(282) stories found containing 'The Petersburg Volunteer Fire Department'

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  • Pedometer challenge offers a chance to 'get out and get active'

    Dani Palmer|Mar 26, 2015

    It may be called the 10,000 Steps Challenge, but the real goal, Assistant Fire Chief Dave Berg said, is for community members to take as many steps as they can during a day. Petersburg’s third challenge began Monday, March 23, and ends Sunday, May 3. Sponsored by the Petersburg Volunteer Fire Department, Petersburg Mental Health Services and the Petersburg School District, the challenge not only offers a chance at better health but a go at prizes provided by major sponsors, such as Piston and Rudder and the Trading Union, and through d...

  • Yesterday's News

    Feb 19, 2015

    February 13, 1915 – The steamer Santa Ana, of the Alaska Steamship Company's fleet, has been remodeled for passenger service, and was announced to sail from the Sound on February 12 for Seward, to take the place of the steamer Dora on the Peninsula run. The Santa Ana now has accommodations for 75 first-class and 30 steerage passengers. On her way north, the vessel brings a shipment of coal and supplies for the Chichagoff mine. February 16, 1940 – At its meeting the City Council unanimously approved the Volunteer Fire Department's forthcoming pl...

  • Colorful fireworks display planned for New Years

    Mary Koppes|Jan 1, 2015

    The pyro crew of the Petersburg Volunteer Fire Department (PVFD) will help usher in the new year with a bang as they put on a fireworks display New Years Eve. The show starts at 7 p.m. on Wednesday evening and can be seen from a few prime locations. “We’re going to shoot them from the parking lot by the crane dock in the South Harbor, so the best viewing areas will be from the Middle Harbor parking lot or in the South Harbor itself or the South Harbor parking lot by the boat ramp,” said Dave Berg of the PVFD. The Chamber of Commerce helps...

  • Operation Christmas Child wraps, winging gifts across the world

    Erik LeDuc|Nov 13, 2014

    As Christmas draws ever closer, people are shopping for friends, families and strangers as another season of Operation Christmas Child closes, set to send shoeboxes of sundries across the world. The program, operated under the international auspices of Samaritan’s Purse, a non-denominational evangelical Christian organization, has been running since 1993, aiming to deliver boxes of toys and essentials to children of impoverished nations around the globe — since its inception, the group has reported more than 113 million shoeboxes sent to famili... Full story

  • Assembly makes strides in clarifying public services for outlying areas

    Mary Koppes|Nov 6, 2014

    A thorough discussion of public services under the Borough charter was had at Monday's regular Assembly meeting. Member John Havrilek broached the matter at the last meeting and asked for a public comment period wherein discussion and clarification of services for outlying areas would be addressed. Since then, Borough Manager Steve Giesbrecht worked with department heads to assemble a matrix outlining services offered before and after Borough formation. According to that matrix, no services have been discontinued due to Borough formation. That'...

  • Sunday hikers lost on way to Raven's Roost, returned with S&R

    Erik LeDuc|Nov 6, 2014

    Four local hikers on their way to Raven’s Roost cabin on Sunday got much more than they bargained for, returning by helicopter after an unanticipated night outdoors. “They got caught in darkness and a little turned around, so we helped them make it through the night and were able to helicopter them early, early with the breaking dawn of Monday morning,” S&R Captain Bob Carter said. “One of them … got ahold of Search and Rescue and we made a decision that they could survive the night – we really don’t want to send people up the mountain at n...

  • Petersburg wraps smoke-free Fire Prevention Month

    Erik LeDuc|Oct 30, 2014

    October was Fire Prevention Month for Alaska, following a decree from Gov. Sean Parnell, and Petersburg has stayed on track, with the police department reporting no stray fires, aside from a campfire in the wrong location, during October. The total number of structure fires can vary dramatically, year to year, ranging from about two to more than ten in his experience, Fire Marshal Ryan Welde said. “Sometimes, I’m sure, there were years we had more, but there are fewer nowadays.” Last year was ab...

