(229) stories found containing 'tongass national forest'

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  • Forest Service wants to hear community priorities for Tongass management

    Olivia Rose|May 9, 2024

    The USDA Forest Service is starting the process of revising the Tongass National Forest Land Management Plan, which will shape local and regional management for years to come. Over the past 27 years since the Forest Plan was developed, the land and lifestyle in Southeast Alaska has changed significantly. As a result, the Forest Service is seeking input from the public to ensure that the revised plan reflects the evolving needs and concerns of the community. The current Forest Plan was developed... Full story

  • Forest Service seeks public comment on fees for new cabins

    Larry Persily|May 9, 2024

    The U.S. Forest Service plans to build six new cabins and a new campground in Southeast Alaska and wants to hear from the public on proposed fees for the facilities. One of the new cabins, the Woodpecker Cabin, will be on Mitkof Island, accessible by road and a 300 ft trail, about 30 miles away from downtown Petersburg. The site features a south-facing view of Sumner Strait. It has a fish-bearing stream nearby, and is in close proximity to a marine boat launch. It is likely to be used...

  • Obituary

    May 9, 2024

    Irene June Nichols was born in Port Alexander, Alaska, to Anna and Arne Iversen on August 7, 1928. Her parents immigrated from Norway to fish out of Port Alexander and moved to Ketchikan when she was five. After graduating from Ketchikan High School Irene attended Pacific Lutheran College in Seattle, Washington, for a year before returning home to marry her high school sweetheart, Carl Anthony Manzoni, a bush pilot. They enjoyed ten happy years before Carl was tragically killed in a plane crash... Full story

  • Obituary

    Apr 4, 2024

    Susan Gail (Wamback) Jennings was born on March 2, 1955, in Saginaw, Michigan. In 1973, Sue moved to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to begin her undergraduate studies at Michigan Technological University (MTU). During the summer of 1975, while working at Isle Royale National Park on Lake Superior, she met her husband-to-be, Rich Jennings. They married on May 31, 1976. In May 1977, Sue graduated from MTU with a Bachelor of Science degree in Fisheries Management. The following year, she moved to... Full story

  • State proposes clear cutting old growth acres on Mitkof Island

    Olivia Rose|Mar 21, 2024

    Over the next five years, the Division of Forestry & Fire Protection (DOF) is proposing to harvest timber on thousands of acres of state lands in southern Southeast Alaska - including 1,213 acres on Mitkof Island. This preliminary plan was revealed in a Five-Year Schedule of Timber Sales (FYSTS) scoping document outlining the timber sale activity on state land in southern Southeast proposed by DOF, which is available for public comment until early April. It can be viewed at the Petersburg...

  • Obituary

    Mar 21, 2024

    Seth Robert Perry was born June 10, 1975, in Salinas, California. An accomplished wrestler throughout high school, he graduated Petersburg High School with the Class of 1993. Seth was a loyal son, a loving father and devoted brother, once rescuing his younger brother from a house fire. Commercial fishing became a mainstay in his life, as did all things aquaculture, marine photography, and recreation in the Tongass National Forest. He was a talented cook and a natural host. Seth was preceded in... Full story

  • USFS plans to revise Forest Plan

    Olivia Rose|Mar 14, 2024

    Gears are in motion for the Forest Service to revise its Land and Resource Management Plan - a process that invites public involvement and will take years to complete. The land management plan, or forest plan, provides guidance for future decisions and sets overall management direction. The existing land management plan for the Tongass National Forest was originally adopted in 1997 and amended in 2016. According to the USFS, plans are "strategic and broad in scope" rather than site or project...

  • Final decision issued for Thomas Bay Timber Sale

    Olivia Rose|Mar 7, 2024

    The USDA Forest Service Petersburg Ranger District announced the final decision for the Thomas Bay Young-Growth Timber Sale on Feb. 22. With the specific goal of the timber industry's transition away from logging old growth to harvesting young-growth timber, the Forest Service weighed the regulations, strategies, public input and environmental considerations and selected a plan that will allow harvest of roughly 561 acres of young-growth forest -amounting to about 12.6 million board feet of...

