(244) stories found containing 'Tongass National Forest'

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  • Letters to the Editor

    Aug 14, 2014

    To the Editor: True Tongass ‘transition’ would increase local jobs per log cut. In its latest statement on the direction of the much-awaited Tongass transition, the Forest Service says the future is now for the Tongass National Forest. We couldn’t agree more, and we’re happy to see the agency working with local people to chart a course toward a more prosperous and sustainable future for Southeast Alaskan communities. But if local stakeholder consensus is the goal, the Forest Service’s decision to include industrial-scale old-growth timber sa...

  • Tongass transition to new growth begins with advisory group

    Suzanne Ashe Special to the Pilot|Aug 14, 2014

    For the next two years, the newly formed Tongass National Forest Advisory Committee (TAC), under the auspices of the Department of Agriculture, will advise the U.S. Forest Service's (USFS) timber sale management program in the transition from old-growth to new-growth timber management. A transition that will take 10 to 15 years. With nearly 17 million acres, the Tongass is one of the world’s largest intact rain forests. USFS announced its intention to form the federal advisory committee back in January. “The Committee will be expected to provid...

  • Obituary, Patricia "Pat" Lee Walden (Ray), 58

    Jul 31, 2014

    Patricia "Pat" Lee Walden (Ray) of Sedro-Woolley, Wash., died suddenly on Thursday, July 24, 2014, in Mount Vernon, Wash. Pat was the first of three children born to Lee Ray and Shirley Menne. She was born on August 28, 1955 in Redding, Calif. Pat grew up in the Concrete and Newhalem area of Washington State and graduated from Concrete High School in 1973. In 1978, Pat married Douglas Lawrenson of Burlington, Wash. During their marriage they had three children. At the time of their marriage,... Full story

  • Petersburg artists show work in Ketchikan exhibit

    Kyle Clayton|Jul 3, 2014

    Four past and present Petersburg artists will have their work on display in the Ketchikan Area Arts and Humanities Council’s Main Street Gallery from July 4-25. Artists Joe Viechnicki, Susan Christensen, Pia Reilly and John McCabe are all transplants to Petersburg but have lived here for decades. Their work explores themes common to island living and the Pacific Northwest including community, isolation, solitude, beauty, strength and loneliness. Christensen recently returned to Seattle after living in Petersburg for many years. She currently p...

  • Hawaii losses weigh heavy for Alaska Native corp.

    May 22, 2014

    JUNEAU (AP) — The Native regional corporation for southeast Alaska has reported losses of $35 million, with blame going to a subsidiary in Hawaii. CoastAlaska reports Juneau-based Sealaska is reporting the net loss for 2013. Sealaska says 75 percent of the loss was from a construction company based in Hawaii, which had underestimated two federal projects. The managers of the subsidiary have been fired, and it is no longer bidding on similar projects. The other losses were related to efforts to lobby Congress to transfer timber lands in the T...

  • Assembly to discuss South Mitkof timber sales

    Kyle Clayton|May 15, 2014

    The Petersburg Borough Assembly will discuss the impacts of the University of Alaska timber sale on South Mitkof Island after two members of the community shared their concerns last week. Dave Beebe represented the City of Kupreanof and spoke before the assembly. He cited studies by Geologist Dr. Douglas Swanston from the 1970s regarding unstable slopes and potential landslide issues posing threats to public safety. “Essentially the whole state holding is documented as unstable slopes within a half mile of pubic roadways,” Beebe said. “If... Full story

  • As recreation dollars dwindle, Forest Service seeks public input to prioritize use

    Kyle Clayton|May 15, 2014

    In the face of declining funding for the Tongass National Forest, Petersburg Ranger District managers are looking to the public for help to figure out which type of recreation programs and facilities will stay and which will go. “We’ve come up with a general niche that we think would be suitable for the community, suitable for the district to continue to maintain in the future,” Petersburg District Ranger Jason Anderson said. “But it does leave stuff off the map. There are certain things that aren’t going to get addressed and the idea was...

  • Fire warning canceled for Tongass National Forest

    May 15, 2014

    JUNEAU (AP) — The threat of fires in the nation's largest national forest has subsided. CoastAlaska reports Tongass National Forest Fire Information Officer Seth Ross says a fire warning has been rescinded. Continued dry, warm weather last week prompted the warning. Hunters, hikers, boaters and campers were asked to be extra careful in extinguishing fires because conditions were right for fire activity. Ross says it appears the area is now coming out of that warm, dry period into normal Southeast weather and that prompted the cancellation of t...

