(113) stories found containing 'health mandate'

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  • Guest Commentary by Kay Brown

    Feb 27, 2025

    The first cruise ship of the year will arrive April 14 in Juneau. Large cruise ships will soon be calling at communities around the state, bringing more than a million tourists this season. While cruise ships boost Alaska’s economy, they also impose health, environmental, wildlife and subsistence costs on individuals and communities. The growing use of scrubbers on cruise ships is causing multiple unnecessary costs and risks that are currently going unaddressed. A growing body of scientific evidence shows that the toxic poisons from scrubber d... Full story

  • Two top Alaska GOP leaders on Trump: 'It's like Christmas every day'…'if all you expect is coal in your stocking' Gov. Dunleavy cheery about state's prospects; some Republican legislators grim about lost jobs, funds

    Mark Sabbatini, Juneau Empire|Feb 27, 2025

    Gov. Mike Dunleavy says “it’s like Christmas every day now” since Donald Trump’s return to the White House. Some other state Republican leaders spent Tuesday talking of a winter blunderland. “It’s Christmas every day if all you expect is coal in your stocking, “ Senate President Gary Stevens, a Kodiak Republican, said in response to Dunleavy’s assessment. “It’s a tough, tough time for all of us.” Dunleavy’s holiday-season cheer is based largely on the prospect of uninhibited oil drilling and similar industrial activity that might or might not h...

  • State proposes clear cutting old growth acres on Mitkof Island

    Olivia Rose|Mar 21, 2024

    Over the next five years, the Division of Forestry & Fire Protection (DOF) is proposing to harvest timber on thousands of acres of state lands in southern Southeast Alaska - including 1,213 acres on Mitkof Island. This preliminary plan was revealed in a Five-Year Schedule of Timber Sales (FYSTS) scoping document outlining the timber sale activity on state land in southern Southeast proposed by DOF, which is available for public comment until early April. It can be viewed at the Petersburg...

  • To the Editor

    Feb 10, 2022

    Cultural Richness of Petersburg To the Editor: Petersburg’s inaugural Séet Ká Festival happens February 10-16. This is such an exciting thing to see! It’s an incredible opportunity to learn about the Tlingit culture that has been present on these lands for thousands of years and will be for thousands more. Whether they are new to you or deep in your blood, Tlingit social and artistic practices are available to you in person or by Zoom during this festival. Take full advantage! Like so many of you I had the benefit of being born and raised in Pe...

  • To the Editor

    Jan 27, 2022

    A well deserved recognition To the Editor, This letter is recognition of Sammy Parker and Lee Newton who announced the retirement of Petersburg Business Services in last week’s Pilot. I’m proud to have been a regular customer at your Beech Boy hamburger joint in the 1970’s, when your Big Boy burger, large fries and cola were under 2 bucks, to have worked with Lee at the barite mine in Duncan Canal and enjoyed Sammy’s wonderful cooking for the hungry 20+ crew of miners. Thank you for your time as chef at Mountain View Manor, and for 50 years o...

  • 2021: Year in Review

    Chris Basinger|Dec 30, 2021

    January The assembly approved of a COVID-19 dashboard which tracked cases in the community. Local businesses received a total of $15.08 million in aid in the first round of COVID-19 aid released through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. PMC vaccinated approximately 350 residents aged 65 or older at a vaccine drive in the community gym. PMC was given permission by the borough to apply for a second PPP loan totaling $1.8 million. PMC applied and received a loan of...

  • Borough Assembly continues emergency mask ordinance

    Chris Basinger|Dec 9, 2021

    The Borough Assembly voted to extend an emergency ordinance requiring masking in indoor public buildings during Monday's meeting. The previous emergency ordinance was passed during an emergency meeting on November 5 in response to a COVID-19 outbreak in Petersburg which was at one point the highest per capita outbreak in the country. The original ordinance required people to wear masks in indoors settings that are open to the public including businesses with some exceptions such as a medical...

  • To the Editor

    Dec 2, 2021

    Thank you To the Editor: A heartfelt thank you to our EMTs, doctors, and hospital staff for all their kindness. Geneva Bishop and Family My turn To the Editor: A half century ago on Nov. 2, 1971, I enlisted in the United States Navy. I served on two different duty stations, Naval Air Station Moffett Field, and the Guided Missile Destroyer USS Robison (DDG-12). During my tour on the ‘Rockin’ Robie,’ I stood numerous in-port quarterdeck watches throughout various Pacific ports, and countless watches on the bridge in the Navigation Division while...

