(269) stories found containing 'community risk'

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  • Yesterday's News

    Feb 27, 2014

    February 24, 1914 – The Bill introduced in the House of Representatives by Hon. McKellar, which provides that fish kept in cold storage for more than two months cannot be shipped in interstate commerce is so worded that it would cover frozen and preserved as well as fresh fish. If this cold storage bill should go in its original form, it would be a great calamity to two of the largest industries on the North Pacific Coast-- that of mild-cured and frozen salmon. These products are packed in the main for export to Europe and unless a r...

  • Court grants homeowners stay of demolition

    Kyle Clayton|Feb 13, 2014

    A Superior Court Judge ruled in favor of the owners of the house on 1011 Wrangell Ave. Tuesday morning granting a stay of demolition after the Petersburg Borough issued a demolition order against the structure. The building’s foundation failed in September 2009. During June 2012, Community Development Director Leo Luczak sent notice to Fred Triem and Karen Ellingstad, homeowners, that the structure had been deemed a dangerous building. Luczak sent written requests to the homeowners asking for a plan to bring the structure up to code. Because n... Full story

  • PMC board requests continuing autonomy from borough

    Kyle Clayton|Jan 16, 2014

    The Petersburg Borough assembly and hospital board met last week to discuss proposed changes to the Petersburg Medical Center’s charter code as well as a recent memorandum written by the borough’s attorney regarding the relationship between PMC and the borough. The memo details the attorney’s opinion on various questions assembly members posed about hospital policy. Assembly and PMC board members spent much of the time discussing the question of whether or not PMC employees are borough employees—a contentious issue many of the PMC board m...

  • 2013 Year in review

    Jan 2, 2014

    January Petersburg residents contributed a record amount to the Salvation Army Christmas program last year-$15,618.17-more than $9,700 than the year before. Jan. 4, a 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck 58 miles west of Craig and 203 miles south of Juneau prompting a tsunami warning across Southeast. Petersburg Police Chief Jim Agner and Sergeant Heidi Agner announced their intentions to retire. Officer Ben King joined the Petersburg Police Department. The Petersburg Borough Assembly members were... Full story

  • School District addresses cyber bullying

    Kyle Clayton|Oct 31, 2013

    Survey data recently released to the Petersburg School District shows “cyber bullying” as a risk factor in the community and school officials are taking steps to curb the act. The Youth Risk Behavior Survey, filled out by high school students last February, compares local risk behaviors with state averages. Cyber bullying is a form of harassment through the medium of electronic devices and social media. 15.4 percent of Petersburg high school students reported to have been cyber bullied compared to 14.7 percent reported statewide. While the numb... Full story

  • Borough to hold public auction for land sale

    Kyle Clayton|Oct 31, 2013

    The Petersburg Borough will hold a public auction December 16 during an assembly meeting for the purchase of borough land. Lots 2, 3,4 and 5 on Block 263 on undeveloped portions of Valkyrie Street will be up for auction. John and Miriam Swanson applied last April to purchase lots 2 and 3 and possibly lot 4. The planning and zoning commission originally recommended the land be sold privately but after further review changed its recommendation. According to the resolution approving the public auction, the electric department has expressed...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Sep 12, 2013

    Vulnerable Adult Awareness month To the Editor: There are good reasons for Governor Parnell to proclaim September 2013 “Vulnerable Adult Awareness” month. Alaska has the fastest growing senior population in the nation. Reports of harm to Adult Protective Services have risen 183% in the last five years. The Office of the Long Term Care Ombudsman now opens four times as many cases each month as it did in 2009. Our state has many vulnerable seniors who need us to stay vigilant so that their dignity, safety and rights are protected. The Omb...

  • SEAPA CEO talks projects and business

    Shelly Pope|May 23, 2013

    Southeast Alaska Power Agency CEO, Trey Acteson, provided a presentation during the Assembly meeting on Monday night outlining the services and mission of the SEAPA organization. Acteson stated that SEAPA's mission is to provide the lowest wholesale power rate consistent with sound utility planning and business practices. SEAPA exists for the long-term benefit of the member utilities and the rate payers, providing unified regional leadership for project development and prudent management of the...

