Sorted by date Results 351 - 375 of 3684
May 18, 1923 – Assistant Forester E.A. Sherman has presented seventy-one volumes as a nucleus for a marine library to the Forest Service boats operating in this district, according to word received by C.H. Flory. The library will be known as the Sherman Marine Library. The books are now on the way to Alaska. They include works of high class fiction, travel, exploration and history. Following the plan suggested for the library, the headquarters will be on the Ranger Tahn and from that boat will be distributed throughout the Forest Service f...
May 11, 1923 – The big freighter Cordova was in port this week and discharged 100 tons of coal for local merchants. While here she took on 143 yellow cedar logs which were shipped by Gordon McDonald and his two partners, Charles Cripe and Jack DeSota. The logs scaled around 23 thousand feet and were logged along the muskegs back of town, being hauled to the beach over snow with a Fordson tractor. May 7, 1948 – A new business will open in Petersburg on Saturday at 2 p.m. and will be known as “Mitkof Ice Cream Parlor.” The owners, Mr. and Mrs...
The Alaska Afterschool Network has announced the Alaska Afterschool Superhero award recipients for 2023. According to their recent press release, this handful of afterschool professionals and educators from across the state were recognized for the way they inspire learning and uplift the young people and the community in which they serve. Petersburg's Becky Turland was among those honored. Turland advocates for a healthier and stronger community through her service on the SHARE Coalition and... Full story
May 4, 1923 – While the tale has not become public property, and while the principal actor in the drama probably would not want it known, the fact remains that Walter Frederickson was lost for four days last week and wandered across Kupreanof Island in his travels. Walter, who is an old time trapper and counted one of the best trail finders in this section, has been camping somewhere in Rocky Pass this past trapping season. Last week he started out from camp and four days later, after having been in the woods without food in the meantime, a...
Pete and Chelsea Keutmann of Petersburg's Sea to Shore Seafood Company recently won a Good Food Award for their smoked pink salmon tins. The national award from the Good Food Foundation recognizes food producers who bring together the principles of social and environmental responsibility and exceptional craftsmanship and flavor. The product prepared by Tonka Seafoods beat smoked tinned king and sockeye salmon in a blind tasting. Chelsea remembers, "When Pete said, 'I want to try smoking and cann...
April 27, 1923 – That a large party of capitalists and others interested in the development of the water power at Thomas Bay and the erection of the ten million dollar paper mill there will visit the power site this summer is indicated by the following article printed in the Seattle Times of recent date. “Indicative of the spreading fame of vacation attractions offered by Alaska, is a letter received by the Chamber of Commerce from F.C. Dougherty, a San Francisco business man asking the chamber’s assistance in finding a sumptuously appointed st...
April 20, 1923 – The big freight steamer Cordova was in Petersburg on Monday and unloaded coal for the local merchants. The Cordova broke her after boom and wrecked the winch while loading yellow cedar logs at Fanshaw, just before coming here. The Cordova was taking on a shipment of logs and one big one weighing about two and a half tons had just been hoisted up when the boom broke. The log fell to the deck near the winch and crashed through, tearing out the steam pipes to the winch and putting it out of commission. April 16, 1948 – Living up...
With its comprehensive slate of services and robust programming, the Petersburg Public Library is a shining example of this year's National Library Week theme, "There's More to the Story." From April 23rd through the 29th Americans are encouraged to support libraries, library workers' contributions, and the fact that today's libraries offer much more than books. The things available for check-out from the Petersburg Public Library may surprise even frequent library patrons. Game lovers can...
April 13, 1923 – Captain I.M. Hofstad, resident of Scow Bay, has just returned from the south where he bonded his group of nickel claims on Baranof Island to a group of Los Angeles capitalists. The nickel claims were found by the young sons of Captain Hofstad early last summer while on a hunting trip and it is said the ledge is a large one and runs heavily in nickel. These claims are said to be the only known nickel deposits in the United States or its possessions and that practically all of the nickel used in the country has been imported f...
Students in the Petersburg High School drama program are practicing their lines in anticipation of performing "The Birds," a comedy written in 414 B.C. by the ancient Greek playwright Aristophanes, at the Sid and Vera Wright Auditorium on April 19 and 20. "The Birds" is the story of two aging Athenians, Pithetaerus and Euelpides, who set out in search of a better life. Tired of the crowded, noisy city full of annoying poets, lawyers, philosophers, and tax collectors, the two men decide they'd pr...
April 6, 1923 – The city council has ordered a new street constructed from the top of the hill in front of Martin Kildall’s house for a distance of six hundred feet towards the point north of the cannery. The new street will carry across the old bridge which has become dangerous for auto traffic. It will do away with several of the curves in the present road and will be an improvement which has been needed for a long time. The work will start as soon as the West Lumber Company can supply the planks. April 9, 1948 – Archie W. Shiels, presi...