  • Fines cut from ordinance following public outcry

    Chris Basinger|Nov 18, 2021

    The Borough Assembly passed Ordinance #2021-20 during Wednesday's meeting which amended the previous emergency masking ordinance brought about by the increase of COVID-19 cases in Petersburg. The language of the new ordinance was heavily changed during its discussion so that it would not require businesses to deny admittance to offenders of the ordinance and would not introduce a fine structure for violators. The new ordinance only added a requirement for masking in communal spaces such as...

  • To the Editor

    Nov 18, 2021

    On the mask mandate To The Editor: I wanted to take a minute to share my thoughts on the proposed emergency mask mandate. I believe at this point, two years into this pandemic, that we are doing more harm than good by trying to universally mandate the public’s actions. I believe that no one intentionally is trying to infect others with Covid and beyond that we are all capable of making decisions to protect ourselves and our families if we are feeling vulnerable. Taking away personal choice, and creating situations that promote division and d...

  • Editorial: No personal accountability

    Ron Loesch|Nov 18, 2021

    The Petersburg Borough Assembly’s attempt to abate a public health crisis in Petersburg Wednesday night went nowhere. Creating an ordinance to bring the rule of law into play failed. With no enforcement there will be little change. Possibly, but unlikely, the discussion carried out at Wednesday night’s meeting could change some minds, but it’s doubtful. Given the comments voiced by a majority of the speakers Wednesday night, no amount of peer reviewed science or proven medical knowledge is going to change the minds of those who choose to ignor...

  • Assembly unanimously approves emergency mask mandate

    Chris Basinger|Nov 11, 2021

    The Borough Assembly approved an emergency ordinance Friday which requires that masks must be worn inside all public indoor spaces. Petersburg saw a dramatic increase in cases in the week leading up to the meeting. The Petersburg Medical Center reported 15 new cases November 1, one of the highest recorded in a single day, and Friday saw the total number of active cases stand at 63. Vice Mayor Jeigh Stanton Gregor called for the special assembly meeting to consider the emergency ordinance and...

  • Guest Editorial

    Larry Persily, The Sentinel Publisher|Oct 14, 2021

    Every kid should learn from their parents the modern way to avoid responsibility for misdeeds and missed homework. When you fail or do something stupid or dishonest or regretful, or just don’t like the way the world is spinning that day or how the spicy chili went down, deny you’re at fault and deny the heartburn is self-inflicted. Instead, blame the news media. No one ever believed the dog ate your homework anyway. If you disagree with the facts of science, economics, the law or elections, accuse reporters and editors of making it all up. And...

  • Assembly seeks to modernize disease control code

    Chris Basinger|Oct 7, 2021

    The Borough Assembly held its first reading of Ordinance #2021-15 during Monday's meeting, which would move chapter 9.04 of the former city code into the Petersburg Municipal Code. The ordinance updates old language and removes duties that the local health officer has not historically performed. Duties being removed include inspections of foodstuffs, power to compel vaccinations, the investigation and removal of allocated persons, and disinfection of premises. It also states that the health...

  • To the Editor

    Oct 7, 2021

    Continue to be amazed To the Editor: A few weeks ago I again passed through Petersburg while traveling on my small boat, Puffin. This was my 29th year cruising in SE AK. I continue to be amazed at the friendly and helpful reception I receive from the citizens of Petersburg. Starting from the cheerful VHF radio greetings to your harbor by Glo Wollen and her outstanding staff, you can’t help but notice the contrast between them and the passive reception one receives in other SE harbors. Your questions are answered with a smile and you never f...

  • To the Editor

    Sep 30, 2021

    Silent majority must stand up To the Editor: We of the silent majority must stand up and make our voices heard. The only way Covid-19 or its variants will ever be behind us is if the vast majority of us are vaccinated. People say “I probably won’t get very sick.” That may be true for you and your family but you might kill your neighbor. Christians are commanded to love their neighbor as themselves. This isn’t just a suggestion, it is a commandment. You may be worried that the shot will make you sick. I had my first shot in January and my third...

