about town

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  • Artifact Archive: History that is evolving now

    Feb 24, 2022

    Our patrons often expect us to focus mainly on the past, but what about history that is evolving now? Museums around the world have been capturing items and experiences of the last couple years to be able to share and teach future generations about the COVID crisis. Here, we’ve collected face masks, airport social distancing signs, photos of the graduation parade and hospital testing stations, the box of the first vaccinations received locally, Zoom screen shots, flyers, newspapers and even a m...

  • Yesterday's News

    Feb 17, 2022

    February 17, 1922 At Thomas Bay on the mainland north of Frederick Sound two and one-half miles of foot trail were built on Cascade Creek. This trail will aid in securing data for the development of water power on the Cascade Creek project. One mile of trail was built at the village of Cape Fanshaw. February 14, 1947 Parties Cut Forage for Deer. To cut forage for deer which have suffered from the protracted spell of cold and snow, two parties of sportsmen made trips down the Narrows Wednesday. On the “Pearl F” skippered by the owner, Ado...

  • First baby of 2022

    Feb 17, 2022

    Beckett Buchan Thain is Petersburg's First baby of 2022. He was born on February 2nd, 2022 at 9:30 pm at Columbia Memorial Hospital in Astoria, Oregon to Petersburg residents Lauren and Tyler Thain, joining big sister Libby Jo. He weighed 8 lbs 8 oz. and was 20.5 inches long....

  • Grandma Cookie celebrates 100 days

    Feb 17, 2022

  • Petersburg Indigenous Awareness Committee Presents Séet Ká Festival 2022

    Feb 17, 2022

  • Emergency Trauma Technician course

    Feb 17, 2022

  • Yesterday's News

    Feb 10, 2022

    February 3, 1922 Last Tuesday night the Moose held another of its joint get together card parties in the Club Rooms. Whist was played at nine tables during the evening and following the cards a general song fest was held around the piano. Mrs. R. L. Clifton rendered a pleasing solo which was well received, as was her encore number. Some dancing was enjoyed late in the evening and those present said it was the best card party yet. Prizes were won by William Worth and Mrs. Harry Grubb, while consolations went to J. H. Wheeler and Mrs. William Gri...

  • School News

    Feb 10, 2022

    Gillian Wittstock earned placement on the Gonzaga University President’s List for fall semester 2021. Students must earn a 3.85 to 4.0 grade-point average to be listed....

  • Artifact Archive

    Feb 10, 2022

    In 1912, Alaska Natives were not U.S. citizens, could not own land or send children to local schools. The Alaska Native Brotherhood formed to promote solidarity and citizenship, abolish racial prejudice, and secure equality through land title and mineral rights. In 1929 William Paul, first Alaska Native elected to the Legislature, convinced Judge Wickersham to attend Grand Camp in Haines. Wickersham, once a D.C. Congressional delegate, encouraged ANB to sue for Native rights. In 1968, a federal...

  • Winter Fun

    Feb 3, 2022

  • Yesterday's News

    Feb 3, 2022

    February 3, 1922 Johnas Olson, well known store man and former general manager of the American mail and passenger route, has been chosen as manager of the store of the Trading Union by the Board of Directors and took charge last Wednesday. Mr Olson is relieving C. E. Swanson who resigned recently to engage in business for himself, but what line of business has not been announced yet. Mr. Olson has been a resident of Petersburg for many years and is one of the best known men among the fishing fleet of this section. He for some time was commander...

  • Tough winter at Ohmer Creek trailhead

    Feb 3, 2022

  • Yesterday's News

    Jan 27, 2022

    January 27, 1922 Chas. Mann, who is always up to date and looking for something new, announced today that he will receive on the next boat, a shipment of the new popular “Polar Cake,” a new confection which has taken the south by storm. This new confection consists of a block of ice cream dipped in hot chocolate and again frozen. Those who have tried it claim that it is the best ever. January 17, 1947 “Next best thing to taking the trip yourself,” one person described the pictures shown by Dr. J.O. Rude here, taken last summer at the time he an...