  • To the Editor

    Mar 7, 2024

    Pharmacy Corner To the Editor: We would like to thank the community of Petersburg, and especially our patrons over the past two weeks, for your patience in the backlog of prescriptions services. As some of you may know, pharmacies across the country were basically shutdown in billing third parties due to a cyber attack that affected Change Health. Change Health is the billing transmission platform we use to relay what we bill to the insurance to receive the copays or coinsurance you pay at the counter. Our ability to communicate that...

  • Guest Editorial: National group works with Forest Service for new cabins

    Larry Persily, Wrangell Sentinel Publisher|Feb 8, 2024

    Alaskans often like to complain — a lot, and loudly — about national groups sticking their noses and opinions into the workings of the 49th state. So, it’s only fair to extend a “thank you” when a national group puts up its money and time into doing something Alaskans like. The National Forest Foundation, chartered by Congress in 1992 as the official nonprofit partner of the U.S. Forest Service, is partnering with the federal agency to rebuild the popular public-use cabin at Anan Bay and, in an even bigger undertaking, building new cabins th...

  • Yesterday's News News from 25-50-75-100 years ago

    Jan 25, 2024

    January 18, 1924 – An overheated stove caused a fire early Wednesday forenoon which practically destroyed the residence of Mr. and Mrs. William Stedman. The house was occupied by Miss Grissinger, teacher in the local school, who lost many of her clothes and personal belongings. The fire was caused by the heating stove in the front room and started in the partition back of the stove and quickly burned its way through the ceiling and roof. The alarm was sounded by M.S. Perkins who discovered the flames shortly after they started. The fire d...

  • New Forest Service cabins approved for development

    Olivia Rose, Pilot Writer|Jan 25, 2024

    The U.S. Forest Service approved six new recreational cabin sites in the Petersburg and Wrangell Ranger Districts for development in a final decision notice signed on Jan. 17, 2024. Out of eight potential sites proposed in the October 2023 draft decision, the final decision approved all three sites in the Petersburg district -Keex' Kwáan, Blind Slough and Woodpecker Cove Road- and three of five sites in Wrangell district - Fools Pass, Little Lakes and Mustang Lake. The USFS has already...

  • Year in Review

    Olivia Rose|Dec 28, 2023

    In January The Petersburg Borough Assembly unanimously voted to award the construction contract for the Blind Slough Hydroelectric refurbishment project to McG/Dawson Joint Venture for an amount not to exceed $5,744,000. The Petersburg Borough Assembly unanimously approved an ordinance in its first reading that would rezone a lot located at 10 N. 12th Street for commercial use. The rezoning was requested by the Petersburg Indian Association ahead of their prospective purchase of the lot, which h...

  • "Landless" legislation passes Senate committee for the first time in history

    Hannah Flor, KFSK Community Radio|Dec 21, 2023

    "Landless" legislation passed a new milestone on December 14 after winning approval of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources committee. The bill still has a long way to go to become law. But if it does, it would return land to the original occupants of five Alaska Native communities in Southeast Alaska. Those communities were left out of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971. Senator Lisa Murkowski, who sponsored the bill, said in a statement that the omission was "hampering their...

  • National conservation group now supports landless Natives legislation

    Joaqlin Estus, Indian Country Today|Dec 7, 2023

    The Wilderness Society conservation group has changed its position and now supports a bill that would create five new Alaska Native corporations in Southeast Alaska. It historically has opposed the creation of the new corporations. Federal legislation would create for-profit Native corporations for five communities left out of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971. The settlement act transferred almost a billion dollars and title to 44 million acres to Native corporations to make profits and issue dividends to Native shareholders....

  • To the Editor

    Nov 30, 2023

    To Whom It May Concern To the Editor: I am 82 years old now. My great-grandchildren are seventh generation of family residents growing up in Petersburg. Kay and I were adopted and given Tlingit names by elder Pete Marten, Senior, fifty years ago, into a Tlingit society that has been scientifically and indisputably proven to exist in S.E. Alaska for over 10,000 years and literally hundreds of generations. Thirty years ago, Spencer Israelson, who spent his youth at Point Agassiz, took me to the mainland and showed me many petroglyphs that he and...