  • Borough Manager's Report

    Oct 23, 2014

    Borough Manager Steve Geisbrecht presented the following report to the assembly at Monday’s regular meeting: Medicaid recertification for the Mountain View Manor is approved. We’re good for two more years. Final touches are being put on the ten recently installed windows at Elderly Housing. Liz Cabrera met with Bob Weinstein from Senator Begich’s office on federal issues of interest and arranged for a tour of the Police Department. There was some progress on the dismantling of the Ellingstad/Triem house at 1011 Wrangell Avenue. The roof and a...

  • Police reports

    Sep 25, 2014

    Sept. 17 Caller reported suspicious individuals going through a donation bin. Officers made contact with an individual on the matter on Haugen Drive. Caller reported a vehicle blocking a driveway near Excel Street. Another vehicle was reported by a caller along S. Nordic Drive as having a flat tire, to be moved the following day. Police responded to a report of found property. Officers were dispatched over a reported dispute over a bicycle, which ended without charges. Sept. 18 Officers responded to a caller’s report of their wallet being t...

  • Local and state investigators looking into vehicle fires

    Kyle Clayton|Jul 3, 2014

    Foul play is suspected as the cause of two vehicle fires that occurred last Monday evening. Petersburg Volunteer Fire Department (PVFD) firefighters responded to a call Monday around 10:30 p.m. about two fires on Twin Creek Road. PVFD spokesperson David Berg said responders first came upon a container van that was fully engulfed in flames. About one quarter mile down the road, firefighters found another vehicle completely destroyed by fire. “The late model SUV vehicle was almost out and the fire had completely burned everything in it,” Ber...

  • Borough manager's report

    Jun 5, 2014

    Borough Manager Steve Giesbrecht reported the following during the last Borough Assembly meeting: New ordinances have been forwarded to the court for inclusion in the Courtview and TrACS systems. This will allow the court to recognize the revisions and ultimately allow for more efficient processing of citations. Preparation for the annual FERC inspection of Blind Slough has begun and includes installation of a flange and plat over the low-level outlet to facilitate the FERC mandated operation of the outlet valve. The valve hasn’t been o...

  • State champs return

    May 29, 2014

  • Grease fire leaves one man with minor injuries

    Kyle Clayton|May 1, 2014

    A kitchen fire last Friday in an apartment above Lee's Clothing left one man with minor burns and the dwelling uninhabitable. Petersburg Volunteer Fire Department (PVFD) Spokesman David Berg said a man living in the apartment fell asleep after heating a pot of oil on the stove. The oil heated to the point of overflowing and started the fire "The fire went up the wall and caught the cabinets and ceiling on fire," Berg said. "The smoke was coming down pretty good. He woke up fortunately. He tried... Full story

  • Medical pros from across Southeast attend Petersburg conference

    Kyle Clayton|Apr 17, 2014

    Petersburg hosted 117 participants in this year's Southeast Region EMS Symposium. EMS Director Sandy Dixon said this is the first year Petersburg has hosted the symposium and that the community support along with a good weekend of weather ensured a smooth event. "I told everybody I sent Mother Nature a limo," Dixon joked. "The weather helped. It was pretty tremendous." Medical workers from emergency medical technicians to physicians attended the symposium where various classes and lectures were... Full story

  • Outdoor Safety: Be prepared

    Bob Carter|Apr 3, 2014

    Bob Carter, Captain Petersburg Volunteer Fire Department Search and Rescue “Be prepared” is the famous motto of the Boy Scouts. All of us who enjoy hiking, hunting, fishing, kayaking and other outdoor activities would be wise to heed the Scout’s wisdom. Unfortunately, each year in Alaska a number of people become lost. Some are found safe and sound while others sadly succumb to the elements before rescuers can locate them. Petersburg Search and Rescue would like to offer the following survival tips: • Let someone know where you are going a...

  • Fire destroys incubation room at Crystal Lake Hatchery, over 1.2 million fish destroyed

    Ron Loesch and Kyle Clayton|Mar 6, 2014

    The incubation building and the generator shed at the Crystal Lake Hatchery were both destroyed in an early morning fire Tuesday. Petersburg firefighters responded and fought the blaze in 9 degree temperatures. Hatchery Manager Loren Thompson said 1.2 million incubating fish were killed. It took out about one half to two-thirds of the production and included 200,000 Coho and one million Kings. An alarm went off at about 1:30 a.m. Tuesday, according to Thompson. "I walked out the door, saw the... Full story

  • Borough manager's report

    Mar 6, 2014

    During the Borough Assembly’s March 3 meeting, Borough Manager Steve Giesbrecht reported the following: Interest in Losing Big has increased this year and continues to be a great program for our community. Just short of 400 votes were cast through the competition—triple what we typically had last year. The Parks and Recreation Department is beginning plans for the whale observatory. Staff is looking at rock needs, plants and shrubbery clearing over the next year, and is working with Public Works on the project. The Parks and Recreation Dep...