  • Lohr in juried Warhol exhibit

    Jan 27, 2022

  • Hawk with prey

    Jan 27, 2022

  • Artifact Archive

    Jan 27, 2022

    Sammy's Cafe boasted it was "The Best Place to Eat" in 1930's Petersburg. Sammy Nakamoto, proprietor, also farmed. He once had mink escape after road blasting blew a hole in their pen. Nakamoto was involved in multiple enterprises, having moved to Petersburg from Wrangell in 1918. He then bought the Good Eats Cafe which he later named Petersburg Restaurant and finally upgraded to S.K.'s Cafe in 1934. Born in Southwest Japan, Sammy lived in Petersburg for almost 30 years. In 1938, Charles Mann...

  • Yesterday's News

    Jan 20, 2022

    January 20, 1922 The ladies of Petersburg are considering the formation of a basketball team and submitted an application to the Fire Department on Wednesday night for permission to form the club under the auspices of the Department. Jess Ames was appointed as a committee of one to interview the management of the Sons of Norway Hall to see what arrangements can be made for practice dates. Considerable interest is being shown and a large number of the ladies have signified their intentions of turning out for practice. January 17, 1947 Arne...

  • Coast Guard to conduct fishing vessel dockside exams

    Jan 20, 2022

    Several Coast Guard personnel will be in Petersburg from February 2nd to the 5 th to conduct dockside safety exams on commercial fishing vessels. Anyone interested in obtaining a dockside examination should sign up at the harbormaster’s office. These exams are free, take about an hour, and help ensure vessels are being operated safely and legally. Vessels passing their exam will be issued a decal that is good for two years. Prior to the exam, vessel owners are encouraged to visit www.fishsafewest.info, where they can create a customized c...

  • School News

    Jan 20, 2022

    Morgan Falter has been named to Southern New Hampshire University’s Fall 2021 President’s List for maintaining a grade point average of 3.5 or above. Brynn Lister was named to the President’s List at Montana State University for maintaining a perfect 4.0 grade point average. Brennan Skeek was named to the Dean’s List at Montana State University for maintaining a grade point average of 3.5 or above....

  • Breathtaking moon rise

    Jan 20, 2022

  • Howling at the moon in the morning

    Jan 20, 2022

  • Yesterday's News

    Jan 13, 2022

    January 13 , 1922 The Petersburg Hospital is now for all intents and purposes the property of the Town of Petersburg; At the council meeting recently an escrow agreement was presented to the Council and signed by that body, as well as by the Board of Directors of the Hospital Association. The agreement was to the effect that the town should take over the hospital, pay the indebtedness, collect outstanding bills, and should operate and maintain the same as a hospital, or maintain some other building as a hospital within the city. As soon as the...

  • Stork report

    Jan 13, 2022

    Ralin Douglas Ware 5.3 lbs born January 6th, 2022 at 8:56 pm (left) and Finley Vincent Ware 5.3 lbs born January 6th, 2022 at 9:00 pm (right). Born to Drew and Tami Ware, in Vancouver, Washington at Peacehealth Medical Center....

  • Artifact Archive

    Jan 13, 2022

    Fur buyer Andy Anderson traveled to trapping camps on buying trips around Southeast. In 1921, he wrote an article about the future of the blue fox industry, predicting it would soon become Petersburg's largest. At that time the U.S. Forest Service facilitated fox farming to make use of "useless" islands. In 1938, while setting traps on frigid Sunset Island, Andy fell from an icy cliff. His companions managed a heroic rescue to get him to their boat for the 8 hr. trip back to Petersburg, braving...

  • Icy rentals

    Jan 13, 2022

    Alex Rodriguez-Smith works on building an igloo constructed with an estimated 225 blocks which Vance and Flora Smith later played in and around. The igloo features ice-covered candles giving off a soft winter glow and enough room inside for a spacious getaway from the cold....

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