(282) stories found containing 'The Petersburg Volunteer Fire Department'

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  • Stedman students learn fire safety

    Chris Basinger|Oct 20, 2022

    Stedman Elementary School students got an education in fire safety last week from members of the Petersburg Volunteer Fire Department who visited the school to give demonstrations and show instructional videos. The Learn Not to Burn program has been on hiatus for the last couple of years because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Students were able to visit the fire station for some instruction last year, but this was the first time since the pandemic that PVFD members have been back in the school as...

  • Police report

    Oct 6, 2022

    September 28 – An alarm activated at pump station #5. Water Wastewater (W/WW) was notified and responded. An officer conducted foot patrols on Dolphin Street. A citizen reported an automated fraud call to “U.S. citizen” claiming the recipient’s identification had been compromised. A run-away canine on the airport access road was returned to its owner. An officer assisted Emergency Medical Services (EMS) with an individual in need of assistance on Scow Bay Loop Road. Petersburg Police Department (PPD) received a report that minors were throwin...

  • Assembly approves Fire/EMS/SAR director hire

    Chris Basinger|Sep 22, 2022

    Aaron Hankins was officially hired as the new Fire/EMS/SAR director during Monday evening's Petersburg Borough Assembly meeting with unanimous approval. Hankins said he was initially hesitant to apply for the position and try to follow in the footsteps of former director Sandy Dixson, but after receiving encouragement from friends and family he decided to give it a shot. "My dad is the one who sat me down and said, 'listen the worst they can say is no, from what I've see you have what it takes...

  • Aaron Hankins offered Fire /EMS/SAR Director position

    Chris Basinger|Sep 15, 2022

    The Petersburg Borough has offered Aaron Hankins the position of Fire/EMS/SAR Director according to Borough Manager Steve Giesbrecht. Hankins, a Petersburg resident, has volunteered with the Petersburg Volunteer Fire Department since 2016 and has earned ETT, EMT-1, and EMS LT certifications. He beat out a field of six candidates who interviewed for the position, which has been vacant since former director Sandy Dixson retired at the end of June. Though Hankins has accepted the borough's offer,...

  • Mayoral Candidates Survey

    Sep 15, 2022

    Bob Lynn What is your age? 76 What experience do you have? I've had 8 year's experience on the Petersburg Assembly. I have been fortunate to serve as Petersburg Assembly Board representative to Southeast Alaska Power Authority (SEAPA.) In that role I have served as Board Chair and voting member to replace submarine cable serving Petersburg. I have also served 6 years as the Assembly representative to the Hospital Board. Having been an EMT years ago has provided me much needed background to serve...

  • EMS in need of more community volunteers

    Jess Field|Sep 8, 2022

    Tom Laurent's EMS career began in the mid-70s when he was 16 and joined the Juneau Ski Patrol. He came from a ski-bum family and fit right in at the Eaglecrest Ski Area where his job was to take "people that injured themselves off the hill." Since then, he has spent a total of 46 years involved with EMS and 32 of those were dedicated to volunteering in Petersburg. Unfortunately, during that span volunteerism itself has been falling off, not just locally, but across the entire United States and...

  • Six interviewed for Fire/EMS/SAR Director

    Chris Basinger|Sep 1, 2022

    Two months after former Fire/EMS/SAR Director Sandy Dixson retired, the Petersburg Borough is restarting its push to hire a new director. The borough held panel interviews on Wednesday and Thursday for the six candidates up for the position—including four current Petersburg residents. Following the interviews the candidate pool will be narrowed down to two who will progress to another round of interviews and a possible meet and greet with community members. Candidates include Daniel Bird, Aaron Hankins, Alan Malone, and Joshua Rathmann of P...

  • To the Editor

    Sep 1, 2022

    It takes teamwork To the Editor: Your Petersburg Volunteer Fire Department would like to thank those businesses that allow our members to leave work to respond to calls for help from their customers, neighbors, and friends. Stay Safe. Thank you. Jim Stolpe, Fire Chief Petersburg Volunteer Fire Department Available for your questions, ideas, and concerns To the Editor and to the Community: What a summer! I hope you have been able to enjoy our beautiful home no matter what the weather had to say about it. As we shift into fall, it’s also c...

  • Police report

    Aug 18, 2022

    August 10 – An officer assisted a citizen on Fram Street. An officer attempted to find the source of a 911 call that initiated in the North Boat Harbor but hung up. A driver on South Nordic Drive was issued a warning for driving with an expired registration. A deer was struck and killed on Mitkof Highway. It was unsalvageable. An officer responded to a report of counterfeit cash at a local business but determined the cash was authentic. A runaway dog was returned to its owner on Kiseno Street. An officer responded to a report of a dog hanging o...

  • Police report

    Aug 11, 2022

    August 2 – A citizen reported that a bear is returning regularly to the area around 7th and Kiseno Streets looking for garbage. The Alaska Wildlife Trooper (AWT) and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) were notified. An officer conducted a welfare check on Chief John Lott Street and found the individual of concern was okay. A fire alarm on Harbor Way activated. Petersburg Volunteer Fire Department (PVFD) responded and found all to be okay. An officer spotted a bear in the area of South 2nd Street eating trash. An officer assisted a c...