  • Forest Service announces eight potential cabin sites; Woodpecker Cove Road top priority for Petersburg District

    Olivia Rose and Caroleine James, Pilot and Wrangell Sentinel writers|Nov 2, 2023

    After a yearlong public process, the U.S. Forest Service has announced eight potential sites for new recreational cabins in the Petersburg and Wrangell Ranger Districts. After considering the environmental impacts and accessibility of hundreds of sites suggested by members of the public or identified by staff, the district picked the ones that are most likely to see substantial traffic and compete for federal funding, and announced them in a draft decision published Thursday, Oct. 19. There are...

  • In new challenges to Tongass 'Roadless Rule,' pro-logging arguments have disappeared

    James Brooks, Alaska Beacon|Sep 21, 2023

    The state of Alaska, a coalition of business groups and a pair of electric-power organizations have opened a new round in the generation-long fight over environmental protections in Southeast Alaska’s Tongass National Forest. On Sept. 8, the state and two other groups of plaintiffs filed three separate federal lawsuits to challenge a Biden administration rule restricting new roads in parts of the forest, which is home to some of America’s last stands of old-growth trees. Each lawsuit asks U.S. District Court Judge Sharon Gleason to ove...

  • State challenges roadless rule for Tongass

    Mark Sabbatini, Juneau Empire|Sep 14, 2023

    A legal challenge by the state to the Biden administration’s reinstatement of the roadless rule, banning logging and road building on more than nine million acres in the Tongass National Forest, was filed Friday, Sept. 8, in federal court. The complaint continues more than two decades of battles over the roadless rule protections initially enacted in 2001 under a policy initiated by then-President Bill Clinton. In recent years then-President Donald Trump nullified the policy and opened the forest area to development, with the administration o...

  • Budworm outbreak shows signs of ebbing throughout Tongass

    Marc Lutz|Aug 3, 2023

    Scientists and staff with the U.S. Forest Service are hopeful that the blackheaded budworm outbreak that began three years ago throughout the Tongass National Forest is beginning to decline. Data collected earlier this year revealed not only the extent of the damage done by the half-inch insect but evidence showed the worms are dying off. Elizabeth Graham, an entomologist with the Forest Service, said in a news conference on July 20 she has seen firsthand that there is lower activity of the bug...

  • Obituary

    Jul 27, 2023

    John Edgington was born in southern California and after high school he went to Alaska for the first time as a summer stream guard for the Department of the Interior, before Alaska statehood. After meeting and marrying the love of his life, Michale, at Oregon State University, John completed his Masters degree in fisheries at University of Idaho. He became a biologist for the State of Oklahoma and after the birth of his daughter Sarah, the family moved to Fairbanks, Alaska, where John worked... Full story

  • RAC funding at risk if South Tongass membership numbers are not met

    Chris Basinger|Jun 1, 2023

    The U.S. Forest Service is still seeking volunteers to fill out seats on the South Tongass Secure Rural Schools Resource Advisory Committee (SRS RAC), but with the deadline to apply fast approaching the committee is at risk of not having enough members to hold meetings. According to the Forest Service, RACs review proposals for projects on National Forest System lands, provide advice to the department, and vote on recommendations for the allocation of federal Secure Rural Schools Act funding to...

  • Petersburg Ranger District plans for new hires and new projects

    Chris Basinger|Apr 6, 2023

    The U.S. Forest Service is seeing a nationwide push for new employees as they expand their operations, driven by an increase in funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act. "So all this additional funding gave us additional work and we need additional people to do that," Petersburg District Ranger Ray Born said. The Petersburg Ranger District is hiring mostly for technician positions including biological technicians to conduct surveys and recreation...

  • Forest Service approves use of facility as cultural healing center

    Chris Basinger|Mar 30, 2023

    The Tongass National Forest has approved the Organized Village of Kake's request to use a U.S. Forest Service facility at Portage Bay as a cultural healing center according to an announcement from the department last week. The OVK plans to establish a program centered on cultural healing that would provide counseling to people struggling with alcohol, substance abuse, and other issues and reconnect them with their cultural identity. The program would be based out of the Forest Service's...

  • To the Editor

    Feb 2, 2023

    Unsettled Science To the Editor: This letter is in response to Sam Bunge’s response to my letter two weeks ago. The contention is based on the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) petition. Sam’s letter states according to Wikipedia.”The authenticity and methods of the petitioners as well as the signatories credentials have been questioned, and the project has been characterized as a disinformation campaign engaged in climate change denial.” My response: according to the University of Pittsburgh Library system,...

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