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March 27, 1925 – Representative John E. Rankin in a speech before Congress [titled] “Alaska, as I Saw It,” said among other things: “I believe that we should give those people as much authority as possible over the territory and that we should protect them in the enjoyment of life and the pursuits of happiness to the same extent that we do our people here in the states – that the wealth up there may not be used to fill the coffers of a few trusts and combinations, but that the resources of the great territory, with its wonderful scenery,...
On Monday afternoon, Petersburg's descendents of Irish immigrants and their friends paraded down Nordic Drive on a the lightly snowy Saint Patrick's Day....
March 20, 1925 – The Petersburg teachers have received a certificate for framing from the National Education Association attesting to the fact that they are enrolled 100 per cent in that organization. There are over 70,000 teachers in the United States and more than half of this number are enrolled in the national organization. The Petersburg teachers have made it a 100 per cent year for they are also enrolled 100 per cent in the Alaska Education Association, an organization of all the teachers in Alaska. To thoroughly keep in touch with all o...
Happy early April Fools Day! Circa 1935, this strange cage and the sign above it appeared on the side of the Cornelius Building. The sign reads: "Alaska Red Bats. Caught near glacier. Dangerous only when in flight. Roed Flegermause Lasirius Borealis. SLEEPING - LIFT LID." The cage was put up by Bert Cornelius as a joke for the tourists beginning to show up. Inside were not red bats, but red bricks known in the trade as 'bat bricks.' Each brick has a manufactured hole in it that allows bats...
Last Thursday night Petersburg had clear skies that afforded a great view of the total lunar eclipse which began just past 9:00 p.m. and reached totality around 11:30 as the moon slipped entirely into the shadow of Earth. From beginning to end, the eclipse took place over six hours, with totality lasting just over an hour. The previous total lunar eclipse visible in North America occurred on November 8, 2022. The next total lunar eclipse will be visible, weather allowing, on March 3,...
March 13, 1925 – Talking to fish buyers and others the outlook for the halibut trade is none too flattering this year, although no man can tell what might happen before the season ends. One thing is certain, the closed season did not seem to boost prices, as was expected. It is claimed the cold storage plants were loaded up with fish. Some even claim that the Japanese helped to stock up the cold storage plants, but we can hardly believe that can be true. Word comes that more strict rules have been made in Seattle in grading, in weights and for...
Last week, the seine vessel Rosie M towed the Cardenas family float house 25 miles from its moorage on Dock Street in Petersburg out the Wrangell Narrows and North across Frederick Sound to Thomas Bay, where the family are employed for three months rearing 14 pens of hatchery chum salmon. Robyn Cardenas crafted a video documenting the move which can be viewed on her Brynn Marie Black youtube page....
The first-of-its-kind event was an all-male pageant where dance dads of Mitkof Dance Troupe (MDT) students bravely entertained a sold out crowd at the Elks Ballroom. After several uproarious rounds of competition, high school teacher Dustin Crump was crowned Mr. MDT and celebrated his win with an encore rendition of "the Dougie." Thousands were raised to upgrade the dance studio's facilities....
March 6, 1925 – The Alaska salmon pack aggregated 5,285,210 cases for the past year. Southeastern Alaska led in the number of cases packed with 2,783,742 cases, which is more than the total output for the year. Central Alaska’s pack was 1,604,418 and Western Alaska 897,650. The Alaska pack was larger than for all of the rest of the world. March 3, 1950 – The increase in travel volume to Alaska in 1949 was greater than that to 47 of the states and was exceeded on the domestic travel scene only by travel to Puerto Rico, according to a surve...
This seal skin parka has a wolf ruff and a geometric banded design that appears to be made of seal skin. It was owned and donated by Dorothy Claypool. Dorothy Trego, otherwise known as "Treg," came to Alaska in 1939 as a registered nurse. She went to work for the Bureau of Indian Affairs in the hospital at Mountain Village, located on the Lower Yukon River. The weather at Mountain Village was extremely cold, so Treg hired the Nome Skin Sewers to make a custom parka for her for $58.50. Another...
February 20, 1925 – Petersburg is essentially a HOME TOWN. Why? Because of low rentals and property values. Because of excellent school facilities. Because of an absolutely landlocked harbor and ample dock and float accommodations. Because of pleasant surroundings and recreational grounds, including Sandy Beach where summer bathing and picnics are enjoyed. Because of absolutely pure mountain water for household and drinking purposes. Because of fine electric lights and power at low rates from a hydro-electric plant owned by the city. Because o...
