about town

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  • Yesterday's News

    Jan 6, 2022

    January 6, 1922 The largest Masquerade Ball ever given in Petersburg was pulled off last Saturday night, New Year’s Eve, by the Sons and Daughters of Norway. Over forty couples were masked, the largest number of masqueraders who ever attended any single affair here, and the fun was fast and furious until after four o’clock on New Year’s Day. Many preparations for the enjoyment and comfort of the guests had been made by the committee in charge and the affair was most enjoyable from every standpoint. At midnight an excellent luncheon was serve...

  • Polar Dip 2022

    Jan 6, 2022

  • Cold moon rising

    Dec 30, 2021

  • Yesterday's News

    Dec 30, 2021

    December 30, 1921 The corner of the heating plant at the Petersburg Hospital caught fire last Friday night about 10 o’clock, the flames being caused by sparks from the furnace. Dr. A.B. Jones was in the building attending a patient and noticed the flames. He ran out and extinguished them with buckets of water without assistance. Practically no damage was done. Another fire last Friday evening in the house occupied by Charles Birdsell and family caused considerable excitement. The alarm was rung at 5 o’clock and by the time the department arrive...

  • Julebukking 2021

    Dec 30, 2021

  • Artifact Archive

    Dec 30, 2021

    Tokens were used throughout the U.S. cannery industry from the East Coast to the West as part or all of the pay cannery workers received. They could be redeemed at local businesses which had arrangements with the canneries. Steve Rundell found a Pacific Coast & Norway Packing Co. token at Conclusion Island Fox Farm site in Rocky Pass and in 1985 donated it to the Museum. A 1911 token found by Thomas Moore at an unknown location was donated by his widow Ruth. Tokens are known to have been used...

  • Yesterday's News

    Dec 23, 2021

    December 23, 1921 Mrs. W.J. Pigg, wife of Dr. Pigg, left for the south on the Spokane this week and will visit for several weeks before returning to Petersburg. G.W. Trubey, of the Department of Agriculture, who has been making a tour of inspection of the dairy herds of the Territory, was in Petersburg this week and inspected all of the milch cows in this section. He left on the Spokane for Wrangell. He reported the herds in this section in good condition. A one ton Ford truck, with pneumatic tires and worm gear arrived and was delivered to...

  • A new holiday tradition

    Dec 23, 2021

  • To the Editor

    Dec 23, 2021

    Let’s have the heart of Mary To the Editor: I love Petersburg, Alaska at Christmas time. I love the snow, the beautiful views, the Christmas lights, Julebukking, and so much more. Even more than that, I love all of the amazing people in our great town: those who don’t think like me and those who do. When we allow ourselves to care for our neighbor even in our differences, I think we are beginning to understand what Christmas is all about. Jesus Christ came as a baby with the ultimate sacrifice of laying down his life for us, to cover us all...

  • Grone and Baker wed

    Dec 23, 2021

  • Yesterday's News

    Dec 16, 2021

    December 9, 1921 While it has not been officially announced, it is under good authority that Wrangell Narrows is to be dredged, and that within a short time, which means that three million or more dollars will be spent by the government close to the town. This means very good business in addition to the increased transportation facilities which would ultimately result from the improvement. Who was it said business is on the bum? We have heard it said but we don’t believe it is now, nor do we believe it will be for those in business who stick i...

  • Take an Ornament, Leave an Ornament

    Dec 16, 2021

  • PHS Winter Concert

    Dec 16, 2021

  • Christmas shopping with local makers

    Dec 16, 2021

  • Rose-colored sunrise

    Dec 16, 2021

  • The Snow Queen

    Dec 16, 2021

  • MDT presents: the Nutcracker "Clara's Dream" December 10 - December 12 in Wright Auditorium

    Dec 16, 2021

  • Yesterday's News

    Dec 9, 2021

    December 9, 1921 The Sons of Norway appointed a committee of three to have charge of their hall and to see that a dance is given there every Saturday night during the season. The first of the series was given last Saturday night and was enjoyed by all those present. The Petersburg Orchestra has been secured to furnish the music for the dances. December 13, 1946 LET IT SNOW! LET IT SNOW! It begins to look as though this will be remembered as the “winter of the big snow.” Total fall to 10 o’clock this morning is 65.1 inches, and that makes well...

  • Winter reflection

    Dec 9, 2021

  • Aerial maneuvers

    Dec 9, 2021

  • Birthday surprise

    Dec 9, 2021

  • Cloudy winter mountain

    Dec 9, 2021

  • Yesterday's News

    Dec 2, 2021

    December 2, 1921 A rutabaga weighing 27½ pounds, was raised by D.W. Kirk of Wrangell and is on exhibit in that city. Mr. Kirk had one weighing 56 pounds, but a horse discovered it and sampled it, making it unfit for exhibition. Several 35 pound rutabagas have been raised by him. December 6, 1946 The High School Athletic Department has purchased an all-electric scoreboard with the proceeds of the Athletic Benefit Dance which netted the $450 necessary. Ten turkeys were taken away to grace Thanksgiving tables. Gill Joynt made a score of 15 out of...

  • Turkey Trot

    Dec 2, 2021

  • Artifact Archive

    Dec 2, 2021

    In November of 1942, the Alaska Life magazine provided helpful household tips under the heading "Specific Jobs for Women," declaring that homemaking was "America's biggest industry." Families were asked to cut down material needs, save rubber by driving less and carpooling, and to conserve clothes and food-though war efforts rather than conservation were the motivation for frugality. "Health, efficiency and the fighting spirit are all improved by the right food, and almost everyone has...

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