  • Conditions prompt fire warning for Tongass National Forest

    May 8, 2014

    JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) _ Continued warm, dry weather has prompted a fire warning for all of Tongass National Forest in Southeast Alaska. Fire Management Officer Seth Ross tells CoastAlaska that he isn't predicting large blazes. But he says hunters, hikers, boaters and campers sure be extra careful because conditions are right for fire activity. People should attend their fires at all times and make sure they are completely out when they are no longer being used. Fires are not common in the Tongass rainforest. But Ross says there's an average of...

  • Appeals court sides with Alaska on roadless rule

    Apr 3, 2014

    JUNEAU (AP) — A divided federal appeals court panel has sided with the state of Alaska in reversing a decision that reinstated the roadless rule in the Tongass National Forest. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, in a 2-1 decision Wednesday, found that the U.S. Department of Agriculture had articulated ``a number of legitimate grounds'' in a 2003 decision to temporarily exempt the Tongass from the roadless rule. A lower court judge, in 2011, had found the decision to be arbitrary and capricious. The appeals court panel sent the matter b...

  • Bob Lynn to fill vacant seat on borough assembly

    Kyle Clayton|Dec 5, 2013

    The Petersburg borough assembly unanimously voted in Bob Lynn by paper ballot to serve on the assembly seat left vacant by Sue Flint after she stepped down in early November. Lynn served on the committee charged with developing the borough charter the assembly now has the task to implement as it continues with borough formation. Lynn said he was actively against borough formation initially. “But now that it’s done, it’s time to move on and see what we can do to make the charter represent all the people who live in the borough,” Lynn said. Lynn... Full story

  • Groups seek decision on SE Alaska wolves

    Nov 14, 2013

    ANCHORAGE (AP) — Two environmental groups say the federal government is taking too long to decide whether a subspecies of gray wolf found in southeast Alaska old-growth forests should be considered for endangered species protection. In a letter Tuesday, the Center for Biological Diversity and Greenpeace urged the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to decide whether additional protections are needed for Alexander Archipelago wolves, which are found on Prince of Wales Island and are genetically distinct from other wolves in the Tongass National F...

  • USFS developing plans for a sustainable cabin program

    Oct 31, 2013

    KETCHIKAN — The changing face of visitation on the Tongass National Forest, along with the reality of shrinking budgets, has prompted Tongass managers to begin strategically planning for the future of the forest’s 152 recreation cabins. Increasing costs and declining funding resulted in a $600,000 budget shortfall in the forest’s cabin program this year. In the strategic plan, managers aim to identify cabins that are underused, dilapidated, or otherwise unsustainable, and explore how the forest can refocus available funding on those cabins whic...

  • Shutdown spreads financial pain across Southeast

    Brian O Connor|Oct 17, 2013

    WRANGELL — Local U.S. Forest Service employees express frustration with the ongoing government shutdown this week. The Wrangell Unit of the Tongass National Forest has been closed for 15 days following negotiations between the Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives and the Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate Oct. 1. The office’s 28 employees have been instructed call a 1-800 phone number each day to determine whether the office will be reopened, according to Forest Service Ranger Bob Dalrymple. Dalrymple himself and one other per...

  • USFS dismisses daycare operator's citation, fine

    Kyle Clayton|Aug 22, 2013

    U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski intervened on behalf a Wrangell daycare operator after a US Forest Service officer issued her a citation in July for picnicking with her daycare children at Middle Ridge in the Tongass National Forest. US Forest Service Law enforcement officer Doug Ault fined Marilyn Mork $375 for operating a business on federal land without a permit. Mork said former U.S. Senator Frank Murkowski caught wind of the situation, made a copy of the citation and sent it to his daughter, Senator Murkowski. Murkowski happened to be meeting...

  • Senator Murkowski visits with Petersburg Residents

    Kyle Clayton|Aug 8, 2013

    U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski and Petersburg residents had a conversation Tuesday night in the Sons of Norway Hall about community, regional and state issues. The first subject Murkowski brought up was the less than ideal condition of the Petersburg jail. “You were in the running with Bethel for the worst city jail,” Murkowski said. “And now Bethel’s (jail) is looking pretty good. You win the prize in my view, of all the communities that I’ve gone to, for the worst conditions.” Murkowski f...

  • Yesterday's News

    Jul 25, 2013

    July 26, 1913 – The Day is rapidly approaching when there will be no “waste places” of the earth. Modernism is sweeping aside all the old customs, traditions and habits of the world and there is no spot too remote or too small to escape his attention. A railroad is piercing that Africa where Livingstone faced countless deaths and where scores of other explorers found weird animals and strange men, to add to the truthful “fairy story” of nature's wonders. Australia has ceased to be a land of oddities and is yielding to the Anglo-Saxon's push and...