  • PVFD Family night

    Feb 13, 2014

  • Volunteer Fire Department recruiting

    Kyle Clayton|Jan 30, 2014

    The Petersburg Volunteer Fire Department is recruiting new volunteers and is offering a Fire Fighter One class this spring. Dave Berg, assistant chief, said the fire department is looking for ten volunteers to fill the class, which would bring the overall roster to 35 members. The class teaches basic fire fighting skills including information about fire behavior, equipment handling, hazardous materials and also features live fire exercises. Berg said becoming a volunteer fire fighter doesn't... Full story

  • Yesterday's News

    Jan 9, 2014

    January 10, 1914 – Dancing being the favorite divertissement to Alaskans, many late comers from down east where this amusement is almost considered a crime, and therefore prohibited, finding themselves in a country where dancing is freely indulged in as a pleasure and a harmless recreation, have expressed a desire to learn of late. In answer to the pressing demand, Prof. F. Pruschoff, formerly instructor of a dancing club in Portland, Oregon, has decided to open a class. January 12, 1984 – Final plans for the new high school building were appro...

  • Christmas Messages from Petersburg's Ministers

    Dec 19, 2013

    Luke 2:13, 14 Luke 2:13, 14: “And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” After receiving Jesus as my Lord and Savior in 1973 I began a journey of revelation I never expected. Like any other human on the planet my ideas don’t always match God’s. I assumed the declaration of this phrase concerning Jesus was all about world peace. Even Jesus followers had their own ideas as they were being discipled by Jesus the Messiah...

  • Many businesses see minimal impact from summer construction

    Kyle Clayton|Sep 19, 2013

    Some initial concern over the Petersburg Road Improvement Plan turned out to be less of an issue than originally anticipated. The $4.1 million dollar project began in September of 2012. According to a project report written by Bryce Iverson, SECON Project Manager, “…2,800 cubic yards of concrete were placed, over 4,800 linear feet of curbs and gutter, 3,100 square yards of sidewalk, and nearly 10,000 square yards of concrete pavement.” The initial concrete pouring phase was put on hold because of early season freezing temperatures. Barry Morri...

  • Car accident traps woman in vehicle

    Kyle Clayton|Aug 15, 2013

    Emergency responders rescued a woman trapped in a wrecked SUV on Three Lakes Loop Road last Sunday evening Petersburg Volunteer Fire Department Assistant Chief Dave Berg said they received the dispatch call around 5 p.m. August 11. He said they found the vehicle in a steep embankment, the front passenger side door crumpled against a tree, about three miles down the south end of the road. Two other passengers, both males, were able to exit the vehicle. “We were able to block the car using struts to stabilize it and anchored the vehicle to our tr...

  • Deadly fire in Magill's Trailer Park

    Kyle Clayton|Jul 25, 2013

    A fire in Magill’s Trailer Park killed 79-year-old Frank T. Neidiffer on Saturday, June 20. Dave Berg, Assistant Chief for the Petersburg Volunteer Fire Department, says he arrived at the scene where police told him an individual might be trapped in the burning trailer. Because of heavy smoke, police didn't enter the structure. “I didn't consider it safe to enter the building either,” Berg says. Berg says a neighbor was fighting the fire with a garden hose before two engines and other emergency vehicles arrived at the scene. A crew was then...

  • Obituary

    Jun 27, 2013

    April 5, 1966 - June 1, 2013 Remember that fellow whom you would meet on the docks or see walking on the sidewalk? Who always had a smile, a wave, or a good word for you and always had a helping hand for you? That fellow was Kevin Kivisto. He was born on the fifth of April 1966 in Upper Michigan (a genuine Yooper) to Roy and Irja Kivisto. He left us suddenly on the first of June 2013 on the boat he captained and the ocean he loved. His early years were spent in Northern Michigan growing up... Full story

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