  • Borough Assembly candidates speak at forum

    Chris Basinger|Sep 30, 2021

    The Petersburg Borough Assembly candidates took part in a virtual forum Monday night hosted by KFSK and the Petersburg Pilot. The candidates were asked about a range of topics including the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, the construction of a new hospital, and projects the candidates want to see completed. Paul Anderson, Lars Christensen, Thomas Fine-Walsh, Bob Lynn, Marc Martinsen, Brandi Thynes and Dana Thynes each gave an opening statement after which, each candidate began answering quest...

  • Meet the Borough Assembly candidates

    Chris Basinger|Sep 23, 2021

    Paul Anderson Name: Paul Anderson Age: 76 What experience do you have? Petersburg City Council: elected 1987 to 1990, appointed May 1991 to October 1991, elected 1991 to 2000, Mayor Pro Tempore December 1998 to 2004, elected 2004 to 2007 Wrangell-Petersburg Federal Resource Advisory Committee (RAC) - Federal Appointment, Co-Chair Appointment 2002-2010 Thomas Bay Power Authority: Commissioner January 1988-2002, President 2002-2008 Commander, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 10002 Why do you seek...

  • COVID-19 weekly update:

    Brian Varela|Sep 2, 2021

    Breakthrough COVID-19 cases found in Alaska April 30 Between Feb. 1 and March 31, Alaska Department of Health and Social Services identified 152 positive cases of COVID-19 among people in the state who were fully vaccinated against COVID-19, according to a report from DHSS. About 74 percent of the vaccine breakthrough cases, or 112 individuals, were among people who had received the Pfizer vaccine, according to the report. Thirty-eight percent of the breakthrough cases had received the Moderna... Full story

  • Assembly reviews school reopening plan

    Chris Basinger|Aug 19, 2021

    The Borough Assembly discussed the Petersburg School District's reopening plan during Monday's meeting. PSD released their moderate risk reopening plan Friday which includes a two week universal mask mandate and quarantine protocols for the upcoming school year. The discussion item was requested by Assembly Member Jeff Meucci who wanted to see what the assembly thought of it. Meucci said that he thought that masking up for the first two weeks was a good plan and that it is important to get the...

  • School Board works to outline COVID guidelines

    Chris Basinger|Aug 12, 2021

    The Petersburg School Board held discussions about what protocols should be enacted for the upcoming school year during Tuesday's meeting. The talks were a continuation of those held during a work session on July 30 where the board tried to determine what guidelines best fit the Petersburg School District while weighing potential risks such as the spread of the delta variant. Superintendent Erica Kludt-Painter said that two of the main points of the discussion would be masking and travel...

  • Active COVID-19 cases drop to 4 in past week

    Chris Basinger|Aug 5, 2021

    The Petersburg COVID-19 dashboard is reporting one new case in the past week for a total of four active cases. According to the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services' vaccine monitoring dashboard, 65% of Petersburg Borough residents ages 12 and up have received one or more doses. Chief Nursing Officer at PMC Jennifer Bryner said that though there was much interest when the vaccine was first released, the number of people signing up for the vaccine waiting list at the hospital has...

  • Local COVID-19 responses to end in a week

    Brian Varela|Jun 24, 2021

    Incident Commander Karl Hagerman gave the Borough Assembly possibly the last update of the Emergency Operations Center actions ahead of June 30, the date when all local COVID-19 related mandates and protocols come to an end. The Local Disaster Emergency Declaration will be terminated at 11:59 P.M. on June 30. Additionally, the Emergency Operations Center has been directed by the Borough Assembly to stand by until the end of the month. Petersburg's sole local health mandate, which requires...

  • Community shifts to life after COVID-19

    Brian Varela|Jun 17, 2021

    As the Petersburg Borough prepares to end its Local Disaster Emergency Declaration and disband the Emergency Operations Center at the end of the month, Incident Commander Karl Hagerman said during the COVID-19 community update on June 11 the local COVID-19 Dashboard would continue to be a local resource of all things COVID-19 related. "It's been quite a long haul, very rewarding," said Hagerman. "But I'm ready to get back to my normal job for sure." With the end of the Local Disaster Emergency...

  • Assembly ends three more health mandates

    Brian Varela|Jun 10, 2021

    The Borough Assembly repealed three local health mandates and one public health alert and amended Health Mandate #5 at an assembly meeting on Monday. The changes to the local health mandates and alert were presented to the assembly as recommendations from the Emergency Operations Center. The assembly had the option to discuss and vote on each health mandate and the alert individually, but instead voted to approve the EOC's recommendations in one unanimous vote. At a special meeting on May 1,...

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