  • U.S. Forest Service ships up for auction

    Tom Hesse Sitka Daily Sentinel|Jul 25, 2013

    SITKA — Half a century of Sitka history in a 61-foot steel hull is being auctioned off by the U.S. Forest Service. The M/V Sitka Ranger, which entered service in 1959 as the floating presence of the Forest Service in the Tongass National Forest, is on the auction block. Roy Mitchell, deputy regional fleet manager for the Forest Service in Anchorage, said the Sitka Ranger and its sister ship the M/V Tongass Ranger are being auctioned off because there’s no longer enough field work in the cou...

  • Obituary, Dean John Weeden, 82

    Jul 25, 2013

    Dean John Weeden, 82, passed away on July 17, 2013 at St. Mary's Assisted Living in Eureka, Mont. He was born on November 7, 1930 in Lynn, Mass. to Dagny Thoresen and John Sven Weeden (Widen). Age five to seventeen he lived in Brooklyn, N.Y. with his mother and step-father Ole Olsen. Dean hopped a train out west when he was seventeen years old launching his first job in the Forest Service doing seasonal work in Idaho. In 1951 he served in the Air Force as a Surgery Technician for the 452 Bomb...

  • Big Thorne timber decision issued by USFS

    Jul 11, 2013

    The Tongass National Forest issued its Record of Decision and Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Big Thorne Project last week. The decision allows for the harvest of 148.9 million board feet from approximately 6,186 acres of old-growth and 2,299 acres of young-growth near Thorne Bay and Coffman Cove on Prince of Wales Island within the Thorne Bay Ranger District. According to Tongass National Forest Supervisor Forrest Cole, the U.S. Forest Service believes the action could help stabilize the timber industry in Southeast Alaska as the...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jul 4, 2013

    Local preference To the Editor: I attended the Borough Council Meeting on July 1, 2013. I was disappointed to see attendance was so low but maybe the listening audience was large. Other than Department Heads, Councilpersons, me, Joe Viechnicki and the new police chief, there was only one other person present. Acting Mayor Sue Flint conducted a short, sweet, and to the point meeting that everyone appreciated. Bravo. There were two things that bothered me. The first was personal in that they are going to enter into a contract with Mike Renfro...

  • Scientists want protections for salmon on Tongass

    Jun 13, 2013

    JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — More than 200 scientists have signed onto a letter asking Congress to enact legislation protecting 1.9 million acres of salmon habitat in this country's largest national forest. The proposal is billed at the “Tongass 77,” referring to the number of watersheds in the Tongass National Forest that would be protected from activities like logging, mine development and road-building. There is currently no bill pending in Congress but the roughly 230 scientists who signed the letter, dated Monday, as well as other activ...

  • Couple escape landslide by running down beach

    May 16, 2013

    SITKA (AP) — A couple escaped a landslide by running down a narrow, pebble beach away from the shifting mountain. The slide happened Sunday just as Kevin Knox, 41, and his girlfriend, Maggie Gallin, 28, returned from fishing in a rowboat to the National Forest Service cabin at Redoubt Lake, about 15 miles southwest of Sitka, KCAW reported. “We had just tied the boat up and Maggie was in the cabin, and it just let loose _ a huge piece off of the side of the mountain. I yelled for Maggie to run, to get out of the cabin. We started running dow...

  • Judge rejects Alaska challenge to roadless rule

    Mar 28, 2013

    ANCHORAGE (AP) — Alaska's challenge to the Clinton administration-era roadless rule in national forests was rejected Monday by a federal judge, who said it came too late to be considered. The rule that was put into place in January 2001 restricts road construction in national forest areas without roads. The Bush administration in 2003 exempted the vast Tongass National Forest, the nation's largest at nearly 26,563 square miles on Alaska's Panhandle. A federal judge in March 2011 overturned that decision and the state of Alaska sued to o...

  • Begich pushes roadless repeal in Senate

    Mar 7, 2013

    Senator Mark Begich has once again introduced legislation to repeal the 2001 Roadless Area Conservation Rule. “It’s past time to eliminate this cookie cutter federal regulation that is stifling the Southeast Alaska economy,” Senator Begich said last week. “Southeast communities and small businesses need options to strengthen the region’s economy through responsible resource development like potential mining projects on Prince of Wales Island as well as economic timber sales.” Begich also added that roadways would be a path to greater eco...

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