  • Dixson retires from the Petersburg Volunteer Fire Department

    Chris Basinger|Jul 7, 2022

    After leading the Petersburg Volunteer Fire Department for 14 years, Fire/EMS Director Sandy Dixson celebrated her retirement at an event last week in the fire station. Current and former PVFD volunteers, Petersburg Borough Assembly members, borough staff, and other community members gathered to mark the occasion and present Dixson with a plaque to recognize her time with the department. Dixson gave her final address to the assembly during its June 20 meeting where she shared her story and...

  • Fireworks setup

    Jul 7, 2022

    Volunteers, many from the Petersburg Volunteer Fire Department, spent the week leading up to the Fourth of July preparing the annual fireworks show. They gathered at the ballfields Sunday evening to set up the shells, mortars, and a new wireless firing system. The system is being used this year partially thanks to $1,000 in prize money awarded to Dave Berg by the Petersburg Community Foundation after he was named Petersburg Community Volunteer of the Year. Prior to the show, Berg linked up a...

  • Graduation ceremony back to normal for the Class of 2022

    Chris Basinger|May 26, 2022

    5 students in the Class of 2022 will graduate next Tuesday in a ceremony which will run similar to those before the pandemic. It will be held at 7 p.m. in the high school gym and will be open to everyone with no assigned seating. It will also be livestreamed for those who cannot attend in person and the link has been posted on the school's website. PHS Principal Rick Dormer said staff and seniors will organize around the community center and will be welcomed into the gym as the band plays Pomp...

  • Decades of Viking shenanigans

    Jess Field|May 19, 2022

    Forty-five years ago, Kathi Hammer was helping Carol Hall at a concession booth downtown, during Little Norway Festival. When, all of a sudden, Hammer got kidnapped by Vikings. Shortly after earning her freedom she was holding her daughter, Cari, when a photographer came up and asked who they were. Hammer thought he was just a tourist, until a few weeks later when she saw a picture of them on the front page of the Southeastern Log, a popular publication in Southeast at the time. Under the image... Full story

  • Bystanders jump into action to put out boat fire

    Chris Basinger|May 19, 2022

    The Petersburg Volunteer Fire Department responded to a fire in Middle Harbor on Monday after smoke was spotted coming from a docked boat. The fire was on the Lady Lou, owned by Terry Slafter, and came from the oil stove on board, according to Assistant Fire Chief Dave Berg. Berg said the stove may have had an installation problem that was a result of age and use and it appeared to have fallen down on one side. The area underneath and surrounding the stove was charred. According to Berg, it... Full story

  • SAR drills open water rescue techniques

    May 12, 2022

  • PVFD salutes the departing Anacapa

    May 5, 2022

  • Driver uninjured after truck runs off road into trees

    Chris Basinger|Apr 7, 2022

    A woman crashed off Mitkof Highway near Scow Bay Loop Road Saturday around 8:30 a.m. after losing control of a truck according to Assistant Fire Chief David Berg. The driver and her dog were uninjured in the crash but the truck was totaled. According to Berg, the woman said she was driving toward town when she discovered that she could not stop the vehicle. She pulled into the ferry terminal parking lot and made a couple of turns, but did not stop the truck, and got back on the road headed away...

  • Chili rivals clash for a good cause

    Mar 10, 2022

  • Special delivery

    Mar 10, 2022

  • Emergency Trauma Technician course

    Feb 17, 2022

  • Smoke on the water

    Chris Basinger|Feb 10, 2022

    A small electrical fire was reported Friday at about 3 p.m. in the South Boat Harbor after smoke was seen on a boat according to Assistant Fire Chief David Berg. A passerby called 911 when they saw smoke coming from the Seniavin Sunset owned by Greg Birchell. Harbor staff worked fast and knocked down the fire with a fire extinguisher. The Petersburg Volunteer Fire Department sent two fire engines to the South Boat Harbor where the squad turned off the shore power and put out the remaining...

  • Ice skate pond lights delayed until spring

    Chris Basinger|Jan 13, 2022

    The installation of permanent lights at the ice skate pond will not be completed this winter after early freezing conditions and shipping delays hindered progress on the project according to Parks and Recreation Director Stephanie Payne. The project aimed to make the ice skate pond safer and generate more use by the community during the winter by putting up lights on two poles next to the pond. Payne said that Rock-N-Road Construction donated time to dig a trench and install an underground conduit to run cables between the poles, but after the...

  • Red kettles raise $13,911.30

    Chris Basinger|Dec 30, 2021

    The Salvation Army's signature red kettles raised $13,911.30 for its social services budget during the holiday season according to Major Loni Upshaw. Though it was about $6,000 less than last year's total, Upshaw was still surprised with how high the final tally was and said that it was only $90 dollars short of the goal given to the local branch by the Salvation Army's headquarters. The Petersburg Vessel Owners Association, which had volunteers ringing the bells on Christmas Eve, topped the...

  • Icy road causes vehicle rollover

    Chris Basinger|Nov 18, 2021

    A car rolled into a ditch near 10 mile Mitkof Highway at around 8 a.m. Monday due to ice on the road according to Assistant Fire Chief David Berg. The Petersburg Volunteer Fire Department, EMS, and Petersburg Police Department were paged out to the accident and found the occupants of the vehicle, a young woman and her dog, uninjured. According to Berg, the vehicle was stopped waiting for traffic before turning onto Mitkof Highway near the Falls Creek fish ladder when it began to slide on the...

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