Ashley Kawashima - pictured above (right) volunteering alongside Everett Bennett at Humanity in Progress a local nonprofit they both co-founded - was named Young Leader of the year at the Petersburg Chamber of Commerce banquet on Feb. 15. James Valentine presented the award and said "I've known Ashley for a long time ... she has always been a person who puts others before herself and works hard to help people in need. I feel it was time she be recognized for what she has done for the community...
In a time of healthcare uncertainty and looming federal budget cuts, Petersburg Medical Center's Patient Navigator Brandy Boggs is working to empower community members to take control of what they can – their long-term care planning. This week, Boggs, who has served as PMC's Patient Navigator for four years, is offering a series of workshops focusing on Medicaid-compliant trusts, aimed at helping Petersburg residents protect their assets while planning for future care needs. These sessions are part of a longer series of workshops led by B...
Passenger and vehicle traffic aboard the Alaska Marine Highway System moved slightly higher in 2024 from 2023, but still is less than half its peak from the early 1990s. The state ferries carried just over 185,000 passengers and about 65,000 vehicles last year on its routes stretching from Southeast to Prince William Sound and into several Gulf of Alaska coastal communities. That’s down from more than 400,000 passengers and 110,000 vehicles 1990-1992. And it’s down from more than 325,000 passengers as recently as the early 2010s. Marine Dir...
February 20, 1925 – Already several canines “have bitten the dust”while running the beaches looking for deer, and others are likely to come to an untimely end. Game Warden Pilcher says the US Biological survey at Juneau has wired instructions to kill dogs whenever and wherever found along the beaches. The game warden is authorized to put up notices to this effect, but from what he has seen he believes that the regular officers assisted by residents will be able to look after the situation. Dog owners are warned to not let their pets stray...
The March for Life demonstration takes place each year on or around the anniversary of the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision. On Sunday, Feb. 16, in Petersburg, around 60 local residents participated in the march down main street to the municipal building, where prayers were delivered, hymns were sung, and participants affirmed and repeated the concept that "We celebrate life from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death, and every moment in between." The nationwide event... Full story
A vintage briefcase sits against a wall in the Clausen Memorial Museum, displayed alongside weathered timesheets from bridge inspections conducted decades ago. The well-worn leather case, donated by Tom Laurent, carries a family history of Forest Service dedication – passed down from his father, who himself was a second-generation Forest Service scientist, Tom continued using the leather case for bridge inspections until just last year. This simple briefcase, representing three generations of s...
Petersburg Indian Association led a March on Sunday in observance of Elizabeth Peratrovich Day, to honor the woman who spearheaded Alaska's Anti-Discrimination Act of 1945. The procession (pictured below) makes their way up Gjoa Street toward the John Hansen Sr. Hall, with the Elizabeth Peratrovich mural, painted by Janine Gibbons in 2020, visible on the Petersburg Courthouse in the background. Once inside the hall, the Johnson O'Malley program's dancers shared dances and songs with those in...
Cruising Sitka Spruce Circa 1900, United States Forest Service employee Alice Stuart created The Alaska Calendar for Engagements and one of the photos she chose was "Cruising Sitka Spruce." The image depicts two gentlemen measuring and assessing the dimensions and bulk of a stand of Sitka Spruce trees. When a stand of trees is to be sold in a timber sale, the USFS needs an estimate or appraisal. In the photo the men are "cruising" – the name given the method used to measure a stand of trees t...
February 13, 1925 – At the meeting of the chamber of commerce last evening a resolution was adopted calling on the government to make use of its boats in Alaskan waters hereafter to feed deer every winter. For practically no cost to the government it is estimated that thousands of deer can be saved every winter from starving. The Seattle Times wired to the chamber here for information and were informed that it was estimated there were some 3,000 deer in this region needing attention and that at least 35 tons of hay would be needed for t...
Skoggies pull their sled up a hill in the alderwood to join their group building a snow cave on Friday. The eight inches of snow that accumulated last week marked the first substantial snowfall in two months in Petersburg, where there has been no snow on the ground since Dec. 4, 2024....
February 6, 1925 – The eight ton seiner Hilda, of the Hetta Packing Company, located on the west coast of Prince of Wales Island, drifted at sea for thirty-one days then made Pillar Bay on January 15th, where she became stranded. Of the three men on board when she left Ketchikan on the night of December 14th, two remain alive, although in weakened condition. Those on board were Albert Johnson, Charles Richardson (better known as Port Wine Charlie), and Edward Thornton (who is known as Copper Mountain Shorty). The latter is reported to have b...