven that t...

  • Trauma survivors meet online in new support group

    Suzanne Ashe Special to the Pilot|Aug 7, 2014

    A partnership between Petersburg Mental Health and W.A.V.E. (Working Against Violence for Everyone) is sponsoring a trauma support group for survivors of sexual abuse and domestic violence, which uses an online video program that is specially designed for “telemedicine.” The support group began in July and uses VSee, a free app available on tablets or home computers, which allows those logged on to see each other yet maintains the privacy of a visit to a doctor or therapist’s office. VSee was designed specifically for people in remote locat...

  • Petersburg community leaders seek local homeless data

    Kyle Clayton|Jul 3, 2014

    Last week Lutheran Church pastor Mike Schwarte called a meeting of community leaders to address a perceived increase in the local homeless population. "It seems like the frequency and intensity is increasing about the transient and the homeless situation in town," Schwarte said. "There seems to be two classifications. There's the people who live here and the people who are passing through town working for the summer." The evidence of an increased homeless population is anecdotal at this point....

  • Wells Fargo turns 100

    Jun 19, 2014

  • Wells Fargo celebrates 100 years

    Jun 12, 2014

    Wells Fargo is celebrating its centennial in Petersburg Thursday, June 12. The local Wells Fargo Branch began as The Bank of Petersburg, which was organized in September of 1912 with a capital of $5,000—roughly $121,000 in today’s dollars. The first cashier and manager, K.L. Steberg, ran the one-man bank for more than two years. The bank was incorporated in 1914 and the capital was increased to $25,000. By December 31, 1940, deposits totaled around $582,0000—around $9 million today. In 1972, The Bank of Petersburg merged and became the Peter...

  • Community service leaders lobby against proposed budget cuts

    Kyle Clayton|Apr 3, 2014

    With some assembly members proposing cuts to school and mental health services funding, Petersburg School District (PSD) Superintendent Dr. Rob Thomason and Petersburg Mental Health Services (PMHS) Director Susan Ohmer each rallied against the potential cuts. Thomason explained that State and local funding has remained flat for the last four years. The State funds public school districts on a per pupil basis-an amount of $5,680 per child. Declining enrollment and increased operations and...

  • Assembly reaches impasse on budget direction

    Kyle Clayton|Apr 3, 2014

    The Petersburg Borough Assembly couldn't come to a consensus last Tuesday for next year's budget spending after it was tasked with providing direction to borough staff to make any changes the assembly would like to see. The assembly met with department heads last week and went over budget line items department wide. During Tuesday's budget hearing, members of Petersburg's community service organizations-organizations the borough funds annually-lobbied for their respective funding needs....

  • Green Dot intervention classes to begin next week

    Kyle Clayton|Mar 13, 2014

    Petersburg Mental Health Services (PMHS) is looking for volunteers to sign up for its bystander training class that will be held next week as part of it’s community wide ‘Green Dot Campaign.’ The campaign, launched in early February, is part of a larger PMHS state grant and the outcome of a community wide assessment survey on alcohol related risks, which cited domestic violence as the number one perceived problem caused by alcohol abuse in Petersburg. Green Dot, etc. is an organization that aims to measurably and systematically reduce power-bas...

  • Committee discusses additional tax on alcohol, pull-tabs

    Kyle Clayton|Feb 6, 2014

    The sales tax committee discussed with citizens additional taxes on alcohol and pull-tabs last Tuesday. The mission of the committee is to simplify the sales tax code and collection procedures and to generate an equal or greater amount of revenue so the borough doesn't have to decrease services or increase property taxes. That means it's looking at every option before it makes recommendations to the borough assembly. Many of the Petersburg residents who attended the meeting urged the committee... Full story

  • 2013 Year in review

    Jan 2, 2014

    January Petersburg residents contributed a record amount to the Salvation Army Christmas program last year-$15,618.17-more than $9,700 than the year before. Jan. 4, a 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck 58 miles west of Craig and 203 miles south of Juneau prompting a tsunami warning across Southeast. Petersburg Police Chief Jim Agner and Sergeant Heidi Agner announced their intentions to retire. Officer Ben King joined the Petersburg Police Department. The Petersburg Borough Assembly members were... Full story

  • Petersburg mental health works with high school students

    Kyle Clayton|Dec 12, 2013

    Petersburg Mental Health Services will now have its own counselor present in Petersburg High School after receiving $25,000 for a suicide prevention grant. PMHS Senior Clinician Kim Kilkenny and Behavioral Health Clinician Robin Cooley presented the grant to the Petersburg School Board Tuesday night. “We wrote the grant last spring because it was the first time it became available with the (Alaska) Department of Education to provide services for suicide prevention,” Kilkenny said. Cooley wil... Full story

  • Petersburg mental health buys Totem Arms apartments

    Kyle Clayton|Nov 28, 2013

    Petersburg Mental Health Services bought the Totem Arms apartments earlier this month as part of a long-term plan to transition and expand its office and service areas from its current location above the Wells Fargo building. Totem Arms apartments are located on Fram Street, two blocks up from Main Street. PMHS has been operating for the past 19 years in its current location. Susan Ohmer, PMHS Executive Director, said the organization has grown and it’s time to find a space to keep up. “We’ve got employees whose offices are hallways and close... Full story

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