  • SEAPA O&M on hold until 2013

    Greg Knight and Shelly Pope|Dec 13, 2012

    The Southeast Alaska Power Agency Board of Directors voted on Tuesday, Dec. 11 to hold off on accepting an operations and management proposal from D. Hittle and Associates which recommends the streamlining of operations and management at the Tyee and Swan hydroelectric projects under a single operator. SEAPA commissioned the report, which was released in September, as an alternative to current staffing and risk management solutions at both locations. According to the agency’s chief executive officer, Trey Acteson, the change in operating s... Full story

  • Kilkenny and Wright receive Distinguished Service Medal

    Shelly Pope|Nov 22, 2012

    Petersburg Mental Health Services Therapists, Kim Kilkenny and Chad Wright received the Distinguished Service Medal for their actions regarding a police standoff Monday evening during the Petersburg City Council’s regular meeting. The Petersburg Police Department’s award program provides that a Distinguished Service Medal may be awarded for an act of distinct service by a private citizen to the Department which is determined to be of major proportions and has a significant impact on a pri... Full story

  • PMHS SHARE Coalition expand their scope of prevention

    Shelly Pope|Nov 22, 2012

    Petersburg Mental Health Services Supporting Health and Resiliency Education, SHARE, Coalition is expanding the range of the behavior health prevention division in conjunction with the Petersburg Police Department. “We have begun to furnish a public list of people who are ordered by the court to not consume alcohol or enter an establishment serving alcohol to the local bars,” Petersburg Police Chief Jim Agner said. “This is all a matter of public record, but now it isn’t just the police department that will be watching.” PMHS has been awar...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Nov 15, 2012

    Let’s Talk continues To the Editor: Imagine a community where your viewpoint is heard and where a variety of different opinions are valued and respected. Last Wednesday nearly 60 people took part in “Let’s Talk Petersburg: A Community Conversation”. The event, hosted by the Petersburg Public Library and the Petersburg Community Foundation, focused on having respectful, open conversations and sparking discussion about the issues that are important to our community. We tackled some difficult issues. Small towns can be cliquish and gossip oriente...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Nov 8, 2012

    Promotional fact To the Editor: I enjoyed the quote from Mr. Giesbrecht in the October 25, 2012 Pilot “We need to make sure that all of our promotional information is based on fact.”So now we have fact to support a crumbled foundation. The foundation that I refer to is the Charter and Petition. The Petition makes promises which are not carried into the Charter. Once the vote is taken the Petition is meaningless. Charter provisions important to those living outside Petersburg were removed or changed. Public meetings were held early on to sel...

  • SEAPA workshop discusses possible TBPA takeover

    Greg Knight|Nov 8, 2012

    The City and Borough of Wrangell held a workshop on Monday, Nov. 5 to deal with a number of issues related to the Southeast Alaska Power Agency, Thomas Bay Power Authority, and a report by an engineering and consultancy group that is recommending a change in the way Tyee Lake’s hydropower facility, among others, is operated. A report by D. Hittle and Associates, which was commissioned by SEAPA, is calling for the cancellation of the partnership agreement between TBPA and SEAPA for the o...

  • City hears results of alcohol abuse survey

    Shelly Pope|Oct 18, 2012

    Alaska Island Community Services teamed up with Petersburg Mental Health Services to perform a study regarding underage drinking and adult heavy and binge drinking. Alaska Island Community Services program evaluator Desiree Shepler, relayed results of the Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant to the Petersburg City Council during its regular meeting Monday evening. The Strategic Prevention Framework Incentive Grant is a federally funded program that is awarded to different states. “Each state takes the grant and performs the s...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Oct 4, 2012

    An irresistible source of borough revenue To the Editor: I find it inconceivable that anyone in Petersburg would even consider voting “yes” for the borough petition which gives the Borough Assembly the power to levy personal property tax without a vote (page 4, subsection 11-B). This would include taxing cars and private and commercial boats. Because fishing is so vital to the local economy many believe that the possibility of personal property tax on boats is very remote. But how remote is it when borough costs are projected to exceed the reve...

  • Curry leaves PVOA post after 6 years

    Suzanne Ashe|Jul 19, 2012

    Petersburg is filled with fishermen, who spend much of the year fishing and don’t have the time or opportunity to voice concerns regarding the heavily-regulated industry. This is where organizations such as the Petersburg Vessel Owners Association (PVOA) come in. PVOA acts as the voice for these fishermen, and women, who represent a very diverse, multi-gear, multi-species industry. After six years, PVOA executive director Julianne Curry is leaving her position. Curry’s main responsibility at...

  • Fish Factor

    Laine Welch|Jun 28, 2012

    If you had your life to live over again, would you choose a career in commercial fishing? That is one question in a survey circulating around Kodiak that aims to reveal a more social view of the fishing life, and how the occupation and lifestyle have changed over two decades. The survey, being sent to a random sample of 700 permit holders and 400 crewmen in all fisheries, is part of a two year project by Dr. Courtney Carothers, an assistant professor at UAF’s School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences. Carothers said the project came about d...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Mar 1, 2012

    Field inventories needed To the Editor: The Tongass Land and Resource Management Plan FEIS of 1-23-2008 provides for the sustainability of the resources of the Tongass National Forest yet the proposed Tonka Timber Sale only provides for viable populations of deer for subsistence. Definition of these 3 key words are (1)Sustainability- to provide for support of and sustenance or nourishment for. (2)Resource- something that lies ready for use or that can be drawn upon for aid to the care of a need. (3) Viable- able to live and likely to survive....